The Republican Senator who Decided to Tell the Truth


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Michigan dairy farmer and Republican Senator Ed McBroom spent the last 8 months examining election integrity in Michigan. Since he didn't find what Trumpublicans wanted him to find, will he now be sanctioned and stripped of his committee assignments? Good job Ed, nice to see there are still a few Republicans with integrity!

McBroom, a Republican state senator who chairs the Oversight Committee, had released a report detailing his eight-month-long investigation into the legitimacy of the 2020 election.​
The stakes could hardly have been higher. Against a backdrop of confusion and suspicion and frightening civic friction—with Trump claiming he’d been cheated out of victory, and anecdotes about fraud coursing through every corner of the state—McBroom had led an exhaustive probe of Michigan’s electoral integrity.​
His committee interviewed scores of witnesses, subpoenaed and reviewed thousands of pages of documents, dissected the procedural mechanics of Michigan’s highly decentralized elections system, and scrutinized the most trafficked claims about corruption at the state’s ballot box in November. McBroom’s conclusions hit Lansing like a meteor: It was all a bunch of nonsense.

Michigan dairy farmer and Republican Senator Ed McBroom spent the last 8 months examining election integrity in Michigan. Since he didn't find what Trumpublicans wanted him to find, will he now be sanctioned and stripped of his committee assignments? Good job Ed, nice to see there are still a few Republicans with integrity!

McBroom, a Republican state senator who chairs the Oversight Committee, had released a report detailing his eight-month-long investigation into the legitimacy of the 2020 election.​
The stakes could hardly have been higher. Against a backdrop of confusion and suspicion and frightening civic friction—with Trump claiming he’d been cheated out of victory, and anecdotes about fraud coursing through every corner of the state—McBroom had led an exhaustive probe of Michigan’s electoral integrity.​
His committee interviewed scores of witnesses, subpoenaed and reviewed thousands of pages of documents, dissected the procedural mechanics of Michigan’s highly decentralized elections system, and scrutinized the most trafficked claims about corruption at the state’s ballot box in November. McBroom’s conclusions hit Lansing like a meteor: It was all a bunch of nonsense.

Fucking deep state commie snowflake.
I'm glad that no voter fraud was found in MI in 2020. But don't think for a second that voting irregularities don't happen, they do. We need to do everything possible to protect voting integrity, especially with mail-in ballots.

Michigan dairy farmer and Republican Senator Ed McBroom spent the last 8 months examining election integrity in Michigan. Since he didn't find what Trumpublicans wanted him to find, will he now be sanctioned and stripped of his committee assignments? Good job Ed, nice to see there are still a few Republicans with integrity!

McBroom, a Republican state senator who chairs the Oversight Committee, had released a report detailing his eight-month-long investigation into the legitimacy of the 2020 election.​
The stakes could hardly have been higher. Against a backdrop of confusion and suspicion and frightening civic friction—with Trump claiming he’d been cheated out of victory, and anecdotes about fraud coursing through every corner of the state—McBroom had led an exhaustive probe of Michigan’s electoral integrity.​
His committee interviewed scores of witnesses, subpoenaed and reviewed thousands of pages of documents, dissected the procedural mechanics of Michigan’s highly decentralized elections system, and scrutinized the most trafficked claims about corruption at the state’s ballot box in November. McBroom’s conclusions hit Lansing like a meteor: It was all a bunch of nonsense.

^^^Grade A BlueAnon kookery here, folks. Beware.
kyzr Yeah - The Mitt Romney zero vote thing has been totally debunked.
So has all the rest of it - There was NO widespread voter fraud in 2020, and the audits and signature matches proved it.
Of course the Cyber Ninja Q-Kooks will find differently in Arizona -
Fake bamboo ballots, secret watermarks and "forensics" will show Rump won Maricopa County by a 2-1 margin! :lol:

kyzr Yeah - The Mitt Romney zero vote thing has been totally debunked.
So has all the rest of it - There was NO widespread voter fraud in 2020, and the audits and signature matches proved it.
Of course the Cyber Ninja Q-Kooks will find differently in Arizona -
Fake bamboo ballots, secret watermarks and "forensics" will show Rump won Maricopa County by a 2-1 margin! :lol:

I put up an election article from the Phialdelphia Inquirer, Philly's newspaper of record, and you put up total bullshit, politifact???
Philadelphia is a democrat rats nest, and calling something a "statistical impossibility" instead of seeing the actual vote counts is moronic.
Michigan dairy farmer and Republican Senator Ed McBroom spent the last 8 months examining election integrity in Michigan. Since he didn't find what Trumpublicans wanted him to find, will he now be sanctioned and stripped of his committee assignments? Good job Ed, nice to see there are still a few Republicans with integrity!

