The Right To Bear Arms

Limited, perhaps ā€“ but not ā€˜violated.ā€™

Again, the Second Amendment right is not ā€˜absolute. ā€œIt is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.ā€ ibid
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I canā€™t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldnā€™t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. Youā€™ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans donā€™t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ā€˜un-Constitutionā€™ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they canā€™t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Cowards and hypocrites. Look at you soft shoeing and toe tapping around the fact that you like gun regulations. You are "all for" making someone take a class just to carry a 38 special around in their purse. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to use a gun. I should have to pay and take the time to take your fucking classes and be registered with my local cops. I should just be able to open my purse and put my loaded gun in it and go walk in the woods.

By the way I'm a dude but I'm trying to make a point. You are restricting my rights. You are making me take a class and jump through your hoops just to do what I am supposedly constitutionally legally allowed to do, BEAR ARMS.

  1. (of a person) carry.
Fucking founders should have said CARRY. Right to CARRY a gun. How ridiculous I am legally allowed to have them in my home but when I go out I have to be a sheep unless I register and take a class and get put on the list.

Clearly Republicans in Michigan agree with me because they came very close to allowing anyone to carry without taking the class

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

Does this mean I'm more conservative than you? I want this bill to pass. I don't think it did. Nothing liberals could have done to stop it if it didn't pass so Republicans are hypocrites and like gun regulations too. Don't be conned/fooled/duped.
The package of four bills, which cleared the Republican-controlled House with support from a handful of Democrats, now moves to the Senate, also dominated by Republicans.

It was not immediately clear whether Michiganā€™s Republican Governor Rick Snyder supports the bill. But the measure, if also approved in a Senate vote, could automatically become law 14 days after reaching the governorā€™s desk unless he vetoes it.

The legislation would lift a requirement that handgun owners obtain a concealed pistol license with a $100 fee to legally carry the weapon in public.

Handgun owners also would be allowed carry a concealed pistol in public without the firearms training that is currently mandated.
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I canā€™t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldnā€™t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. Youā€™ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans donā€™t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ā€˜un-Constitutionā€™ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they canā€™t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Cowards and hypocrites. Look at you soft shoeing and toe tapping around the fact that you like gun regulations. You are "all for" making someone take a class just to carry a 38 special around in their purse. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to use a gun. I should have to pay and take the time to take your fucking classes and be registered with my local cops. I should just be able to open my purse and put my loaded gun in it and go walk in the woods.

By the way I'm a dude but I'm trying to make a point. You are restricting my rights. You are making me take a class and jump through your hoops just to do what I am supposedly constitutionally legally allowed to do, BEAR ARMS.

  1. (of a person) carry.
Fucking founders should have said CARRY. Right to CARRY a gun. How ridiculous I am legally allowed to have them in my home but when I go out I have to be a sheep unless I register and take a class and get put on the list.

Clearly Republicans in Michigan agree with me because they came very close to allowing anyone to carry without taking the class

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

Does this mean I'm more conservative than you? I want this bill to pass. I don't think it did. Nothing liberals could have done to stop it if it didn't pass so Republicans are hypocrites and like gun regulations too. Don't be conned/fooled/duped.

Fuck off.. I carry myself. I don't want people taking away that right everytime some moron with no clue how to carry or shoot a firearm shoots his foot, his kid, uses it as a reason to win an argument rather than de-escalate the situation.

Yes I like sensible gun regulations. Background checks, heck yes. Keeping them out of the hands of violent criminals and crazy people. Heck yes. Making sure someone is well trained in that weapon before taking one in public, not only on the use of it, but legal ramifications of pulling it, HECK YES.
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If you canā€™t afford to retire @ 67 then you havenā€™t maga.

Careful using MAGA. Are you aware where that came from in 2014? Trump saw it laying around and said, "I think I'll use that". It's in the Mueller report.
Well it should have come from a liberal progressive socialist democrat who is pro union and pro new deal. Pro labor laws and pensions. Pro social security, Medicare and affordable healthcare for all.

This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.

The rich fought back. They started winning when Reagan conned America. Then gw bush. Then trump. The middle class is doomed

If you read the Mueller report you would know where it came from and wouldn't be touting it. At least they got the color of the hat right.
But I do want to make America great again. Return it to we the people.

The corporations donā€™t know best, we the people do. Government isnā€™t the enemy. It needs to be taken back from them though.
Government is the enemy

I just realized Republicans are for gun regulations too.

