The Republican Party's Problem in One Simple Question...

Ha Ha ........ Yes, likewise, I've also supported my position many times on this forum.

One of the things that seems to escape you is that I know you've been reading this forum for several months. You have seen the facts, the data and the stats posted already.

That you want me to repost this information is clearly just a Dodge on your part.

All one has to do in order to recognize the differences between the two major parties is to go down a list of each of the parties major platform planks.

Would you like to do that with me?
Since the parties have not issued platforms for the upcoming election that will be amusing to watch.

Actually, both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have said they support employers having the right to know what birth control you use and to be able to fire you if they don't like it.

The Huckster is hawking phony cures for cancer and diabetes as well as "patriotic" survival food.

Jeb has said he relies heavily on W for advice.

Scary stuff but not real surprising.
I doubt either one said that.
You have deflected from your claim about party platforms.
You are a lying dishonest scumbag. Own it.

What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)
Well tar and feather her for not thinking sane people don't grow crazy ass beards. LOL
Rachel Maddow:
Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."
Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Eisenhower, a short list:
- opened relations with fascist Spain under Franco
- created SEATO to contain the spread of Communism in Asia
- expanded the role of the CIA to directly interfere with foreign Communist governments thru covert action
- thru covert action by the CIA, overthrew the elected governments of Iran, Guatemala and Republic of The Congo
- increased US presence in SE Asia, supported the partition of Vietnam, and sent soldiers to support the RVN government
- expanded the US nuclear arsenal and expanded the role of nuclear weapons in defense - "nuclear weapons above all all other means"
- adopted the 'a free enterprise economy should run itself" economic policy
- "Operation Wetback" - wholesale deportation illegal aliens from Latin America
- refused to take a public stand against Joe McCarthy

In stating that she is " in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform" she is either lying to herself or impossibly ignorant. Or.a mindless, partisan bigot.
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folks, That Maddcow is going around saying this garbage

after they (democrats) were just kicked out of power in Congress by these very people and then she turns around and calls the Republicans crazy over Democrats...

SHE has to keep the morale going for the idiots who watches her.

nothing more.... but I hope they continue with this all the way up to the Presidential elections.
Ha Ha ........ Yes, likewise, I've also supported my position many times on this forum.

One of the things that seems to escape you is that I know you've been reading this forum for several months. You have seen the facts, the data and the stats posted already.

That you want me to repost this information is clearly just a Dodge on your part.

All one has to do in order to recognize the differences between the two major parties is to go down a list of each of the parties major platform planks.

Would you like to do that with me?
Since the parties have not issued platforms for the upcoming election that will be amusing to watch.

Actually, both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have said they support employers having the right to know what birth control you use and to be able to fire you if they don't like it.

The Huckster is hawking phony cures for cancer and diabetes as well as "patriotic" survival food.

Jeb has said he relies heavily on W for advice.

Scary stuff but not real surprising.
I doubt either one said that.
You have deflected from your claim about party platforms.
You are a lying dishonest scumbag. Own it.

What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.
Yeah, Rachel Maddow is sort off ..... like Hannity.

But, we'll see if the gop can keep a lid on the crazy. Of course, Bill's zipper can fall down at the most inopportune times too.
One of the things that seems to escape you is that I know you've been reading this forum for several months. You have seen the facts, the data and the stats posted already.

That you want me to repost this information is clearly just a Dodge on your part.

All one has to do in order to recognize the differences between the two major parties is to go down a list of each of the parties major platform planks.

Would you like to do that with me?
Since the parties have not issued platforms for the upcoming election that will be amusing to watch.

Actually, both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have said they support employers having the right to know what birth control you use and to be able to fire you if they don't like it.

The Huckster is hawking phony cures for cancer and diabetes as well as "patriotic" survival food.

Jeb has said he relies heavily on W for advice.

Scary stuff but not real surprising.
I doubt either one said that.
You have deflected from your claim about party platforms.
You are a lying dishonest scumbag. Own it.

What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”

ROFL! I just adore the sweeter Ironies.

But IMAGINE an irony SO sweet that Rachel Maddow speaks to insanity; an individual suffering such profound mental disorder.

Ben Carson has my Vote in the Primary.

After him comes Ted Cruz, although I regret that he is running, given his father is a foreign nation, thus otherwise disqualifying him for the office of the President. But the reality is that the cult elected a disqualified individual which nullifies the Constitutional requirement that only those born to two US citizens, in that only such a person is a citizen by the natural consequence of citizenship.

Behind Cruz is Rand Paul...

And behind Rand Paul is myself or any other American... who as a consequence of their recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to the principles that define America, dismisses the Ideological Left across the board and on the whole; who has no problem rejecting the Left; each and every one of them... collectively and individually, based upon the self evident truth that the Ideological Left has no kinship with America, who due to their disordered, deficient minds, reason through relativism... therein ceaselessly representing and advocating for Foreign Ideas hostile to American Principle, promoting the decay of the American Culture through their addled, subjective Anti-American reasoning.

I will not vote for any progressive candidates.

Meaning I'll not be voting for a Romney, Bush, Christie, or anyone who's ever governed in Arkansas, or who may otherwise be kin to someone who governed Arkansas.
The left call Maddow so intelligent yet she doesn't even know that independents can also request to vote in either R or D primaries.
That is like most liberals, they don't know anything about how our government is suppose to work.
The left are very gullible, believe anything that the left says and proof is how they mimic them with saying the right are nut jobs.

