The right has no problem destroying our democracy/republic to stay in power/

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So you respond to prove your point with proven lies...
Thank you for demonstrating how the 20q6 election results are not the only facts / reality you snowflakes can not accept.

The lot of you are such low-information, hate-driven, easily emotionally manipulated sheep.

Weak weak response , so you don't like me and you think I'm dumb , well whoopy ding.
Another moronic thread where Snowflakes and Democrats accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....sad.

Who just openly called for violent intolerance, violence, and an end to civility UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT - POWER BACK?

That would be the Democrat Party's 2016 hand-picked FELON who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign finance laws, hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, and illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...

...and that was after taking over $100 million from the Russians, helping to give them 20% of the US supply of uranium and after compromising national security by handing over TOP SECRET data to Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities from off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

In an effort to take back / keep power evidence shows the Obama administration protected their felon candidate from prison while using a Russian-authored document they got from Hillary and used it as the basis to run a Counter-Intelligence operation in which they attempted to falsely claim Trump illegally colluded with Russians when it was Hillary the entire time.

In an attempt to hold power the Democrats attempted to 'Herman Cain's a good man, attempting to destroy his life and family for political gain with lies and false allegations.

Spewing violent rhetoric and openly calling for harassment and violence against Conservatives, they have already inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians, destruction of Republican headquarters property, and attacks on conservatives to include women and children...

... and in the latest attack these threats to our democracy claimed that this was only beginning, that they would attack again, and that they were not sorry and anyway.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said anyone who refuses to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy and ever since she lost the election in 2016 she and all the violent and tolerant Democrats who refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election have proven her correct.
So you respond to prove your point with proven lies, I'll give you a list a mile long of your hate party trying to take away the voting rights of American. You can't come up with even a incl in comparison. Here's your chance , instead of the bullshit in your comment above , show us all here how Democrat are trying to take away votes of your hate party. This should be interesting.

Getting more strict on voting is not taking people's rights away.

If they are legitimate, they can vote.
I have tons of information other then the hate party's con job about voter fraud that no one can find in this country, It's the first post, try reading it and maybe you won't look so ridiculous.

Another moronic thread where Snowflakes and Democrats accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....sad.

Who just openly called for violent intolerance, violence, and an end to civility UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT - POWER BACK?

That would be the Democrat Party's 2016 hand-picked FELON who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign finance laws, hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, and illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...

...and that was after taking over $100 million from the Russians, helping to give them 20% of the US supply of uranium and after compromising national security by handing over TOP SECRET data to Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities from off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

In an effort to take back / keep power evidence shows the Obama administration protected their felon candidate from prison while using a Russian-authored document they got from Hillary and used it as the basis to run a Counter-Intelligence operation in which they attempted to falsely claim Trump illegally colluded with Russians when it was Hillary the entire time.

In an attempt to hold power the Democrats attempted to 'Herman Cain's a good man, attempting to destroy his life and family for political gain with lies and false allegations.

Spewing violent rhetoric and openly calling for harassment and violence against Conservatives, they have already inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians, destruction of Republican headquarters property, and attacks on conservatives to include women and children...

... and in the latest attack these threats to our democracy claimed that this was only beginning, that they would attack again, and that they were not sorry and anyway.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said anyone who refuses to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy and ever since she lost the election in 2016 she and all the violent and tolerant Democrats who refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election have proven her correct.
So you respond to prove your point with proven lies, I'll give you a list a mile long of your hate party trying to take away the voting rights of American. You can't come up with even a incl in comparison. Here's your chance , instead of the bullshit in your comment above , show us all here how Democrat are trying to take away votes of your hate party. This should be interesting.

Getting more strict on voting is not taking people's rights away.

If they are legitimate, they can vote.
I have tons of information other then the hate party's con job about voter fraud that no one can find in this country, It's the first post, try reading it and maybe you won't look so ridiculous.

Please post the link that shows how Florida barred 1.5 million people from the polls.
No but I'll tell you how to do it. and you would be able to save some time. Goggle how Florida barred 1.5 million people from the polls. You people are a hoot.

