The Republican case against Biden takes a body blow … from Fox News

There it is, straight from the horses mouth.

Joe Biden exonerated.

Will our tRump loving friends believe it?

No fucking way.

So the former Ukrainian POTUS must be as honest as the current US POTUS then. Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa. Good one.
I got more of a chuckle from pointing to Kilmeade.

That cat's as gobalist as they come...
Gutfeld has been merciless in making him the butt of numerous jokes for quite awhile....I don't believe for a moment that it's as "good natured" as portrayed.
There it is, straight from the horses mouth.

Joe Biden exonerated.

Will our tRump loving friends believe it?

No fucking way.

Faux is pro-Ukraine. They are all in for RINO shills and Biden Foreign policy. How does them spewing the same old pro-Ukrainian propaganda disprove anything?

Poroshenko was as corrupt as they come. He got paid lots of money no doubt as he was part of the Biden money laundering scheme. We’re supposed to believe this asshat is going to be honest? He was installed by the Obama bin Biden Regime.
Gutfeld has been merciless in making him the butt of numerous jokes for quite awhile....I don't believe for a moment that it's as "good natured" as portrayed.
Gutfeld slips up once in a while and his own authoritarian views come out, kind of accidentally. He's got a lot of peole fooled in my opinion.

Now that I think about it, I havenlt seen FOX News in a very long time, so I donlt even know what kind of ''programming'' they're running now.

Pretty much every personality on that network comes off as a smug elitist. And the thing is that they're just not very likable at all. Not to me anyway. All they're really doing, just like their controlled opposition, is serving as the mouthpieces of the state department anyway.
This Decrepitus is some Troll —— be it accidental or deliberate .
He has the nerve to use the Beast as a news source and not even blush , which treats us to a memory repeated by a man hated and reviled in Ukraine as a corrupt and lying wretch .
And he does it with a “straight face” .
Gutfeld slips up once in a while and his own authoritarian views come out, kind of accidentally. He's got a lot of peole fooled in my opinion.

Now that I think about it, I havenlt seen FOX News in a very long time, so I donlt even know what kind of ''programming'' they're running now.

Pretty much every personality on that network comes off as a smug elitist. And the thing is that they're just not very likable at all. Not to me anyway. All they're really doing, just like their controlled opposition, is serving as the mouthpieces of the state department anyway.
While Red Eye was great, I sense the he has been falling into the same black hole of self-importance that sucked in Bill Maher.

While I haven't watched Fox at all since Tucker got sacked, the jokes about Kilmeade on Gutfeld! were plentiful while I still payed them a little mind.

Controlled opposition is exactly right.
Its nothing new libs that Ukraine's corporations are nothing but corrupt money laundering houses.... wake up.... they have been listed as number 1 or 2 as the most corrupt country for decades....
In an effort to clean their own nation up tough prosecutors like Shokin were appointed... and Hunter didn't like that and daddy came in and got him fired... daddy being our vice President....
Faux is pro-Ukraine. They are all in for RINO shills and Biden Foreign policy. How does them spewing the same old pro-Ukrainian propaganda disprove anything?

Poroshenko was as corrupt as they come. He got paid lots of money no doubt as he was part of the Biden money laundering scheme. We’re supposed to believe this asshat is going to be honest? He was installed by the Obama bin Biden Regime.

Ah, you shouldn't mess with fragile heads like that, you know the left's mantra's are important. Conservatives adore Fox News, and and the hundreds of people that performed an "insurrection" for Democrats at the Capitol represents all conservatives too, including the never reported many 10s of THOUSANDs who marched DC on that day (cough!).

all the sayers for DT, you should believe this. Remember this as you go to vote.
this is the AlterNet news scoop. there are others writers than MSN.
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There it is, straight from the horses mouth.

Joe Biden exonerated.

Will our tRump loving friends believe it?

No fucking way.

Yet dumb old Joe admitted publicly he had something to do with his firing.

Such a conundrum. Who to believe?

"Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Monday completely—and hilariously—destroyed one of Republicans’ main arguments to prove that Joe Biden is corrupt. Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry into Biden, after months of insisting that the president is guilty of criminal wrongdoing. The GOP has yet to produce any actual evidence of their claims. But one of their main talking points is that Poroshenko fired former Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin after Biden pressured him to do so.

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade played Poroshenko a clip of Shokin saying Biden wanted him fired because he had been investigating the oil company Burisma Holdings while Hunter Biden served on the board. “First of all, this is [a] completely crazy person,” Poroshenko replied without hesitation, referring to Shokin. “This is something wrong with him. Second, there is not one single word of truth.” Poroshenko added that Shokin was fired because “he played very dirty games.” Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani started a conspiracy theory that the Biden family accepted a $10 million bribe to remove Shokin to stop a probe into Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma. This claim has been repeatedly debunked by the owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, as well as Giuliani’s associate Lev Parnas. And now, the former Ukrainian president himself."

So on live TV, it has now been verified that Biden had the prosecutor fired because that prosecutor was investigating Hunter Biden's laptop; the guy is on camera telling us that is why he was fired - even the former president who fired him couldn't refute this claim....that is your smoking gun evidence right there. It doesn't matter if the president said he was lying, or the owner of Burisma said he was lying - of course they are going to say that, they are corrupt.

The other proof is how hard Biden is backing Ukraine against Russia - he is only doing this because he owes them since they helped to protect his son from being sent to a Ukrainian prison So essentially, the only reason we and NATO countries are aiding Ukraine against fighting Putin (who is an American hero by the way) -- is because of Hunter Biden.

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