The republican solution to poverty doesn’t make any sense

The Republican ‘solution’ to most everything doesn’t make any sense.

And Republicans have no desire to end poverty; conservative economic dogma maintains that one is poor as a consequence of his own failings, poor decisions, and an inability to compete and be successful in a capitalist system – in essence Social Darwinism.

For conservatives the poor have only themselves to blame and deserve neither assistance nor a ‘solution.’

And yet every single time it's tried across the entire world, it works. China is proof that Capitalism works. India is proof Capitalism works.

And the left-wing government socialist approach has failed every single time. North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and of course the USSR. All hell-holes of misery and suffering, brought on by the same ideology that Democrats routinely support.

Capitalism works because of government passing laws in it's favor and bailing it out when it frequently gets in trouble. Thousands of capitalist lobbyists in D.C. at any given time lining up for government favors. Let's get rid of medicaid and food stamps for kids too so they don't become dependent on government like....the capitalists.

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big
1:Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? 2:Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

3:So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
  1. For starters, they wont. If they did, it would reduce the value of education, and the least skilled of the educated labor would end up working the aforementioned entry level jobs, due to oversupply reducing demand.
  2. That's not dense, as it's a legitimate answer. Most entry level jobs can be filled by Teenagers, whether they're just coming out of college and looking for a career, or going through college, or not intending to go to college in the first place, in which case they'd be above the poverty line if they simply lived within their means.
  3. It would be solved entirely if the government wasn't involved in the first place. Federal Aid is not only increasing the number of unemployed, but also increasing the prices of college, as they see it as an opportunity to earn more money, due to pretty much anyone being capable of applying for it. Likewise, businesses are able to pay their employees less, due to the government getting involved. As an example, Walmart encourages employees to seek food stamps. Even further beyond that, the government's regulations prevent the economy from operating optimally, as not a single regulations doesn't make it harder for a business to operate, and other regulations make it impossible for competition to enter the market, said competition otherwise would have created not only a more competitive job market, but also a more competitive product market.
While I'm not a Republican, I hope my clear and concise response helped you through your confusion.
1) Yes of course they wouldn’t and that’s the point. I am dispelling the narrative that poor people should work harder to eliminate poverty itself. Working hard doesn’t necessarily give you a living that is kept up with the current cost of living. Again, even if they did, we would still have widespread vacant jobs that are the backbone of the economy.

2) It would have been better had I not used “entry level” as the description I am talking about. What I am referring to is any job that doesn’t require an education of any kind to do. Teenagers could not possibly be adequate for this market.

3) Why are you so convinced that the current government regulations are hindering capitalism? Based on what facts? If you look up the actual labor statistics, you will see that regulations are insignificant when it comes to creating jobs. The number one reason a business can’t create jobs is that the demand for their products is inadequate to expand their business. That’s what business comes down to: demand.

Also, Wal-Mart is a company worth BILLIONS. They choose to pay their workers shit so that they maximize profit for their shareholders. That’s the ugly side of capitalism that Fox won’t tell you.
  1. Even if they did, the point can't be reached that everyone will be in upper level jobs. Teenagers and College Students will always exist. That said, your statement that hard work doesn't mean anything is also false, as the hardest working are the ones selected for the upper level jobs, barring affirmative action of course. That said, barring the government's red tape preventing the creation of new businesses, the said skilled labor can also create their own business, or find an expanding job market.
  2. If it's unskilled labor and there's no age restriction, then anyone old enough for a job is old enough for THAT job. Even if that wasn't the case, the turnover rate at unskilled jobs is massive, people are only willing to drive a limited range, giving them limited employment pools, and the army is always an option.
  3. Because, by default, regulations restrict business' actions, thereby preventing them from functioning optimally. That is literally the point of regulations in the first place. Not a single regulations helps businesses function better, and you can not cite a single example otherwise. Regulations are not insignificant, even the smallest regulation damages business functions and forces them to change the way they operate. At BEST a regulation FORCES the creation of a new business that there was never a demand for, and it gets propped up by the government, creating non-self-sustaining jobs. At WORST, said regulations force the creation of a monopoly, which tends to be the case, as no monopoly has EVER been created without government assistance, and are otherwise impossible, due to the fact that a monopoly can only otherwise exist by controlling ALL resources associated with that business.