You make the claim, you back it up.
This is the future this hate group has for this country, they know that the browning of America will be the end of their party and I don't mean that they will just loose a election. They will be put in the history book where they belong. After many decades of treating minorities and immigrants like shit, there is no way they would vote for this hate group with any numbers. Their solution is to destroy the backbone of democracy to stay relevant, take away the vote of it's people. they would destroy this country for power and money
1. We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
“For the last 40 years, polling places have matched signatures rather than photographs, enabling people to vote without an ID. But following President Obama’s two victories in 2008 and 2012, that began to change.”
Consider the numbers once again. As a result of the law and Scott’s extension of it, 1.5 million Florida voters are barred from the polls.
"There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Nearly half of counties that previously approved voting changes with the federal government have cut polling places this election." The number is way over 1000 now.

This is what the right is willing to do to. They will destroy our democracy to stay relevant.
This looks like racist bull shit to me. (browning of America) Without credible sources this opinion nothing more. Nothing more than a troll stirring the pot.
love it it's racist, he says , you have many rolling on the floor right now. Tell me what you want verified and I'll see if I can come up with endless story's and studies and from good non hate party sources. You tell me which of the above is a lie and WE will play my game, The game will be called who is dumb in this world> I'm waiting
Credible sources Tabloid types don't, obviously biased don'f count if you don't know what credible means then everything I said is the truth.
There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
To quote you I am waiting.
BISMARCK, N.D. — Native American groups in North Dakota are scrambling to help members acquire new addresses, and new IDs, in the few weeks remaining before Election Day — the only way that some residents will be able to vote.

This week, the Supreme Court declined to overturn North Dakota’s controversial voter ID law, which requires residents to show identification with a current street address. A P.O. box does not qualify.

Many Native American reservations, however, do not use physical street addresses. Native Americans are also over represented in the homeless population, according to the Urban Institute. As a result, Native residents often use P.O. boxes for their mailing addresses and may rely on tribal identification that doesn’t list an address. Native Americans run into huge voting hurdle in North Dakota

Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

As Election Day approaches, candidates are rallying their bases to vote. But for Native American voters in places like Arizona, access — not apathy — may be the biggest barrier to turnout.

After the Supreme Court invalidated parts of the 1965 Voting Act, Arizona (with the second-largest Native American population in the country) has passed restrictive measures that have been shown to target voters of color in particular.

Native voters have since been dealing with a new host of unique voting roadblocks, says Patricia Ferguson-Bohnee, a law professor at Arizona State University. For instance, those who live on reservations often don’t have standard addresses reflected on both the rolls and their photo ID, which are now used to verify a person’s polling location and eligibility to vote. Many have to deal with burdensome transportation — think traveling several hours — just to get to a polling place.

The Supreme Court Just Ensured That Thousands of Native Americans Won’t Be Able to Vote in November
The Supreme Court Just Ensured That Thousands of Native Americans Won't Be Able to Vote in November #ABLC

Tribes alarmed after Supreme Court refuses to help Native voters

SAN JUAN COUNTY, Utah – Terry Whitehat remembers gathering at the community hall in Navajo Mountain each election day, where Navajo Nation members in this remote Utah community would cast their ballots.

The tribal members would catch up with friends and family and eat food under the cottonwood trees in the parking lot.

So when Whitehat, a social worker who has lived most of his life on the reservation, received a ballot in the mail for the 2014 elections, he said it caught him off guard.

The county began conducting elections by mail in 2014. Members of the Navajo Nation who live in the area could no longer physically vote in the village. If they wanted to vote in person, they would have to drive to the only remaining polling place at the county seat in Monticello, a 400-mile round trip from Navajo Mountain.

The right wing hate party will sell out this country and democracy itself, to stay viable , in power and for the money. This is what this hater group has planned for this country
Eight ways that the Democrats are destroying our democracy

1) Mass voter fraud

2) Abuse of power

3) Epic corruption

4) Politicizing government agencies

5) Press bias

6) Hollywood hate mongering

7) Academia brainwashing

8) Internet censorship
Hello dumb dumb. Democrats have no power. Republicans are in charge of every branch of government. Duh!


There is a reason they have no power.

Eight of them listed above.

The American people are sick and tired of the so-called "intellectual class" sitting around with wine corks stuffed up their asses telling them (the American people) what to do.

YOU fall right in line.

