The Republican Tax Cut Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters

If you're one of those people who does not want to pay taxes and hates government, why don't you move to Somalia...

Liberals like you seem to be of the ideology that citizens are second to the state. The citizen is obligated to work on behalf of the state. The government is always superior to the citizen. While I understand the need to kick in my fair share to pay for roads, education, military and helping out some of the unfortunate, I believe that the government should be frugal with its spending in order that the common citizen can keep MORE of their own money. Why are you opposed to that ideal?
Where the hell did I say that I was opposed to the idea of common citizens keeping more of their money. You are continuing to avoid the issues that I raised. Do you really not understand that the common citizen is getting screwed or are you just playing games here?
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
It looks like the Republicans’ “signature achievement” of gutting taxes for corporations and the nation’s ultrawealthy “elite,” forced down Americans’ throats over the last Christmas holiday, has crashed and burned, at least with those Americans whose votes Republicans are counting on to keep them in office.

The Republican "Tax Cut" Scam Is Crashing And Burning With American Voters.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
/——/ Do you know why the cuts are temporary? Because they needed 60 votes to make them permanent but only had 52. No DemocRATs would vote for it. Aren’t you glad you asked?
I didn't ask. Didn't have to . Now, who wrote the horrendous bill. Right, Republicans. The Dems were not going to swallow that shit whole. Not 60 of them any way. They were put into a difficult position.
/----/ Yes you did ask, you blithering idiot: "Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years " Asked and answered.
It would appear that you are the one with the intellectual deficit. Do you understand what a rhetorical question is??
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
/——/ Do you know why the cuts are temporary? Because they needed 60 votes to make them permanent but only had 52. No DemocRATs would vote for it. Aren’t you glad you asked?
I didn't ask. Didn't have to . Now, who wrote the horrendous bill. Right, Republicans. The Dems were not going to swallow that shit whole. Not 60 of them any way. They were put into a difficult position.
/----/ Yes you did ask, you blithering idiot: "Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years " Asked and answered.
It would appear that you are the one with the intellectual deficit. Do you understand what a rhetorical question is??

[Do you really not understand that the common citizen is getting screwed...

The average citizen gets screwed by illegal immigration and you and your party SUPPORT it. The average citizen would have been screwed had Hillary won and imported hundreds of THOUSANDS of Syrian which would have cost a FORTUNE. And you and your party supported that too.

The purpose of the tax cuts is to stimulate the economy so that, hopefully, we can again realize annual GDP's of at least 3%, something Obama never accomplished and who was the FIRST president in U.S. history to NEVER achieve at least one year of 3% GDP.

My original point still stands. You and your liberal allies care more about the state than you do average Americans.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
Because we can expect a leftist rag like daily kos to tell us the truth about a REPUBLICAN bill....course they want to paint it as BAD that more families are getting more money and bonuses because ZERO democrats voted for it!
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
/——/ Do you know why the cuts are temporary? Because they needed 60 votes to make them permanent but only had 52. No DemocRATs would vote for it. Aren’t you glad you asked?
I didn't ask. Didn't have to . Now, who wrote the horrendous bill. Right, Republicans. The Dems were not going to swallow that shit whole. Not 60 of them any way. They were put into a difficult position.
/----/ Yes you did ask, you blithering idiot: "Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years " Asked and answered.
It would appear that you are the one with the intellectual deficit. Do you understand what a rhetorical question is??
It's a question you don't expect to be answered.
Example:" Jesus stupid can you get!!!!"
The average citizen gets screwed by illegal immigration and you and your party SUPPORT it. The average citizen would have been screwed had Hillary won and imported hundreds of THOUSANDS of Syrian which would have cost a FORTUNE. And you and your party supported that too.
You continue to be the king of Strawman logical fallacies, by trying to assign arguments that I and other liberals are not making to avoid dealing with the issue at hand. We support illegal immigration? You forgot to claim that we want open boarders? As for Syrians, the scum bag in the white house feigns outrage of the use of poison gas but won't take in any refugees. Not even children
The purpose of the tax cuts is to stimulate the economy so that, hopefully, we can again realize annual GDP's of at least 3%, something Obama never accomplished and who was the FIRST president in U.S. history to NEVER achieve at least one year of 3% GDP.
More bullshit! Trickle down theory has been wholly discredited. No one really believes that crap. The economy is stimulated when working people have more money and spend it on necessities. Wealthy people just stash it away. Corporation with extra cash are not going to expand their business unless there is an increased demand for their goods and services-which occurs when ORDINARY PEOPLE have more $$$$$$$$
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
Why is it that all that you Trump Lackeys can do is to attack the source, but you can't actually refute any of the points made in the Kos article?

Go ahead, give it a shot. Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.
/——/ Do you know why the cuts are temporary? Because they needed 60 votes to make them permanent but only had 52. No DemocRATs would vote for it. Aren’t you glad you asked?
I didn't ask. Didn't have to . Now, who wrote the horrendous bill. Right, Republicans. The Dems were not going to swallow that shit whole. Not 60 of them any way. They were put into a difficult position.
/----/ Yes you did ask, you blithering idiot: "Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years " Asked and answered.
It would appear that you are the one with the intellectual deficit. Do you understand what a rhetorical question is??
It's a question you don't expect to be answered.
Example:" Jesus stupid can you get!!!!"
The economy is stimulated when working people have more money and spend it on necessities.

