The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

This is truly naïve.

As already correctly noted: Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters, and others on the right wouldn’t dare jeopardize the votes of those whom Boebert and MTG represent – the angry white man; the frightened, hateful racists and bigots, the purveyors of white grievance politics and replacement theory, the violent domestic terrorists and their Second Amendment solution, and the Christo-fascists on the religious right.
Prove it. What has AOC done for her district?
Prevented 25K jobs from locating there.
Satellites can start fires and have for a long while.
The Rothchilds like Soros are Psychopaths and would burn down any state to make money. They are both Jewish groups......
And it is posts like the above that keep me coming back to this particular DewDrop Inn.
Nutsocrazo is on display.
Frequently enough.
I love this bar.

watch the looting and burning on TV as we see democrat supporters
Or, alternatively watch the looting and beat downs of police officers on TV on January 6th by folks wearing Trump gear.

Oh by the way, good poster CJ, those "democrat supporters' that you allege you saw 'looting & burning'.....well, amigo, how do you know?

Was there a sign-up table at the beginning of the brouhaha?
Did they wear name tags with party affiliation?

In short, and I don't mean to be disrespectful.....but, you don't really know if those folks who broke a Nike window were Democrats, Republicans, TeaPartiers, Libertarians, Freemasons, Green Party, Constitution Party, Hindus, Mennonites, or Girls-Gone-Wild....or whatever.

In short, and again, I mean no disrespect good poster Calypso, but my avatar suspects you really don't do much homework, and know little about that which you speak.

Again, no disrespect intended.
"how many rioters did he bail out"
I honestly don't know. I haven't read reportage on that. But.......

But I have seen this about Trump's involvement with convicted criminals:

I honestly don't know. I haven't read reportage on that. But.......

But I have seen this about Trump's involvement with convicted criminals:

So the number is zero.
And Katie Hill is a pervert? For having sex. I heard Republicans don't.
No, a pervert for taking pictures of it that ended up on the internet. Boebert and Greene are acting like men because the RINOs will not. I know you prefer women with a penis but you can't always get your way. That is something you need to accept. Your intolerance is childish.
So the number is zero.
Well yeah, that seems plausible. Though I've seen no reporting; however, that could simply be a sign of Don Trump's well known financial acumen.

After all, why post bail (usually 10%) to help some accused moke who beat a cop on January 6th because he thought that's what Don wanted....and who may skip and Don loses his investment.....

.......when he can simply pardon them after their conviction?

Well yeah, that seems plausible. Though I've seen no reporting; however, that could simply be a sign of Don Trump's well known financial acumen.

After all, why post bail (usually 10%) to help some accused moke who beat a cop on January 6th because he thought that's what Don wanted....and who may skip and Don loses his investment.....

.......when he can simply pardon them after their conviction?

So the number is still zero.

Chillicothe. No Trump supporter beat a policeman or anyone else for that matter.

secondly. How do i know that these folk burning and looting are leftists? Antifa/blm.... don't get arrested and if they do, then they're released immediately. These are the folk coming to YOUR side's get togethers and takking over the mic and the left allows it. These are the folk that pelouys and Harris encouraged to violently react to a Trump Presidency. Antifa and BLM and other radical groups that hate america are SUPPORTED BY THE LEFT. Dont' tell us they aren't. WE KNOW THEY ARE! The media, always defending these rioters, looters, thieves, murderers. and you continually call out made up altercations with the right. NOBODY breaks laws like the left. Dont' even try that. You are not that stupid. And we're not as stupid as you think we are.
This is truly naïve.

As already correctly noted: Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters, and others on the right wouldn’t dare jeopardize the votes of those whom Boebert and MTG represent – the angry white man; the frightened, hateful racists and bigots, the purveyors of white grievance politics and replacement theory, the violent domestic terrorists and their Second Amendment solution, and the Christo-fascists on the religious right.

That pretty much describes them.
No, a pervert for taking pictures of it that ended up on the internet. Boebert and Greene are acting like men because the RINOs will not. I know you prefer women with a penis but you can't always get your way. That is something you need to accept. Your intolerance is childish.
Greene could pass as a man, for sure. Not just the ugliness out of her mouth, either.
I bet you have to suck in your gut to see yours let alone take a picture of it.
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