The Republican Plan

This is true. When the Democrats took over we knew their plan: Get Trump, get Trump, get Trump.
The Republican plan is to continue their campaign of domestic terrorism.

ā€˜House Republicans are preparing a plan telling the Treasury Department what to do if Congress and the White House donā€™t agree to lift the nationā€™s debt limit later this year, underscoring the brinkmanship newly empowered conservatives will bring to the high-stakes negotiations over averting a U.S. default, according to six people aware of the internal discussions.

The plan, which was previously unreported, was part of the private deal reached this month to resolve the standoff between House conservatives and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) over the election of a House speaker. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.), a leading conservative who helped broker the deal, told The Washington Post that McCarthy agreed to pass a payment prioritization plan by the end of the first quarter of the year.

The emerging contingency plan shows how Republicans are preparing to threaten to not lift the nationā€™s debt ceiling without major spending cuts from the Biden administration. Congress must pass a law raising the current limit of $31.4 trillion or the Treasury Department canā€™t borrow anymore, even to pay for spending lawmakers have already authorized. Economists warn that not raising the debt limit could cause the United States to default, sparking a major panic on Wall Street and leading to millions of job losses.

Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said Friday said that the Treasury Department will begin ā€œextraordinary measuresā€ next week to ensure the federal government is able to meet its payment obligations but that it cannot guarantee the United States will make it beyond early June without defaulting. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated Friday that the administration will not negotiate over the debt ceiling.ā€™

The Republican plan is to continue their campaign of domestic terrorism.

ā€˜House Republicans are preparing a plan telling the Treasury Department what to do if Congress and the White House donā€™t agree to lift the nationā€™s debt limit later this year, underscoring the brinkmanship newly empowered conservatives will bring to the high-stakes negotiations over averting a U.S. default, according to six people aware of the internal discussions.

The plan, which was previously unreported, was part of the private deal reached this month to resolve the standoff between House conservatives and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) over the election of a House speaker. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.), a leading conservative who helped broker the deal, told The Washington Post that McCarthy agreed to pass a payment prioritization plan by the end of the first quarter of the year.

The emerging contingency plan shows how Republicans are preparing to threaten to not lift the nationā€™s debt ceiling without major spending cuts from the Biden administration. Congress must pass a law raising the current limit of $31.4 trillion or the Treasury Department canā€™t borrow anymore, even to pay for spending lawmakers have already authorized. Economists warn that not raising the debt limit could cause the United States to default, sparking a major panic on Wall Street and leading to millions of job losses.

Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said Friday said that the Treasury Department will begin ā€œextraordinary measuresā€ next week to ensure the federal government is able to meet its payment obligations but that it cannot guarantee the United States will make it beyond early June without defaulting. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated Friday that the administration will not negotiate over the debt ceiling.ā€™

Thanks for the paywall link nobody can read unless they subscribe. But what the Republicans are doing is forcing the Democrats to negotiate our out of control spending. All Democrats want to do is continue spending and raising taxes on our businesses and wealthy to pay for all their spending.

When we look at the spending by the Democrats since Dementia took over and even before, it's a lot of pork and vote buying. Why should we increase the debt ceiling for that?
You don't seem to have the muscle for this game. The key wordage is "NARRATIVE." The Left doesn't stand still with its mouth shut when their leaders try and piss in their ears and tell them its raining. The Right is exactly the opposite. Just look at how the GOP is handling Santos. If he was a Democrat, he'd be gone already.
I'm from the UK, looking at your post, over here we would say, "What's that pile of shite are you rambling on about".

Either Trump or Obama ran up the most debt. So quit the shite, did Obama add more debt than Trump? Simple fucking question.
Thank you republicons.

The Republican party is a vital contribution to political debate, discourse.

They represent the dark side. The self-centered egotistical me, me mentality that creates a great contrast to democratic moral centered values.

Without their ilk this political discourse would be boring.

Again, thank you mega-republicons.
Thank you republicons.

The Republican party is a vital contribution to political debate, discourse.

They represent the dark side. The self-centered egotistical me, me mentality that creates a great contrast to democratic moral centered values.

Without their ilk this political discourse would be boring.

Again, thank you mega-republicons.

On behalf of all the Republicans here, you're quite welcome.
So they came in totally unpreparedā€¦

So, you're saying that, the party who was in the minority should have already had a plan before they became the majority? How do they do that when they didn't control any of the committee's? There was no guarantee they would have even taken the majority. Should they have all had their own meetings to formulate a plan? Is that even allowed? To make plans for bills and such when you are not in control?

The bigger question is, why didn't the dems have a plan before they left? Inflation and problems with the economy had been ongoing for awhile. Seems like the dems would have had ample time to come up with something, no?

