The results of women voting

And what the military s doing is almost guaranteeing the use of weapons of mass destruction after the first round of war depletes conventional means.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!

Guiness record? Who cares... an affirmative action hire...

I guess facts are just so 1950... men have higher IQs than women in general. Again, you are talking total nonsense and do not even seem to understand generalizations.

No they don’t Norman. Women have always been the intellectual equals of men and in many ways, superior. Those without power have to be smarter to get anything they want from those with power.

Women have only been allowed to get an education or attend universities in the past couple of hundred years. Or even allowed to be scientists, architects or engineers until recent years.

This generation of women are finally starting to realize their power. Remember those “triggered” women in the pussy hats you were laughing at the day after Trump was inaugurated? There were WAY more of them than people who turned up to watch him inaugurated.

Anyway, those silly women went home and got busy, organizing on behalf of the Democratic Party, and running as Democrats, and those women - over 100 of them, just impeached your fat fuck of a President.

There are 8 million more women voters than men, Norman. Many of them are widows who have outlived their asshole husbands who cheated on them, and screwed them over just like Trump is doing to the nation. And he’s killing the healthcare access, letting insurance companies declare pregnancy a pre-existing condition, as well as rape and incest. Trying to ban abortion.

These are huge financial issues for women. Healthcare while birthing babies is essential and the USA already has the highest maternal death rate due to pregnancy and childbirth in the first world. As well as the highest infant mortality rate. These are shameful numbers.

Any man who under estimates the intelligence of women is an idiot, but we already knew that from your posts, Norman. I’m guessing you’re a short man trying to compensate for his tiny hands, just like your hero.
You can not have western protections for the sex and equality. That's double dipping. Most women are not taken to the woodshed like men. The education of men is more then just the schools. Most women will never know true trust in another in survival situations. Lowering standards and then saying women are smarter and superior is another Alinsky result. This is not anti women as you will believe. This is pro men in helping him survive in bad situations with his fellow man. Most men in dangerous jobs know the real situation. We have to put more men in prisons and impoverish more men to put women into the job market and into dangerous jobs which has increased the costs of everything in a huge way. Laugh it off if you want. Call me and others names. But men will kill others who interfere with their survival if pushed hard enough. Ineptitude and incompetence and not being able to meet the rigors of any employment with danger can only be hidden so much. Even with massive propaganda saying otherwise in police, fire, space and the rest.

There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!

Guiness record? Who cares... an affirmative action hire...

I guess facts are just so 1950... men have higher IQs than women in general. Again, you are talking total nonsense and do not even seem to understand generalizations.

No they don’t Norman. Women have always been the intellectual equals of men and in many ways, superior. Those without power have to be smarter to get anything they want from those with power.

Women have only been allowed to get an education or attend universities in the past couple of hundred years. Or even allowed to be scientists, architects or engineers until recent years.

This generation of women are finally starting to realize their power. Remember those “triggered” women in the pussy hats you were laughing at the day after Trump was inaugurated? There were WAY more of them than people who turned up to watch him inaugurated.

Anyway, those silly women went home and got busy, organizing on behalf of the Democratic Party, and running as Democrats, and those women - over 100 of them, just impeached your fat fuck of a President.

There are 8 million more women voters than men, Norman. Many of them are widows who have outlived their asshole husbands who cheated on them, and screwed them over just like Trump is doing to the nation. And he’s killing the healthcare access, letting insurance companies declare pregnancy a pre-existing condition, as well as rape and incest. Trying to ban abortion.

These are huge financial issues for women. Healthcare while birthing babies is essential and the USA already has the highest maternal death rate due to pregnancy and childbirth in the first world. As well as the highest infant mortality rate. These are shameful numbers.

