The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, the PA Supreme Shari'a Judge and President Mahmoud 'Abbas's advisor for religious affairs, said at a June 4, 2018 conference that the struggle in Jerusalem is between the rightful owners of the city – the Muslims and Christians – and "some foreign Western imperialists that have no connection to this soil." He added that the state of Israel is an imperialist Western enterprise whose purpose is to weaken and divide the Arab world, and that the claim that the Jews have a historical connection to Jerusalem is nothing but a distortion of history.

The conference at which Al-Habbash spoke, organized by "the Muslim-Christian Council for the Salvation of Jerusalem and the Holy Places" and the Organization for Muslim Cooperation (OIC) under the title "The Monotheistic Religions against the Judaization of Jerusalem and Its Holy Places," was also attended by other PA officials, including the Palestinian Mufti, as well as other Christian and Muslim religious leaders, and ambassadors.

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority Supreme Shari'a Judge And Abbas' Advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash: The Jews Have No Connection To Jerusalem; This Is An Imperialist Myth And Distortion Of History
The Palestinian foreign ministry issued a statementwarning about how Israel is lying to the world about any Jewish history in Jerusalem.

"This campaign includes various fields and areas, whether diplomatic, sports or cultural, and it uses any excuse to pass on its lies and its Judaic narrative about the Holy City and its many historical sites," the ministry said in a statement.

It warned that Israel is bringing international visitors to visit "occupied Jerusalem with an infusion of fabricated information and the falsification of the facts about occupation."

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority warns world Israel is fabricating Jewish history in Jerusalem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The New York Times had an article on Friday by Michael David Lukas, a writer who spent a lot of time looking at ancient Jewish cemeteries mostly in Muslim countries like Tunisia and Egypt.

Not once in the article is the reader given any context as to why the Jews who had lived in these places for so long suddenly disappeared.

The taboo of mentioning the obvious fact of Muslim antisemitism - especially after Israel was reborn, but also throughout history - is simply too strong.

Instead of being ethnically cleansed, the Jews who attended these synagogues just magically disappeared.

(full article online)

NYTimes talks about Jews who disappeared from Muslim countries without mentioning why ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The author states the purpose of the book in the introduction: "to refute the Jewish claim to their historical right in Palestine."

That's Palestinianism in a nutshell - to deny Jewish history.

Just imagine any other encyclopedia whose introduction says that its purpose isn't to teach the history of the cover subject, but to refute the history of an entirely different group of people.

Of course, the book has to create a fake history where Arabs inhabited Palestine before Jews.

"The right of the Arabs in Palestine is immaculate and true. They are connected to it, and inhabited it since the dawn of its history and before there were Jews in the world," the book is quoted as saying.

Meaning that suddenly the Hittites. Jebusites, Amorites and other Canaanites were somehow all Arab.

(full article online)

Palestinians write an entire encyclopedia to deny Jewish nationalism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Israel, allowing Islam to destroy Jewish History ]

So the Waqf did what so many faithful Muslim officials do when faced with a legal prohibition: they cheated, using the Israeli gesture of closing off the Temple Mount to Jews on the last week of Ramadan to complete their heinous crime against history and culture, and recruited more than 1,000 men to remove the piles of soil – this time making sure to get rid of the pesky evidence of there ever being a Jewish Temple there.

According to Makor Rishon, a group of Jews who stood near the Temple Mount gates one night this week noticed a truck entering the compound.

At this point, those tall piles of soil are gone from the Temple Mount, replaced by terraced stones. The crime paid. All evidence of a Jewish Temple have been permanently eliminated.

Israel Police offered a reassuring statement in response to the Makor Rishon inquiry – read slowly, let the implied message sink in: “The irregularity has been identified by Israel Police, and once the situation is restored to normal by the Waqf and under the supervision of professionals, additional measures will be weighed.”

