The Republican Party Is A Seditious Organization

But the Texas case is Big Casino for these folks. They all believe that the Supreme Court will ride to their rescue and disenfranchise millions of people whom they don't believe should be allowed to vote anyway. The Republican Party is now a seditious, subversive organization, a Fifth Column of organized authoritarian yahoos. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

In America the people decide elections. Not lawyers and judges.

Nope not fraudulent elections and this is a fraudulent election. States need to start seceding and throwing off this tyrannical govt.
But the Texas case is Big Casino for these folks. They all believe that the Supreme Court will ride to their rescue and disenfranchise millions of people whom they don't believe should be allowed to vote anyway. The Republican Party is now a seditious, subversive organization, a Fifth Column of organized authoritarian yahoos. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

In America the people decide elections. Not lawyers and judges.

Yep we are trying to make sure that happens
But the Texas case is Big Casino for these folks. They all believe that the Supreme Court will ride to their rescue and disenfranchise millions of people whom they don't believe should be allowed to vote anyway. The Republican Party is now a seditious, subversive organization, a Fifth Column of organized authoritarian yahoos. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

In America the people decide elections. Not lawyers and judges.
But the Texas case is Big Casino for these folks. They all believe that the Supreme Court will ride to their rescue and disenfranchise millions of people whom they don't believe should be allowed to vote anyway. The Republican Party is now a seditious, subversive organization, a Fifth Column of organized authoritarian yahoos. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

In America the people decide elections. Not lawyers and judges.

In America, citizens decide elections. Not dead people and illegal aliens.

You left off algorithms
But the Texas case is Big Casino for these folks. They all believe that the Supreme Court will ride to their rescue and disenfranchise millions of people whom they don't believe should be allowed to vote anyway. The Republican Party is now a seditious, subversive organization, a Fifth Column of organized authoritarian yahoos. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

In America the people decide elections. Not lawyers and judges.

Reps?? Make a list...check it twice and fire up the ovens whether they are naughty or nice.

2020 Democratic Party Nano.jpg
But the Texas case is Big Casino for these folks. They all believe that the Supreme Court will ride to their rescue and disenfranchise millions of people whom they don't believe should be allowed to vote anyway. The Republican Party is now a seditious, subversive organization, a Fifth Column of organized authoritarian yahoos. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

In America the people decide elections. Not lawyers and judges.

In America, citizens decide elections. Not dead people and illegal aliens.
...and certainly not grotesque figments of leftards' diseased imaginations.
But the Texas case is Big Casino for these folks. They all believe that the Supreme Court will ride to their rescue and disenfranchise millions of people whom they don't believe should be allowed to vote anyway. The Republican Party is now a seditious, subversive organization, a Fifth Column of organized authoritarian yahoos. Where's Joe McCarthy when you need him?

In America the people decide elections. Not lawyers and judges.

Lawyers and judges make sure elections are legal....the 2020 one is sketchy
The Republican party is acting like a fifth column in this nation. Our enemies love them. Xi, Putin, Kim Jong Un and every other tyrant on the planet loves them because Pubs are destroying the fabric of this nation. If I didn't know better I would swear Putin and Xi have them on the payroll.
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The Republican party is acting like a fifth column in this nation. Our enemies love them. Xi, Putin, Kim Jong Un and every other tyrant on the planet loves them because Pubs are destroying the fabric of this nation. If I didn't know better I would swear Putin and Xi have them on the payroll.

Xi's man Quid Pro doesn't act like he loves Republicans?

Putin gave Xi's man millions in bribes - sounds like Biden is bought by Putin.

Face it, you're just a partisan hack and a fucking liar.
Biden is gonna be tougher on China than Trump was.

and voters choose our representatives, not judges:


The lies you commie fucks tell.

View attachment 427725

Xi's man will do what Xi tells him.

forbes reports the same thing

making it factual that judges in battleground states have rejected all of those election fraud cases.

Respecting states' rights, the will of the people, addressing conflict through the political process rather than the judicial process was once fundamental conservative dogma.

Clearly that's no longer the case.
States have no right to commit election fraud.

The will of the people is for a legal prescribed transfer of power between parties. Something we've managed
for a couple of hundred years until the fraudulent Biden campaign assaulted our nation.

This matter CANNOT be addressed by any other than judicial means. The party of Dominion and China
is far beyond respecting political solutions.

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