The Right To Destroy Jewish History

What would any of you suggest would be the right way to reassert Jewish rights to the Temple Mount? How would you go about it?
What would any of you suggest would be the right way to reassert Jewish rights to the Temple Mount? How would you go about it?

I wanted to ask You the same exact question.
it's too overwhelming to even start addressing the issue.

I'd at least start with banning all Muslim soccer matches in the most sacred location on earth,
and ban any (unauthorized) tool that is harder than a brush to enter the outer 200m radius of the ancient city gates.
Second establish an official body of open discussion between respectable and authoritative Islam scholars and the Rabbinate.
Don't say Temple Mount!

A Christian group visits the Temple Mount,
the tour guide explaining some history to his group, is interupted by the Muslim Waqf and instructed: This is Al Aqsa mosque, DON'T SAY TEMPLE MOUNT! Has it really come to this? On the Temple Mount you can't say the words Temple Mount for fear of being stopped and ejected by the Muslim Waqf! Are all non-Muslims to be dhimmis here?

The nerve of those Zionists building their wailing wall around the Al Aqsa mosque. And if you don't believe it just ask any of the Pali supporters here.
Don't say Temple Mount!

A Christian group visits the Temple Mount,
the tour guide explaining some history to his group, is interupted by the Muslim Waqf and instructed: This is Al Aqsa mosque, DON'T SAY TEMPLE MOUNT! Has it really come to this? On the Temple Mount you can't say the words Temple Mount for fear of being stopped and ejected by the Muslim Waqf! Are all non-Muslims to be dhimmis here?

The nerve of those Zionists building their wailing wall around the Al Aqsa mosque. And if you don't believe it just ask any of the Pali supporters here.

Hard to laugh about it.
This year we've sat on the floor around a very old and wise Rabbi on the day of Jerusalem destruction, I can't describe the sorrow we heard when he reached the graphic description of what our sages were going through for merely studying the Torah in the land.
We're talking about people who live in 2 hour drive away from Jerusalem,still weeping each year over its' destruction.

Besi'at ha d'shm'ayah
it will be built, have no doubt.
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What would any of you suggest would be the right way to reassert Jewish rights to the Temple Mount? How would you go about it?

I wanted to ask You the same exact question.
it's too overwhelming to even start addressing the issue.

I'd at least start with banning all Muslim soccer matches in the most sacred location on earth,
and ban any (unauthorized) tool that is harder than a brush to enter the outer 200m radius of the ancient city gates.
Second establish an official body of open discussion between respectable and authoritative Islam scholars and the Rabbinate.

Yes. As I said, I don't think its quite time yet. And one of the reasons why its not quite time yet, is because once Israel starts down that path, imo, they have to really commit to it. Not something you want to go back on once you've started.

First, I think Israel should declare her intent, preferably at an international venue, possibly, but not necessarily, the UN. The declaration should not be political, but humanitarian in nature and should center around both the right of people to access their own holy spaces and on Article 9 of the Jordan/Israeli peace agreement (which the current status quo violates).

At the same time Israel's Rabbinate dialogues with Islam scholars, as you suggested. And hopefully come to a consensus on sharing the space. And hopefully with the assistance/agreement of the Jordanian government.

Then I would like to see a joint peace-keeping force on the Temple Mount which removes ANYONE, of any religious faith, whose behaviour is incompatible with mutual, respectful enjoyment of a sacred space. Those people should receive a significantly lengthy ban from the place. Its not so much changing the status quo as it is enforcing the status quo equally.
What would any of you suggest would be the right way to reassert Jewish rights to the Temple Mount? How would you go about it?

I wanted to ask You the same exact question.
it's too overwhelming to even start addressing the issue.

I'd at least start with banning all Muslim soccer matches in the most sacred location on earth,
and ban any (unauthorized) tool that is harder than a brush to enter the outer 200m radius of the ancient city gates.
Second establish an official body of open discussion between respectable and authoritative Islam scholars and the Rabbinate.

Yes. As I said, I don't think its quite time yet. And one of the reasons why its not quite time yet, is because once Israel starts down that path, imo, they have to really commit to it. Not something you want to go back on once you've started.