McBroom, a Republican state senator who chairs the Oversight Committee, had released a report detailing his eight-month-long investigation into the legitimacy of the 2020 election.​
The stakes could hardly have been higher. Against a backdrop of confusion and suspicion and frightening civic friction—with Trump claiming he’d been cheated out of victory, and anecdotes about fraud coursing through every corner of the state—McBroom had led an exhaustive probe of Michigan’s electoral integrity.​
His committee interviewed scores of witnesses, subpoenaed and reviewed thousands of pages of documents, dissected the procedural mechanics of Michigan’s highly decentralized elections system, and scrutinized the most trafficked claims about corruption at the state’s ballot box in November. McBroom’s conclusions hit Lansing like a meteor: It was all a bunch of nonsense.

Pete Meijer and Justin Amash are other ones.
When I was in Jr. High and High School I had a sub to the Atlantic, so I am well aware of the type of propagand they publish.

But I will not attack the source. I also looked up the history of this Republican, he seems well meaning, so I'll not attack him either.

Instead, let us look at that report. . .

Unfortunately? This is not going to resolve the dispute much. . . Because, as Rumsfeld is famous for saying, "absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence." If you believe Dominion? Good for you.

IMO? The whole controversy is less about who won, and more about getting folks to believe elections matter.

". . . The Committee interviewed, under oath, the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems and the vice president of systems security & chief information security officer from ES&S. Hart InterCivic submitted written testimony. Despite many public denunciations of their collective testimony as inaccurate, no individual has provided any evidence to the Committee of such perjury or has filed any action in a court of law asserting such. . . . "


". . . While the clear and constant presence of cyber criminals is real, the exchange of “packets” of information between two computers speaking to each other is not evidence of successful hacking or changing of data. Moreover, it is not possible for anyone to now determine what might have been in those packets of information unless granted specific access to one of the two computers involved in the transaction. All the while, the official results remain on a printed piece of paper at the local clerk’s office and are not alterable to any reverse cyber attack. Most importantly, the paper ballots in the box are available for re-tabulation or recount at any time. Where this was done, no evidence of hacking or attack was ever shown. Nor did any official representative of the losing party call for a hand recount in any precinct so to prove an instance of such. If the losing party had been so confident of any of these cyber attack theories or software-based vote switching, simply asking for several hand recounts or re-tabulations in the various precincts would have demonstrated a genuine hack had happened and that there was necessity for additional recounts and investigations.3 ES&S and Hart InterCivic tabulators have internal modems, but not Dominion. However, they are not turned on until the polls are closed and tabulation has concluded. It is worth noting that these machines will likely have to be recertified, depending on whether they have 4G or 5G capabilities when the technology changes.

Further, the graphics and charts in various videos claim very specific access and vote count changes in specific counties across Michigan but do not provide any references or evidence to demonstrate how that information was acquired. As mentioned above, once the data is transmitted, there is no way to know what was sent without access to a computer on either side. No clerk or election official in any of these counties was informed how these numbers were calculated or known (except the numbers shown for Antrim County, which mirror the numbers shown to have occurred by human error). While showing these numbers is compelling, there is no source provided, but the viewer is led to believe Mr. Lindell’s experts have received access to each of these counties’ or precincts’ computers and discovered a connection and hack occurred along with exactly what data was transmitted. No such activities took place at any of these locations with which the Committee had contact. . . "
Elections are rigged.

How can a citizenry vote with any sense of intelligence or knowledge when they don't have a media that will tell them the truth about anything, and a state run education system what indoctrinate them, and a government that allows illegals to come and vote by the millions who will only vote one way?

It can't be done.
Elections are rigged.

How can a citizenry vote with any sense of intelligence or knowledge when they don't have a media that will tell them the truth about anything, and a state run education system what indoctrinate them, and a government that allows illegals to come and vote by the millions who will only vote one way?