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

The package of four bills, which cleared the Republican-controlled House with support from a handful of Democrats, now moves to the Senate, also dominated by Republicans.

It was not immediately clear whether Michiganā€™s Republican Governor Rick Snyder supports the bill. But the measure, if also approved in a Senate vote, could automatically become law 14 days after reaching the governorā€™s desk unless he vetoes it.

The legislation would lift a requirement that handgun owners obtain a concealed pistol license with a $100 fee to legally carry the weapon in public.

Handgun owners also would be allowed carry a concealed pistol in public without the firearms training that is currently mandated.

This bill did not pass. I wanted it to. I want to be able to carry my loaded gun up north and not be treated like a criminal for carrying my loaded gun in the car. You fucking hypocrite pussy Republicans don't realize the Republicans are playing you.

They had every branch of government did they stop murdering babies? Nope.

Do they let you freely carry a gun? Not in Michigan, even though Republicans could have easily signed it into law.

Look what Republicans said

"It is currently legal in the state of Michigan for a law-abiding person to openly carry a firearm on their person without any training classes, fees or state bureaucracy," said Hoitenga. "It only becomes illegal when a person puts on a coat, because the gun then becomes concealed. One millimeter of clothing makes the difference between a criminal act and a legal act."

Opponents have criticized the bills, questioning whether they would allow people barred from getting a concealed carry license to carry concealed weapons anyway.

The House passed the bills in June, and since then they've been stuck in the Government Operations Committee. Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, who controls the committee, said in September the timing wasn't right to run the bills.

That was when we had a Republican governor. Now we have a Democratic Governor. She will never signed this into law. Republicans cowards. They don't believe what they say. Now they will start justifying gun regulations like these.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ā€˜un-Constitutionā€™ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they canā€™t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Cowards and hypocrites. Look at you soft shoeing and toe tapping around the fact that you like gun regulations. You are "all for" making someone take a class just to carry a 38 special around in their purse. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to use a gun. I should have to pay and take the time to take your fucking classes and be registered with my local cops. I should just be able to open my purse and put my loaded gun in it and go walk in the woods.

By the way I'm a dude but I'm trying to make a point. You are restricting my rights. You are making me take a class and jump through your hoops just to do what I am supposedly constitutionally legally allowed to do, BEAR ARMS.

  1. (of a person) carry.
Fucking founders should have said CARRY. Right to CARRY a gun. How ridiculous I am legally allowed to have them in my home but when I go out I have to be a sheep unless I register and take a class and get put on the list.

Clearly Republicans in Michigan agree with me because they came very close to allowing anyone to carry without taking the class

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

Does this mean I'm more conservative than you? I want this bill to pass. I don't think it did. Nothing liberals could have done to stop it if it didn't pass so Republicans are hypocrites and like gun regulations too. Don't be conned/fooled/duped.

Fuck off.. I carry myself. I don't want people taking away that right everytime some moron with no clue how to carry or shoot a firearm shoots his foot, his kid, uses it as a reason to win an argument rather than de-escalate the situation.
So you agree with the regulations we have in place?
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Cowards and hypocrites. Look at you soft shoeing and toe tapping around the fact that you like gun regulations. You are "all for" making someone take a class just to carry a 38 special around in their purse. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to use a gun. I should have to pay and take the time to take your fucking classes and be registered with my local cops. I should just be able to open my purse and put my loaded gun in it and go walk in the woods.

By the way I'm a dude but I'm trying to make a point. You are restricting my rights. You are making me take a class and jump through your hoops just to do what I am supposedly constitutionally legally allowed to do, BEAR ARMS.

  1. (of a person) carry.
Fucking founders should have said CARRY. Right to CARRY a gun. How ridiculous I am legally allowed to have them in my home but when I go out I have to be a sheep unless I register and take a class and get put on the list.

Clearly Republicans in Michigan agree with me because they came very close to allowing anyone to carry without taking the class

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

Does this mean I'm more conservative than you? I want this bill to pass. I don't think it did. Nothing liberals could have done to stop it if it didn't pass so Republicans are hypocrites and like gun regulations too. Don't be conned/fooled/duped.

Fuck off.. I carry myself. I don't want people taking away that right everytime some moron with no clue how to carry or shoot a firearm shoots his foot, his kid, uses it as a reason to win an argument rather than de-escalate the situation.
So you agree with the regulations we have in place?

Some. I think some could be made better.

