The results of women voting

American employers have it easy to find good workers. If a place of employment can't fill a position then it's something about the company that is really bad.
How cool is that huh...doing it your way has us divided as fuck and falling down the shitter fast...But but FEEL good inside so it’s all good huh?

Just the opposite my little hater. When everyone is treated equally there is less division. When people like you that view women as inferior to men die off, the whole world will be a better place.
Most workers in America are underpaid considering what they produce for their employers. Yes to that I agree. Can you name a nation where the work ethic is stronger than america? I didn't think so.
How cool is that huh...doing it your way has us divided as fuck and falling down the shitter fast...But but FEEL good inside so it’s all good huh?

Just the opposite my little hater. When everyone is treated equally there is less division. When people like you that view women as inferior to men die off, the whole world will be a better place.

I get it bud...I’ve realized you have a pretty dysfsituation ‘situation’ going on...I won’t lie..if my wife had my nuts and I had no command of my household I’d probably become a Leftist minded bitch as well.

LefTard Logic:
“I long for the day when legit whitey dies off so my illegitimate white daughter can date Nigs without society judging her or considering her a coal burner.”
There are no negatives on women being in the workforce. Most households need two full time workers to barely scrape by.
I get it bud...I’ve realized you have a pretty dysfsituation ‘situation’ going on...I won’t lie..if my wife had my nuts and I had no command of my household I’d probably become a Leftist minded bitch as well.

There is no dysfunction in treating people equally, that is the way it should be. To treat your wife as an inferior being is the ultimate in dysfunction.

It is very telling that to treat people equally in your eyes is a dysfunctional thing to do.

That says so very much about you.
I get it bud...I’ve realized you have a pretty dysfsituation ‘situation’ going on...I won’t lie..if my wife had my nuts and I had no command of my household I’d probably become a Leftist minded bitch as well.

There is no dysfunction in treating people equally, that is the way it should be. To treat your wife as an inferior being is the ultimate in dysfunction.

It is very telling that to treat people equally in your eyes is a dysfunctional thing to do.

That says so very much about you.

Again, you choose to be confused.
A 5’ tall 120lb woman with a vagina, an emotionally wired brain and physically weak has little in common with a 6’5” 245lb rationally thinking man with a penis...Common sense, not FEELZ, allows any half sane person to realize we are not equals....People, this shit is so fucking simple if you allow it to be.
Again, you choose to be confused.
A 5’ tall 120lb woman with a vagina, an emotionally wired brain and physically weak has little in common with a 6’5” 245lb rationally thinking man with a penis..

They are different, that is for sure. Different is good, it is not the evil thing that you have been trained to believe it is. You should be happy that your wife does not have a penis, assuming she does not.

You are a man with a penis, I assume, yet you are the most irrationally thinking person on this board.

Here, choke on this....A 5’ tall 120lb man with a penis but is physically weak has little in common with a 6’5” 245lb man with a penis...

Again, all you care about is physical size and strength...nothing else matters.

I got 100 bucks that says you are less than 5'5" and weigh less than 150 pounds...that is why you are so fascinated with strength, because you have none.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!
Most legitimate female power isn't through "voting", but rather though family, negotiations, as well as simple virtues such as character, self-discipline, intellect, and so forth.

This isn't entirely different today either. "Voting" is only a "life" priority to men or women of a 6th grade education and average-below average IQ anyway. It's something of an illusion for the chronically disaffected.
No it isnt. Its an old chat room saying.

No, it is what all students are taught on day one of Stats 101. Because most are as stupid as you can assume one means the other.

Correlation and causation is the only way anything works..the only way humans build patterns.
When you were a child and burnt your hand did your mom say "reach back up there to the stove silly....correlation does not imply causation but you are so cute"?

Correlation can lead to causation, but it is not implied and it is not guaranteed.

Here is an example Correlation does not mean causation

WE MUST BAN LEMONS POST HASTE. I will be writing my senator and representative today!

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!

Guiness record? Who cares... an affirmative action hire...

I guess facts are just so 1950... men have higher IQs than women in general. Again, you are talking total nonsense and do not even seem to understand generalizations.
We have been suffering ever since women were given the right to vote
When the law giving blacks the vote in the 1960s was passed American started going down hill fast.
The right to vote was extended to blacks by the 15th Amendment in 1870, genius.

You are replying to a Russian bot.

They obviously have not learned the history of the US.

Which is why you see so many very stupid posts from that person.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!

Guiness record? Who cares... an affirmative action hire...

I guess facts are just so 1950... men have higher IQs than women in general. Again, you are talking total nonsense and do not even seem to understand generalizations.