As a matter of fact ALL businesses attempt to maximize profit, and that's not the ugly side, it's the beautiful side. Without government involvement, businesses will naturally pay their employees what is needed, as they would otherwise find another business to work for, and their previous boss would be forced to either shut down, or start paying a wage people are willing to work for. Government involvement is what makes it possible for a business to pay less, either by regulating their competition into oblivion or by creating Federal Aid, which allows a person to make a living wage off of less. Either option, again, requires government involvement.

Furthermore, I do not watch Fox News, they're owned by the same people as the DNC Controlled news sources, preventing any of them from being reliable. That said, YOU need to stop looking to the economically illiterate for YOUR information. There's a reason Socialism has never succeeded, and continuing to push it is the literal definition of insanity.
The Republican ‘solution’ to most everything doesn’t make any sense.

And Republicans have no desire to end poverty; conservative economic dogma maintains that one is poor as a consequence of his own failings, poor decisions, and an inability to compete and be successful in a capitalist system – in essence Social Darwinism.

For conservatives the poor have only themselves to blame and deserve neither assistance nor a ‘solution.’

And yet every single time it's tried across the entire world, it works. China is proof that Capitalism works. India is proof Capitalism works.

And the left-wing government socialist approach has failed every single time. North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and of course the USSR. All hell-holes of misery and suffering, brought on by the same ideology that Democrats routinely support.

Capitalism works because of government passing laws in it's favor and bailing it out when it frequently gets in trouble. Thousands of capitalist lobbyists in D.C. at any given time lining up for government favors. Let's get rid of medicaid and food stamps for kids too so they don't become dependent on government like....the capitalists.

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big
That's not Capitalism, Capitalism allows businesses to fail if there isn't sufficient demand. Corporatism is what bails out a business.

The lobbyists aren't the problem, it's the fact that the government is powerful enough to grant these favors, and the left insisting that more government is the solution to too much government.

Capitalism functions independent of the government, and regulates itself. Government interference only prevents it from functioning optimally and damages the economy.
There is always going to be poverty and poor people that is the reality of the world we live in and it's not something politicans and government can fix. LBJ declared war on poverty in 1964 and despite the huge amount of money spent on anti-poverty programs over the years the impact has been minimal. I don't have a solution to the problem and after 50 plus years no politican Democrat or Republican has come up with one either.

Actually that's a factually inaccurate statement. Take a look at the US poverty level when the program started and now then you'll see different. It hasn't ended poverty but it has reduced it greatly. However a raise in wages can do it, but businesses won't do that and far too many flunkies are taking the side of ownership who don't own a business which enables them to still pay wages that keep working people in poverty.

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

Ray, you drive a truck. I work with programs dealing with issues like poverty. .The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank so what do you think their determination would be?


Poverty has been reduced since 1960.

What my source claims is that the poverty level was barely reduced since 1967 at the cost of 22 trillion dollars. Your chart confirms my so-called bias report. 1967 was three years since the War on Poverty was started which as your chart shows, was on the decline long before.

Your chart shows that poverty was just under 15% in 1967 and still in the same place in 2015. So in almost 50 years, not much has changed when it comes to poverty. A huge waste of tax dollars.

Ray, you drive trucks. I work on these issues. We didn't spend 22 trillion and the fact is the amount that was spent was a pittance and nowhere close to what was needed.

"Since the war on poverty was declared in the early 60s, the U.S. has spent only $700 billion on AFDC and welfare, the two largest welfare programs for the poor by far. The inflated $5 trillion figure includes many middle class entitlement programs like student loans, school lunches, job training, etc. Although this is indeed social spending, it is not spent on the poor, and therefore can't be used to argue against the war on poverty."

"The inclusion of middle-class entitlements in a figure intended to discredit the "War on Poverty" is a direct reflection on the statistical trustworthiness of conservative think tanks."

The US has wasted over $5 trillion on the war on poverty.