Which is why nobody, but nobody on this board has the slightest amount of respect for you.
This is the future this hate group has for this country, they know that the browning of America will be the end of their party and I don't mean that they will just loose a election. They will be put in the history book where they belong. After many decades of treating minorities and immigrants like shit, there is no way they would vote for this hate group with any numbers. Their solution is to destroy the backbone of democracy to stay relevant, take away the vote of it's people. they would destroy this country for power and money
1. We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
“For the last 40 years, polling places have matched signatures rather than photographs, enabling people to vote without an ID. But following President Obama’s two victories in 2008 and 2012, that began to change.”
Consider the numbers once again. As a result of the law and Scott’s extension of it, 1.5 million Florida voters are barred from the polls.
"There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Nearly half of counties that previously approved voting changes with the federal government have cut polling places this election." The number is way over 1000 now.

This is what the right is willing to do to. They will destroy our democracy to stay relevant.
Nice rant. I’m sure you feel better. The rest of see that you are just stupid.
Another moronic thread where Snowflakes and Democrats accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....sad.

Who just openly called for violent intolerance, violence, and an end to civility UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT - POWER BACK?

That would be the Democrat Party's 2016 hand-picked FELON who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign finance laws, hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, and illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...

...and that was after taking over $100 million from the Russians, helping to give them 20% of the US supply of uranium and after compromising national security by handing over TOP SECRET data to Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities from off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

In an effort to take back / keep power evidence shows the Obama administration protected their felon candidate from prison while using a Russian-authored document they got from Hillary and used it as the basis to run a Counter-Intelligence operation in which they attempted to falsely claim Trump illegally colluded with Russians when it was Hillary the entire time.

In an attempt to hold power the Democrats attempted to 'Herman Cain's a good man, attempting to destroy his life and family for political gain with lies and false allegations.

Spewing violent rhetoric and openly calling for harassment and violence against Conservatives, they have already inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians, destruction of Republican headquarters property, and attacks on conservatives to include women and children...

... and in the latest attack these threats to our democracy claimed that this was only beginning, that they would attack again, and that they were not sorry and anyway.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said anyone who refuses to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy and ever since she lost the election in 2016 she and all the violent and tolerant Democrats who refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election have proven her correct.
So you respond to prove your point with proven lies, I'll give you a list a mile long of your hate party trying to take away the voting rights of American. You can't come up with even a incl in comparison. Here's your chance , instead of the bullshit in your comment above , show us all here how Democrat are trying to take away votes of your hate party. This should be interesting.

Getting more strict on voting is not taking people's rights away.

If they are legitimate, they can vote.
I have tons of information other then the hate party's con job about voter fraud that no one can find in this country, It's the first post, try reading it and maybe you won't look so ridiculous.
It is hilarious to hear Democrats claim voter / election fraud does not exist when their 2016 Presidential candidate got busted right g primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the primaries, violated Election and Campaign Finance Laws, and even illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help to try to win.


This is what this hate group wants for this country, read my original post , They have no quams about destroying our Demacracy/Republic to stay in power. In fact it's their only chance to continue to exist, when minority's and refugees become the majority. They won't vote for this hate group in any number after being treated like shit from them for decades. But you will see these haters doing everything possible to lie and distort, as in the comment I'm responding to. , saying their hate group doesn't take away the votes of Democrats,
This is the future this hate group has for this country, they know that the browning of America will be the end of their party and I don't mean that they will just loose a election. They will be put in the history book where they belong. After many decades of treating minorities and immigrants like shit, there is no way they would vote for this hate group with any numbers. Their solution is to destroy the backbone of democracy to stay relevant, take away the vote of it's people. they would destroy this country for power and money
1. We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
“For the last 40 years, polling places have matched signatures rather than photographs, enabling people to vote without an ID. But following President Obama’s two victories in 2008 and 2012, that began to change.”
Consider the numbers once again. As a result of the law and Scott’s extension of it, 1.5 million Florida voters are barred from the polls.
"There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Nearly half of counties that previously approved voting changes with the federal government have cut polling places this election." The number is way over 1000 now.

This is what the right is willing to do to. They will destroy our democracy to stay relevant.

LOL, good one, is this another one of those things that you accuse others of doing, when it's really your side...LOL. Few years ago had a girlfriend that did the exact same thing...what a fricken nightmare.
Ok show us how Democrats are trying to take your hate party's votes away.
Another moronic thread where Snowflakes and Democrats accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....sad.

Who just openly called for violent intolerance, violence, and an end to civility UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT - POWER BACK?

That would be the Democrat Party's 2016 hand-picked FELON who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign finance laws, hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, and illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...

