The Republican Plan

Trillions? Show us the ledger. By the way, are you for us or against us?
This howler monkey always wants to shown something, but he will just deny whatever is shown and howl more.
At least the Democrats didn't need to "PRETEND" to support exploding the debt with trillions of dollars worth of tax cuts, that we have to pay for that Republicans did.
Howler, the R's haven't did nothin yet.
Show me the written policy where the U.S. has authorized open borders?

There doesn't have to be written policy. All they needed to do is reverse all of Trump's successful policies like Stay in Mexico, and make sure Mexico stops the flow of immigrants crossing their country to get to ours. Now Dementia is fighting to get rid of Title 42 which the border patrol says will double the problem we have today.
You've got a brain like a howler Monkey. They let loose the chaos caucus who have no agenda but to destroy our institutions. That's who they voted for. A butt boy.
Your constant growing fear has destroyed your mind.

There doesn't have to be written policy. All they needed to do is reverse all of Trump's successful policies like Stay in Mexico, and make sure Mexico stops the flow of immigrants crossing their country to get to ours. Now Dementia is fighting to get rid of Title 42 which the border patrol says will double the problem we have today.
Then there is no such thing as open borders. It's a made up lie. Thanks for the admission.
Boy your moma is calling. She wants to know when you are going to grow up and stop embarrassing the family with your childish stupidity.
Look how it howls when found out! Lol
Then there is no such thing as open borders. It's a made up lie. Thanks for the admission.
How are all those illegals coming in then, howler? Dang monkey, that's the most disingenuous lie today.
Since the Republicans feel so powerful right now, how come I don't hear about the big political plan to lower food and gasoline prices, cure inflation, and the many other things they blame the Democrats for. I think they should get on this problem right away. Don't you?

The nerve to talk about Republicans and inflation when you dems caused this mess and did nothing for 2 years but make it worse
How are all those illegals coming in then, howler? Dang monkey, that's the most disingenuous lie today.
Has nothing to do with open borders you ignoramus. Those illegals are coming in to do the work your sorry ass and mine won't do. Take a drive across the country sometime junior. Every construction site you come to are folks who aren't white. Who hires them DA? Exactly, white business owners. They want them here, because American citizens are too sorry to do the work. So save the false outrage. It's embarrassing.
Has nothing to do with open borders you ignoramus. Those illegals are coming in to do the work your sorry ass and mine won't do. Take a drive across the country sometime junior. Every construction site you come to are folks who aren't white. Who hires them DA? Exactly, white business owners. They want them here, because American citizens are too sorry to do the work. So save the false outrage. It's embarrassing.
This howler monkey is going off the deep end with his lies. Your fear is getting more intense each day. Why are you so terrified of the orange man? What makes you make up so much unbelievable nonsense? Have you lost your mind?
This howler monkey is going off the deep end with his lies. Your fear is getting more intense each day. Why are you so terrified of the orange man? What makes you make up so much unbelievable nonsense? Have you lost your mind?

But, but, but, the illegals are coming here to do the work. That's why they kicked them out of Martha's Vineyard and the Mayor of New York is calling it a crisis; because they are working so hard. :eusa_shhh:

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