We spent more on the military in this years budget than we have spent in 40 years on poverty combined.
The Republican ‘solution’ to most everything doesn’t make any sense.

And Republicans have no desire to end poverty; conservative economic dogma maintains that one is poor as a consequence of his own failings, poor decisions, and an inability to compete and be successful in a capitalist system – in essence Social Darwinism.

For conservatives the poor have only themselves to blame and deserve neither assistance nor a ‘solution.’

And yet every single time it's tried across the entire world, it works. China is proof that Capitalism works. India is proof Capitalism works.

And the left-wing government socialist approach has failed every single time. North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and of course the USSR. All hell-holes of misery and suffering, brought on by the same ideology that Democrats routinely support.

Capitalism works because of government passing laws in it's favor and bailing it out when it frequently gets in trouble. Thousands of capitalist lobbyists in D.C. at any given time lining up for government favors. Let's get rid of medicaid and food stamps for kids too so they don't become dependent on government like....the capitalists.

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big
That's not Capitalism, Capitalism allows businesses to fail if there isn't sufficient demand. Corporatism is what bails out a business.

The lobbyists aren't the problem, it's the fact that the government is powerful enough to grant these favors, and the left insisting that more government is the solution to too much government.

Capitalism functions independent of the government, and regulates itself. Government interference only prevents it from functioning optimally and damages the economy.

Actually capitalism does not exist indpendent of the government as long as the government regulates commerce.
Republicans have a solution to the poor and to healthcare.

A "final" solution.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
So.....your solution? If they can't get jobs, are we who work our derrieres off for what little we earn, to be expected to give over our hard-earned dollars to those who sit on their derrieres and do nothing? There will ALWAYS be poor people. There's no such thing as eliminating poverty. Travel to North Korea and watch the dirt poor farmers who barely scrape by and are oppressed by their socialist/communist overlords. If they try to leave to find a better life, they are arrested, put in re-education camps or murdered.
Go to China. Aside from the shiny tall skyscrapers in their major cities, wander among the back crowded areas......there is poverty. Try Cuba.....there is poverty there as well. Perhaps you should travel to Venezuela. You might want to bring some food with you, otherwise you will get very hungry.
Or, perhaps you think that Sweden's socialist policies would be great. Well, technically, Sweden as well as the rest of western Europe is a Capitalist country with some social programs (health care, retirement, basically, cradle to grave return, if you call out of work, you better really be sick, because they don't take your word for it, they actually check up on you to make sure). The problem with their social programs is that they are actually in the process of collapsing due to the huge influx of migrants and the money isn't there to cover for all the people. Socialist policies can't handle huge influxes of peoples. It overloads the systems. Now, most of the migrants are not only poor, but homeless, living in the streets of Paris, et cetera.
Millions of people flocked to this country over the last few hundred years to flee oppression and persecution from.....religious led governments, military juntas, Nazi Germany(National SOCIALIST German Workers Party), Fascism (Mussolini's Italy), Communism, Oligarchies and other dictatorships. They came here to seek their dreams and live their lives without large government interference in their lives.
If I might suggest, actually read our US Constitution, its Amendments and the Federalist papers. Also, take some economics classes. Learn.
The best way to get out of poverty remains: 1. Stay in school. 2. Don't get pregnant, or if a male, don't get a girl pregnant. 3. Get a job, no matter how trivial the job least you're working (everyone starts out at the bottom). As your job experience increases, try for better paying jobs. 3. Once you have a steady income AND can afford it, you can get married, only then have children and only as many children as you can afford. If all you can afford is one, get snipped so you don't have more, or use precautions.
I started out mowing lawns as a kid to bring in money to the household. When I was in high school, I worked part-time as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant. I've painted fences, dug post-holes, moved furniture, been a night watchman, made pizzas, driven taxis, bartended, door-to-door sales, was a bag-machine repairman in a bag factory, delivered mail/sorted mail, drifting from job to job, not really happy in any one of them, all to bring in money, I finally settled into the military and liked it and accepted the risks. But, what I didn't do, is go around with the belief that I should be sitting on my can. No matter how crappy the pay, it's work and food on the table.
The Republican ‘solution’ to most everything doesn’t make any sense.

