The Republican Plan

No, it's just unlike you, Republicans are for America first. While homeless set up tent cities across the country and illegals are being bused or flown to their desired locations, we hare shelling out billions of dollars to protect a corrupt country like Ukraine. What does Dementia want to do about it? Set up injection sites for these people to legally use deadly dope.
If they were America first, they wouldn't be scapegoating illegals for a problem we Americans started; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Real Americans aren't cowards like the Right who hide behind their transgressions by scapegoating.

And keep pedaling that ignorant ass narrative over Ukraine. Anyone with a functioning brain knows what Putin is up too. Just look at his indiscriminate killing of women and children. And your concern is corruption? :laughing0301: What a fucking joke. Haven't we had enough corruption here with Trump?
You didn't spell it those ways did ya idiot LOL man you prove how brainless you are daily
Spelling it either or is super okay by me. You got a problem with it, go suck on a lemon. I really could care less.
I think the House, especially the judiciary committee, will indeed hold hearings and investigations. But alas, Ray, I have become jaded because I've been down this road so many times, I don't hold out much hope that anything will come of it. The MSM is unlikely to televise those hearings--even Fox News isn't reliable to do that any more. And because too few watch C-Span that does cover the hearings, few people will even see or hear the corruption that they reveal.

I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
Those hearings will be nothing but an embarrassment, because every single one of us knows it's just revenge politics. The are cry baby losers. They are no longer a party.
If they were America first, they wouldn't be scapegoating illegals for a problem we Americans started; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - Real Americans aren't cowards like the Right who hide behind their transgressions by scapegoating.

And keep pedaling that ignorant ass narrative over Ukraine. Anyone with a functioning brain knows what Putin is up too. Just look at his indiscriminate killing of women and children. And your concern is corruption? :laughing0301: What a fucking joke. Haven't we had enough corruption here with Trump?

We must not have because we installed somebody ten times more corrupt with his shady deals in places like Ukraine and China. His son is selling his childish finger paintings for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous buyers in China. His son was laundering money by renting his fathers vacation home (where he kept some of those classified documents) for 50K a month.

President Trump took a tough stance on illegals with his policies and a wall that he managed to get around Congress to build. That's why we elected him in the first place.
Spelling it either or is super okay by me. You got a problem with it, go suck on a lemon. I really could care less.
Yet you respond, for someone who doesn't care.


We must not have because we installed somebody ten times more corrupt with his shady deals in places like Ukraine and China. His son is selling his childish finger paintings for up to a half-million dollars to anonymous buyers in China. His son was laundering money by renting his fathers vacation home (where he kept some of those classified documents) for 50K a month.

President Trump took a tough stance on illegals with his policies and a wall that he managed to get around Congress to build. That's why we elected him in the first place.
Yea right, and that claim comes with documentation and proof right? :laughing0301: You never stop looking like a fool do you?

Tough stance on illegals? Boy you are disgusting. Caging children while we impose 80 years of imperialism? You not only cannot mount an intelligent argument, you are morally bankrupt. Scapegoating illegals for a problem we created. You should be ashamed. What a horrible human being.
Since the Republicans feel so powerful right now, how come I don't hear about the big political plan to lower food and gasoline prices, cure inflation, and the many other things they blame the Democrats for. I think they should get on this problem right away. Don't you?

They can't undo everything you scum ruined all at once, communist.
Yea right, and that claim comes with documentation and proof right? :laughing0301: You never stop looking like a fool do you?

Tough stance on illegals? Boy you are disgusting. Caging children while we impose 80 years of imperialism? You not only cannot mount an intelligent argument, you are morally bankrupt. Scapegoating illegals for a problem we created. You should be ashamed. What a horrible human being.

Yeah I know, you Communists are always the Blame America First crowd. Nothing is ever your fault. Yeah, Trump caged children in cages built by DumBama that he too used to cage children in.

The Republican plan is the same as the democrat plan. Protect the wealthy. You people are brain dead.
If they let the government default next week on its debts, that big gigantic catastrophy won't be viewed as a plan to curb inflation. They have no plan, because they do not understand basic economics. They think that by combining the chaos caucus with the stupid caucus, bunching them together, then defaulting on our good faith and credit, while burning the house to the ground, their revenge politics will make them heroes. :laughing0301:
The debt limit is under debate because Democrat leadership decided to punt it into 2023, and push the nation closer to default. Biden will get the blame .. so those Republicans better get right on that! :D
Yeah I know, you Communists are always the Blame America First crowd. Nothing is ever your fault. Yeah, Trump caged children in cages built by DumBama that he too used to cage children in.

A democratic party which believes in social security, medicare, helping the least among us. and whom Jesus would approve of, is not Communism.
A democratic party which believes in social security, medicare, helping the least among us. and whom Jesus would approve of, is not Communism.

No, but if you are a Democrat, it's the same as a Communist. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. Damn near identical to the Democrat party. If it walks like a duck.....quacks like a duck.....
No, but if you are a Democrat, it's the same as a Communist. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website and read their agenda. Damn near identical to the Democrat party. If it walks like a duck.....quacks like a duck.....
Why don't you just tell me here and now how they work.

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