The Republican Plan

Obama increased debt by $8.3t. Trump increased debt by $7.8t.

What do you think Biden will increase it by? Hand on heart, I thought the only modern day president that could reduce America's debt would be Trump. But he fucked that up, just like many others. He probably "inadvertently" helped his own businesses with tax cuts etc.., probably in the same way Obama enriched his own interests, as will Biden do.

To champion/blame one president and ignore another, is lame
You don't seem to have the muscle for this game. The key wordage is "NARRATIVE." The Left doesn't stand still with its mouth shut when their leaders try and piss in their ears and tell them its raining. The Right is exactly the opposite. Just look at how the GOP is handling Santos. If he was a Democrat, he'd be gone already.
Someone who can't spell "mama" the right way calling someone else childish and stupid

Mamma or Mama is not synonymous with childish or stupid. And by the way, since you brought up this childish reminder, on any given day, I'm liable to spell it either way.



  1. variant spelling of mama.
Since the Republicans feel so powerful right now, how come I don't hear about the big political plan to lower food and gasoline prices, cure inflation, and the many other things they blame the Democrats for. I think they should get on this problem right away. Don't you?

a great first step would be to jail the biden crime family
See how easy this is. You aren't going to debate anything that's worth a shit.
As soon as you start a discussion or a debate worth a shit, you may have a basis to know. Until then, you’re just talking out of your ass some more.
You don't seem to have the muscle for this game. The key wordage is "NARRATIVE." The Left doesn't stand still with its mouth shut when their leaders try and piss in their ears and tell them its raining. The Right is exactly the opposite. Just look at how the GOP is handling Santos. If he was a Democrat, he'd be gone already.
like the way the democrats got rid of elizabeth warren for claiming she was an injun squaw
Support for authoritarian dictators like Putin is the same cesspool. It's anti-american.

Nobody on the right is supporting Putin. That's only what brainwashed fools were trained to think. We are against giving Ukraine 100 billion dollars to protect their country while we spend nothing to protect ours. I think that's a pretty good stance to take.
Since the Republicans feel so powerful right now, how come I don't hear about the big political plan to lower food and gasoline prices, cure inflation, and the many other things they blame the Democrats for. I think they should get on this problem right away. Don't you?

They have….STOP WETBACKS is the first order of business.
Nobody on the right is supporting Putin. That's only what brainwashed fools were trained to think. We are against giving Ukraine 100 billion dollars to protect their country while we spend nothing to protect ours. I think that's a pretty good stance to take.
They must be if they want to reduce aid. look Jim Bob, it's real simple. The threat to Democracy is real on two fronts. Putin and the GOP. You are either for us or against us. And like WWII, those threats have equal footing. Are you getting me Jim Bo?
They must be if they want to reduce aid. look Jim Bob, it's real simple. The threat to Democracy is real on two fronts. Putin and the GOP. You are either for us or against us. And like WWII, those threats have equal footing. Are you getting me Jim Bo?

No, it's just unlike you, Republicans are for America first. While homeless set up tent cities across the country and illegals are being bused or flown to their desired locations, we hare shelling out billions of dollars to protect a corrupt country like Ukraine. What does Dementia want to do about it? Set up injection sites for these people to legally use deadly dope.
They are upset now. These past four years has been nothing but pure corruption by the left. They thought they would get away with it forever, and now they're going to have to pay the price. All the corruption is going to be investigated, exposed and possibly hold a lot of people responsible, and they don't like that. They're good at dishing it out, but no ability to take it.

From phony impeachments to Hunter and Dementia's deals in Ukraine and China, to Hunter selling his finger paintings for up to a half-million dollars to foreign anonymous buyers, to the phony 1/6 commission that asked no questions about Democrat involvement, to the corrupt FBI, to now the classified documents sitting in an unguarded Delaware garage somewhere, it's all going to come out.
I think the House, especially the judiciary committee, will indeed hold hearings and investigations. But alas, Ray, I have become jaded because I've been down this road so many times, I don't hold out much hope that anything will come of it. The MSM is unlikely to televise those hearings--even Fox News isn't reliable to do that any more. And because too few watch C-Span that does cover the hearings, few people will even see or hear the corruption that they reveal.

I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
I think the House, especially the judiciary committee, will indeed hold hearings and investigations. But alas, Ray, I have become jaded because I've been down this road so many times, I don't hold out much hope that anything will come of it. The MSM is unlikely to televise those hearings--even Fox News isn't reliable to do that any more. And because too few watch C-Span that does cover the hearings, few people will even see or hear the corruption that they reveal.

I hope I'm wrong. I really do.

I think you will be. Look at this topic. The left are complaining about Republicans going after Democrats when they haven't been in power for two weeks while they spent the last two years going after an ex-President to try and stop him from running in 2024. They're so scared to death of this man they spent all their time on him, then criticize us for using our time to get even.

The most important thing to them for our country is this mythical climate change. The most important thing to us is to investigate massive corruption.
They are pouting because they couldn't steal the election and install that fat lying loser in the white house. You'll have to talk to them about why they did that.
They didn't lose the election, they're still in control of the Senate and the White House, something that makes any Republican plan to fix what they did moot.
Mamma or Mama is not synonymous with childish or stupid. And by the way, since you brought up this childish reminder, on any given day, I'm liable to spell it either way.



  1. variant spelling of mama.
You didn't spell it those ways did ya idiot LOL man you prove how brainless you are daily

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