...and that was after taking over $100 million from the Russians, helping to give them 20% of the US supply of uranium and after compromising national security by handing over TOP SECRET data to Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities from off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

In an effort to take back / keep power evidence shows the Obama administration protected their felon candidate from prison while using a Russian-authored document they got from Hillary and used it as the basis to run a Counter-Intelligence operation in which they attempted to falsely claim Trump illegally colluded with Russians when it was Hillary the entire time.

In an attempt to hold power the Democrats attempted to 'Herman Cain's a good man, attempting to destroy his life and family for political gain with lies and false allegations.

Spewing violent rhetoric and openly calling for harassment and violence against Conservatives, they have already inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians, destruction of Republican headquarters property, and attacks on conservatives to include women and children...

... and in the latest attack these threats to our democracy claimed that this was only beginning, that they would attack again, and that they were not sorry and anyway.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said anyone who refuses to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy and ever since she lost the election in 2016 she and all the violent and tolerant Democrats who refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election have proven her correct.
So you respond to prove your point with proven lies, I'll give you a list a mile long of your hate party trying to take away the voting rights of American. You can't come up with even a incl in comparison. Here's your chance , instead of the bullshit in your comment above , show us all here how Democrat are trying to take away votes of your hate party. This should be interesting.

Getting more strict on voting is not taking people's rights away.

If they are legitimate, they can vote.
I have tons of information other then the hate party's con job about voter fraud that no one can find in this country, It's the first post, try reading it and maybe you won't look so ridiculous.
It is hilarious to hear Democrats claim voter / election fraud does not exist when their 2016 Presidential candidate got busted right g primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the primaries, violated Election and Campaign Finance Laws, and even illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help to try to win.


This is what this hate group wants for this country, read my original post , They have no quams about destroying our Demacracy/Republic to stay in power. In fact it's their only chance to continue to exist, when minority's and refugees become the majority. They won't vote for this hate group in any number after being treated like shit from them for decades. But you will see these haters doing everything possible to lie and distort, as in the comment I'm responding to. , saying their hate group doesn't take away the votes of Democrats,

No links.

Just more of the same crap from the OP.

Your Saul Alinsky process is very evident.
I was going to switch to Democrat, but after reading this I am extremely disappointed and offended. I am now going to the polls November 6, and vote straight “R”. You just lost another supporter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bullshit mountain is growing as we watch. I want everyone to follow these hate party members responses and what you will find out is they really don't care as long as they stay relevant , they will destroy our democracy/republic and country to stay in power, These people are this country's enemy
This is the future this hate group has for this country, they know that the browning of America will be the end of their party and I don't mean that they will just loose a election. They will be put in the history book where they belong. After many decades of treating minorities and immigrants like shit, there is no way they would vote for this hate group with any numbers. Their solution is to destroy the backbone of democracy to stay relevant, take away the vote of it's people. they would destroy this country for power and money
1. We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
“For the last 40 years, polling places have matched signatures rather than photographs, enabling people to vote without an ID. But following President Obama’s two victories in 2008 and 2012, that began to change.”
Consider the numbers once again. As a result of the law and Scott’s extension of it, 1.5 million Florida voters are barred from the polls.
"There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Nearly half of counties that previously approved voting changes with the federal government have cut polling places this election." The number is way over 1000 now.

This is what the right is willing to do to. They will destroy our democracy to stay relevant.
This looks like racist bull shit to me. (browning of America) Without credible sources this opinion nothing more. Nothing more than a troll stirring the pot.
love it it's racist, he says , you have many rolling on the floor right now. Tell me what you want verified and I'll see if I can come up with endless story's and studies and from good non hate party sources. You tell me which of the above is a lie and WE will play my game, The game will be called who is dumb in this world> I'm waiting
Credible sources Tabloid types don't, obviously biased don'f count if you don't know what credible means then everything I said is the truth.
There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
Every Indian has a tribal ID card. This is government issued and needed to get their checks and food. It is also used for voting... Imagine that..You lied...
I was going to switch to Democrat, but after reading this I am extremely disappointed and offended. I am now going to the polls November 6, and vote straight “R”. You just lost another supporter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bullshit mountain is growing as we watch. I want everyone to follow these hate party members responses and what you will find out is they really don't care as long as they stay relevant , they will destroy our democracy/republic and country to stay in power, These people are this country's enemy

Then come and get us.