Correct. That's why it's better to tax less in order that more money is put into the private sector. Taxing the shit out of everyone in sight HURTS the average citizen.
We support illegal immigration? You forgot to claim that we want open boarders? As for Syrians, the scum bag in the white house feigns outrage of the use of poison gas but won't take in any refugees. Not even children

Yea, liberals don't support illegal immigration. That's why every fucking liberal jurisdiction is a sanctuary city or, in California's case, a sanctuary state. But, no, you and your ilk don't support illegal immigration.

As for Syria, we don't want ANY Syrians coming here. The cost to house, feed, educate and care of them is astronomical. No fucking thanks. We don't have to move them here to help them. Maybe Obama shouldn't have armed, funded and trained the insurgency that has resulted in 500K DEAD (and counting), produced millions and millions of refugees and which destroyed half the fucking nation. Yea, that was a brilliant move by the amateur, right?

Thanks for proving my point. Liberals like you the interests of average Americans behind the interests of foreigners and the fucking state.
The economy is stimulated when working people have more money and spend it on necessities.

Correct. That's why it's better to tax less in order that more money is put into the private sector. Taxing the shit out of everyone in sight HURTS the average citizen.
STILL NOT addressing the issues that I raised.
We support illegal immigration? You forgot to claim that we want open boarders? As for Syrians, the scum bag in the white house feigns outrage of the use of poison gas but won't take in any refugees. Not even children

Yea, liberals don't support illegal immigration. That's why every fucking liberal jurisdiction is a sanctuary city or, in California's case, a sanctuary state. But, no, you and your ilk don't support illegal immigration.

As for Syria, we don't want ANY Syrians coming here. The cost to house, feed, educate and care of them is astronomical. No fucking thanks. We don't have to move them here to help them. Maybe Obama shouldn't have armed, funded and trained the insurgency that has resulted in 500K DEAD (and counting), produced millions and millions of refugees and which destroyed half the fucking nation. Yea, that was a brilliant move by the amateur, right?

Thanks for proving my point. Liberals like you the interests of average Americans behind the interests of foreigners and the fucking state.
Isn't this supposed to be about the criminal Republican tax " reform" ? Right, anything to avoid talking about the real effects of it.
Explain how the wealthy are not really getting the lions share of the tax cuts while working people get chump change. Tell how the tax cuts that ordinary people get will not really expire in a few years while cuts to corporations and high end earners will not really be permeant.. Explain why it won't really blow up the deficit and drive up health care costs.

Well, I'm not a tax expert. Perhaps you are. In any event, I would like to see the middle class get to pay LESS in taxes. I hope that tax cuts can be extended and made permanent. Considering that the rich pay most of the taxes, it's not surprising that they would receive the biggest cuts.

Hopefully, the tax cuts will spur on the economy and bring more investment to America. Hopefully, the presumed additional revenue will help us to bring down the deficit.

I know this. Under Obama we had a stagnant economy in SPITE of adding $10 trillion to the deficit. So, maybe it's time for a new approach.

Have you considered the possibility that the federal government spends too much?
Isn't this supposed to be about the criminal Republican tax " reform" ? Right, anything to avoid talking about the real effects of it.

You accuse me of not addressing your points while simultaneously dodging every point I make. Why should the average American be indentured to take care of a Syrian family HERE in America?
Sinclair trained all the simpletons to repeat "fake news" on command ...
Yep. Left-wing rags released op-eds designed to discourage passage of the plan last year. Well it passed and its too late. People got their bonus and have decided that the crumbs are helping not hurting them. The Apocalypse never came. People aren't dying in the streets like the MSM claimed would happen.

OH and check the fucking date on your ref. Dumbass. Nov of 2017

The left and their fake news propaganda, they lie through their teeth trying to influence opinion instead of reporting it.
. Considering that the rich pay most of the taxes, it's not surprising that they would receive the biggest cuts.
More faulty logic, either by ignorance or design. The progressive tax system is designed so that those who can afford to pay more do pay more. This tax plan undermines that concept. Taxes do not effect the life style of the wealthy but do in fact effect the LIVES of those living on a budget
Hopefully, the tax cuts will spur on the economy and bring more investment to America. Hopefully, the presumed additional revenue will help us to bring down the deficit.
What additional revenue?? Christ are you serious ? We would have to achieve a 5% GDP growth and NO BODY is projecting that . All indications are that this will blow up the deficit.
I know this. Under Obama we had a stagnant economy in SPITE of adding $10 trillion to the deficit. So, maybe it's time for a new approach.
More bullshit:

Consider the facts about 'Obama deficit'

Much has been made of the huge deficit run up by Barrack Obama during his presidency, with some conservatives claiming he added $10 trillion to the debt under his watch. The real figure is closer to six and one half billion. By the way, his predecessor, George W. Bush, added over $3.3 trillion due to the Bush tax cuts and two unfunded wars. This does not count the over $700 billion Bush borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund.

Obama entered his presidency in January 2009 with the country on the brink of a depression. Many folks were out of a job, companies were suffering, and business bailouts were about to start.

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