(full article online)

Using Ramadan as Cover, 1,000 Waqf Workers ‘Cleared’ Soil Rich with Evidence of Jewish Temple
[ If they say must be so.....And the problem of not fully defeating your enemy]

The Palestinian Authority (PA) envoy to Iraq recently said that the Jews “are not a people” and also invited Iraqi militias to “liberate Palestine”.

PA official: Jews 'are not a people'
I was not going to start a new thread on the forums, but this one seems to be a must.

I know that there are many well meaning people on these threads who want to see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like Coyote and many others. And then, there are those who are very ill meaning and do nothing but bash Israel and Jews over everything.

I believe that any and all, need to be reminded that this is Jewish land. It has been Jewish land for over 3000 years, and never contested by any one of its invaders and conquerors until the "dreadful day" when the Jews assumed that they could legally regain sovereignty over it and the Balfour Declaration happened and the Mandate for Palestine was to give the Jews their ancient homeland back.

We all know what has happened since 1920.

But what many do not know and do not seem to be aware of is what the people who have been calling themselves Palestinians since 1964 have been doing to ancient places they should have been claiming as their own, for after all, do they not say that they have been on the land as the Ancient Palestinians for the past 5000, no - 6000, no - 10000 years?

Aren't these ancient places and artifacts in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria part of the Palestinian History? Then why are they destroying any and all of it?

This is what has been going on for decades. Why are the "Palestinians" destroying their alleged history?

Palestinians destroying ancient Herodian and Hashmonean antiquities - literally bulldozing Jewish history ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

We've discussed the The Temple Mount Sifting Project before:
The Temple Mount Sifting Project (formerly known as the Temple Mount Salvage Operation) is an Israeli archaeological project begun in 2005 dedicated to recovering archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of topsoil removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf during the construction of the underground el-Marwani Mosque from 1996 to 1999.[1] The project is under the academic auspices of Bar Ilan University and until 2017 was funded by the Ir David Foundation and Israel Exploration Society.The destruction of so many tons of property from the Temple Mount was the biggest archaeological crime in history.

The project webpage is now warning of other large-scale destruction of Jewish history by Palestinians, ISIS-style.
In full view of people passing on the highway 90, Palestinians are using bulldozers and other heavy equipment to destroy Second Temple-era Jewish settlements in order to build a new village.

This is all happening in Area B, under Palestinian administrative control.

Moreover, it looks like Palestinian antiquities thieves are working in the area at night to steal whatever ancient artifacts they can find to sell on the market.

The article notes that similar destruction has recently begun in the area of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho.

Give Area C and the former Jewish Quarter and the Temple Mount to the invading Arabs who are now calling themselves the ancient inhabitants of the land, who should be protecting their ancient history and making tourism out of it?

Which one of you would dare do so?

Does the UN have any say on the Arabs destroying other people's ancient places?
Where has UNESCO been all of this time? What is their position about the endless destruction of Jewish History? Have they not complained about ISIS destroying antiquity?

Oh, wait......they have been giving Palestinian Status to Jewish places like the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, and many other places.

I guess if the UN is in on it, then there is no hope for the Jewish people to ever get their ancient lands back, much less be allowed to freely visit those places, which is true when it comes to the Cave and the Tombs, etc, where Jews can only visit if they have a military escort.


How can peace be achieved with the PA, the alleged partner for Peace, when it is the PA itself which allows such destruction to happen?

How can peace be achieved when destroying Israel is still in the Hamas and PLO, and Fatah charters and is taught on a daily basis to all Arabs who live in Gaza and areas A and B, and C and even in Israel?

What in the world is going to be done about the endless destruction and the want to destroy all which is Jewish on the Land of Israel, which does include all of Judea and Samaria which is the land of the Jewish People.
(I will not eve speculate what may already have been done to Jewish history in Jordan and Gaza )

DO the Arabs have the right to destroy any and all Jewish History they find and never have to answer to the rest of the world, much less to the Jewish People?

History is not the friend of Islam. The Dead Sea Scrolls show that the Bible has not been tampered with as Mohammad claimed, the Holocaust actually did happen, and Jerusalem was a city of the Jewish people thousands of years ago.