What are their options? Raise taxes? Interestingly, if that's one of the options available, why didn't dems do it? That's always been their desire, yet, in the face of looming inflation, they decided to kick that can to the repubs to do. Why? Optics? I'm guessing that's a large part of it.
Thank you republicons.

The Republican party is a vital contribution to political debate, discourse.

They represent the dark side. The self-centered egotistical me, me mentality that creates a great contrast to democratic moral centered values.

Without their ilk this political discourse would be boring.

Again, thank you mega-republicons.
If you had top secret documents do you think they would negotiate with you? They were showing massive restraint. They had the right to take them from the beginning,
No..I am not, nor have I ever been the president. Ok, still, you haven't answered the question of how it istl that these documents came into bidens possession, and how nara had ignored them, until now?
The bigger question is, why didn't the dems have a plan before they left? Inflation and problems with the economy had been ongoing for awhile. Seems like the dems would have had ample time to come up with something, no?

They did come up with something days before; a few days before. It was a 4,500 page bill that nobody had time to read before it was put up for a vote.
No..I am not, nor have I ever been the president. Ok, still, you haven't answered the question of how it istl that these documents came into bidens possession, and how nara had ignored them, until now?
Since I'm in Texas, and have no direct contact with any of the investigators, I can't answer those questions yet. I have no doubt the information will be available in time.
So, you're saying that, the party who was in the minority should have already had a plan before they became the majority? How do they do that when they didn't control any of the committee's? There was no guarantee they would have even taken the majority. Should they have all had their own meetings to formulate a plan? Is that even allowed? To make plans for bills and such when you are not in control?

The bigger question is, why didn't the dems have a plan before they left? Inflation and problems with the economy had been ongoing for awhile. Seems like the dems would have had ample time to come up with something, no?

What are their options? Raise taxes? Interestingly, if that's one of the options available, why didn't dems do it? That's always been their desire, yet, in the face of looming inflation, they decided to kick that can to the repubs to do. Why? Optics? I'm guessing that's a large part of it.
Yes. Thatā€™s how adults do things
Yes. Thatā€™s how adults do things
Then why didn't the previous congress do the adult thing and address these issues when they had ample time? also, I'm not sure sure that the minority party had the ability to do what you are asking, unless they gather in a general location and just start brainstorming...but, because they are not in the majority, they can't convene committee's, they can't allocate money to spend on research. what are they going to do? say "hey, this Thursday were going to hold a meeting and talk about plans to fix these problems, everyone is invited"...

You're blaming the party that wasn't in thr majority for these things but ignoring the majority party who had control of congress.

Also, you're assuming there are no plans, and no ideas. we don't know that yet, maybe they do, but are getting more research done, and will unveil it shortly? we don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
The Democrat party is the main vehicle being used by the NETWORK (aka Deep State) to deconstruct the EXPENSIVE WESTERN STANDARD OF LIVING ( The republicans were told to go play golf). The Elite know that it will be impossible in this new Digital world to keep 20% of the population living like the Jet Set while the rest of the world is happy to get a meal for the day. This is the real agenda and is the reason for the ESG bullshit, mass immigration, dumbing down; IT IS A BLUEPRINT TO CREATE A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY,.

The Brainwashing today is so powerful, it is driving vulnerable people (mostly females) insane.

Politics is a simple charade designed to fool the masses into thinking that they have a say in important matters.
Then why didn't the previous congress do the adult thing and address these issues when they had ample time? also, I'm not sure sure that the minority party had the ability to do what you are asking, unless they gather in a general location and just start brainstorming...but, because they are not in the majority, they can't convene committee's, they can't allocate money to spend on research. what are they going to do? say "hey, this Thursday were going to hold a meeting and talk about plans to fix these problems, everyone is invited"...

You're blaming the party that wasn't in thr majority for these things but ignoring the majority party who had control of congress.

Also, you're assuming there are no plans, and no ideas. we don't know that yet, maybe they do, but are getting more research done, and will unveil it shortly? we don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
Sure, that's the way all professions do it. Most surgeons don't bother learning about what it takes to cut someone open and then put them back together until after they are hired. That's why you should always check the hospital's hiring record first.
Sure, that's the way all professions do it. Most surgeons don't bother learning about what it takes to cut someone open and then put them back together until after they are hired. That's why you should always check the hospital's hiring record first.
Yeah, but if you are rushed to the ER for surgery, the doctor that's currently on staff isn't going to say "let's wait for the next shift doctor to do it"

Your argument has nothing to do with congress. The prior congress had plenty of time to work on it, but you don't care about that, you just want to blame the incoming congress, who, as I have stated, may not have had the ability to call committees together to work on this stuff, or to spend money to commission studies, or whatever they do to make these changes.

And again....we don't know what is going on. They may already have a plan and are working out the details.

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