Such as all gun sales needing either a background check or proof of carry ID (which requires one to get). Gun shows, etc... Unless it is gifted by a close family member. And even then I think if the family member isn't willing to make the case that they are a safe owner in court someday, they should run a background check.

I don't care for the 21 for rifles law in some states. I think if you are old enough to fight in the military you should be able to own. Or maybe a "meet in the middle".. If you are under 21, you can buy with either a hunters safety, or carry permit class.

I'm ok with the temporary removal if a cop, family member, teacher, or mental health professional deems that a risk. Give it some hard dates (Must have evaluation within 30 days or something), but that is one of the big spots where these crazed shooters might be able to be stopped.

I'd like a better carry course. I think they cover some items well, classroom safety on types of firearms, classroom legal ramifications, etc, but some more live fire I think would be beneficial. Maybe some situational training with mockups of situations. Maybe a 2 weekend class to let it sink in instead of 4 hours. I'd like to see it at a federal level too with full reciprocity. And maybe part taught by law enforcement even.

I think both sides get so dug in on both ends of the spectrum, when neither is for the best, we lose any chance of improving firearm laws.

I'd like MUCH tougher laws against carrying while under the influence (I also want harder DUI laws myself). Nothing good comes from guns and alcohol and I am ok for a much tougher stance there.
Careful using MAGA. Are you aware where that came from in 2014? Trump saw it laying around and said, "I think I'll use that". It's in the Mueller report.
Well it should have come from a liberal progressive socialist democrat who is pro union and pro new deal. Pro labor laws and pensions. Pro social security, Medicare and affordable healthcare for all.

This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.

The rich fought back. They started winning when Reagan conned America. Then gw bush. Then trump. The middle class is doomed

If you read the Mueller report you would know where it came from and wouldn't be touting it. At least they got the color of the hat right.
But I do want to make America great again. Return it to we the people.

The corporations donā€™t know best, we the people do. Government isnā€™t the enemy. It needs to be taken back from them though.
Government is the enemy

I just realized Republicans are for gun regulations too.

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

The package of four bills, which cleared the Republican-controlled House with support from a handful of Democrats, now moves to the Senate, also dominated by Republicans.

It was not immediately clear whether Michiganā€™s Republican Governor Rick Snyder supports the bill. But the measure, if also approved in a Senate vote, could automatically become law 14 days after reaching the governorā€™s desk unless he vetoes it.

The legislation would lift a requirement that handgun owners obtain a concealed pistol license with a $100 fee to legally carry the weapon in public.

Handgun owners also would be allowed carry a concealed pistol in public without the firearms training that is currently mandated.

This bill did not pass. I wanted it to. I want to be able to carry my loaded gun up north and not be treated like a criminal for carrying my loaded gun in the car. You fucking hypocrite pussy Republicans don't realize the Republicans are playing you.

They had every branch of government did they stop murdering babies? Nope.

Do they let you freely carry a gun? Not in Michigan, even though Republicans could have easily signed it into law.

Look what Republicans said

"It is currently legal in the state of Michigan for a law-abiding person to openly carry a firearm on their person without any training classes, fees or state bureaucracy," said Hoitenga. "It only becomes illegal when a person puts on a coat, because the gun then becomes concealed. One millimeter of clothing makes the difference between a criminal act and a legal act."

Opponents have criticized the bills, questioning whether they would allow people barred from getting a concealed carry license to carry concealed weapons anyway.

The House passed the bills in June, and since then they've been stuck in the Government Operations Committee. Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, who controls the committee, said in September the timing wasn't right to run the bills.

That was when we had a Republican governor. Now we have a Democratic Governor. She will never signed this into law. Republicans cowards. They don't believe what they say. Now they will start justifying gun regulations like these.

Is it a bad thing?
I do, and it seems you don't. Pack, a verb meaning to cram a large number of things into (a container or space).
Allow me to educate you - again.

