The Right To Bear Arms

Careful using MAGA. Are you aware where that came from in 2014? Trump saw it laying around and said, "I think I'll use that". It's in the Mueller report.
Well it should have come from a liberal progressive socialist democrat who is pro union and pro new deal. Pro labor laws and pensions. Pro social security, Medicare and affordable healthcare for all.

This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.

The rich fought back. They started winning when Reagan conned America. Then gw bush. Then trump. The middle class is doomed

If you read the Mueller report you would know where it came from and wouldn't be touting it. At least they got the color of the hat right.
But I do want to make America great again. Return it to we the people.

The corporations don’t know best, we the people do. Government isn’t the enemy. It needs to be taken back from them though.
the corp. argument is such bullshit,,,

you want the country back???

thats simple,,use the constitution,,,

after 35yrs of watching closely its clear the party system is the problem and the constitution is the solution,,,

a big factor when talking politics is to be specific as to which body you are talking about,,,state or federal,,

the states have far more power in some areas than the feds and vice versa,,this has been severely abused,,,
No it’s not bullshit. There was a time in America when corporations treated workers like shit. Workers unionized and brought everyone’s wages up. During this era is when America was great. Since union membership went from 35% of American workers down to about 10%, how has that worked out for us. Coincidence? Shouldn’t wages have went up as unions went away?
when the fed favors one group over another one are bound to get cheated if not both,,,

as I said be specific about which government body is the problem,,,
If you can’t afford to retire @ 67 then you haven’t maga.

i'm retired at 53,,,

Most people are not like you. Why should we vote like you vote?

DUH!!!! most people are dummer,,,

well my way of voting has saved my soul from the rot of the democrat and republican partys actions,,,,

Really, dummer than you? Next time try dumber, it will be much less ironic.

thought I'd give you something to focus on since you dont understand the topic so much,,,

Ah huh, I'm sure that was your plan, you've proved to be so prosaic.
Than why have Trump and McConnell chosen to pack the Supreme Court?

McConnell and Trump increased the size of the court to add more conservative justices?

Why always with you a logical fallacy? Your straw men are always put together with wet straw, clothed in asbestos and not once did you remember to bring a match.

What's that?
You -don't- know what it means to "pack" a court?
Gee. Surprise.

I do, and it seems you don't. Pack, a verb meaning to cram a large number of things into (a container or space).
Than why have Trump and McConnell chosen to pack the Supreme Court?

McConnell and Trump increased the size of the court to add more conservative justices?

Why always with you a logical fallacy? Your straw men are always put together with wet straw, clothed in asbestos and not once did you remember to bring a match.

What's that?
You -don't- know what it means to "pack" a court?
Gee. Surprise.

I do, and it seems you don't. Pack, a verb meaning to cram a large number of things into (a container or space).

FDR wanted to expand the space.
what do you mean by rich???
the only savings account I have is the change bottle on my dresser,,,
I think you and I have a different view on what wealth is,,,
If you can’t afford to retire @ 67 then you haven’t maga.

Careful using MAGA. Are you aware where that came from in 2014? Trump saw it laying around and said, "I think I'll use that". It's in the Mueller report.
Well it should have come from a liberal progressive socialist democrat who is pro union and pro new deal. Pro labor laws and pensions. Pro social security, Medicare and affordable healthcare for all.

This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.

The rich fought back. They started winning when Reagan conned America. Then gw bush. Then trump. The middle class is doomed

If you read the Mueller report you would know where it came from and wouldn't be touting it. At least they got the color of the hat right.
But I do want to make America great again. Return it to we the people.

The corporations don’t know best, we the people do. Government isn’t the enemy. It needs to be taken back from them though.
Government is the enemy
Funny. The 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time. It currently stands as a fossil.
And or your state. Michigan for example almost passed a law saying you can open or conceal carry without taking the cow class. I would love that. I want to take guns up north and worry I’ll get a felony for transporting them wrong. I should be able to drive around lock and loaded. If not then we don’t really have the right, right?

Seems like my right has been limited.
Limited, perhaps – but not ‘violated.’

Again, the Second Amendment right is not ‘absolute. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” ibid
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.

Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.

Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
Might as well say register yourself as a person they should go after if they ever want to round up the guns.

I shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to exercise my rights. You republicans put up with too many regulations

You are registered as a "Person" which according to Black's Law dictionary also means you are a corporation.....
This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.
Protestant work ethic - the virtual antithesis of liberal policies - created a strong middle class.
That didn’t bring wages up. That didn’t give us unemployment insurance, labor laws, minimum wages, overtime, disability, regulations that make the workplace safer, child labor laws.

You can’t just say Protestant work ethic created a strong middle class idiot you must explain, give evidence and explain how.

You can’t and won’t.

Let me guess you’re a Protestant?
If you can’t afford to retire @ 67 then you haven’t maga.

Careful using MAGA. Are you aware where that came from in 2014? Trump saw it laying around and said, "I think I'll use that". It's in the Mueller report.
Well it should have come from a liberal progressive socialist democrat who is pro union and pro new deal. Pro labor laws and pensions. Pro social security, Medicare and affordable healthcare for all.

This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.

The rich fought back. They started winning when Reagan conned America. Then gw bush. Then trump. The middle class is doomed

If you read the Mueller report you would know where it came from and wouldn't be touting it. At least they got the color of the hat right.
But I do want to make America great again. Return it to we the people.