And Republicans have no desire to end poverty; conservative economic dogma maintains that one is poor as a consequence of his own failings, poor decisions, and an inability to compete and be successful in a capitalist system – in essence Social Darwinism.

For conservatives the poor have only themselves to blame and deserve neither assistance nor a ‘solution.’

And yet every single time it's tried across the entire world, it works. China is proof that Capitalism works. India is proof Capitalism works.

And the left-wing government socialist approach has failed every single time. North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and of course the USSR. All hell-holes of misery and suffering, brought on by the same ideology that Democrats routinely support.

Capitalism works because of government passing laws in it's favor and bailing it out when it frequently gets in trouble. Thousands of capitalist lobbyists in D.C. at any given time lining up for government favors. Let's get rid of medicaid and food stamps for kids too so they don't become dependent on government like....the capitalists.

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big
That's not Capitalism, Capitalism allows businesses to fail if there isn't sufficient demand. Corporatism is what bails out a business.

The lobbyists aren't the problem, it's the fact that the government is powerful enough to grant these favors, and the left insisting that more government is the solution to too much government.

Capitalism functions independent of the government, and regulates itself. Government interference only prevents it from functioning optimally and damages the economy.
Damn that leftist Reagan..
1:Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? 2:Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

3:So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
  1. For starters, they wont. If they did, it would reduce the value of education, and the least skilled of the educated labor would end up working the aforementioned entry level jobs, due to oversupply reducing demand.
  2. That's not dense, as it's a legitimate answer. Most entry level jobs can be filled by Teenagers, whether they're just coming out of college and looking for a career, or going through college, or not intending to go to college in the first place, in which case they'd be above the poverty line if they simply lived within their means.
  3. It would be solved entirely if the government wasn't involved in the first place. Federal Aid is not only increasing the number of unemployed, but also increasing the prices of college, as they see it as an opportunity to earn more money, due to pretty much anyone being capable of applying for it. Likewise, businesses are able to pay their employees less, due to the government getting involved. As an example, Walmart encourages employees to seek food stamps. Even further beyond that, the government's regulations prevent the economy from operating optimally, as not a single regulations doesn't make it harder for a business to operate, and other regulations make it impossible for competition to enter the market, said competition otherwise would have created not only a more competitive job market, but also a more competitive product market.
While I'm not a Republican, I hope my clear and concise response helped you through your confusion.
1) Yes of course they wouldn’t and that’s the point. I am dispelling the narrative that poor people should work harder to eliminate poverty itself. Working hard doesn’t necessarily give you a living that is kept up with the current cost of living. Again, even if they did, we would still have widespread vacant jobs that are the backbone of the economy.

2) It would have been better had I not used “entry level” as the description I am talking about. What I am referring to is any job that doesn’t require an education of any kind to do. Teenagers could not possibly be adequate for this market.

3) Why are you so convinced that the current government regulations are hindering capitalism? Based on what facts? If you look up the actual labor statistics, you will see that regulations are insignificant when it comes to creating jobs. The number one reason a business can’t create jobs is that the demand for their products is inadequate to expand their business. That’s what business comes down to: demand.

Also, Wal-Mart is a company worth BILLIONS. They choose to pay their workers shit so that they maximize profit for their shareholders. That’s the ugly side of capitalism that Fox won’t tell you.
  1. Even if they did, the point can't be reached that everyone will be in upper level jobs. Teenagers and College Students will always exist. That said, your statement that hard work doesn't mean anything is also false, as the hardest working are the ones selected for the upper level jobs, barring affirmative action of course. That said, barring the government's red tape preventing the creation of new businesses, the said skilled labor can also create their own business, or find an expanding job market.
  2. If it's unskilled labor and there's no age restriction, then anyone old enough for a job is old enough for THAT job. Even if that wasn't the case, the turnover rate at unskilled jobs is massive, people are only willing to drive a limited range, giving them limited employment pools, and the army is always an option.
  3. Because, by default, regulations restrict business' actions, thereby preventing them from functioning optimally. That is literally the point of regulations in the first place. Not a single regulations helps businesses function better, and you can not cite a single example otherwise. Regulations are not insignificant, even the smallest regulation damages business functions and forces them to change the way they operate. At BEST a regulation FORCES the creation of a new business that there was never a demand for, and it gets propped up by the government, creating non-self-sustaining jobs. At WORST, said regulations force the creation of a monopoly, which tends to be the case, as no monopoly has EVER been created without government assistance, and are otherwise impossible, due to the fact that a monopoly can only otherwise exist by controlling ALL resources associated with that business.