Better bring a lot of firepower.
I was going to switch to Democrat, but after reading this I am extremely disappointed and offended. I am now going to the polls November 6, and vote straight “R”. You just lost another supporter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bullshit mountain is growing as we watch. I want everyone to follow these hate party members responses and what you will find out is they really don't care as long as they stay relevant , they will destroy our democracy/republic and country to stay in power, These people are this country's enemy


We own the federal government.

And we own a lot of state government's too.

I'd say you are the outsiders and the enemy who needs to be removed.
This is the future this hate group has for this country, they know that the browning of America will be the end of their party and I don't mean that they will just loose a election. They will be put in the history book where they belong. After many decades of treating minorities and immigrants like shit, there is no way they would vote for this hate group with any numbers. Their solution is to destroy the backbone of democracy to stay relevant, take away the vote of it's people. they would destroy this country for power and money
1. We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
“For the last 40 years, polling places have matched signatures rather than photographs, enabling people to vote without an ID. But following President Obama’s two victories in 2008 and 2012, that began to change.”
Consider the numbers once again. As a result of the law and Scott’s extension of it, 1.5 million Florida voters are barred from the polls.
"There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Nearly half of counties that previously approved voting changes with the federal government have cut polling places this election." The number is way over 1000 now.

This is what the right is willing to do to. They will destroy our democracy to stay relevant.

LOL, good one, is this another one of those things that you accuse others of doing, when it's really your side...LOL. Few years ago had a girlfriend that did the exact same thing...what a fricken nightmare.
Ok show us how Democrats are trying to take your hate party's votes away.
The Plot to Take Away Our Electoral College -
I was going to switch to Democrat, but after reading this I am extremely disappointed and offended. I am now going to the polls November 6, and vote straight “R”. You just lost another supporter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bullshit mountain is growing as we watch. I want everyone to follow these hate party members responses and what you will find out is they really don't care as long as they stay relevant , they will destroy our democracy/republic and country to stay in power, These people are this country's enemy

2 years and still:

Another moronic thread where Snowflakes and Democrats accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....sad.

Who just openly called for violent intolerance, violence, and an end to civility UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT - POWER BACK?

That would be the Democrat Party's 2016 hand-picked FELON who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign finance laws, hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, and illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...

...and that was after taking over $100 million from the Russians, helping to give them 20% of the US supply of uranium and after compromising national security by handing over TOP SECRET data to Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities from off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

In an effort to take back / keep power evidence shows the Obama administration protected their felon candidate from prison while using a Russian-authored document they got from Hillary and used it as the basis to run a Counter-Intelligence operation in which they attempted to falsely claim Trump illegally colluded with Russians when it was Hillary the entire time.

In an attempt to hold power the Democrats attempted to 'Herman Cain's a good man, attempting to destroy his life and family for political gain with lies and false allegations.

Spewing violent rhetoric and openly calling for harassment and violence against Conservatives, they have already inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians, destruction of Republican headquarters property, and attacks on conservatives to include women and children...

... and in the latest attack these threats to our democracy claimed that this was only beginning, that they would attack again, and that they were not sorry and anyway.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said anyone who refuses to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy and ever since she lost the election in 2016 she and all the violent and tolerant Democrats who refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election have proven her correct.
So you respond to prove your point with proven lies, I'll give you a list a mile long of your hate party trying to take away the voting rights of American. You can't come up with even a incl in comparison. Here's your chance , instead of the bullshit in your comment above , show us all here how Democrat are trying to take away votes of your hate party. This should be interesting.
Well, I am one of those "Hate" Posters that trying to keep voting rights only to those who are citizens of this country as the Constitution mandates. So go ahead and let me have it. Illegals have no right to vote or even to stay in this country unless we p[ass laws that would include them legally.

I am not one prone to violence or even advocate it adoes Eric Holder and recently, Hillary. "Kicking and acting uncivily to those who disagree with you is exactly what they ascribe to.

And since you are so eager to blame racism on didn't come out and call them that but we both know what you mean. I am not the one who goes out and ignores all protesting rules, refusing to let traffic through, hitting cars, people and looting stores and starting fires.

I have never been rude to anyone that I have met or come into contact with that is different than I.
And just when have or anyone you know taken away the Indians right to vote? If they don't have an address they can get an ID for voting. I'm afraid you have been lisyening to just one station, reaed very little and probably have a limited education.. But that is no excuse for calling people you do not know racists.

You have very little credibility. The lack of links for your assumptions is infortunate.
Another moronic thread where Snowflakes and Democrats accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....sad.