The corporations don’t know best, we the people do. Government isn’t the enemy. It needs to be taken back from them though.
Government is the enemy
It’s your government fool. It’s been taken over by the rich fool. Stupid sucker
i'm retired at 53,,,
Most people are not like you. Why should we vote like you vote?
DUH!!!! most people are dummer,,,

well my way of voting has saved my soul from the rot of the democrat and republican partys actions,,,,
I’m going to be ok despite republicans not because of them.

Or, in an every man for himself system I’ll do better than most. I am now.

And those stupid shits either don’t vote or vote with you so honestly they deserve less
so you say,,,
How are you retired at 53? Everyone should take that path. What did you do?

Probably drawing disability. Lol

I'm 54 and I don't work anymore.

I spent my 20's 30's and 40's securing the foundation for passive income that will last until I die.

I flipped houses during the real estate boom and used all the profits to buy rental properties so all I have to do now is go to the mail box and collect my rent checks.

I have an LLC with 2 employees who do all the grunt work for me so all I do now is walk the dogs and play my guitar at local bars and open mic nights
And or your state. Michigan for example almost passed a law saying you can open or conceal carry without taking the cow class. I would love that. I want to take guns up north and worry I’ll get a felony for transporting them wrong. I should be able to drive around lock and loaded. If not then we don’t really have the right, right?

Seems like my right has been limited.
Limited, perhaps – but not ‘violated.’

Again, the Second Amendment right is not ‘absolute. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” ibid
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.
Limited, perhaps – but not ‘violated.’

Again, the Second Amendment right is not ‘absolute. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” ibid
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Then no more bitching about voter ID being a poll tax
Limited, perhaps – but not ‘violated.’

Again, the Second Amendment right is not ‘absolute. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” ibid
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.
sorry but rights are not limited ,,,you either have them or you done,,,and just because you dont mind being controlled doesnt mean the rest of us will sit back like useful idiots....

thats what believing in evolution has done to you
Limited, perhaps – but not ‘violated.’

Again, the Second Amendment right is not ‘absolute. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” ibid
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

The first amendment doesn't guarantee you that you can give a speech at a university even if you want to pay for it.

All the first amendment does is prevent the government from passing a law denying you freedom of speech.

No private venue is obligated to allow you to exercise your right on their property
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.
sorry but rights are not limited ,,,you either have them or you done,,,and just because you dont mind being controlled doesnt mean the rest of us will sit back like useful idiots....

thats what believing in evolution has done to you

The right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose. There are restrictions on rights when the exercise of those rights violate the rights of others
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

The first amendment doesn't guarantee you that you can give a speech at a university even if you want to pay for it.

All the first amendment does is prevent the government from passing a law denying you freedom of speech.

No private venue is obligated to allow you to exercise your right on their property

That's kind of my point.

Granted a university is a public venue (at least state run schools). But even then the amendments aren't blanket statements. Someone with a felony conviction of shooting his wife, who's served his time can't own a gun.

The first says you can't be jailed for speech. Doesn't say you can speak wherever you want. Doesn't say you aren't responsible for your actions, doesn't say all speech should cost 0$ or be on the government dime. Doesn't say if your speech attacks or causes harm to someone else you can't be held accountable. etc.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.
sorry but rights are not limited ,,,you either have them or you done,,,and just because you dont mind being controlled doesnt mean the rest of us will sit back like useful idiots....

thats what believing in evolution has done to you

The right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose. There are restrictions on rights when the exercise of those rights violate the rights of others

correct,,, I dont have a right to harm others,,,but I do have a right to defend myself from others,,including the government,,,
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

The first amendment doesn't guarantee you that you can give a speech at a university even if you want to pay for it.

All the first amendment does is prevent the government from passing a law denying you freedom of speech.

No private venue is obligated to allow you to exercise your right on their property

That's kind of my point.

Granted a university is a public venue (at least state run schools). But even then the amendments aren't blanket statements. Someone with a felony conviction of shooting his wife, who's served his time can't own a gun.

The first says you can't be jailed for speech. Doesn't say you can speak wherever you want. Doesn't say you aren't responsible for your actions, doesn't say all speech should cost 0$ or be on the government dime. Doesn't say if your speech attacks or causes harm to someone else you can't be held accountable. etc.

sorry jr but thats not what the 1st says,,,and if a man shoots his wife why would he even be in a position to buy a gun??
he should be in jail for the rest of his life
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.
sorry but rights are not limited ,,,you either have them or you done,,,and just because you dont mind being controlled doesnt mean the rest of us will sit back like useful idiots....

thats what believing in evolution has done to you

The right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose. There are restrictions on rights when the exercise of those rights violate the rights of others

correct,,, I dont have a right to harm others,,,but I do have a right to defend myself from others,,including the government,,,

Yes and I fail to see how my owning guns or carrying a concealed weapon violates the rights of anyone else
If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.
sorry but rights are not limited ,,,you either have them or you done,,,and just because you dont mind being controlled doesnt mean the rest of us will sit back like useful idiots....

thats what believing in evolution has done to you

The right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose. There are restrictions on rights when the exercise of those rights violate the rights of others

correct,,, I dont have a right to harm others,,,but I do have a right to defend myself from others,,including the government,,,

Yes and I fail to see how my owning guns or carrying a concealed weapon violates the rights of anyone else
me either,,,
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I can’t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldn’t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. You’ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans don’t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ‘un-Constitution’ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they can’t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Then no more bitching about voter ID being a poll tax
I'm not.

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