No they don’t Norman. Women have always been the intellectual equals of men and in many ways, superior. Those without power have to be smarter to get anything they want from those with power.

Women have only been allowed to get an education or attend universities in the past couple of hundred years. Or even allowed to be scientists, architects or engineers until recent years.

This generation of women are finally starting to realize their power. Remember those “triggered” women in the pussy hats you were laughing at the day after Trump was inaugurated? There were WAY more of them than people who turned up to watch him inaugurated.

Anyway, those silly women went home and got busy, organizing on behalf of the Democratic Party, and running as Democrats, and those women - over 100 of them, just impeached your fat fuck of a President.

There are 8 million more women voters than men, Norman. Many of them are widows who have outlived their asshole husbands who cheated on them, and screwed them over just like Trump is doing to the nation. And he’s killing the healthcare access, letting insurance companies declare pregnancy a pre-existing condition, as well as rape and incest. Trying to ban abortion.

These are huge financial issues for women. Healthcare while birthing babies is essential and the USA already has the highest maternal death rate due to pregnancy and childbirth in the first world. As well as the highest infant mortality rate. These are shameful numbers.

Any man who under estimates the intelligence of women is an idiot, but we already knew that from your posts, Norman. I’m guessing you’re a short man trying to compensate for his tiny hands, just like your hero.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.
Are you saying that the US had Islam as state religion in the 19th century, or are you just stupid?

There are now 4 countries where women cannot vote, 3 are Muslim and one is Christian:
In Which Countries are Women Not Allowed to Vote?

There are 45 countries with a Muslim majority in the world today:
Some have or had a woman head of state, for example Bangladesh or Pakistan.

Ok, boomer. Women voting like you wouldn't believe in Muslim countries, go with that...

Ok boomer? But you want to go back a century? :21:

Islam is right about women? Discuss.

I swear dude it is like your mindset is stuck in the 1950's.

You ever hear of Marilyn Vos Savant? She broke the Guinness World Record for highest IQ ever recorded and she was a woman who would believe ! A woman holding the highest IQ record not a man? I know must be very hard for you to believe.

I didn't know if you were aware but a lot has changed since the 1950's, today we have many Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Scientists, Police Officers, Construction Workers, CEO's, Accountant's, and Politicians who are amazingly women! What is even more shocking many of them perform their jobs just as good if not better than men!

Guiness record? Who cares... an affirmative action hire...

I guess facts are just so 1950... men have higher IQs than women in general. Again, you are talking total nonsense and do not even seem to understand generalizations.

No they don’t Norman. Women have always been the intellectual equals of men and in many ways, superior. Those without power have to be smarter to get anything they want from those with power.

Women have only been allowed to get an education or attend universities in the past couple of hundred years. Or even allowed to be scientists, architects or engineers until recent years.

This generation of women are finally starting to realize their power. Remember those “triggered” women in the pussy hats you were laughing at the day after Trump was inaugurated? There were WAY more of them than people who turned up to watch him inaugurated.

Anyway, those silly women went home and got busy, organizing on behalf of the Democratic Party, and running as Democrats, and those women - over 100 of them, just impeached your fat fuck of a President.

There are 8 million more women voters than men, Norman. Many of them are widows who have outlived their asshole husbands who cheated on them, and screwed them over just like Trump is doing to the nation. And he’s killing the healthcare access, letting insurance companies declare pregnancy a pre-existing condition, as well as rape and incest. Trying to ban abortion.

These are huge financial issues for women. Healthcare while birthing babies is essential and the USA already has the highest maternal death rate due to pregnancy and childbirth in the first world. As well as the highest infant mortality rate. These are shameful numbers.

Any man who under estimates the intelligence of women is an idiot, but we already knew that from your posts, Norman. I’m guessing you’re a short man trying to compensate for his tiny hands, just like your hero.
You can not have western protections for the sex and equality. That's double dipping. Most women are not taken to the woodshed like men. The education of men is more then just the schools. Most women will never know true trust in another in survival situations. Lowering standards and then saying women are smarter and superior is another Alinsky result. This is not anti women as you will believe. This is pro men in helping him survive in bad situations with his fellow man. Most men in dangerous jobs know the real situation. We have to put more men in prisons and impoverish more men to put women into the job market and into dangerous jobs which has increased the costs of everything in a huge way. Laugh it off if you want. Call me and others names. But men will kill others who interfere with their survival if pushed hard enough. Ineptitude and incompetence and not being able to meet the rigors of any employment with danger can only be hidden so much. Even with massive propaganda saying otherwise in police, fire, space and the rest.

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