The Republican Solution To Mass Murders: America As Police State

Why not just deport the Troglocrats?
That would decrease crime by 90%.
Lol, you guys would all shoot and or starve arezch other to death in a week.

How do you figure? We have guns and know how to hunt.

You libs, on the other hand, would die if Starbucks were closed!
Lol, I'm willing to be that to 80% hunting is nothing more than an excuse to hang out with your friends and get drunk. You can Anna eat reliably without a grocery store learn to trap and which native plants are edible where you live.

Yeah, my Dad took me hunting to hang out with my friends who were a hundred miles away and get drunk at the age of 10. Idiot!
And people like you are why I qualified it to 80%. But you aren't everyone. Would you like to call me some more names now? I've been told it's theraputic.
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In the aftermath of yet another mass murder in an American school, the National Rifle Association and their apologists are out in full force with explanations of why such gun violence continues to happen in the United States—and only in the United States.

According to international arms smuggler Oliver North, the soon-to-be NRA president, the problem is television ... and Ritalin.

The Republican solution to mass murders: America as police state

Well that's usually how they do it. They tell you that they're pro-freedom, but we need to take some freedom away from them in order to protect us.
This sounds pretty dumb coming from a party that wants to limit the 2A or in some cases eliminate it.
The left has a strange psychology, tell you what they want to take away, and then say you actually wanted to take it away. Strange creatures

Some do, most don't.

There are those on the right who claim to want freedom, unless it's freedom for gay people. They claim gay people having freedom gets in the way of their right to religious freedom, somehow.

Or unless it concerns drugs, apparently the government knows better that to put in your body.

Or unless it concerns the people of other countries, no, the Iraqis don't need to decide their own fate, they need the US to tell them how to decide their own fate. Oh, and Libya, Afghanistan, Iran, Venezuela, Qatar, North Korea.

Yep, freedom for all except for you, you, you, you oh, and you over there. Sorry, we don't like you, so no freedom for you.
In the aftermath of yet another mass murder in an American school, the National Rifle Association and their apologists are out in full force with explanations of why such gun violence continues to happen in the United States—and only in the United States.

According to international arms smuggler Oliver North, the soon-to-be NRA president, the problem is television ... and Ritalin.

The Republican solution to mass murders: America as police state

Oliver North, the criminal that bought weapons from Iran to give to Nicaragua, after the Congress specifically told Raygun DO NOT BUY WEAPONS FROM IRAN TO GIVE TO NICARAGUA. The entire conservative movement is made up of recycled criminals from the past 30 years.
America is already a freaking police state! We're the most imprisoned nation in the entire world per capita.

Smoke leaf = go to prison
Smoke leaf should get a bullet to the back of the head. The Philippines is getting to have as little crime as Singapore.

Singapore has more laws than we have and very few people in prison. Instead of prison sentences they have caning, flogging and a death penalty for drug crimes.

They don't even have graffiti.
America is already a freaking police state! We're the most imprisoned nation in the entire world per capita.

Smoke leaf = go to prison
Smoke leaf should get a bullet to the back of the head. The Philippines is getting to have as little crime as Singapore.

Singapore has more laws than we have and very few people in prison. Instead of prison sentences they have caning, flogging and a death penalty for drug crimes.

They don't even have graffiti.

And yet you have the nerve to say you're small government? That is suppose to mean that you don't care what someone does on their own property! That includes the leaf.
America is already a freaking police state! We're the most imprisoned nation in the entire world per capita.

Smoke leaf = go to prison
Smoke leaf should get a bullet to the back of the head. The Philippines is getting to have as little crime as Singapore.

Singapore has more laws than we have and very few people in prison. Instead of prison sentences they have caning, flogging and a death penalty for drug crimes.

They don't even have graffiti.

Sounds commie to me, why don't you move there?
America is already a freaking police state! We're the most imprisoned nation in the entire world per capita.

Smoke leaf = go to prison
Smoke leaf should get a bullet to the back of the head. The Philippines is getting to have as little crime as Singapore.

Singapore has more laws than we have and very few people in prison. Instead of prison sentences they have caning, flogging and a death penalty for drug crimes.

They don't even have graffiti.

And yet you have the nerve to say you're small government? That is suppose to mean that you don't care what someone does on their own property! That includes the leaf.
Take the government out completely. No government and no government protection either.
America is already a freaking police state! We're the most imprisoned nation in the entire world per capita.