"Packing the court" means to increase the size of the court so you can add enough justices that match your political persuasion to overtake an otherwise hostile majority.
packing the court - Google Search

REPLACING outgoing with justices that match those being replaced isn't "packing" a court.
This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.
Protestant work ethic - the virtual antithesis of liberal policies - created a strong middle class.
That didnā€™t bring wages up.
Competition for good workers always bring wages up for said workers.
That didnā€™t give us unemployment insurance, labor laws, minimum wages, overtime, disability, regulations that make the workplace safer, child labor laws.
Those things did not create a strong middle class - in fact, they, along with the remainder of liberal social engineering policy, create an entitled class, the antithesis of those who work hard.
You canā€™t just say Protestant work ethic created a strong middle class idiot you must explain
Sure I can, you idiot.
But, because your aneurysm will burst if I don't...
People willing and able to work hard and work well will make more money than those who are not.
More people willing and able to work hard and well means a stronger middle class; fewer means a weaker middle class.
Thus, the protestant work ethic created and expanded the strong middle class.
Careful using MAGA. Are you aware where that came from in 2014? Trump saw it laying around and said, "I think I'll use that". It's in the Mueller report.
Well it should have come from a liberal progressive socialist democrat who is pro union and pro new deal. Pro labor laws and pensions. Pro social security, Medicare and affordable healthcare for all.

This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.

The rich fought back. They started winning when Reagan conned America. Then gw bush. Then trump. The middle class is doomed

If you read the Mueller report you would know where it came from and wouldn't be touting it. At least they got the color of the hat right.
But I do want to make America great again. Return it to we the people.

The corporations donā€™t know best, we the people do. Government isnā€™t the enemy. It needs to be taken back from them though.
Government is the enemy
Itā€™s your government fool. Itā€™s been taken over by the rich fool. Stupid sucker
Does your mother know you use her iPhone to little the internet with such nonsense?

Your Second Amendment rights are not unlimited Ā— never have been and never will be Ā– Applesauce - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star
Well regulated militia

Not psychotic trash
This is the time period when America was great. Liberal policies created a middle class never seen before.
Protestant work ethic - the virtual antithesis of liberal policies - created a strong middle class.
That didnā€™t bring wages up.
Competition for good workers always bring wages up for said workers.
That didnā€™t give us unemployment insurance, labor laws, minimum wages, overtime, disability, regulations that make the workplace safer, child labor laws.
Those things did not create a strong middle class - in fact, they, along with the remainder of liberal social engineering policy, create an entitled class, the antithesis of those who work hard.
You canā€™t just say Protestant work ethic created a strong middle class idiot you must explain
Sure I can, you idiot.
But, because your aneurysm will burst if I don't...
People willing and able to work hard and work well will make more money than those who are not.
More people willing and able to work hard and well means a stronger middle class; fewer means a weaker middle class.
Thus, the protestant work ethic created and expanded the strong middle class.

What? I'm going to stop you on your first point. We flooded the market with low wage/highly skilled illegal immigrants and that lowered the wages.

So, you have nothing but generic catch phrases that may or may not even be right.

First you said: Protestant work ethic - the virtual antithesis of liberal policies - created a strong middle class.

And now you come back with some random bullshit: Competition for good workers always bring wages up for said workers.

Really? So why are wages so staggeringly low still? Right now we have more jobs than we do workers. Wages should be through the roof. They aren't but nothing is going to prove you wrong even reality.

Now I'll keep reading your bullshit but so far you seem fos.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.
That's not what the USSC said.
-The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
----The court did not limit the constitutional protections for the exercise of the right to self-defense withing the home.

-Because Heller conceded at oral argument that the D. C. licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capricious
----The court did not rule one way or the other in the licensing law, or that a licensing law is constitutional so long as it is not arbitrarily or capriciously enforced.
Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG.
A nearly universally agreed upon basic statement on rights:
Your right to (x) ends when it interferes with someone's right to (y)
How does this apply to the right to keep and bear arms?
Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.
Because you want to use public property, and the state has a compelling interest in maintaining order and safety when you do.
How does that apply to the the basic, simple exercise of the right to keep and bear arms?
Yea but how can conservatives not defend any mans right to carry a gun?

They talk about any new gun legislation being unconstitutional but so what? Whatever laws that exist now that say I canā€™t walk in the woods with my loaded gun, unless I take a class is too.

I shouldnā€™t have to take a class. Talk about registering and monitoring all gun owners. The government knows where all you ccw permit carrying card members live. Youā€™ve registered yourselves.

The truth is even republicans donā€™t want everyone walking around armed.
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ā€˜un-Constitutionā€™ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they canā€™t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Cowards and hypocrites. Look at you soft shoeing and toe tapping around the fact that you like gun regulations. You are "all for" making someone take a class just to carry a 38 special around in their purse. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to use a gun. I should have to pay and take the time to take your fucking classes and be registered with my local cops. I should just be able to open my purse and put my loaded gun in it and go walk in the woods.

By the way I'm a dude but I'm trying to make a point. You are restricting my rights. You are making me take a class and jump through your hoops just to do what I am supposedly constitutionally legally allowed to do, BEAR ARMS.