Any man who under estimates the intelligence of women is an idiot, but we already knew that from your posts, Norman. I’m guessing you’re a short man trying to compensate for his tiny hands, just like your hero.
You can not have western protections for the sex and equality. That's double dipping. Most women are not taken to the woodshed like men. The education of men is more then just the schools. Most women will never know true trust in another in survival situations. Lowering standards and then saying women are smarter and superior is another Alinsky result. This is not anti women as you will believe. This is pro men in helping him survive in bad situations with his fellow man. Most men in dangerous jobs know the real situation. We have to put more men in prisons and impoverish more men to put women into the job market and into dangerous jobs which has increased the costs of everything in a huge way. Laugh it off if you want. Call me and others names. But men will kill others who interfere with their survival if pushed hard enough. Ineptitude and incompetence and not being able to meet the rigors of any employment with danger can only be hidden so much. Even with massive propaganda saying otherwise in police, fire, space and the rest.

There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.

Ah, a other fellow who rather lives in fantasy than reality. Wars and conquest are the reality, no matter how hard you close your eyes and pretend otherwise.

Thankfully Canadians can not vote in US elections.
I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!

Guiness record? Who cares... an affirmative action hire...

I guess facts are just so 1950... men have higher IQs than women in general. Again, you are talking total nonsense and do not even seem to understand generalizations.

No they don’t Norman. Women have always been the intellectual equals of men and in many ways, superior. Those without power have to be smarter to get anything they want from those with power.

Women have only been allowed to get an education or attend universities in the past couple of hundred years. Or even allowed to be scientists, architects or engineers until recent years.

This generation of women are finally starting to realize their power. Remember those “triggered” women in the pussy hats you were laughing at the day after Trump was inaugurated? There were WAY more of them than people who turned up to watch him inaugurated.

Anyway, those silly women went home and got busy, organizing on behalf of the Democratic Party, and running as Democrats, and those women - over 100 of them, just impeached your fat fuck of a President.

There are 8 million more women voters than men, Norman. Many of them are widows who have outlived their asshole husbands who cheated on them, and screwed them over just like Trump is doing to the nation. And he’s killing the healthcare access, letting insurance companies declare pregnancy a pre-existing condition, as well as rape and incest. Trying to ban abortion.

These are huge financial issues for women. Healthcare while birthing babies is essential and the USA already has the highest maternal death rate due to pregnancy and childbirth in the first world. As well as the highest infant mortality rate. These are shameful numbers.

Any man who under estimates the intelligence of women is an idiot, but we already knew that from your posts, Norman. I’m guessing you’re a short man trying to compensate for his tiny hands, just like your hero.
You can not have western protections for the sex and equality. That's double dipping. Most women are not taken to the woodshed like men. The education of men is more then just the schools. Most women will never know true trust in another in survival situations. Lowering standards and then saying women are smarter and superior is another Alinsky result. This is not anti women as you will believe. This is pro men in helping him survive in bad situations with his fellow man. Most men in dangerous jobs know the real situation. We have to put more men in prisons and impoverish more men to put women into the job market and into dangerous jobs which has increased the costs of everything in a huge way. Laugh it off if you want. Call me and others names. But men will kill others who interfere with their survival if pushed hard enough. Ineptitude and incompetence and not being able to meet the rigors of any employment with danger can only be hidden so much. Even with massive propaganda saying otherwise in police, fire, space and the rest.

There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.

Ah, a other fellow who rather lives in fantasy than reality. Wars and conquest are the reality, no matter how hard you close your eyes and pretend otherwise.

Thankfully Canadians can not vote in US elections.

You're the one living in fantasy. 70 years ago, the world decided to put an end to such wars and created the United Nations. For 70 years, NATO, SEATO, and the United Nations have kept the lid on such wars, and provided a check on the authoritarian communist governments in Russia and China. That is until Dumb Donald came along and said he'd love to join the club and start making money off your military, and only offering the services of your army to those who are willing to pay.

So far, the Russians and the Chinese are taking Trump up on his offers. The Russians providing chaos, propaganda, and help in winning elections, and the Chinese are giving Trump's family trade marks and loans. In return, Russia is being gifted with the Middle East and the Ukraine, and China gets South America, Africa, and Asia.

Trump was handed the most peaceful world in recorded human history, and you've been on the brink of war for all of the wrong reasons since his election.
There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.
That of course, is false, and rather childish and archaic 19th century nonsense: Catherine the Great being one example.

