Zone1 The Right Answer

You don't need God to tell you certain things are good or bad.

If He exists then yes I do. If He doesn’t then you are probably right. I am not asserting anything to be true or untrue. I am not one of the people that knows for a fact. I’m just a guesser.
Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. The golden rule. Everyone knows it. When we help the helpless, feed the hungry or lift up the downtrodden we practice true religion. The rest is just mystical mumbo jumbo.
Sorry - but if your NT generally termed "neighbor" happens to be a dick, and he views you as one as well - good luck with that religious metaphor.
Sorry - but if your NT generally termed "neighbor" happens to be a dick, and he views you as one as well - good luck with that religious metaphor.
That's the problem isn't it? Some people are just toxic. Doesn't mean you have to emulate them. That is the test of any person who wishes to lead a moral life.
Sorry - but if your NT generally termed "neighbor" happens to be a dick, and he views you as one as well - good luck with that religious metaphor.

Ah. I am a fan of Christianity. Why would you need a text, religious concept, lesson in human nature, or general advice for dealing with a pleasant person? This whole concept revolves around treating those with kindness that make it difficult to be treated with kindness and deserve it in no way, shape, or form.

Do I really have to say this?
What a silly thread

There will NEVER be a right answer - since everyone has his own believes and convictions.
But if there is only one god than only one religion can be the correct one.

It is obvious that Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship different gods which is why that can all claim to be correct
I don't suspect that there is a "correct" religion.

That's why I remain agnostic. ;)
It really is the only rational stance.

I'm an apathetic agnostic. I do not know if there are any gods and I really don't care if there are or not.
But if there is only one god than only one religion can be the correct one.

It is obvious that Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship different gods which is why that can all claim to be correct

I have said this a lot. The maximum number of correct religions is one. It could be zero or one. Those are the only two possibilities. So I think if someone has proof of the one true God then they should share that information so we can all join the one correct religion.
Ah. I am a fan of Christianity. Why would you need a text, religious concept, lesson in human nature, or general advice for dealing with a pleasant person? This whole concept revolves around treating those with kindness that make it difficult to be treated with kindness and deserve it in no way, shape, or form.

Do I really have to say this?
Christianity isn't the first or only place one can find lessons on human nature or ethics.
But if there is only one god than only one religion can be the correct one.

It is obvious that Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship different gods which is why that can all claim to be correct
"they" would only be correct if there is a GOD in the first place.
I have said this a lot. The maximum number of correct religions is one. It could be zero or one. Those are the only two possibilities. So I think if someone has proof of the one true God then they should share that information so we can all join the one correct religion.

That only holds true if you believe there is only one god.

For all we know there might be an entire race of gods.
It really is the only rational stance.

I'm an apathetic agnostic. I do not know if there are any gods and I really don't care if there are or not.
Questions with unknowable answers are not worth a lot of thought.
I have said this a lot. The maximum number of correct religions is one. It could be zero or one. Those are the only two possibilities. So I think if someone has proof of the one true God then they should share that information so we can all join the one correct religion.
The correct number of religions is zero.
Christianity isn't the first or only place one can find lessons on human nature or ethics.

I am a fan of the culmination of ethics that Christianity stole from other faiths and made it into their own.

I also have an admiration for Stoicism too but their ethics are not as formal as the ethics of Christianity. There are other religious codes that I do not view with admiration and delight.
That only holds true if you believe there is only one god.

For all we know there might be an entire race of gods.

I have entertained that possibility. If that is the case then the chaos we experience among humans is just exacerbated in the spiritual realm. This only gives us lesser reason to engage in the spiritual world where powerful deities use tricks and shenanigans to manipulate humans to settle the score for their own personal petty pursuits for world domination.

Those of us raised under the three Abrahamic Religions define God as an omnipotent being. If there are multiple gods then this omnipotence seems impossible. Anyways if you are claiming multiple gods equates to multiple truths then this discussion has a long ways to go.
That's the problem isn't it? Some people are just toxic. Doesn't mean you have to emulate them. That is the test of any person who wishes to lead a moral life.
There is no need for "toxic", one neighbor has a beautiful wife the other ones is fat an ugly - enough to get envy on the spot - and envy causes hate.
There is a theoretical way of life and there is practical reality - just like Communism is a great theory - but simply doesn't work out in real "practical" life.

For any religion to "hope" or to pursue the path of altering/manipulating human behavior towards we all love each other - is a lost path and equivalent to those dreaming about Communism - just my 2 cents. But if religion is necessary to make certain people feel happy and save - then that's their belief and freedom to do so.
I am a fan of the culmination of ethics that Christianity stole from other faiths and made it into their own.

I also have an admiration for Stoicism too but their ethics are not as formal as the ethics of Christianity. There are other religious codes that I do not view with admiration and delight.
And what would be the supposed difference between ethics propagated by Christianity and e.g. that of Buddhism? (The latter does not even propagate a GOD).

And your statement: This only gives us lesser reason to engage in the spiritual world where powerful deities use tricks and shenanigans to manipulate humans to settle the score for their own personal petty pursuits for world domination.
You got any proof for that - or are you going to start your Jehovah-witness converting scheme now?
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