First, I think Israel should declare her intent, preferably at an international venue, possibly, but not necessarily, the UN. The declaration should not be political, but humanitarian in nature and should center around both the right of people to access their own holy spaces and on Article 9 of the Jordan/Israeli peace agreement (which the current status quo violates).

At the same time Israel's Rabbinate dialogues with Islam scholars, as you suggested. And hopefully come to a consensus on sharing the space. And hopefully with the assistance/agreement of the Jordanian government.

Then I would like to see a joint peace-keeping force on the Temple Mount which removes ANYONE, of any religious faith, whose behaviour is incompatible with mutual, respectful enjoyment of a sacred space. Those people should receive a significantly lengthy ban from the place. Its not so much changing the status quo as it is enforcing the status quo equally.

Listen I've already said that I'm extremely biased regarding Jerusalem, I weep over those stones each time I come to the site. All I can suggest is what most would consider as quacudoodle madness, and I've previously mentioned some of those concepts here...

I agree with Your 1st paragraph, this kind of interaction develops on longer terms than democratic elections.

Disagree with the 2nd paragraph, the issue is religious and local, Jordan should be viewed as a single player of the Sunnis, the Waqf has to be approached from the view point of an (intl.) Arab representative body. Things have to be allowed to be called by their name straightforward to have any chance of a constructive dialogue. International forums are not required when the forum is open to public view and publication.

Agree with the 3rd part

Here's one quaudoodle idea - each time the Murabateen scream takbir on the Temple Mount, Jews should answer with a strong "AMEN!".
Then we can start the will come from the Muslim side.
What would any of you suggest would be the right way to reassert Jewish rights to the Temple Mount? How would you go about it?

I wanted to ask You the same exact question.
it's too overwhelming to even start addressing the issue.

I'd at least start with banning all Muslim soccer matches in the most sacred location on earth,
and ban any (unauthorized) tool that is harder than a brush to enter the outer 200m radius of the ancient city gates.
Second establish an official body of open discussion between respectable and authoritative Islam scholars and the Rabbinate.

Yes. As I said, I don't think its quite time yet. And one of the reasons why its not quite time yet, is because once Israel starts down that path, imo, they have to really commit to it. Not something you want to go back on once you've started.

First, I think Israel should declare her intent, preferably at an international venue, possibly, but not necessarily, the UN. The declaration should not be political, but humanitarian in nature and should center around both the right of people to access their own holy spaces and on Article 9 of the Jordan/Israeli peace agreement (which the current status quo violates).

At the same time Israel's Rabbinate dialogues with Islam scholars, as you suggested. And hopefully come to a consensus on sharing the space. And hopefully with the assistance/agreement of the Jordanian government.

Then I would like to see a joint peace-keeping force on the Temple Mount which removes ANYONE, of any religious faith, whose behaviour is incompatible with mutual, respectful enjoyment of a sacred space. Those people should receive a significantly lengthy ban from the place. Its not so much changing the status quo as it is enforcing the status quo equally.

Listen I've already said that I'm extremely biased regarding Jerusalem, I weep over those stones each time I come to the site. All I can suggest is what most would consider as quacudoodle madness, and I've previously mentioned some of those concepts here...

I agree with Your 1st paragraph, this kind of interaction develops on longer terms than democratic elections.

Disagree with the 2nd paragraph, the issue is religious and local, Jordan should be viewed as a single player of the Sunnis, the Waqf has to be approached from the view point of an (intl.) Arab representative body. Things have to be allowed to be called by their name straightforward to have any chance of a constructive dialogue. International forums are not required when the forum is open to public view and publication.

Agree with the 3rd part

Here's one quaudoodle idea - each time the Murabateen scream takbir on the Temple Mount, Jews should answer with a strong "AMEN!".
Then we can start the will come from the Muslim side.

I'm not sure we could (or should) keep Jordan out of the picture, given their recognized "special status" in a shared peace treaty that we want to honor, yes?

And I disagree that it will come from the Muslim side. I mean I agree that peace can not be enforced, so eventually, one hopes. BUT in the meantime, we assert our rights unilaterally, yes?
Know your history.

38 years before the so called 'occupation' of anywhere.

