The Reproductive Freedom for All ballot initiative: "800,000 signatures have been gathered, the most of any ballot effort in the history of Michigan"

For you maybe. Most normal folks do not pretend that a microscopic, mindless clump of cells is a person. It merely has the potential of becoming one.

An acorn is not an oak tree, even if someone seeks shade under it.
It is not a crime to throw an Oak Tree into an Woodburner. It is a crime the throw a human being into one DemNazi Shitlick.
For you maybe. Most normal folks do not pretend that a microscopic, mindless clump of cells is a person. It merely has the potential of becoming one.

An acorn is not an oak tree, even if someone seeks shade under it.
Many people recognize a dehumanizing thought process when they see it.

In every genocide or even racist policy, the key to having a clean conscious is to think of that which is being destroyed as "not human". The Nazis did so with the Jews, The Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot, the Uyghurs led by Xi Jinping.

All genocide has one thing in common. They don't believe that the lives they are taking are human.

So too with those who believe that a growing cell, developing into a human being, is not human.
You apparently misdirected this message for Trump regarding his savvy genius.
You are a Godless murdering inhumane lying son of a bitch. Trump's balls are as big as your head keyboard warrior, WTH have you ever accomplished in your life except being at the front of a hairy man ass choo choo train?

This is how it should be. Less government rule and more state rule.

Im only glad it got overturned because it took a little control out of the governments hands and back into the states and this by extension into the people's hands.

Even if a state voted in abortion despite me being against it, it's still much better than the government having their hands in people's everyday lives.
For you maybe. Don't force your notions down the throats of everyone else.

Most normal folks do not pretend that a microscopic, mindless clump of cells is a person. It merely has the potential of becoming one.

An acorn is not an oak tree, even if someone seeks shade under it.

It is a person though. Once an egg fertilized by sperm it is a person and begins evolving for the next 18 to 20 years before it becomes a matured adult. 5 minutes or 7 years or 15 years it doesn't matter because it's all one long growth period.

Once the egg is fertilized if you just leave it alone in the womb (barring some unforseen circumstance) it will be a baby. That doesn't make it any less of a baby just because it doesn't have arms and legs yet, anymore than it doesn't make it a person when it's born because it doesn't have teeth yet.

If someone is building a snowman and you stop them when they start rolling the first snowball you can't tell them it isn't a snowman because you kept them from turning it into one. Or taking a chicken egg away from the hen saying it isn't a chicken, well it is a chicken you just killed it is all before it could hatch and chirp.
It is a person though. Once an egg fertilized by sperm it is a person and begins evolving for the next 18 to 20 years before it becomes a matured adult. 5 minutes or 7 years or 15 years it doesn't matter because it's all one long growth period.

Once the egg is fertilized if you just leave it alone in the womb (barring some unforseen circumstance) it will be a baby. That doesn't make it any less of a baby just because it doesn't have arms and legs yet, anymore than it doesn't make it a person when it's born because it doesn't have teeth yet.

If someone is building a snowman and you stop them when they start rolling the first snowball you can't tell them it isn't a snowman because you kept them from turning it into one. Or taking a chicken egg away from the hen saying it isn't a chicken, well it is a chicken you just killed it is all before it could hatch and chirp.
Thank you sir!
In 1960, abortion was extremely rare, even though The Pill was not available. One hears stories of women who were "damaged" or died as a result of botched abortions, but those numbers were microscopic. People - mainly young women - understood the purpose and likely outcome of unprotected sexual intercourse and acted accordingly. There was the occasional "shotgun" wedding, most of which lasted a lifetime.

Now, women claim some sort of "right" to get an abortion, and if the Sovereign does not affirm that "right" they are not "free" to live their lives and will be "forced to carry unwanted babies to term." The question of whether an abortion is tantamount to killing a baby - and it IS a question - is not addressed, or truth be known, cared about. The question of why women today are unable to "act accordingly" is not asked. It is presumed that fecund women will continue to copulate as before, even when abortion is made much more difficult.

