The Republican Tax Cut Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters

George W. Bush, added over $3.3 trillion due to the Bush tax cuts and two unfunded wars.

LOL. It was Bush's fault.

The point still stands. We spent and still had a shitty economy which led to Trump winning the election as voters in key swing states decided it was time for a president that would put their interests first and improve their lot in life.
What additional revenue?? Christ are you serious ?

Additional revenue from MORE taxes being paid due to a growing economy and getting poor people off of the welfare rolls and into the middle class. Hopefully, we're going to see great economic growth that will cut into that deficit.

Tell me, why didn't Obama do great things as the steward of our economy?

And how about spending. Is there ANYTHING in the federal government that we can cut?
. Considering that the rich pay most of the taxes, it's not surprising that they would receive the biggest cuts.
More faulty logic, either by ignorance or design. The progressive tax system is designed so that those who can afford to pay more do pay more. This tax plan undermines that concept. Taxes do not effect the life style of the wealthy but do in fact effect the LIVES of those living on a budget

The progressive tax system is designed so that those who can afford to pay more do pay more.

And they still do.
/——/ Do you know why the cuts are temporary? Because they needed 60 votes to make them permanent but only had 52. No DemocRATs would vote for it. Aren’t you glad you asked?
I didn't ask. Didn't have to . Now, who wrote the horrendous bill. Right, Republicans. The Dems were not going to swallow that shit whole. Not 60 of them any way. They were put into a difficult position.
/----/ Yes you did ask, you blithering idiot: "Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years " Asked and answered.
It would appear that you are the one with the intellectual deficit. Do you understand what a rhetorical question is??
It's a question you don't expect to be answered.
Example:" Jesus stupid can you get!!!!"
No....that is not a rhetorical question.
That is a blasphemy.
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
/——/ Do you know why the cuts are temporary? Because they needed 60 votes to make them permanent but only had 52. No DemocRATs would vote for it. Aren’t you glad you asked?
I didn't ask. Didn't have to . Now, who wrote the horrendous bill. Right, Republicans. The Dems were not going to swallow that shit whole. Not 60 of them any way. They were put into a difficult position.
/----/ Yes you did ask, you blithering idiot: "Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years " Asked and answered.
It would appear that you are the one with the intellectual deficit. Do you understand what a rhetorical question is??
It's a question you don't expect to be answered.
Example:" Jesus stupid can you get!!!!"
/——/ I answered your question because you were trying to deceive people no matter how you try and spin it. Ya know what I mean? (Rhetorical question)
I didn't ask. Didn't have to . Now, who wrote the horrendous bill. Right, Republicans. The Dems were not going to swallow that shit whole. Not 60 of them any way. They were put into a difficult position.
/----/ Yes you did ask, you blithering idiot: "Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years " Asked and answered.
It would appear that you are the one with the intellectual deficit. Do you understand what a rhetorical question is??
It's a question you don't expect to be answered.
Example:" Jesus stupid can you get!!!!"
No....that is not a rhetorical question.
That is a blasphemy.
Blasphemy? So now this has become a religious thing?
Taxes do not effect the life style of the wealthy...

Just curious. Let's say someone makes exactly $1 million in a given year. How much of that do you believe the federal government should take?

That is a ridiculous question if you expect a dollar amount or a percentage. There are to many variables to consider . But I will say that they should pay a higher rate for the reasons that I previously stated.

Let me ask you something . Do you think that someone making $ 1M should pay the same rate as someone making $76K with a family of 4, and why? Lets say 20%. Who will be more significantly impacted by that rate?
Taxes do not effect the life style of the wealthy...

Just curious. Let's say someone makes exactly $1 million in a given year. How much of that do you believe the federal government should take?

That is a ridiculous question if you expect a dollar amount or a percentage. There are to many variables to consider . But I will say that they should pay a higher rate for the reasons that I previously stated.

Let me ask you something . Do you think that someone making $ 1M should pay the same rate as someone making $76K with a family of 4, and why? Lets say 20%. Who will be more significantly impacted by that rate?
/----/ Percentages are deceiving and that's why Progs use them. Would you rather have 90% of $1 or 1% of $100 ?
Taxes do not effect the life style of the wealthy...

Just curious. Let's say someone makes exactly $1 million in a given year. How much of that do you believe the federal government should take?

That is a ridiculous question if you expect a dollar amount or a percentage. There are to many variables to consider . But I will say that they should pay a higher rate for the reasons that I previously stated.

Let me ask you something . Do you think that someone making $ 1M should pay the same rate as someone making $76K with a family of 4, and why? Lets say 20%. Who will be more significantly impacted by that rate?
/----/ Percentages are deceiving and that's why Progs use them. Would you rather have 90% of $1 or 1% of $100 ?
This thread is clearly circling the drain as is your so call argument.
Isn't this supposed to be about the criminal Republican tax " reform" ? Right, anything to avoid talking about the real effects of it.

You accuse me of not addressing your points while simultaneously dodging every point I make. Why should the average American be indentured to take care of a Syrian family HERE in America?
Well lets see. BECAUSE THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS and we ae supposed to be setting a moral example as the United States of America as an advanced and civilized nation. Next stupid question
Taxes do not effect the life style of the wealthy...

Just curious. Let's say someone makes exactly $1 million in a given year. How much of that do you believe the federal government should take?

That is a ridiculous question if you expect a dollar amount or a percentage. There are to many variables to consider . But I will say that they should pay a higher rate for the reasons that I previously stated.

Let me ask you something . Do you think that someone making $ 1M should pay the same rate as someone making $76K with a family of 4, and why? Lets say 20%. Who will be more significantly impacted by that rate?
/----/ Percentages are deceiving and that's why Progs use them. Would you rather have 90% of $1 or 1% of $100 ?
This thread is clearly circling the drain as is your so call argument.
/----/ I answered your question but you didn't like the answer. I'll try again. Percentages don't matter. Someone paying 10% of $1 million pays MORE than someone paying 10% of $75,000. How many dollars are being paid by each? Savvy that?

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