The [PA] Islamic-Christian Council for Jerusalem and the Holy Places said that the fact that the Israeli occupation authorities closed the Ibrahimi Mosque and prevented the Muslims from entering under the pretext of the Jewish holidays constitutes a severe crime against the holy sites and places of worship, and particularly this mosque that constitutes a purely Islamic site…

(full article online)

Fatah and PA officials: Cave of the Patriarchs “is a purely Islamic mosque where the Jews have no right” - Jewish history in Land of Israel erased | PMW
I've said it before, I'll keep saying it. The above is why the Jewish people absolutely MUST, in any peace treaty, retain all of the Jewish Holy Places on Israel's sovereign soil. That includes the Temple Mount, all of the Old City, the surrounding area East Jerusalem and all of Hebron.

The hypocrisy would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. And the deliberate erasure of Jewish history is one of the most abhorrent things I can think of.
Last week the Palestinian site Amad had an entire article by Bakr Abu Bakr claiming that the Land of Israel was never in what became known as Palestine.

The article says that "there is no connection between the myths and legends of the Torah - written hundreds of years ago - and the names of cities, villages, valleys and mountains in Palestine."

He says that Israeli archaeologists like Israel Finkelstein and Ze'ev Herzog show that there was no Jewish nation. Of course, they make no such claims - they just say that the Biblical accounts of the nation are not accurate, but they do not deny the existence of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel.

Abu Bakr further pushes the absurd theory that all Biblical events occurred in Yemen, not Israel, quoting several Arab "scientists."

Of course, Abu Bakr also claims that today's Jews have nothing to do with the Jews of history and are Khazars. Besides being debunked by history and genetics, this doesn't explain Jews who lived in Arab lands, but no matter.

The Arab denial of basic history and science is not a small thing. They know that they are not the indigenous people of the land, and Jews are the only people in existence today who can make that claim. The fundamental basis of the people claiming Arabs are indigenous - and building their arguments by comparing them to First Peoples worldwide - is completely opposite the truth, and Zionism is not only not colonialist but is a movement for the indigenous people to reclaim their lands.

(full article online)

Archaeology be damned! Arabs continue to deny any Jewish connection to the land ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The PX Commission of the Executive Board of UNESCO on Wednesday morning adopted resolutions 28 and 29, titled "Occupied Palestine," which state that the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem are "an integral part of the Occupied Palestinian territory" and condemning the construction of the security fence and "other measures aimed at altering the character, status and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian territory."

Both resolutions were sponsored by Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan, and were approved within minutes at the commission’s meeting, which includes the 59 members of UNESCO’s Executive Committee. Israel is not a member of the Executive Committee.

(full article online)

UNESCO: Rachel's Tomb and Cave of Patriarchs part of 'Occupied Palestine'
If you worry that people might look at history and see that Jews are indigenous to Israel, flipping the script of who is a colonialist and who is native, we have "scholars" who are ready to say that the ancient Israelites were also settler colonialists:

The same author seems a little obsessed with looking at Jews, and only Jews, in settler colonialist terms. He has also written
A quick look at indexes of scholarly literature does not find any articles on Arab colonialism in the Middle East.

Think about that.

(full article online)

Crazy academic paper of the day: "Ancient Israel and settler colonialism" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I've said it before, I'll keep saying it. The above is why the Jewish people absolutely MUST, in any peace treaty, retain all of the Jewish Holy Places on Israel's sovereign soil. That includes the Temple Mount, all of the Old City, the surrounding area East Jerusalem and all of Hebron.

The hypocrisy would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. And the deliberate erasure of Jewish history is one of the most abhorrent things I can think of.

Abbas is calling on ALL of E. Jerusalen which of course includes the Holy Sites. The PLO already stated Jews have no right to the Western Wall. That says it all
Last week the Palestinian site Amad had an entire article by Bakr Abu Bakr claiming that the Land of Israel was never in what became known as Palestine.

The article says that "there is no connection between the myths and legends of the Torah - written hundreds of years ago - and the names of cities, villages, valleys and mountains in Palestine."

He says that Israeli archaeologists like Israel Finkelstein and Ze'ev Herzog show that there was no Jewish nation. Of course, they make no such claims - they just say that the Biblical accounts of the nation are not accurate, but they do not deny the existence of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel.

