The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

Lauren Boebert's recent comments were nothing short of bigoted and xenophobic and since being elected both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior. Yet, the right is repeatedly defending these women and point to AOC, Omar, or one of The Squad members every time one of them opens their mouths with something equally absurd or appalling. Instead of embracing this lunacy you should be flat out rejecting it. How about demanding better? How about showing America who the adults are in the room?

I am not a big fan of George W Bush, but one thing he did well was sit back and let the left and the media make utter fools of themselves. They threw every ridiculous sophomoric antic they could at him and instead of responding in kind he just stood back and smiled and let them rant and rave. It worked because he was convincingly reelected. Republicans are heading into what appears to be an election cycle largely in their favor, but people like Boebert and MTG and candidates who may emulate their behavior could only hinder their gains, not help them. Biden was elected to allegedly put an "adult" back in the White House. How about the Republicans bring adults back to Congress? Instead all we have are a Congress full of overgrown children seeing who can outdo each other with reality show style entertainment and shock value. This is not the leadership we need in America.

Except that that let the Left define him in culture and history. Sure HE won his second term, but he did nothing to stop the advances the Left was making in culture and law and education and ect.

We need to fight them on every level.
& they were gone, toot sweet. yet, veronica is there.... still...

too bad.

<coughcough dennis hastert, phil giordano, david vitter, coughcough>
Boebert or Greene have done nothing like those politicians on either side. They appeal to Americans and some Americans are rough around the edges. But they know what America is and they care. Freedom scares you because you just can't handle it.
donny promised to bail out his rally buds who punched out any dissenters in the crowd.

problem was donny never pays his bills & the poor suckers who believed him found that out after the fact.

donny promised to bail out his rally buds who punched out any dissenters in the crowd.

problem was donny never pays his bills & the poor suckers who believed him found that out after the fact.
bwaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa! once again i have easily and effortlessly destroyed an idiotic leftwing wimp in the arena of debate ! :piss2:playtime
how many people got punched out ? but the dems carried through and bailed out people that looted assaulted and committed arson .
That for some reason does not bother them. You have to wonder what kind of people support violence for political change. Anyone knows that is the definition of terrorism.

The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG​

If you don’t like them, don’t vote for them.
Lauren Boebert's recent comments were nothing short of bigoted and xenophobic and since being elected both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior. Yet, the right is repeatedly defending these women and point to AOC, Omar, or one of The Squad members every time one of them opens their mouths with something equally absurd or appalling. Instead of embracing this lunacy you should be flat out rejecting it. How about demanding better? How about showing America who the adults are in the room?

I am not a big fan of George W Bush, but one thing he did well was sit back and let the left and the media make utter fools of themselves. They threw every ridiculous sophomoric antic they could at him and instead of responding in kind he just stood back and smiled and let them rant and rave. It worked because he was convincingly reelected. Republicans are heading into what appears to be an election cycle largely in their favor, but people like Boebert and MTG and candidates who may emulate their behavior could only hinder their gains, not help them. Biden was elected to allegedly put an "adult" back in the White House. How about the Republicans bring adults back to Congress? Instead all we have are a Congress full of overgrown children seeing who can outdo each other with reality show style entertainment and shock value. This is not the leadership we need in America.
This is what gerrymandering has wrought
Dubya was a bigger traitor than the Rosenbergs and gave us: War on terror, multi-trillion deficits and a Surveillance State that made Orwell sick with envy
Yeah, but at least he sat down, shut up, and let people insult and defame him all day every day...That's what these stuffed shirt losers call "being presidential".
This is truly naïve.

As already correctly noted: Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters, and others on the right wouldn’t dare jeopardize the votes of those whom Boebert and MTG represent – the angry white man; the frightened, hateful racists and bigots, the purveyors of white grievance politics and replacement theory, the violent domestic terrorists and their Second Amendment solution, and the Christo-fascists on the religious right.
They sound dangerous. Maybe you should lock them up in camps. And then offer them...showers. Yes, showers.

Leftists love to give people...showers.

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