Catherine the Great’s First War with the Turks (Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74)

The reality, of course is that most "wars" aren't for conquest, or "total war" as in Hitler and Khan anyway; "warfare" being just one of many forms of conflict or interpersonal discord; which women, particularly those of low intelligence, morality, manners, and so on are very apt and want to do with each other, as such things tend to correlate with bad or debased living circumstances, possibly socioeconomic ones, not "sex" in specific, nor on the whole, except in the archaic and uncouth who are disproportionately obsessed with it and prone to identify with it, as opposed to other superior and more redeeming attributes, as in the case of Joan of Arc, and other women of character and significant historical merit.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.
I don't see violence or war as a "necessary" part of living, except in defense myself. On the whole, I see it as an ugly and outmoded response, or just a subset of the types of destructive conflicts which men and women tend to engage in, if they are too ill-bred, anti-intellectual, or poorly mannered to find more creative solutions.

The reality of course, being that most proponents and advocates of peace, such as Jesus, MLK or Ghandi, or developers of beneficial technologies, being men, of course, women rarely being capable of doing such as things on such a level, if history is to be taken into accout, which is what you seem to be doing yourself, selectively of course.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!

Guiness record? Who cares... an affirmative action hire...

I guess facts are just so 1950... men have higher IQs than women in general. Again, you are talking total nonsense and do not even seem to understand generalizations.

No they don’t Norman. Women have always been the intellectual equals of men and in many ways, superior. Those without power have to be smarter to get anything they want from those with power.

Women have only been allowed to get an education or attend universities in the past couple of hundred years. Or even allowed to be scientists, architects or engineers until recent years.

This generation of women are finally starting to realize their power. Remember those “triggered” women in the pussy hats you were laughing at the day after Trump was inaugurated? There were WAY more of them than people who turned up to watch him inaugurated.

Anyway, those silly women went home and got busy, organizing on behalf of the Democratic Party, and running as Democrats, and those women - over 100 of them, just impeached your fat fuck of a President.

There are 8 million more women voters than men, Norman. Many of them are widows who have outlived their asshole husbands who cheated on them, and screwed them over just like Trump is doing to the nation. And he’s killing the healthcare access, letting insurance companies declare pregnancy a pre-existing condition, as well as rape and incest. Trying to ban abortion.

These are huge financial issues for women. Healthcare while birthing babies is essential and the USA already has the highest maternal death rate due to pregnancy and childbirth in the first world. As well as the highest infant mortality rate. These are shameful numbers.

Any man who under estimates the intelligence of women is an idiot, but we already knew that from your posts, Norman. I’m guessing you’re a short man trying to compensate for his tiny hands, just like your hero.
You can not have western protections for the sex and equality. That's double dipping. Most women are not taken to the woodshed like men. The education of men is more then just the schools. Most women will never know true trust in another in survival situations. Lowering standards and then saying women are smarter and superior is another Alinsky result. This is not anti women as you will believe. This is pro men in helping him survive in bad situations with his fellow man. Most men in dangerous jobs know the real situation. We have to put more men in prisons and impoverish more men to put women into the job market and into dangerous jobs which has increased the costs of everything in a huge way. Laugh it off if you want. Call me and others names. But men will kill others who interfere with their survival if pushed hard enough. Ineptitude and incompetence and not being able to meet the rigors of any employment with danger can only be hidden so much. Even with massive propaganda saying otherwise in police, fire, space and the rest.

There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.
What is telling is how sexist dragon lady can be without even realizing it.

Somehow this sexism is acceptable.
There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.
That of course, is false, and rather childish and archaic 19th century nonsense: Catherine the Great being one example.

Catherine the Great’s First War with the Turks (Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74)

The reality, of course is that most "wars" aren't for conquest, or "total war" as in Hitler and Khan anyway; "warfare" being just one of many forms of conflict or interpersonal discord; which women, particularly those of low intelligence, morality, manners, and so on are very apt and want to do with each other, as such things tend to correlate with bad or debased living circumstances, possibly socioeconomic ones, not "sex" in specific, nor on the whole, except in the archaic and uncouth who are disproportionately obsessed with it and prone to identify with it, as opposed to other superior and more redeeming attributes, as in the case of Joan of Arc, and other women of character and significant historical merit.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.
I don't see violence or war as a "necessary" part of living, except in defense myself. On the whole, I see it as an ugly and outmoded response, or just a subset of the types of destructive conflicts which men and women tend to engage in, if they are too ill-bred, anti-intellectual, or poorly mannered to find more creative solutions.