Abu Bakr further pushes the absurd theory that all Biblical events occurred in Yemen, not Israel, quoting several Arab "scientists."

Of course, Abu Bakr also claims that today's Jews have nothing to do with the Jews of history and are Khazars. Besides being debunked by history and genetics, this doesn't explain Jews who lived in Arab lands, but no matter.

The Arab denial of basic history and science is not a small thing. They know that they are not the indigenous people of the land, and Jews are the only people in existence today who can make that claim. The fundamental basis of the people claiming Arabs are indigenous - and building their arguments by comparing them to First Peoples worldwide - is completely opposite the truth, and Zionism is not only not colonialist but is a movement for the indigenous people to reclaim their lands.

(full article online)

Archaeology be damned! Arabs continue to deny any Jewish connection to the land ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Only a State of Israel exists not a State of Judea for Judeans.
Last week the Palestinian site Amad had an entire article by Bakr Abu Bakr claiming that the Land of Israel was never in what became known as Palestine.

The article says that "there is no connection between the myths and legends of the Torah - written hundreds of years ago - and the names of cities, villages, valleys and mountains in Palestine."

He says that Israeli archaeologists like Israel Finkelstein and Ze'ev Herzog show that there was no Jewish nation. Of course, they make no such claims - they just say that the Biblical accounts of the nation are not accurate, but they do not deny the existence of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel.

Abu Bakr further pushes the absurd theory that all Biblical events occurred in Yemen, not Israel, quoting several Arab "scientists."

Of course, Abu Bakr also claims that today's Jews have nothing to do with the Jews of history and are Khazars. Besides being debunked by history and genetics, this doesn't explain Jews who lived in Arab lands, but no matter.

The Arab denial of basic history and science is not a small thing. They know that they are not the indigenous people of the land, and Jews are the only people in existence today who can make that claim. The fundamental basis of the people claiming Arabs are indigenous - and building their arguments by comparing them to First Peoples worldwide - is completely opposite the truth, and Zionism is not only not colonialist but is a movement for the indigenous people to reclaim their lands.

(full article online)

Archaeology be damned! Arabs continue to deny any Jewish connection to the land ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Only a State of Israel exists not a State of Judea for Judeans.
My, my , my, once a loser, you remain a loser.

It does not matter if it is called Israel, as it was, or Judea, as it was.

It is OUR homeland. Period.

Now, go deny and attempt to destroy some other people's history and see what happens to you. :)
Last week the Palestinian site Amad had an entire article by Bakr Abu Bakr claiming that the Land of Israel was never in what became known as Palestine.

The article says that "there is no connection between the myths and legends of the Torah - written hundreds of years ago - and the names of cities, villages, valleys and mountains in Palestine."

He says that Israeli archaeologists like Israel Finkelstein and Ze'ev Herzog show that there was no Jewish nation. Of course, they make no such claims - they just say that the Biblical accounts of the nation are not accurate, but they do not deny the existence of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel.

Abu Bakr further pushes the absurd theory that all Biblical events occurred in Yemen, not Israel, quoting several Arab "scientists."

Of course, Abu Bakr also claims that today's Jews have nothing to do with the Jews of history and are Khazars. Besides being debunked by history and genetics, this doesn't explain Jews who lived in Arab lands, but no matter.

The Arab denial of basic history and science is not a small thing. They know that they are not the indigenous people of the land, and Jews are the only people in existence today who can make that claim. The fundamental basis of the people claiming Arabs are indigenous - and building their arguments by comparing them to First Peoples worldwide - is completely opposite the truth, and Zionism is not only not colonialist but is a movement for the indigenous people to reclaim their lands.

(full article online)

Archaeology be damned! Arabs continue to deny any Jewish connection to the land ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Only a State of Israel exists not a State of Judea for Judeans.
My, my , my, once a loser, you remain a loser.

It does not matter if it is called Israel, as it was, or Judea, as it was.

It is OUR homeland. Period.

Now, go deny and attempt to destroy some other people's history and see what happens to you. :)
Are Judeans the chosen ones or Israelis?

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