The rich get richer and the poorer remain poorer?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Hey lets just go on our merry way here in America. There is no problem. It's just the jealous poor people bitching about whatever they bitch about.

One day, when the ultra rich control 60% of the nations income, will you be surprised that the ultra rich pay an even higher percentage of income tax?

How about if the ultra rich have 80% of the nations income. Still be surprised that they pay the bulk of the income tax.

Them poor ultra rich people. I bet you feel for them. All the vitriol and jealousy directed at them. Poor poor ultra wealthy people.

But I do want to be clear about one thing. I could give a flying fuck less if the ultra rich people were taxed at 50% of their income. If you make 10 million a year and can't get by on 5 million a year, fuck ya is what I say. They don't have an income problem, they must have a spending problem.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

This message was brought to you by Koch Industries, exxon mobil and big pharma, we actually do give two shits.
How can the poor get poorer? If you don't have anything, you cant have less than anything.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
How can the poor get poorer? If you don't have anything, you cant have less than anything.

With all your vast knowledge you don't think poor people can become poorer in mind and spirit? Sure they can. Hopelessness will see to that.
People make more money as their career progresses. If you worked a job for 8 years and weren't making more money you should probably change careers.
It ought not surprise us that as the American workers purchasing power declines (from 1972 on according to most marco-economists) that the wealthy started paying a larger share of the FEDERAL income tax burden.

But if one compares the tax burden the affluent pay (by percentage rather than simply arithematically) one notes that the affluent have more puchasing power than ever while the working classes have far less.

Basically the very afflient are becoming more affluent and the working classes (the bottom 80% or so) are losing puchasing power.

I am far better educated than my father, I worked as professional while he worked as an unskilled dirty white collar laborer.

But his retirement plans, and his income's purchasing power was much much MUCH better than mine was or ever will be now.

And I am NOT the generational exception to this trend, I am rather typical of the boomers V their WWII generation parents.

I am (we were) better educated, I (we) worked more hours and I (we) had less purchasing power than my (our) father's generation.
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The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?

You aholes want equal outcomes for there are no winners in your game.
How can the poor get poorer? If you don't have anything, you cant have less than anything.

With all your vast knowledge you don't think poor people can become poorer in mind and spirit? Sure they can. Hopelessness will see to that.

Please tell me how we can quantify poverty in mind and spirit so we can actually determine if people are becoming poorer in mind and spirit.

If you can do that, Ill be more than willing to consider the argument you are trying to make.

BTW shouldn't we likewise look at poverty in mind and spirit among the wealthy as well? I mean if we are being fair. What if you have people with huge fortunes and who are poor in mind and spirit, what then?
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Yes, but lefties can never wrap their two brain cells around the fact that classifications like "rich" and "poor" and "middle class" are not static. Five years from now, you'll be talking about a different group of people, whichever one of those income brackets you're addressing. It's one of the reasons their obsessive need to compare the US with third-world nations - Look, they have income inequality and civil wars! That means WE'LL have civil wars if we don't even everyone out RIGHT NOW! - is so ludicrous: because the underlying circumstances in the US are completely different.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Hey lets just go on our merry way here in America. There is no problem. It's just the jealous poor people bitching about whatever they bitch about.

One day, when the ultra rich control 60% of the nations income, will you be surprised that the ultra rich pay an even higher percentage of income tax?

How about if the ultra rich have 80% of the nations income. Still be surprised that they pay the bulk of the income tax.

Them poor ultra rich people. I bet you feel for them. All the vitriol and jealousy directed at them. Poor poor ultra wealthy people.

But I do want to be clear about one thing. I could give a flying fuck less if the ultra rich people were taxed at 50% of their income. If you make 10 million a year and can't get by on 5 million a year, fuck ya is what I say. They don't have an income problem, they must have a spending problem.

PLEASE learn the difference between "wealth" and "income". And then PLEASE get over your need to believe that you're a loser because other people are rich. Trust me, you'll be a loser no matter what happens.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?

Of course life is a game. So is Russian roulette. What's your point?

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