Who just openly called for violent intolerance, violence, and an end to civility UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT - POWER BACK?

That would be the Democrat Party's 2016 hand-picked FELON who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign finance laws, hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, and illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...

...and that was after taking over $100 million from the Russians, helping to give them 20% of the US supply of uranium and after compromising national security by handing over TOP SECRET data to Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities from off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

In an effort to take back / keep power evidence shows the Obama administration protected their felon candidate from prison while using a Russian-authored document they got from Hillary and used it as the basis to run a Counter-Intelligence operation in which they attempted to falsely claim Trump illegally colluded with Russians when it was Hillary the entire time.

In an attempt to hold power the Democrats attempted to 'Herman Cain's a good man, attempting to destroy his life and family for political gain with lies and false allegations.

Spewing violent rhetoric and openly calling for harassment and violence against Conservatives, they have already inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians, destruction of Republican headquarters property, and attacks on conservatives to include women and children...

... and in the latest attack these threats to our democracy claimed that this was only beginning, that they would attack again, and that they were not sorry and anyway.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said anyone who refuses to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy and ever since she lost the election in 2016 she and all the violent and tolerant Democrats who refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election have proven her correct.
So you respond to prove your point with proven lies, I'll give you a list a mile long of your hate party trying to take away the voting rights of American. You can't come up with even a incl in comparison. Here's your chance , instead of the bullshit in your comment above , show us all here how Democrat are trying to take away votes of your hate party. This should be interesting.
Well, I am one of those "Hate" Posters that trying to keep voting rights only to those who are citizens of this country as the Constitution mandates. So go ahead and let me have it. Illegals have no right to vote or even to stay in this country unless we p[ass laws that would include them legally.

I am not one prone to violence or even advocate it adoes Eric Holder and recently, Hillary. "Kicking and acting uncivily to those who disagree with you is exactly what they ascribe to.

And since you are so eager to blame racism on didn't come out and call them that but we both know what you mean. I am not the one who goes out and ignores all protesting rules, refusing to let traffic through, hitting cars, people and looting stores and starting fires.

I have never been rude to anyone that I have met or come into contact with that is different than I.
And just when have or anyone you know taken away the Indians right to vote? If they don't have an address they can get an ID for voting. I'm afraid you have been lisyening to just one station, reaed very little and probably have a limited education.. But that is no excuse for calling people you do not know racists.

You have very little credibility. The lack of links for your assumptions is infortunate.
I meet all the requirements for posting sites but they won't let me now , Google
your Nazi Leader at his best. You people are a joke. Google
"Trumps history of supporting violence" Third post down, By the way you fit in perfectly with him
Another moronic thread where Snowflakes and Democrats accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are....sad.

Who just openly called for violent intolerance, violence, and an end to civility UNTIL THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT - POWER BACK?

That would be the Democrat Party's 2016 hand-picked FELON who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign finance laws, hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, and illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...

...and that was after taking over $100 million from the Russians, helping to give them 20% of the US supply of uranium and after compromising national security by handing over TOP SECRET data to Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities from off of her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

In an effort to take back / keep power evidence shows the Obama administration protected their felon candidate from prison while using a Russian-authored document they got from Hillary and used it as the basis to run a Counter-Intelligence operation in which they attempted to falsely claim Trump illegally colluded with Russians when it was Hillary the entire time.

In an attempt to hold power the Democrats attempted to 'Herman Cain's a good man, attempting to destroy his life and family for political gain with lies and false allegations.

Spewing violent rhetoric and openly calling for harassment and violence against Conservatives, they have already inspired an attempted assassination of Republican politicians, destruction of Republican headquarters property, and attacks on conservatives to include women and children...

... and in the latest attack these threats to our democracy claimed that this was only beginning, that they would attack again, and that they were not sorry and anyway.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said anyone who refuses to accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy and ever since she lost the election in 2016 she and all the violent and tolerant Democrats who refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election have proven her correct.
So you respond to prove your point with proven lies, I'll give you a list a mile long of your hate party trying to take away the voting rights of American. You can't come up with even a incl in comparison. Here's your chance , instead of the bullshit in your comment above , show us all here how Democrat are trying to take away votes of your hate party. This should be interesting.

Getting more strict on voting is not taking people's rights away.