This is why ISIS is busy destroying as many historical sites as they can. They wish to rewrite history.
Today, Israeli security forces belatedly tried to do something about these archaeological crimes.

According to Ma'an, Israeli police arrested the head of the security department at the al-Aqsa Mosque, Abdullah Abu Talib, and took him to the Bab al-Silsila police station.

At the same time security forces dismantled the terraces and removed the olive tree saplings planted in the area of the debris, that Muslims call the "Bab al Rahma" area.

Ma'an confirms that "at the end of Ramadan, hundreds of worshipers launched a campaign under the slogan "Bab al-Rahma ... a carpet of cleaning and reconstruction" to rebuild, improve, beautify and attract the Bab al-Rahma area. Within a few days, the worshipers managed to organize the Bab al-Rahma area, laying stone fences, high terraces, benches and stone tables as well as planting olive seedlings."

(full article and photos online)

Israeli police detain head of Al Aqsa security over archaeological crimes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Today, Israeli security forces belatedly tried to do something about these archaeological crimes.

According to Ma'an, Israeli police arrested the head of the security department at the al-Aqsa Mosque, Abdullah Abu Talib, and took him to the Bab al-Silsila police station.

At the same time security forces dismantled the terraces and removed the olive tree saplings planted in the area of the debris, that Muslims call the "Bab al Rahma" area.

Ma'an confirms that "at the end of Ramadan, hundreds of worshipers launched a campaign under the slogan "Bab al-Rahma ... a carpet of cleaning and reconstruction" to rebuild, improve, beautify and attract the Bab al-Rahma area. Within a few days, the worshipers managed to organize the Bab al-Rahma area, laying stone fences, high terraces, benches and stone tables as well as planting olive seedlings."

(full article and photos online)

Israeli police detain head of Al Aqsa security over archaeological crimes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Israel restrains itself too much sometimes.
[ Arab Israeli (?) sitting in Jerusalem and calling it our State of Palestine ]

A talk about the legal status of Jerusalem by Ziad AbuZayyad, a former PA minister, highlights the absurdity and bias that passes for scholarship at the UN.

After slyly saying that Jerusalem was founded by Canaanites and then "occupied" by King David, he jumps through legal hoops to pretend that "Palestine" has a legal claim to Jerusalem and Israel has none:

To conclude, the status of Jerusalem under the international law is still defined and ruled by the UNGA Resolution 181 as an area of non-sovereignty, under international supervision.

...All Israeli measures in city are null and void.

Palestine has a valid claim to sovereignty over the city based on the fact that under the Ottomans and during the British Mandate, Jerusalem was an integral part of the territory of Palestine and was
its administrative capital. Palestinian Arabs were the overwhelming majority of the population until the Jewish immigration altered the demographic structure of the city.

On the other hand, the Israeli claim to sovereignty over Jerusalem has no basis in UN General Assembly Resolution 181 since the resolution never envisaged that Jerusalem would form part of the proposed Jewish state, but a corpus separatum subject to international regime.
UNGA 181 is not international law, and to say that Jerusalem is legally under the rule of the UN when the UN never ruled Jerusalem is completely absurd.

His claim that Palestinians have a claim to Jerusalem because Jerusalem was in the "territory of Palestine" (a meaningless phrase) is 180 degrees wrong. His argument is that Palestine was controlled by the Ottomans and British and therefore the Palestinians should control it now. But Israel is the legal successor to the British Mandate - Israel took over all the institutions in Palestine. Therefore, according to his own logic, Israel is the rightful owner of Jerusalem.

The "Jewish immigration" that gave Jews the majority of Jerusalem since the 1860s or so was pre-Zionist. It showed which group of people cared about the city. That argument is twisted and ahistorical.

(full article online)

Speaker at UN conference says Palestinians have legal claim over all Jerusalem; Israel has none ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Dulles was a prominent layman of the Presbyterian Church and active in The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA before becoming a diplomat. It seems obvious that when he accused Jews of killing Mohammed, he was really thinking about Jews killing the founder of his own religion.