It can't be done.

Some of those states have fully or partially switched to paper-based voting since then.
Jurisdictions in light green have completed the process of replacing old machines — they say they have fully deployed new equipment since POLITICO started tracking them in March. Counties in dark green were already using paper before then but are in states that were fully or partially paperless in 2018.

those are the counties one must look for illegal voting.

Many others either don’t plan to replace all their paperless machines or haven’t responded to POLITICO’s questions about their plans.
The majority of jurisdictions POLITICO is tracking fall into this category. Oklahoma, for instance, mainly uses paper-based systems but says it has no plans to replace the paperless machines available to voters with disabilities. Any machine that doesn’t produce paper vote records is a vulnerability, experts say.

No Plans,


20 out of 120 counties fully switched to paper​


Kentucky is one of the states with the most counties that still rely at least partly on paperless voting machines. Most of those counties have not told POLITICO whether they plan to replace their machines. Some local election officials don’t believe experts who say the machines pose security risks.
When I was in Jr. High and High School I had a sub to the Atlantic, so I am well aware of the type of propagand they publish.

But I will not attack the source. I also looked up the history of this Republican, he seems well meaning, so I'll not attack him either.

Instead, let us look at that report. . .

Unfortunately? This is not going to resolve the dispute much. . . Because, as Rumsfeld is famous for saying, "absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence." If you believe Dominion? Good for you.

IMO? The whole controversy is less about who won, and more about getting folks to believe elections matter.

". . . The Committee interviewed, under oath, the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems and the vice president of systems security & chief information security officer from ES&S. Hart InterCivic submitted written testimony. Despite many public denunciations of their collective testimony as inaccurate, no individual has provided any evidence to the Committee of such perjury or has filed any action in a court of law asserting such. . . . "


". . . While the clear and constant presence of cyber criminals is real, the exchange of “packets” of information between two computers speaking to each other is not evidence of successful hacking or changing of data. Moreover, it is not possible for anyone to now determine what might have been in those packets of information unless granted specific access to one of the two computers involved in the transaction. All the while, the official results remain on a printed piece of paper at the local clerk’s office and are not alterable to any reverse cyber attack. Most importantly, the paper ballots in the box are available for re-tabulation or recount at any time. Where this was done, no evidence of hacking or attack was ever shown. Nor did any official representative of the losing party call for a hand recount in any precinct so to prove an instance of such. If the losing party had been so confident of any of these cyber attack theories or software-based vote switching, simply asking for several hand recounts or re-tabulations in the various precincts would have demonstrated a genuine hack had happened and that there was necessity for additional recounts and investigations.3 ES&S and Hart InterCivic tabulators have internal modems, but not Dominion. However, they are not turned on until the polls are closed and tabulation has concluded. It is worth noting that these machines will likely have to be recertified, depending on whether they have 4G or 5G capabilities when the technology changes.

Further, the graphics and charts in various videos claim very specific access and vote count changes in specific counties across Michigan but do not provide any references or evidence to demonstrate how that information was acquired. As mentioned above, once the data is transmitted, there is no way to know what was sent without access to a computer on either side. No clerk or election official in any of these counties was informed how these numbers were calculated or known (except the numbers shown for Antrim County, which mirror the numbers shown to have occurred by human error). While showing these numbers is compelling, there is no source provided, but the viewer is led to believe Mr. Lindell’s experts have received access to each of these counties’ or precincts’ computers and discovered a connection and hack occurred along with exactly what data was transmitted. No such activities took place at any of these locations with which the Committee had contact. . . "
Elections are rigged.

How can a citizenry vote with any sense of intelligence or knowledge when they don't have a media that will tell them the truth about anything, and a state run education system what indoctrinate them, and a government that allows illegals to come and vote by the millions who will only vote one way?

It can't be done.
View attachment 508139
Some of those states have fully or partially switched to paper-based voting since then.
Jurisdictions in light green have completed the process of replacing old machines — they say they have fully deployed new equipment since POLITICO started tracking them in March. Counties in dark green were already using paper before then but are in states that were fully or partially paperless in 2018.

those are the counties one must look for illegal voting.
Sadly, Maricopa County will have to recycle their voting machines thanks to Ninja Bullshit. Guess who pays?

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