If they are legitimate, they can vote.
I have tons of information other then the hate party's con job about voter fraud that no one can find in this country, It's the first post, try reading it and maybe you won't look so ridiculous.
It is hilarious to hear Democrats claim voter / election fraud does not exist when their 2016 Presidential candidate got busted right g primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the primaries, violated Election and Campaign Finance Laws, and even illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help to try to win.


This is what this hate group wants for this country, read my original post , They have no quams about destroying our Demacracy/Republic to stay in power. In fact it's their only chance to continue to exist, when minority's and refugees become the majority. They won't vote for this hate group in any number after being treated like shit from them for decades. But you will see these haters doing everything possible to lie and distort, as in the comment I'm responding to. , saying their hate group doesn't take away the votes of Democrats,
You are confusing election fraud and cheating prevention with election fraud and cheating.

You are defending the party of proven cheaters, whose DNC Chairwoman ADMITTED that their 2016 Presidential candidate and their party DID RIG PRIMARIES, DID CHEAT IN DEBATES, DID ENGAGE IN ELECTION FRSUD during the Primaries, DID 'STACK THE DECK' unfairly against the real 'winner' of the DNC nomination, DID violate both Election and Campaign Finance laws...

...while claiming requiring voter ID's - which would be a requirement for ALL Americans, Conservatives and liberals alike - would 'steal' / 'block' DEMOCRAT votes (only).

The FACT that illegals are illegally registered to vote in this country is not even in question anymore.

The FACT that illegals vote in this countryi s not even in question anymore.

The FACT that political parties / groups engage in rigging elections, cheat in debates, and break all the election laws they can without getting caught is not even in question anymore ... Thanks to DBC Chairwoman Donna Brazil's, Hillary Clinton, Wikileaks, and the evidence of their 2016 election actions / crimes.

So, in this case, once again, the ones who are barking the loudest are the ones doing ' the deeds'.

Democrats are once again accusing others of doing what they have been / are doing and of being who they are.

Democrats are screaming in an attempt to ensure that the rampant election fraud, cheating, & illegal voting they have been engaged in / have benefited from in the past does not get eliminated.

The funny thing is HILLARY KNEW THERE WAS NO WAY SHE COULD WIN IN 2016 IN A FAIR ELECTION. She proved this by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, violating election and campaign Finance laws, and illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in helping her attempt to win the presidential election.

The truly sad, pathetic thing for Democrats is this - the American people were tired of the corrupt politicians in the same old corruption going on in Washington and wanted someone different... and the Democrats gave their nomination to the one person who personified everything the American people were tired of and hated, the one and only person, most probably, did Donald Trump could beat. Polls since the 2016 election pretty much proved that, showing that if Bernie Sanders would have gotten the nomination he would have pretty handily beaten Donald Trump.

The Democrats didn't need to rig primaries, cheat the Bates, or engage in election fraud during primaries to win in 2016. They just needed to run a legitimate candidate, not approving felon and cheater.
This is the future this hate group has for this country, they know that the browning of America will be the end of their party and I don't mean that they will just loose a election. They will be put in the history book where they belong. After many decades of treating minorities and immigrants like shit, there is no way they would vote for this hate group with any numbers. Their solution is to destroy the backbone of democracy to stay relevant, take away the vote of it's people. they would destroy this country for power and money
1. We will start with the Indian reservation- how do you take away their voting privileged, by saying they need a address to vote,knowing that Indian reservations only give post box numbers, which can't be used as a address to the Native Americans. That's what they are doing all across the country.
“For the last 40 years, polling places have matched signatures rather than photographs, enabling people to vote without an ID. But following President Obama’s two victories in 2008 and 2012, that began to change.”
Consider the numbers once again. As a result of the law and Scott’s extension of it, 1.5 million Florida voters are barred from the polls.
"There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Nearly half of counties that previously approved voting changes with the federal government have cut polling places this election." The number is way over 1000 now.

This is what the right is willing to do to. They will destroy our democracy to stay relevant.

Both sides have destroyed the "democracy", there is no democracy. Unless the monopoly on power is taken away from these two parties, nothing will change.
Bull fuking sh!t.

Republicans are a lily white party. Democrats are everyone else. The very nature of the Democratic Party, being a coalition, makes it a democracy.

You don’t see Democrats purging white Republicans from the voter rolls in blue states.
The Democratic Party is a coalition of hate, it's not a democracy.
Hillary even screwed-over the crazy Bernie supporters.
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