The reality of course, being that most proponents and advocates of peace, such as Jesus, MLK or Ghandi, or developers of beneficial technologies, being men, of course, women rarely being capable of doing such as things on such a level, if history is to be taken into accout, which is what you seem to be doing yourself, selectively of course.

It has only been in the past 100 years that women have been allowed into universities or the sciences. Even then, educated women were expected to quit their jobs when they married.

I am 71 years old and I personally knew the first woman bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada. So pardon me if women haven’t made enough significant contributions in fields they weren’t allowed into until recently.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

Just because there is a correlation, doesn’t mean it’s the causation.

Women received the right to vote at the beginning of thus century. There were a lot of changes going on in America. The population was rising and other economic changes were happening. Then by the end if the 20s the greats depression happened.
There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.
That of course, is false, and rather childish and archaic 19th century nonsense: Catherine the Great being one example.

Catherine the Great’s First War with the Turks (Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74)

The reality, of course is that most "wars" aren't for conquest, or "total war" as in Hitler and Khan anyway; "warfare" being just one of many forms of conflict or interpersonal discord; which women, particularly those of low intelligence, morality, manners, and so on are very apt and want to do with each other, as such things tend to correlate with bad or debased living circumstances, possibly socioeconomic ones, not "sex" in specific, nor on the whole, except in the archaic and uncouth who are disproportionately obsessed with it and prone to identify with it, as opposed to other superior and more redeeming attributes, as in the case of Joan of Arc, and other women of character and significant historical merit.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.
I don't see violence or war as a "necessary" part of living, except in defense myself. On the whole, I see it as an ugly and outmoded response, or just a subset of the types of destructive conflicts which men and women tend to engage in, if they are too ill-bred, anti-intellectual, or poorly mannered to find more creative solutions.

The reality of course, being that most proponents and advocates of peace, such as Jesus, MLK or Ghandi, or developers of beneficial technologies, being men, of course, women rarely being capable of doing such as things on such a level, if history is to be taken into accout, which is what you seem to be doing yourself, selectively of course.

It has only been in the past 100 years that women have been allowed into universities or the sciences. Even then, educated women were expected to quit their jobs when they married.

I am 71 years old and I personally knew the first woman bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada. So pardon me if women haven’t made enough significant contributions in fields they weren’t allowed into until recently.
Bogus, read history, there have been educated and influential women in every society, as far back as ancient China or Greece and Rome, such as Queens and Female monarchs or nobility, like Cleopatra.

Traditionally, it had more to do with family and the result of being born into a wealthy or educated family, and there was less upward mobility, but regardless I see female merit as a historical constant.
The right to vote was extended to blacks by the 15th Amendment in 1870, genius.
They could vote back then, if they could pass the literacy test. Apparently most of them weren't smart enough to pass the literacy test.
Most people have an IQ of 100 or less.

History doesn't care about "most" or the many, well sort of anyway...

Wrong dead wrong

History cares greatly and has only the wise winning the wars

The unwise must be stopped from voting to protect them
There is just too much bullshit in this post to respond to. You talk about toxic masculinity which has resulted in endless wars, death and destruction like it’s both good and necessary. It is neither.

No woman has ever tried to rule the world or set out on a war of aggression or conquest. Only men do that. And no good has ever come of it.
That of course, is false, and rather childish and archaic 19th century nonsense: Catherine the Great being one example.

Catherine the Great’s First War with the Turks (Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74)

The reality, of course is that most "wars" aren't for conquest, or "total war" as in Hitler and Khan anyway; "warfare" being just one of many forms of conflict or interpersonal discord; which women, particularly those of low intelligence, morality, manners, and so on are very apt and want to do with each other, as such things tend to correlate with bad or debased living circumstances, possibly socioeconomic ones, not "sex" in specific, nor on the whole, except in the archaic and uncouth who are disproportionately obsessed with it and prone to identify with it, as opposed to other superior and more redeeming attributes, as in the case of Joan of Arc, and other women of character and significant historical merit.

