The republican solution to poverty doesn’t make any sense

they also don't believe the poor are worth a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, even just so the poor can pay more taxes.
There is always going to be poverty and poor people that is the reality of the world we live in and it's not something politicans and government can fix. LBJ declared war on poverty in 1964 and despite the huge amount of money spent on anti-poverty programs over the years the impact has been minimal. I don't have a solution to the problem and after 50 plus years no politican Democrat or Republican has come up with one either.
There will always be poverty, but our poverty rate is much higher than other developed nations. The income disparity is the widest in the world.

That may be true depending on what you consider poverty. For instance, our poor live in larger homes with more amenities than your average working European. Our poor have big screen televisions, free healthcare that many working can't get, homes in the suburbs, free food, and even a free cell phone with 250 anytime/ anywhere minutes.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
All that bribery money ya took from the Iranians I bet could help a few people
Maybe if Dump paid his taxes it might help
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?

If all low wage workers went to better paying jobs, then those low wage jobs would pay a higher wage to attract workers.
So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?


They give money to billionaires and corporations.

But the poor, they only want them to die. And most of them vote GOP. Go figure.

Yeah, those inner-cities are just loaded with Republican voters.
It would be refreshing if conservatives were honest for a change and admit they couldn’t care less about the poor.

Sure we care about the poor. The problem is the Democrats have made it so difficult to distinguish between the poor, the irresponsible, and the users.

The more people on the dole, the more likely Democrat voters. So they have no intentions of reducing poverty. In fact, it's beneficial to them to increase poverty.
So millions of whites in Appalachia are irresponsible. Got it. Maybe that's why they continue to vote GOP. Even after what other whites think of them.

Sure they are irresponsible because they live where there is no work. If you want to work, move to where the work is. And what makes you think they all vote Republican anyway?
There is always going to be poverty and poor people that is the reality of the world we live in and it's not something politicans and government can fix. LBJ declared war on poverty in 1964 and despite the huge amount of money spent on anti-poverty programs over the years the impact has been minimal. I don't have a solution to the problem and after 50 plus years no politican Democrat or Republican has come up with one either.
LBJ's real war wasn't on poverty, it was on the black male head of household. He made good on his pledge to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" by replacing the black father with a government check. He was one of the most evil Progressive scumbags right up there with Stalin, Mao, Hitler and FDR
Leave it to you, a racist, to make it about race. But it did give you a chance to mention your heroes:
Stalin, Mao and Hitler. Don't know why you threw FDR in there. FDR saved America from your heroes. But don't worry, Trump is doing everything he can to make Putin America's real leader. For you, that should be comforting.
the poster who mentions skin color even more than tank does,calling someone a that is hilarious....
You're right. He does bring up skin color a lot.

But Republicans are 90% white. They spend most of their time in the White GOP bubble so skin color isn't something they usually notice. Unless a black kid is shot. Then they send the shooter money. Like with Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was framed on a false charge which the end result was being found not guilty. Anything else?
3) Why would anyone suggest $100 wage? What you aren’t getting is that the rise in inflation depends on how high the wage is raised. For instance, if you raised the federal minimum wage to $10 (thus raising state min wages as a result), prices would go up pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, these people would be making a couple hundred more each month. That’s more money going into the economy. Capitalism 101.

That depends on the item.

If minimum wage were raised to 10 bucks an hour, it wouldn't solve poverty for one. Two, it would only raise burger prices a few cents because McDonald's restaurants sell 1,000 burgers a day, 700 fries a day, 1,200 soft drinks a day. But George's hardware store doesn't sell 1000 hammers a day. The price of George's items would have to go up much higher.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?

1. Since when are entry level jobs the backbone of the economy?
2. Entry level jobs are jobs kids can do.
3. Working poor and poor may not be the same thing.
4. How will democrats keep voters without poverty?
There is always going to be poverty and poor people that is the reality of the world we live in and it's not something politicans and government can fix. LBJ declared war on poverty in 1964 and despite the huge amount of money spent on anti-poverty programs over the years the impact has been minimal. I don't have a solution to the problem and after 50 plus years no politican Democrat or Republican has come up with one either.
LBJ's real war wasn't on poverty, it was on the black male head of household. He made good on his pledge to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" by replacing the black father with a government check. He was one of the most evil Progressive scumbags right up there with Stalin, Mao, Hitler and FDR
Leave it to you, a racist, to make it about race. But it did give you a chance to mention your heroes:
Stalin, Mao and Hitler. Don't know why you threw FDR in there. FDR saved America from your heroes. But don't worry, Trump is doing everything he can to make Putin America's real leader. For you, that should be comforting.
the poster who mentions skin color even more than tank does,calling someone a that is hilarious....
You're right. He does bring up skin color a lot.