Smoke leaf = go to prison
Smoke leaf should get a bullet to the back of the head. The Philippines is getting to have as little crime as Singapore.

Singapore has more laws than we have and very few people in prison. Instead of prison sentences they have caning, flogging and a death penalty for drug crimes.

They don't even have graffiti.

Sounds commie to me, why don't you move there?
I'm trying to bring those successful methods here.
I think social media and playstation games are a lot of the reason behind these kids going on killing sprees. What we need to do is push gun safety and force gun owners to have a gun safe and triggerlocks. Teach them not to store ammo in the house with the guns. And if a kid takes daddy's gun and kills someone the dad should be held responsible as well.
I'm not sure what the Republicans solution is.
I've heard some say you have to close off the entrances and exits until there is just one. Is that so they can't get away?
Their solution is final. I don't like their solution.
I'm not sure what the Republicans solution is.
I've heard some say you have to close off the entrances and exits until there is just one. Is that so they can't get away?
Their solution is final. I don't like their solution.
what's yours?
Why not just deport the Troglocrats?
That would decrease crime by 90%.
Lol, you guys would all shoot and or starve arezch other to death in a week.

How do you figure? We have guns and know how to hunt.

You libs, on the other hand, would die if Starbucks were closed!
Lol, I'm willing to be that to 80% hunting is nothing more than an excuse to hang out with your friends and get drunk. You can Anna eat reliably without a grocery store learn to trap and which native plants are edible where you live.

Yeah, my Dad took me hunting to hang out with my friends who were a hundred miles away and get drunk at the age of 10. Idiot!
And people like you are why I qualified it to 80%. But you aren't everyone. Would you like to call me some more names now? I've been told it's theraputic.

You have no basis for your number. That's why you are an idiot!
Lol, you guys would all shoot and or starve arezch other to death in a week.

How do you figure? We have guns and know how to hunt.

You libs, on the other hand, would die if Starbucks were closed!
Lol, I'm willing to be that to 80% hunting is nothing more than an excuse to hang out with your friends and get drunk. You can Anna eat reliably without a grocery store learn to trap and which native plants are edible where you live.

Yeah, my Dad took me hunting to hang out with my friends who were a hundred miles away and get drunk at the age of 10. Idiot!
And people like you are why I qualified it to 80%. But you aren't everyone. Would you like to call me some more names now? I've been told it's theraputic.

You have no basis for your number. That's why you are an idiot!
That's my opinion, that's why I said "I would be willing to bet". Reading is fundamental my ignorant friend.
I think social media and playstation games are a lot of the reason behind these kids going on killing sprees. What we need to do is push gun safety and force gun owners to have a gun safe and triggerlocks. Teach them not to store ammo in the house with the guns. And if a kid takes daddy's gun and kills someone the dad should be held responsible as well.

Yeah, that says FREEDOM, now doesn't it?
How do you figure? We have guns and know how to hunt.

You libs, on the other hand, would die if Starbucks were closed!
Lol, I'm willing to be that to 80% hunting is nothing more than an excuse to hang out with your friends and get drunk. You can Anna eat reliably without a grocery store learn to trap and which native plants are edible where you live.

Yeah, my Dad took me hunting to hang out with my friends who were a hundred miles away and get drunk at the age of 10. Idiot!
And people like you are why I qualified it to 80%. But you aren't everyone. Would you like to call me some more names now? I've been told it's theraputic.

You have no basis for your number. That's why you are an idiot!
That's my opinion, that's why I said "I would be willing to bet". Reading is fundamental my ignorant friend.

That doesn't change why you are wrong.
Lol, I'm willing to be that to 80% hunting is nothing more than an excuse to hang out with your friends and get drunk. You can Anna eat reliably without a grocery store learn to trap and which native plants are edible where you live.

Yeah, my Dad took me hunting to hang out with my friends who were a hundred miles away and get drunk at the age of 10. Idiot!
And people like you are why I qualified it to 80%. But you aren't everyone. Would you like to call me some more names now? I've been told it's theraputic.

You have no basis for your number. That's why you are an idiot!
That's my opinion, that's why I said "I would be willing to bet". Reading is fundamental my ignorant friend.

That doesn't change why you are wrong.
So why exactly am I wrong?

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