Zone1 The Right Answer

That philosophy is actually pretty workable. Sometimes I like to believe that. Oh how I wish I would have been raised Old School Presbyterian.

It works because it's logical.
If the Big Bang happened, then all stuff got shot out of there and everything after that is inevitable, just like when an airliner gets hit by a Russian SAM, they can figure out it's from a Russian SAM because everything that happened was inevitable.
The correct answer is... predetermination.

you wish ...

sent to earth for judgement the true self without personal intervention - who you really are will shine clearly, good or bad in conclusion.

- a fool who smokes cigarettes.
- you may be in the heavens watching yourself unable to intervene in whatever the outcome you make for yourself on earth ... a test of your suitability, how reincarnation might work.

The problem is that religion seems to be pretty much inevitable. Not because of some God or gods out there. If there were some God or gods, then surely people would believe the same stuff, instead they can't agree on anything.
It's more, humans are biological beings that use emotions to drive them to reproduce, and this emotion then seeps over into everything else they do. And that then leads us to making stuff up, like there being a "heaven and hell", more or less like an age old police system.
The problem is that religion seems to be pretty much inevitable. Not because of some God or gods out there. If there were some God or gods, then surely people would believe the same stuff, instead they can't agree on anything.
It's more, humans are biological beings that use emotions to drive them to reproduce, and this emotion then seeps over into everything else they do. And that then leads us to making stuff up, like there being a "heaven and hell", more or less like an age old police system.
The reason religion is inevitable is because the spirit realm can be observed. It is reality. Two problems: First: Since it cannot be observed/measured in the same way as the physical world, it is easy prey/bait for charlatans.

Second: There is a tendency to focus on one aspect of the reality. For example, there is a denomination that focuses on predestination. A few other denominations focus on one man being punished for the every sin. The single focus on anything puzzles me. We don't focus on a single aspect of the physical life, so why are we so prone to try it in our spiritual life? Either way, it explains why we can't agree on anything on either the physical or spiritual plain.
The reason religion is inevitable is because the spirit realm can be observed. It is reality. Two problems: First: Since it cannot be observed/measured in the same way as the physical world, it is easy prey/bait for charlatans.

Second: There is a tendency to focus on one aspect of the reality. For example, there is a denomination that focuses on predestination. A few other denominations focus on one man being punished for the every sin. The single focus on anything puzzles me. We don't focus on a single aspect of the physical life, so why are we so prone to try it in our spiritual life? Either way, it explains why we can't agree on anything on either the physical or spiritual plain.
Nope. You're just making this up.

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