  1. (of a person) carry.
Fucking founders should have said CARRY. Right to CARRY a gun. How ridiculous I am legally allowed to have them in my home but when I go out I have to be a sheep unless I register and take a class and get put on the list.

Clearly Republicans in Michigan agree with me because they came very close to allowing anyone to carry without taking the class

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

Does this mean I'm more conservative than you? I want this bill to pass. I don't think it did. Nothing liberals could have done to stop it if it didn't pass so Republicans are hypocrites and like gun regulations too. Don't be conned/fooled/duped.
I donā€™t think you can read
Conservatives who claim that a new firearm regulatory measure is ā€˜un-Constitutionā€™ are both ignorant and wrong.
Otherwise, that one must take a training course and have a license to carry a concealed firearm does not violate the Second Amendment.
Citizens may argue that such laws are pointless and ineffective, but they canā€™t claim that those laws are un-Constitutional.
And YOU cannot point out where the USSC has ruled them constitutional.

If one has to pay for the course or license it's unconstitutional. You cannot be forced to pay for a right. Illinois is finding that out with their FOID cards.
Actually that is incorrect. While the ownership of firearms in ones home to protect oneself has been deemed Constitutional, that SC hearing specifically said licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.

Yes there are limitations to our rights. I can't arm myself with an RPG. And I am all for MORE training and classes on firearm safety and impact of using them. Also, I am not really into the socialist aspect that we will just put the financial burden on the masses, but some side with socialism.

Like the first amendment, I have the right to say what I want. But that right doesn't cover everything. I can't just say I want to have a speech at X university. I need to get my permits, pay the costs associated with holding that event, etc.

Cowards and hypocrites. Look at you soft shoeing and toe tapping around the fact that you like gun regulations. You are "all for" making someone take a class just to carry a 38 special around in their purse. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to use a gun. I should have to pay and take the time to take your fucking classes and be registered with my local cops. I should just be able to open my purse and put my loaded gun in it and go walk in the woods.

By the way I'm a dude but I'm trying to make a point. You are restricting my rights. You are making me take a class and jump through your hoops just to do what I am supposedly constitutionally legally allowed to do, BEAR ARMS.

  1. (of a person) carry.
Fucking founders should have said CARRY. Right to CARRY a gun. How ridiculous I am legally allowed to have them in my home but when I go out I have to be a sheep unless I register and take a class and get put on the list.

Clearly Republicans in Michigan agree with me because they came very close to allowing anyone to carry without taking the class

Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

Does this mean I'm more conservative than you? I want this bill to pass. I don't think it did. Nothing liberals could have done to stop it if it didn't pass so Republicans are hypocrites and like gun regulations too. Don't be conned/fooled/duped.
I donā€™t think you can read

Republicans talked about allowing people to conceal carry in Michigan. I am all for them passing this law. Any regulations that say I can't bare arms is unconstitutional.

Yet Republicans aren't even as conservative as I am on this matter. They passed the law in the House of Reps but the Michigan Senate and/or Republican governor didn't get it done. They said it wasn't time. Maybe now that we have a Democratic governor they'll get it through? NOT! Fucking cowards.

Also, in 2018 Republicans controlled every branch of government yet they didn't ban abortion. I guess abortion isn't murder after all. Or, I guess they don't really agree with social conservatives that it's murder. That's cool with me. It's what I thought all along.

If you do not have a CPL license then you cannot carry a loadedfirearm in any vehicle. Unless the firearm is unloaded and is one or more of the following;

  • Taken down.
  • Enclosed in a case.
  • Carried in the trunk of the vehicle.
  • Inaccessible from the interior of the vehicle.
If you have a CPL license from Michigan then you can carry a loaded and concealed firearm in a vehicle.

The Law
750.227d ā€“ Transporting firearm

See, they say they tried to pass it Michigan state House approves carrying concealed guns without permit - Reuters

But couldn't get it done when they controlled every branch of the government. Republicans sure have you stupid poor Republicans conned with wedge issues they aren't even sincere about.
In other words gun regulations are not unconstitutional and Republicans know it. They just don't want any more because it hurts gun sales.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home

how do you not know this?
What about when I go out. Why can't I take my gun with me? Don't give me that shit I have to take a class. That's a regulation and all Republicans know those are unconstitutional.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home

how do you not know this?
What about when I go out. Why can't I take my gun with me?
I can.

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