The Right To Bear Arms

Just to clarify it for the terminally ignorant.

The second amendment most certainly DOES explicitly guarantee a RIGHT.

And as the SCOTUS made clear recently, it is a right that predated the Constitution.

No matter how anybody may try to spin it, the fact remains: the RIGHT to bear arms is a right of a person explicitly guaranteed by the Second Amendment.
Anyone who argues otherwise is lying.
Myth No11: Universal background checks would create a federal database of gun owners

One of the myths that ended the background checks bill in the Senate two years ago was the claim – perpetrated by the gun lobby and swallowed by most Republicans – was that it would create a national registry of gun owners.

In fact, the Manchin-Toomey legislation explicitly barred the creation of a federal database in its text, but opponents insisted it would infringe on the liberties of gun owners in America.

Aside from that being a false claim, it was notable that just a couple of months later, when it was revealed that the NSA was spying on millions of Americans, the same lawmakers were overwhelmingly supportive of far more intrusive data-gathering.

Much More: 11 myths about the future of gun control, debunked after the Charleston shooting

So, why can't the NRA gun nutters at least allow universal background checks?

Guns Kill An Average Of 36 People Every Day, And The Nation Doesn't Even Blink

Gun makers and suppliers should be held liable.
Guns don't kill, people do. Sometimes themselves, sometimes self defense. You've seen it all before but your brainwashed mind can't process it.
Myth No11: Universal background checks would create a federal database of gun owners

One of the myths that ended the background checks bill in the Senate two years ago was the claim – perpetrated by the gun lobby and swallowed by most Republicans – was that it would create a national registry of gun owners.

In fact, the Manchin-Toomey legislation explicitly barred the creation of a federal database in its text, but opponents insisted it would infringe on the liberties of gun owners in America.

Aside from that being a false claim, it was notable that just a couple of months later, when it was revealed that the NSA was spying on millions of Americans, the same lawmakers were overwhelmingly supportive of far more intrusive data-gathering.

Much More: 11 myths about the future of gun control, debunked after the Charleston shooting

So, why can't the NRA gun nutters at least allow universal background checks?

Universal background checks will lead to registration…there is no way to keep track of private sales without it…..they will simply force states to do it and have the information available for the feds…moron…

And again….why are Universal BAckground Checks your goal…they are avoided the same way that current mandatory federal background checks are avoided…..the criminal steals the gun or gets a straw buyer to buy the gun for them..thereby getting past even Universal background checks.

The mass shooters….go through the universal background check and then shoot people…the Santa Barbara Shooter went through 3 background checks, one for each gun he bought….didn't stop him……

And we still don't know how this guy got his gun

And we already know Universal Background Checks will fail….there was a case I posted yesterday..a state with universal background checks…the father could not own a gun, lied on his paperwork and his son used the gun to kill people…

So Unviversal BAckground Checks are simply a way for you guys to make felons out of John Q. Citizen selling his brother his old .22 rifle if he doesn't drag him down to the police station or gun store to pay more money for a background check….
The Second Amendment is a colonial relic and should be put out of its misery. It's confusing and obsolete.

As is the First Amendment…the founders never knew about computers, laptops, or the internet…..we should ban all of those..because of identity theft, computer crime and child abuse…..
Wingnuts haven't said or done anything to convince anyone that assualt weapons are a part of the second ammendment so in that way, yes, it is obsolete.

wut? Lay off the sauce, dear, you sound really stupid when you're drinking.

There was no such thing as the internet when the First Amendment was ratified, so using your logic you have no right to open your piehole on the internet, so you best shut the fk up before we send the SWAT team for you.
The Second Amendment is a colonial relic and should be put out of its misery. It's confusing and obsolete.
Says an anti-gun loon, incapable of arguing from anything other than emotion, ignorance and/of dishonesty, and only too happy to use the blood of innocents to push his mindless, bigoted agenda.
Anyone here belong to a militia? Know anyone who belongs to a militia? I don't...

I used to belong to the New Mexico militia. FYI, according to the US Code:

§ 311.
Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
The Second Amendment is a colonial relic and should be put out of its misery. It's confusing and obsolete.

It is not confusing nor obsolete. The only problem with it is that it doesn't say what YOU want it to say.
Black people have a homicide rate that is 4 TIMES the national average. We have much more diversity than any other country, and our black people are descendants of slaves. Socioeconomic factors play a big role here. Some will tell you that entitlement programs cause people to feel "entitled" to other people's property or what not too. I'm sure if it was THAT easy to just say what the problem is, it would have been solved by now. It's more complicated than "guns" though.

Yeah, there is a massive issue with black people. A lot of it has to do with slavery and segregation and the racism that still exists as vestiges of a time when morality was something quite different.

Poverty does play a major part, especially the cycle of poverty.

However the big issue here is why almost nothing gets done about any of this, whereas in other countries it does get dealt with.

The answer seems to be that politicians are doing the bidding of the rich in the US, whereas in Europe they're far more likely to deal with the issues the people have.

The politicians working the hardest to keep blacks poor are the Democrats who want them to stay dependent on government. Blacks becoming more middle and upper class would be great for our economy and everyone in it. It would be bad for the politicians who assume the votes are theirs

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