Even though his aides told him during testimony that he was mistaken about Jews killing Mohammed, it took him ten days to correct his statement.

This was hardly the only antisemitic statement Dulles made in his career. For example, on June 18, 1956, he responded to Cardinal Spellman’s comment that “Jewish activities are becoming excessively arrogant and demanding” by saying that this “was one of my problems, that I felt it very important to try to demonstrate that the Jews did not in an election year dictate the foreign policy of the United States.” On February 12, 1957, he “mentioned the terrific control the Jews had over the news media and the barrage which the Jews have built on Congressmen.”

(full article online)

When the US Secretary of State justified Saudi antisemitism by saying Jews killed Mohammed ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - June 26, 2018

Headline: “The occupation government’s minister of economy and industry invaded the Ibrahimi Mosque”

“Director and Guardian of the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., Cave of the Patriarchs) Sheikh Hafzi Abu Sneineh condemned [Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry Eli] Cohen’s b reaking into the Ibrahimi Mosque (PMW found no record of Cohen recently visiting the Cave of the Patriarchs –Ed.)… He considered his presence unacceptable and offensive to the sensibilities of the Muslims. He said: ‘The Ibrahimi Mosque is solely a Muslim mosque with all of its territory and parts – the interior and exterior ones. The Jews have no connection at all to the Ibrahimi Mosque (sic., the Jewish Patriarchs and Matriarchs other than Rachel are buried at the site), and all of the steps being taken by them against it are null and illegal’…

(full article online)

PA officials deny Jewish connection to Cave of the Patriarchs, and accuse Israel of “forgery of history and the cultural heritage of the holy sites” in Jerusalem and Hebron - Jewish history in Land of Israel erased | PMW
Of course, this means that no one on Earth, except perhaps some Africans, have a homeland, since all of humanity migrated from Africa.

And if Israel isn't the homeland for Jews, it sure as hell isn't the homeland for Palestinians!

This is a typical pattern of Israel haters - they will create a set of rules for Israel in order to damn it, and ignore that applying those rules to everyone else would result in chaos.

(full article online)

Haaretz claims calling Israel the Jewish homeland is a myth ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The idea that the specific site of the current Kotel is the site of where Mohammed tethered his flying steed is completely new, only in the past hundred years. No Muslim source before the 20th century identifies even the western wall as the site - only after the Muslims wanted to assert control over the Kotel did they claim that the site was also the site of Al Buraq.

This was not the only article denying the sanctity of the Western Wall to the Jews in Arabic media today. Palestinian site Elaph has an article about the history of Moroccans in Jerusalem that says "the Wailing Wall has no basis in the Jewish theological heritage."

It is not difficult to see that the Palestinians and Muslims in general are interested in denying any connection of Judaism to Israel. The consistent claiming of literally every Jewish holy site, al of which predate Islam, as being Islamic and not Jewish is not a coincidence. It is the basis of their view of Jews in the Middle East.

(full article online)

Muslim Western Wall denial continues ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Don't say Temple Mount!

A Christian group visits the Temple Mount,
the tour guide explaining some history to his group, is interupted by the Muslim Waqf and instructed: This is Al Aqsa mosque, DON'T SAY TEMPLE MOUNT! Has it really come to this? On the Temple Mount you can't say the words Temple Mount for fear of being stopped and ejected by the Muslim Waqf! Are all non-Muslims to be dhimmis here?
Don't say Temple Mount!

A Christian group visits the Temple Mount,
the tour guide explaining some history to his group, is interupted by the Muslim Waqf and instructed: This is Al Aqsa mosque, DON'T SAY TEMPLE MOUNT! Has it really come to this? On the Temple Mount you can't say the words Temple Mount for fear of being stopped and ejected by the Muslim Waqf! Are all non-Muslims to be dhimmis here?

Almost time to reassert Jewish rights there.

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