Your promotion of violence and destruction as a necessary part of living in the world demonstrates for us why fools like you should never be in charge.
I don't see violence or war as a "necessary" part of living, except in defense myself. On the whole, I see it as an ugly and outmoded response, or just a subset of the types of destructive conflicts which men and women tend to engage in, if they are too ill-bred, anti-intellectual, or poorly mannered to find more creative solutions.

The reality of course, being that most proponents and advocates of peace, such as Jesus, MLK or Ghandi, or developers of beneficial technologies, being men, of course, women rarely being capable of doing such as things on such a level, if history is to be taken into accout, which is what you seem to be doing yourself, selectively of course.

It has only been in the past 100 years that women have been allowed into universities or the sciences. Even then, educated women were expected to quit their jobs when they married.

I am 71 years old and I personally knew the first woman bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada. So pardon me if women haven’t made enough significant contributions in fields they weren’t allowed into until recently.
Bogus, read history, there have been educated and influential women in every society, as far back as ancient China or Greece and Rome, such as Queens and Female monarchs or nobility, like Cleopatra.

Traditionally, it had more to do with family and the result of being born into a wealthy or educated family, and there was less upward mobility, but regardless I see female merit as a historical constant.

Women had voted in their worst enemy the Muslims which the democrat party runs into the nation

Women voted most to mass murder babies. Totally against their natural interests coming from being brainwashed by crooks

China and trump will
Now stop Muslims and also stop the unwise from voting and the emotional women

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I think Trump should make this a central theme of the election.

What do you think?

Trump will make the theme that women voted for the party that brings in their worst nightmare. The Muslims

Women don't believe ANYTHING that Trump says. Neither do men for that matter. Everyone has figured out that Donald Trump is women's worst nightmare.
The founders knew white males had the highest logic but some were also really stoppid

they do not have the logic ability to vote

A logic test for voting is the only thing that can save all western democracies

The higher logic men understands better

Seems that women need to make some better decisions

The rest of the world respected America more when fewer people were allowed to vote.

Men allowed women to vote. They knew they would be easy to manipulate.

The 19th amendment has truly been a disaster.

The studies bear this out.

Welcome to the gynocracy

The founders loved their women by not letting them to vote

The sat test scores tells the difference in logic

The Bible seems to cover this harm of women having equal decision rights

Really fooolish people and real losers who can’t see how the giant gender gap in voting will destroy the nation

women voting is pretty fucking disgraceful

My dog could make better voting choices than some of you poopheads

I didnt see a call for revoking women's right to vote in those quotes... And as for G&B..? That's been his schtick from day one...

A logic test for voting must come

That has been my theme from day one

This will come for sure now cause China will even help trump destroy Muslims and and trump will stop the unwise that voted for the party that ran into the nation the Muslims .. these voters are mostly women who voted in the party for their worst nightmare the Muslims

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I think Trump should make this a central theme of the election.

What do you think?

Trump will make the theme that women voted for the party that brings in their worst nightmare. The Muslims

Women don't believe ANYTHING that Trump says. Neither do men for that matter. Everyone has figured out that Donald Trump is women's worst nightmare.

Wrong Dead Wrong

China will now help
Trump to stop the Muslims as well as unwise voters who are more women

This is coming fast

Hold on to ye hats and bras

Liberalism along with Islam is about to be totally stopped

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I think Trump should make this a central theme of the election.

What do you think?

Trump will make the theme that women voted for the party that brings in their worst nightmare. The Muslims

Women don't believe ANYTHING that Trump says. Neither do men for that matter. Everyone has figured out that Donald Trump is women's worst nightmare.

See how the far left uses their emotion of hate to push their lies!

Yes that emotion cuts off the signal of their brain on what is good or bad

This is why the wise founders would not let women vote or be on juries
Their voting is protected by the crooks who wants easy to fool voters ... so they protect their voting

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