The Republican Party is on the verge of an implosion: from a right wing web site

Brooks is a conservative commentator. He's a GOP of the 'old school'. Not nasty enough for the curent GOP who prefers the likes of Trump.
Brooks is a conservative commentator. He's a GOP of the 'old school'. Not nasty enough for the curent GOP who prefers the likes of Trump.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about, Brooks is a RINO. You picked a lousy one to quote because a real conservative knows what Brooks is
Brooks is a conservative commentator. He's a GOP of the 'old school'. Not nasty enough for the curent GOP who prefers the likes of Trump.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about, Brooks is a RINO. You picked a lousy one to quote because a real conservative knows what Brooks is
Like I said, feel free to ignore my comments since you can't have an intelligent conversation about what's wrong with your own party.
Brooks is a conservative commentator. He's a GOP of the 'old school'. Not nasty enough for the curent GOP who prefers the likes of Trump.

That first encounter is still vivid in Brooks’s mind. “I remember distinctly an image of--we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,” Brooks says, “and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.” In the fall of 2006, two days after Obama’s The Audacity of Hope hit bookstores, Brooks published a glowing Times column. The headline was “Run, Barack, Run.”

Fucking hilarious!!!
Brooks is a conservative commentator.

Brooks is a liberal who thinks claiming he's conservative makes his liberal recommendations somehow better.
Brooks want to reclaim the respect the GOP once had so the Party can regain prominence. Instead, the schmucks in the party are ruining it. Self-destrcutive clowns every one of them.

Half the freaking GOP are must live under a rock.
Brooks is a conservative commentator. He's a GOP of the 'old school'. Not nasty enough for the curent GOP who prefers the likes of Trump.

You have no idea what you're blabbering about, Brooks is a RINO. You picked a lousy one to quote because a real conservative knows what Brooks is
Like I said, feel free to ignore my comments since you can't have an intelligent conversation about what's wrong with your own party.

Just stick to topic and let me decide who I ignore, nobody is going to take direction from you. You're not that good or important
I remember the GOP having some decent candidates in the past. Not like this election.
this is getting hilarious watching the white christianist party cannibalizing itself, seeing who can out kook who. America just sits back and laughs at these clowns

AP: Palin Lights Fuse That Implodes GOP - Breitbart

The "white Christian party" has two Hispanics and a black man running. The other party has three lily white people.

So who exactly is the "white" Christian party?

Can you be any more stupid?

And no, it's not a challenge.

The Koch brothers are backing all of the candidates except Trump made sure they covered every color and sex...Haaa

They lost their shirts because non of them are going to win the nomination, except maybe Trump..

Thankfully the crooked Koch brothers are exposed, and will die soon.!
this is getting hilarious watching the white christianist party cannibalizing itself, seeing who can out kook who. America just sits back and laughs at these clowns

AP: Palin Lights Fuse That Implodes GOP - Breitbart
An 'AP' OP.
Nowhere in the OP did it say a word about Palin lighting the fuse that will implode the GOP. In fact the GOP is more cohesive and determined to never left the Clinton's into the White house again there is going to be a historic GOP turnout.
Hillary only has another month before she leaves in disgrace. Sanders has as much chance of winning as CNN spotting a fucking White unicorn on the lawn where Obama hides his Camels.

Another month? Care to make a wager?

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