The Left is evil. There is no other explanation.
You are a Godless murdering inhumane lying son of a bitch. Trump's balls are as big as your head keyboard warrior, WTH have you ever accomplished in your life except being at the front of a hairy man ass choo choo train?
Compose yourself with a nice cup of tea and a hot buttered scone. My sharing the views of most Americans and citizens of other democratic nations is clearly very upsetting for you, but I oppose the rabid statism of authoritarian regimes such as Iraq, Nicaragua, and El Salvador where politicians and bureaucrats have seized control of wombs.
Compose yourself with a nice cup of tea and a hot buttered scone. My sharing the views of most Americans and citizens of other democratic nations is clearly very upsetting for you, but I oppose the rabid statism of authoritarian regimes such as Iraq, Nicaragua, and El Salvador where politicians and bureaucrats have seized control of wombs.
Shouldn't you blood thirsty Satan worshippers be more worried about getting New World 666 Order Puppet Faux Biden back into office again with a another rigged election in 2024?

"From my perspective, my personal experience, he's made it a whole lot worse for people like me who voted for him," King, who is a single mother, told co-host Carley Shimkus. "So I feel not only embarrassed, but I just feel very manipulated by… social media portraying him as someone who is going to fix the country."


King explained how she has three jobs to make ends meet, and still struggles to feed herself under Biden's economic policies as inflation sits at a 40-year high.
... Once the egg is fertilized if you just leave it alone in the womb ...
No one is preventing you from exercising control of your womb according to your opinion.

Advanced democracies do not share your opinion or inflict it upon everyone else.
if ya don't want to get pregnant use birth control...or better yet, don't be having sex, stupid. And guys...keep it in yer pants. Do ya really want to be tied for life to some crazy bitch who'd kill your baby as soon look at it??
In 1960, abortion was extremely rare, even though The Pill was not available. One hears stories of women who were "damaged" or died as a result of botched abortions, but those numbers were microscopic.
Please cite credible supporting data.

If abortion was less common in the 1960s, it was because it was far more dangerous when it was criminalized by the State, and safe venues were banned.

Advanced democratic nations have progressed, and personal liberty gained respect since then.
respect...oh yes. Please..have all the sex you want and don't worry about can just kill the little bugger and be rid of it. ghoul.

yes..we're learning to have respect for incompetents, crazies, child rapists, liars, america haters, rioters, destroyers...why not babykillers.
Rabid authoritarians demonizing advanced western democracies and seeking dominion over women is driving an Occidental Taliban.

Lovers of personal freedom (most folks) do not share their desire to subjugate women to their invasive politicians.
You are NOT powerless. A ballot initiative to get an amendment to the state Constitution on the Nov ballot which would enshrine abortion access and reproductive rights in Michigan has collected the most signatures of any ballot effort IN STATE HISTORY

A "Kill the Kids" ballot initiative. How Nazi of them.
It is a person though. Once an egg fertilized by sperm it is a person and begins evolving for the next 18 to 20 years before it becomes a matured adult. 5 minutes or 7 years or 15 years it doesn't matter because it's all one long growth period.

Once the egg is fertilized if you just leave it alone in the womb (barring some unforseen circumstance) it will be a baby. That doesn't make it any less of a baby just because it doesn't have arms and legs yet, anymore than it doesn't make it a person when it's born because it doesn't have teeth yet.

If someone is building a snowman and you stop them when they start rolling the first snowball you can't tell them it isn't a snowman because you kept them from turning it into one. Or taking a chicken egg away from the hen saying it isn't a chicken, well it is a chicken you just killed it is all before it could hatch and chirp.
Not to medically nit pick, but pregnancy does not begin at conception. It begins at implantation when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall. There are good reasons for this. A fertilized egg that has not implanted will never develop into a human being. An ectopic pregnancy where the egg fails to implant and instead lodges in a fallopian tube is not terminated by abortion. It is a laproscopic tubal resection. Too many times baby killers yell about ectopic pregnancy justifying abortion. The woman is never pregnant since the egg did not implant.


That's what the ruling was intended to do.

Each state gets to choose.

Liberals are fuckin retarded.
Once again, the wealthy and upper middle class can go to a blue state, the poor, the working poor and the lower middle class cannot afford going miles and miles to get an abortion from a rape, incest or the inability to support a child.

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