As a matter of fact ALL businesses attempt to maximize profit, and that's not the ugly side, it's the beautiful side. Without government involvement, businesses will naturally pay their employees what is needed, as they would otherwise find another business to work for, and their previous boss would be forced to either shut down, or start paying a wage people are willing to work for. Government involvement is what makes it possible for a business to pay less, either by regulating their competition into oblivion or by creating Federal Aid, which allows a person to make a living wage off of less. Either option, again, requires government involvement.

Furthermore, I do not watch Fox News, they're owned by the same people as the DNC Controlled news sources, preventing any of them from being reliable. That said, YOU need to stop looking to the economically illiterate for YOUR information. There's a reason Socialism has never succeeded, and continuing to push it is the literal definition of insanity.
1) Um no teens and college kids aren’t nearly enough to carry the entire market of low wage jobs. Again, many of them could only work seasonally anyway. And no, government red tape has an insignificant effect on business growth. The BLS data proves this.
2) The turnover rate is high because these jobs are shit: low pay and shitty benefits for a job that isn’t worth the effort. Oh and these millions of poor people joining the army doesn’t make any sense. Sorry.
3) Successful businesses launch already prepared for regulation. While some may be misguided, the point of them is to protect the consumers or the population at large.
4) See here’s what you’re not getting: there is a feduciary responsibility to benefit shareholders as much as possible. How, in part, is this done? By attempting to spend as little as legally possible on the labor force. This means a company can pay their employees minimum wage and many of them do. This minimum wage puts people in the red as far as the cost of living. All of this has NOTHING to do with government red tape except for the fact these workers are saved from getting paid less than the national minimum wage of $7.25 or the state minimum wage which at most is $9.00 per hour.

And again, you fail to accept the actual definition of socialism. See while you might want to point to Venezuela as proof it doesn’t work, you would have to ignore the socialist Nordic countries who have better quality of life for their citizens and a higher median wage after taxes than we do. Oh and a lower poverty rate.
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Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
So.....your solution? If they can't get jobs, are we who work our derrieres off for what little we earn, to be expected to give over our hard-earned dollars to those who sit on their derrieres and do nothing? There will ALWAYS be poor people. There's no such thing as eliminating poverty. Travel to North Korea and watch the dirt poor farmers who barely scrape by and are oppressed by their socialist/communist overlords. If they try to leave to find a better life, they are arrested, put in re-education camps or murdered.
Go to China. Aside from the shiny tall skyscrapers in their major cities, wander among the back crowded areas......there is poverty. Try Cuba.....there is poverty there as well. Perhaps you should travel to Venezuela. You might want to bring some food with you, otherwise you will get very hungry.
Or, perhaps you think that Sweden's socialist policies would be great. Well, technically, Sweden as well as the rest of western Europe is a Capitalist country with some social programs (health care, retirement, basically, cradle to grave return, if you call out of work, you better really be sick, because they don't take your word for it, they actually check up on you to make sure). The problem with their social programs is that they are actually in the process of collapsing due to the huge influx of migrants and the money isn't there to cover for all the people. Socialist policies can't handle huge influxes of peoples. It overloads the systems. Now, most of the migrants are not only poor, but homeless, living in the streets of Paris, et cetera.
Millions of people flocked to this country over the last few hundred years to flee oppression and persecution from.....religious led governments, military juntas, Nazi Germany(National SOCIALIST German Workers Party), Fascism (Mussolini's Italy), Communism, Oligarchies and other dictatorships. They came here to seek their dreams and live their lives without large government interference in their lives.
If I might suggest, actually read our US Constitution, its Amendments and the Federalist papers. Also, take some economics classes. Learn.
The best way to get out of poverty remains: 1. Stay in school. 2. Don't get pregnant, or if a male, don't get a girl pregnant. 3. Get a job, no matter how trivial the job least you're working (everyone starts out at the bottom). As your job experience increases, try for better paying jobs. 3. Once you have a steady income AND can afford it, you can get married, only then have children and only as many children as you can afford. If all you can afford is one, get snipped so you don't have more, or use precautions.
I started out mowing lawns as a kid to bring in money to the household. When I was in high school, I worked part-time as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant. I've painted fences, dug post-holes, moved furniture, been a night watchman, made pizzas, driven taxis, bartended, door-to-door sales, was a bag-machine repairman in a bag factory, delivered mail/sorted mail, drifting from job to job, not really happy in any one of them, all to bring in money, I finally settled into the military and liked it and accepted the risks. But, what I didn't do, is go around with the belief that I should be sitting on my can. No matter how crappy the pay, it's work and food on the table.

