The Republican Plan

Why don't you just tell me here and now how they work.

Too much to explain. But here, I have one of their links in my bookmarks and you can check it out for yourself.

Just like you scum democrats are working right now.I hought

No, but if you are a Democrat, it's the same as a Communist. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. Damn near identical to the Democrat party. If it walks like a duck.....quacks like a duck.....
I was hoping that you could tell us in your own words since you seem to be the expert.
You're just name calling since that's that's all you seem capable of doing in post after post after post after post.
Lol, no howler monkey, it's what you deserve. There is NEVER any civil debate with you lying vermin. NEVER.
I was hoping that you could tell us in your own words since you seem to be the expert.

For what? This isn't my first rodeo. When I explain it, leftists say I don't know what Communism is. Then I post the link and that ends the conversation. I'm just skipping a few steps here because you'll never accept what I believe Communism is, which is what's contained in the link I provided.
Does this mean it is ok when your side spends money it doesn't have. Are you excusing them?
Since the Republicans feel so powerful right now, how come I don't hear about the big political plan to lower food and gasoline prices, cure inflation, and the many other things they blame the Democrats for. I think they should get on this problem right away. Don't you?

"how come I don't hear"

You're not listening, perhaps?

Inflation can be slowed down, or even reversed if we just stop printing money.
Let's not raise debt ceiling, stop borrowing, and cut spending, and most of our problems would go away.
Those hearings will be nothing but an embarrassment, because every single one of us knows it's just revenge politics. The are cry baby losers. They are no longer a party.
That may be what you think, but I am 100% certain that every single one of us doesn't think that. In fact you may be in a pretty small minority.
For what? This isn't my first rodeo. When I explain it, leftists say I don't know what Communism is. Then I post the link and that ends the conversation. I'm just skipping a few steps here because you'll never accept what I believe Communism is, which is what's contained in the link I provided.
Commie site actually pretty interesting. Reading up on. Will finish it then discuss. Take care.

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