They can request it, but it's still up to the parties to allow it.

What does that have to do with the GOP playing to it's crazy base?

No it isn't the States are what set up their primaries.
There is no crazy base which is exactly what I was talking about.

The blanket primary was ruled unconstitutional in 2000 by the [US Supreme Court]] in California Democratic Party v. Jones because it required political parties to associate with candidates they did not endorse. The nonpartisan blanket primary disregards party preference in determining the two candidates to advance to the general election, and for that reason has been ruled facially constitutional by the Supreme Court in the 2008 decision Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party.[4] (Wiki)
Since the parties have not issued platforms for the upcoming election that will be amusing to watch.

Actually, both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have said they support employers having the right to know what birth control you use and to be able to fire you if they don't like it.

The Huckster is hawking phony cures for cancer and diabetes as well as "patriotic" survival food.

Jeb has said he relies heavily on W for advice.

Scary stuff but not real surprising.
I doubt either one said that.
You have deflected from your claim about party platforms.
You are a lying dishonest scumbag. Own it.

What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.
Actually, both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have said they support employers having the right to know what birth control you use and to be able to fire you if they don't like it.

The Huckster is hawking phony cures for cancer and diabetes as well as "patriotic" survival food.

Jeb has said he relies heavily on W for advice.

Scary stuff but not real surprising.
I doubt either one said that.
You have deflected from your claim about party platforms.
You are a lying dishonest scumbag. Own it.

What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.
Most on the left here play with words and semantics but when it's turned back on you all it suddenly becomes liar.
Many of the left who are losing the conversation start to name call and pick on how people must post on here with exact correct spelling and correct use of our language and that if we don't then we have to be stupid.
I doubt either one said that.
You have deflected from your claim about party platforms.
You are a lying dishonest scumbag. Own it.

What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.
Most on the left here play with words and semantics but when it's turned back on you all it suddenly becomes liar.
Many of the left who are losing the conversation start to name call and pick on how people must post on here with exact correct spelling and correct use of our language and that if we don't then we have to be stupid.

Admit you lied.
I doubt either one said that.
You have deflected from your claim about party platforms.
You are a lying dishonest scumbag. Own it.

What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.

What freedom have YOU lost?
What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.

What freedom have YOU lost?
The freedom to pick his own customers and jobs.
The freedom to go without health insurance
The freedom to grow a business beyond 50 employees without being bankrupted by ACA mandates
etc etc.
What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.

What freedom have YOU lost?

Freedoms we all have lost and you have just proved what I stated, you don't even see it.
The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.

What freedom have YOU lost?
The freedom to pick his own customers and jobs.

Haven't had it since 1967.
The freedom to go without health insurance

You still have just pay a penalty to help make up for your hospital bills we pay)
The freedom to grow a business beyond 50 employees without being bankrupted by ACA mandates
etc etc.

Link to these bankrupted businesses?
The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.

What freedom have YOU lost?

Freedoms we all have lost and you have just proved what I stated, you don't even see it.

Name one.
The republican parties problem is the reality that they equal welfare with investment.

Funding road construction, construction of bridges, the best science institutions on earth or the best r&d doesn't = giving away endless unemployment. In fact, these are jobs that keep people off of welfare or unemployment.

We pay taxes for our roads to be maintained, warning of that severe storm and for those police that stop that riot.
What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.
Most on the left here play with words and semantics but when it's turned back on you all it suddenly becomes liar.
Many of the left who are losing the conversation start to name call and pick on how people must post on here with exact correct spelling and correct use of our language and that if we don't then we have to be stupid.

Admit you lied.

Lied about what?
She hates Phil Robertson more so than any of the others.
I played with the words back at you, which you did not like and that is not lying.
What do you expect?
She actually thought at one time that the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty, was wearing fake beards for their show. :)

The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.

What freedom have YOU lost?

How about the freedom to withdraw $5000 without having to report it, or have it reported... or the freedom to pay someone for work over $500 without need of reporting it, or how about the freedom to not celebrate perversion without being sued and having some imbecile on some court deciding that such is worthy of financial ruin, or the freedom to open a business without having to pony up tens of thousands of dollars in bureaucratic fees, and the freedom to not be forced into becoming a tax collector and the freedom to not be threatened with the full force of the government for not reporting our income and for not having obscene levels of our income confiscated from us... or the freedom to hunt on land we supposedly own.... or the freedom to not drill for oil on our own property or the freedom to draw demeaning pictures of a pedophile psychopath, without being blamed for the deaths of the followers of that pedophile psychopath, by its associate cult.

How much time do ya have?
The Robertsons were. One Robertson was. Two or more Robertsons were.

She was picking on one Robertson, Phil.

Liar. Robertson's (sic).......their.......beards........

Or, is Phil a pair of Siamese twins? You nutters are stupid and you think everyone else is as well.

I think that most of you on the left are stupid because you vote for the people that are taking our freedom away and you don't even see it much less understand it and how they are doing it.

What freedom have YOU lost?

Freedoms we all have lost and you have just proved what I stated, you don't even see it.

Well, we invested in our country publicly in the 1920's. Whether the government bans smoking, demands that you wear a seat belt or spies on you is a matter of electing the kinds of people with those opinions. Either, way we shouldn't stop investing in our country.

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