Don't need your sermon. You aren't giving your dollars to anything. What you give amounts to less than 2 cents when you consider the the amount really spent and the number of taxpaying citizens. And you definitely aren't paying for anyone to sit on heir butts because the average stay on welfare was less than 2 years before they only allowed 2 consecutive years on welfare by law. There are people working the full 40 on poverty. Our military in the lower ranks have to get welfare to help them out. So all your repeating that silly conservative garbage is just you wasting bandwidth.
As long as 1% controls 95% of resources and wealth there will always be poverty.
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
What is the democratic solution to poverty?
Welfare. Pays more than third world wages 80 hrs/wk.
I thought Obamas plan was to have people shoot each other, training in Shitcago
Even if every poor person worked hard and went to school to get better pay, who would do all those entry level jobs that are the backbone of the economy? Now of course you might be dense and say “teenagers”, but there are many entry jobs kids cannot do and even they could, there wouldn’t be nearly enough of them working during the school year.

So what’s the solution to help alleviate poverty, republicans?
What is the democratic solution to poverty?
Welfare. Pays more than third world wages 80 hrs/wk.
I thought Obamas plan was to have people shoot each other, training in Shitcago
Turns out they be doin' it fer Trump now.
Happier than a pig in shit!

My wife is living out her lifelong dream that she put on hold to follow me around the world while I was in the Corps. I work a job with a great salary and the most flexible hours I have ever had. I get to work from home a couple days a week and can start my day anywhere from 6 to 9. I took this past Friday off to fly to Florida to help my daughter buy a newer car. Had a great whirlwind trip to see her and meet the boyfriend and got her a great deal on a car.

Summer has arrived and I am getting to golf, either a round or a bucket of balls at the range, a couple times a week now.

Life is good in the Gator household.

Danger Wil Robinson!
That is NOT a life conducive of adhering to Progressive, Socialist or Democrat ideals....(you'd have to be a 1%er Democrat for that)

Good thing I am not those things then. I am a smaller government, more personal freedoms, no deficit spending kind of person

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Billy, the one point I agree with you on is that many minimum wage workers can not 'MOVE' up. There are many people who are borderline disabled. They can work, but mentally, minimum wage is where they belong and where they will stay. For people with mental illness that have job coaches, the jobs they are shooting for are not upper management. They would be happy for any kind of work, period. This isn't laziness. Mental illness as well as low IQ are a reality. Their numbers are probably quite surprising. As for those who can't see enjoying minimum wage jobs, I myself am an example of someone who enjoyed my low end job. For awhile, I was a custodian. My first job actually. I was in the best shape of my life, and being physically active felt great. Low level stress plus physical activity made up for low pay. Eighty hours a week and crushing stress is just one method of making it. Believe it or not, many people can live within their means and enjoy a lower stress life this way. You absolutely CAN'T live this way if you have a family however. Then you must sacrifice to care for your family. If you can't afford a family, you should NOT have a family.

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