The Response


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
To all the Internet engineers and pseudo-physicists here who must know that engaging me in a technical debate that would prove only that I am neither an engineer nor a physicist, I will instead post the findings of Steve Dutch, Professor of Natural and Applied Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. I hope his work causes the Nutters here to question the 9/11 CT Movement's "facts" as vociforously as they do the NIST study. Regretably I doubt they have the rationality to do so. My thanks to Slackjaw for the link. :D

Nutty 9-11 Physics

"A few months ago I agreed to be on a truther talk show (I'll try almost anything once. Almost.) and the commercial breaks were a revelation. There were endless spiels for crank medical remedies and nutritional supplements, investment schemes that ranged from shady to crazy, newsletters for conspiracy cults, and wacko theories on how to avoid taxes. One former truther who became disillusioned said he would no longer help the movement sell T-shirts and DVD's. It's a lot more than just T-shirts and DVD's. Look at the Web sites, the newsletters, listen to the talk shows and look at who's bankrolling them and advertising on them. Truther sites are to conspiracy thinkers what televangelists are to lonely Christians: a place to send money to buy a feeling of participation and fulfillment." - Steve Dutch
Hey sockpuppet troll.tell your handlers we are amused the way they pay you so well for your ass beatings you get here everyday when you o cowardly run off and change the subject and post lies when your cornered and cant refute even a short five minute video having to resort to pathetic one liners in defeat all the time.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Hey sockpuppet troll.tell your handlers we are amused the way they pay you so well for your ass beatings you get here everyday when you o cowardly run off and change the subject and post lies when your cornered and cant refute even a short five minute video having to resort to pathetic one liners in defeat all the time.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Another typically powerful point-by-point response by 9/11 Hand Job. I don't know how he does it! :D
Yer link says exactly what us "9/11 Nutters" have been saying all along:
Why Did WTC 7 Collapse?

Good question. The investigators were baffled. But the conspiracy theory doesn't explain anything. Why bring down an empty building hours after the main attack?

Photos published to support the claim of a controlled demolition show puffs emerging from the top of the building. These could be explosives. Or they could be concrete suddenly failing, or windows shattering. But again we have the irritating question, why start a collapse from the top, completely at odds with the way all controlled demolitions are done, especially if you want the building to fall onto its own footprint?

If it was actually a controlled demolition by the Fire Department or the building owner, or both, as some people allege, so what? The remains of the World Trade Center itself were brought down in controlled demolitions after 9-11. What does that have to do with the collapse of the Twin Towers? It seems unlikely that a demolition crew would enter a burning building and install charges to bring down something 15 stories taller than any other recorded controlled demolition, all in the space of a few hours, but if the building was brought down by the owners or the Fire Department, what's the connection to the Twin Towers? How does a planned demolition of one building prove the Twin Towers were deliberately brought down?

I've gotten a fair amount of flak over this issue but I've yet to see anyone present a coherent explanation of what, exactly, the collapse of WTC-7 proves.
Why did a 47 story building collapse? Apparently there were a "few fires on a few floors". Do you know what "a few floors" of building 7 was used for? Go look it up. Did you know Donald Rumsfeld claimed he never heard of building 7? He's on video saying it.

Why would Building 7 collapse from the top? Oh maybe because the plane that crashed in Shanksville was supposed to have dive into it? Oh but that's just a nutty conspiracy theory!

See, we know that 3 other airliners were flown into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers that same day. Whether you believe they were missiles, drones or whatever, those building WERE HIT.

Of course Flight 93 was destined for building 7. But when it went down in PA (for whatever reason) the planners (who ever they were) had to go to Plan B.

Why would they do that? Oh you think it MAY have had something to do with what Donald Rumsfeld said on the Day Before 9/11?


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So Rumsfeld admitted missing trillions of dollars when he had to have known that the next day it would all be covered up??????????

Think about it.......

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