But Republicans are 90% white. They spend most of their time in the White GOP bubble so skin color isn't something they usually notice. Unless a black kid is shot. Then they send the shooter money. Like with Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was framed on a false charge which the end result was being found not guilty. Anything else?
Framed???? You're talking thru your ass because your brain knows better
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?

1. Since when are entry level jobs the backbone of hte economy?
2. Entry level jobs are jobs kids can do.
3. Working poor and poor may not be the same thing.
4. How will democrats keep voters without poverty?

Exactly. If we could rid the country of government dependents and victims, then who would need Democrats around?
LBJ's real war wasn't on poverty, it was on the black male head of household. He made good on his pledge to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" by replacing the black father with a government check. He was one of the most evil Progressive scumbags right up there with Stalin, Mao, Hitler and FDR
Leave it to you, a racist, to make it about race. But it did give you a chance to mention your heroes:
Stalin, Mao and Hitler. Don't know why you threw FDR in there. FDR saved America from your heroes. But don't worry, Trump is doing everything he can to make Putin America's real leader. For you, that should be comforting.
the poster who mentions skin color even more than tank does,calling someone a that is hilarious....
You're right. He does bring up skin color a lot.

But Republicans are 90% white. They spend most of their time in the White GOP bubble so skin color isn't something they usually notice. Unless a black kid is shot. Then they send the shooter money. Like with Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was framed on a false charge which the end result was being found not guilty. Anything else?
Framed???? You're talking thru your ass because your brain knows better

Yes, framed. He was charged with murder for self-defense. Self-defense is not murder. False charges as the jury found.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
All that bribery money ya took from the Iranians I bet could help a few people
Maybe if Dump paid his taxes it might help

If he didn't pay his taxes, he would have been hauled away by the IRS to a tax court. Quit listening to PeeNN. They are FOS in most everything they report.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
All that bribery money ya took from the Iranians I bet could help a few people
Maybe if Dump paid his taxes it might help

If he didn't pay his taxes, he would have been hauled away by the IRS to a tax court. Quit listening to PeeNN. They are FOS in most everything they report.
You think he pays teams of lawyers for nothing?? Every underhanded deal they know and use Why hasn't he shown all but one?? Doesn't stink to high heaven?? You can really trust him?
Republican Jesus doesn't care, he just doesn't want anyone taking figs from his basket. He likes figs and hates the freeloader masses that are always looking for a handout of loaves and fishes.

Says the Democrat who lives off of freeloading and says he cares....but what he really means is that if caring means HE has to sacrifice....fuggedaboudit !!

It's the age old Leftist way....use others money to "care" for those who can get you what you want....then piss on them!

Did you find a job yet? Or are you still eating government cheese? You know if you just tried once in a while you wouldn't be such a burden to society. Think about it.
Republican Jesus doesn't care, he just doesn't want anyone taking figs from his basket. He likes figs and hates the freeloader masses that are always looking for a handout of loaves and fishes.

Says the Democrat who lives off of freeloading and says he cares....but what he really means is that if caring means HE has to sacrifice....fuggedaboudit !!

It's the age old Leftist way....use others money to "care" for those who can get you what you want....then piss on them!

Did you find a job yet? Or are you still eating government cheese? You know if you just tried once in a while you wouldn't be such a burden to society. Think about it.
Gov't cheese ??Like all the red states been eating compliments of the blue states??
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?

The solutions are simple...close the country to foreign human cockroaches and make it criminal for bottom feeding filth to procreate...TA-DA!
I know, I know....”that’s inhumane”, it scares the shit out of ignorant pussies.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?

There is no solution, why do you think there is? As long as people keep making bad decisions there will be poor people.

There is always going to be poverty and poor people that is the reality of the world we live in and it's not something politicans and government can fix. LBJ declared war on poverty in 1964 and despite the huge amount of money spent on anti-poverty programs over the years the impact has been minimal. I don't have a solution to the problem and after 50 plus years no politican Democrat or Republican has come up with one either.

Actually that's a factually inaccurate statement. Take a look at the US poverty level when the program started and now then you'll see different. It hasn't ended poverty but it has reduced it greatly. However a raise in wages can do it, but businesses won't do that and far too many flunkies are taking the side of ownership who don't own a business which enables them to still pay wages that keep working people in poverty.

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

Ray, you drive a truck. I work with programs dealing with issues like poverty. .The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank so what do you think their determination would be?


Poverty has been reduced since 1960.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?

The solutions are simple...close the country to foreign human cockroaches and make it criminal for bottom feeding filth to procreate...TA-DA!
I know, I know....”that’s inhumane”, it scares the shit out of ignorant pussies.

Actually it should scare you.

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