The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

Politics is not supposed to be like one of the "reality" shows you watch. In the real world your entertaining plot twists, intrigue and bombshells has an actual body count.
You mean like in clown world where politicians are hired because they have a black vagina?
They have painted themselves into a corner. The have no leeway to expand their appeal to more voters, as they are chained to a core base of people that will unseat them, if they do.

So the only option is to rig elections and pander to their anger, getting as many of them to vote as they can.
Which conservatives are perfectly content with for the short-term.

As I’ve noted some time ago, you really have to hand it to Republicans.

With their bad-faith manipulation of our republican form of government – McConnell’s refusing to confirm Obama’s Supreme Court nominee being an example – and the dumb luck of winning the presidency in 2016 (along with three Supreme Court appointments), Republicans have taken complete control of the Federal judiciary.

With their voter suppression and voter disenfranchisement efforts at the state level, Republicans will continue to control a majority of the states (including some swing states), giving them the advantage in presidential elections, the ongoing makeup of the Senate, and future appointment to the Federal judiciary.

So Republicans really haven’t painted themselves into a corner; with the tyranny of Republican minority rule there’s no need to expand their appeal to more voters when they can exclude likely Democratic voters from the political process and maintain control of the executive branch, judicial branch, and Senate contrary to the will of the American people.
I am not on Facebook and consider my phone an electronic leash. You are dead wrong like usual.
And yet you have the thoughtless, simplistic knee-jerk political opinions of a total Facebook junkie. Interesting.
Qanon veronica & betty are nothing but low class performance artists.

boebert's restaurant was cited for health violations, & her husband got busted for flashing his junk at a bowling alley.
Taz isn’t to the left and neither am I and Taz is correct about not embracing the fringe element of the party like the left does…
Again, there is no ‘fringe element’ of the GOP – what Boebert and Greene represent is the GOP and mainstream conservativism.

And the ‘left’ long ago relegated the ‘fringe’ to the political back seat – that a moderate centrist like Biden was the Democrats’ presidential nominee is proof of that.
This stuff has been in decay for quite a while on both ends, but Trump's arrival just strapped a turbocharger on it.

you've lost yer freakin' mind. If anyone tried to stop it, it was President Trump. It's the Never Trumpers and the democrats who can't stand their money source drying up.
They are hardly women.
this is what leftists like you call a real woman !
Taz isn’t to the left and neither am I and Taz is correct about not embracing the fringe element of the party like the left does…

I know many of you have disagreed with Taz about this but for me I sure the hell will not be voting for anyone fringe no matter the political party…
Totally agree, the fringe on both sides get way too much attention. AOC, Ohmar, Greene and Bieber, they are some of the fringe element along with Sanders. I’ll pick third party over the fringes.

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