The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

Congress has never gone so low in it’s embrace and tolerance of what in private employment would be considered “unprofessional”, sick and tired of it :(
Oh well. Who cares if you’re “sick and tired?”
True, though that's a misnomer. None of it has anything to do with conservatism. Their orange lard and master ran on universal healthcare, for example. Then he instituted gun control by executive action.

Remember in 2020, when economists were predicting higher gas prices and inflation? Do you remember the GOP platform for combatting these things, that they now blame on Biden?

Me neither. Because it did not exist. They had no platform. They (correctly) assumed they did not need a platform, to secure the votes of their base.
It also illustrates the GOP’s abandonment of the ‘big tent’ – focusing instead on the base: the angry white man, the frightened racist and bigot, and the anti-immigrant nativist.

This in conjunction with Republicans’ efforts to undermine voting rights and disenfranchise minority voters, establishing the foundation for Republican minority rule.
It also illustrates the GOP’s abandonment of the ‘big tent’ – focusing instead on the base: the angry white man, the frightened racist and bigot, and the anti-immigrant nativist.

This in conjunction with Republicans’ efforts to undermine voting rights and disenfranchise minority voters, establishing the foundation for Republican minority rule.
They have painted themselves into a corner. The have no leeway to expand their appeal to more voters, as they are chained to a core base of people that will unseat them, if they do.

So the only option is to rig elections and pander to their anger, getting as many of them to vote as they can.
A message to Omar.

Jesse Kelly
You’re not a terrorist. You’re an America-hating, Jew-hating communist with terrorist sympathies. A sane country would have deported you back to the dump you came from. Instead, you walk the halls of Congress and try to destroy this country from within.
Progs did this. With internal issues trying to improve they added many more issues. Only a person or persons who America and Americans would do this. Biden is one of many. He has proven it.
Why should anybody apologize for what they said? Should the GOP worry about losing the terrorist fan club vote or something? Why aren't the voters who elected Omar apologizing to the rest of the country for their detestable actions?
They have a seat at the table while your demented church ladies are at the kid's table throwing food.
They all have a seat at the table and the hate for Jews amounts to more than throwing food. The ridiculous Green agenda is designed to destroy this country. Greene and Boebert are Americans throwing food. The Squad are America hating shrews throwing food heavily seasoned with hate.
This stuff has been in decay for quite a while on both ends, but Trump's arrival just strapped a turbocharger on it.
The Left has been spewing hate for decades.

The fact that they figured out how to steal elections has given them a voice that should have been rejected by Americans a long time ago.

They are pretty much the scum of this country and have been the insigator of racial hared and insurrection for quite a long time now.
They all have a seat at the table and the hate for Jews amounts to more than throwing food. The ridiculous Green agenda is designed to destroy this country. Greene and Boebert are Americans throwing food. The Squad are America hating shrews throwing food heavily seasoned with hate.
God damn you people suck at constructing metaphors.
C_Clayton_Jones so the net result is a collection of hyperventilating morons who, for example, scream that we should take care of our own before helping immigrants and foreign countries, then squeal "communism", whenever we try to do exactly that. Mind-numbingly stupid behavior.
Lauren Boebert's recent comments were nothing short of bigoted and xenophobic and since being elected both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior. Yet, the right is repeatedly defending these women and point to AOC, Omar, or one of The Squad members every time one of them opens their mouths with something equally absurd or appalling. Instead of embracing this lunacy you should be flat out rejecting it. How about demanding better? How about showing America who the adults are in the room?

I am not a big fan of George W Bush, but one thing he did well was sit back and let the left and the media make utter fools of themselves. They threw every ridiculous sophomoric antic they could at him and instead of responding in kind he just stood back and smiled and let them rant and rave. It worked because he was convincingly reelected. Republicans are heading into what appears to be an election cycle largely in their favor, but people like Boebert and MTG and candidates who may emulate their behavior could only hinder their gains, not help them. Biden was elected to allegedly put an "adult" back in the White House. How about the Republicans bring adults back to Congress? Instead all we have are a Congress full of overgrown children seeing who can outdo each other with reality show style entertainment and shock value. This is not the leadership we need in America.
Where McCarthy is just as much of a scumbag.

That’s why there is no ‘extreme’ right or ‘far’ right – the racism and hate, the fearmongering, the Trump-worshiping are all mainstream conservatism.
McCarthy wakes up every morning saying "Why me?"
How about showing America who the adults are in the room?
Being pussies hasn't won anything for slack-jawed "above it all" smirking neocon chimps like the Bushes, or any of the other GOP country club old guard.

Except two terms in the White House and actually winning the popular vote one time.

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