The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Source: Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 2, 2016

Headline: “Marking the anniversary of the emigration of the Prophet at the Ibrahimi Mosque”
“The [PA] Ministry of Religious Affairs yesterday [Oct. 1, 2016]

marked the anniversary of the emigration of the Prophet (i.e., the Muslim New Year) at the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., the Cave of the Patriarchs) in the Old City of Hebron, in the presence of several official and civilian dignitaries, heads of institutions, and a crowd of civilians.
[PA] Minister of Religious Affairs Yusuf Ida’is emphasized that the Ibrahimi Mosque will remain an Islamic mosque, as no non-Muslim has any connection to it, and likewise the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is defiled on a daily basis by the occupation and its settlers in front of the world, and particularly in front of the Arab nation and the Muslim nation.”

Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
A report of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs is being presented Sunday by Minister Gilad Erdan to the cabinet, revealing a disturbing radicalization of incitement in the Palestinian Authority’s schools and social networks. The worrisome trend is reflected in PA textbooks that include texts like “I will remove the robber from my country, destroy the remnants of the foreigners,” and “We love death.”

(full article online)

Strategic Affairs Ministry: Abbas Entrenching Narrative Denying Israel’s Right to Exist
Indigeneity, of course, is not about "the silly game of 'who was here first?'"

Indigeneity refers to the roots of a culture and the people who comprise that culture in all of its branches... even including New York Jews who live in California.

The Jewish people are the indigenous people to the Land of Israel because that is the place where our ancestors forged the beginnings of a multivariant culture and cultivated the Hebrew language and the Jewish religion and those other aspects that bring us together as one.
From a practical standpoint, however, this scholar asked an important question:

What is the desired end-result of these debates?

The desired result cannot be to convince Arabs that they should respect Israel as the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people.
I agree, that this is simply not going to happen... history or no history, because the "Palestinian narrative" will not permit.

(full article online)

Sarah Tuttle-Singer and the "Palestinian Narrative" (Michael Lumish) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What Really Happened at Deir Yassin? A Massacre That Never Was

Here’s what we know about the events that transpired at Deir Yassin on April 9, 1948 and the consequences of the battle from readily available and credible evidence:

  • The Arab villagers of Deir Yassin weren’t peaceful, so subduing the village became a key military objective during the first phase of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
After the Jews accepted and the Arabs rejected the UN 1947 proposal to divide the British mandate, Arab militias laid siege to Jerusalem and 150,000 Jewish inhabitants of the city were “under constant military pressure” (the 2,500 Jewish residents of the Old City were also at risk of starving to death on account of the Arab blockade).

Jewish aid convoys tried to reach the city to assist its beleaguered residents, but Arab militias cut off the highway from Tel Aviv—the city’s only supply route—and controlled a number of vantage points overlooking it. Deir Yassin, situated on a hill less than a mile from Jerusalem’s suburbs, had a commanding view of the vicinity. It was one of a group of Arab villages that the Haganah determined had to be occupied as part of the military operation to open the road to Jerusalem.

(full article online)

Silencing History: U.S. University Publishers Shun Book “Ending the Deir Yassin Myth”
Even after Saladin captured Jerusalem back from the Crusaders in 1187, and even though the Temple Mount was re-consecrated as a Muslim sanctuary, Saladin still allowed Jews access not only to Jerusalem, but also to worship on the Temple Mount. Later, though, Saladin forbade Jews from praying there. From the late thirteenth to the mid-nineteenth century, the Temple Mount was basically off-limits to Jews, though occasionally they were allowed access.

The chief rabbi of Jerusalem, David ben Shlomo Ibn Zimra (Radbaz, 1479-1573) wrote that the city's Jews regularly went to the Temple Mount in order to view the entire temple ruins and pray there and that "we have not heard or seen anyone object to this."

After the Ottoman conquest of Jerusalem in 1516, Sultan Suleiman I encouraged European Jews, especially those expelled from Spain and Portugal a generation earlier, to resettle in Jerusalem. He instructed his court architect to prepare a special place for Jewish prayer in an alley at the bottom of the Western retaining wall of the Temple Mount in compensation for prohibiting all non-Muslims from entering any part of the Temple Mount. He issued a royal decree guaranteeing Jews the right to pray at this Western Wall for all time.

(full article online)

Historically, Jews Prayed on the Temple Mount When Muslims Controlled it -- So Why Not Now? (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Official Palestinian Authority TV - Aug. 2, 2004




Jarir Al-Qidwa, advisor on educational affairs to Arafat, now Chairman PA Public Library
Dr. Issam Sissalem, Chairman History Dept., Islamic University, Gaza
Albaz, PA TV Interviewer

Albaz: "Where did the story of Solomon’s Temple come from?"

Al-Qidwa: "Solomon’s Temple, I believe, was built by the Canaanites who were the neighbors of the Israelis, the Israelites... I want to state several words clearly: the Bible became an archival document, not representing what the Israelis and the first Jews were, but what they thought they were, what they imagined. The Temple is the fruit of their imagination. In any case, when our nation or our Canaanite forefathers came to Palestine, they built the Temple… a temple in Jerusalem."

Sissalem: "We, as the Palestinian nation fighting for its freedom and liberation, must not focus to much attention on these false [Biblical] legends. The history of our land continues more than ten thousand years. The land of battles and wars, [many] armies, tribes and commanders came through. I want to point out that we should not focus much on what is called the [Biblical] Hebrew tribes, who are in fact Bedouin – Arab tribes. There is no connection between them and these Khazar Jews [of Israel today]. Those [Hebrew - Arab] tribes were erased and ceased to exist and no traces were left of them… That group did not have a pure religion. They claimed that Solomon, may he rest in peace, built the Temple. Does the land testify to this? Solomon was a prophet and we see him as a Muslim and part of our [Islamic] heritage… There is no historical text that proves the existence [of the temple] or that it has a real history other than the Bible, and the Bible as we have previously mentioned… was written based on ancient legends."

(full article online)

Canaanite "forefathers of Palestinians" built the Temple - Jewish history in Land of Israel erased | PMW
[ Repeat something often enough, long enough......and voila.....history is rewritten ]

"They are trying to claim that they have been there 3,000 years ago. Well, guess what? The Canaanites, which are Arab tribes, were there 5,000 years ago. So if you are going to have any historical claim to it because you think you were there first, well, then you have got to go to the Canaanites, who are in the Bible. They were there 5,000 years ago, almost two thousand years before anybody from the Israelites came.



"Goliath... with a rock... With a rock, [David] kills Goliath. The first Intifada, the first uprising in Palestine, was with rocks."

(full article online)

Muslim Center Of Middlesex County, NJ Hosts Pro-BDS Event, Speakers Encourage Boycotting J Street, American Companies: 'If You Look At The Whole History, They Did Not Spend More Than... 200 Years [In Palestine],' 'Most Of The Jews Today Are Not The Children Of Israel... They Are Not Even Jews'
Peace is meant to be the acceptance of the other as well as recognition of his or her national identity, narrative and history. If that is so, then why would the Palestinians want to claim the Dead Sea Scrolls as their own? Are they claiming, for example, that the Genesis Apocryphon, the only copy of a 2,000-yearold Jewish text elaborating on the Book of Genesis, tells their story? Were the Essenes, the Jewish sect that lived in the area of Qumran and wrote the scrolls, actually Palestinian Muslims and not Jews? This is not just absurd, it is sad. Unfortunately, it is highly possible that a resolution claiming that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong to the Palestinians will pass in a place like UNESCO.

(full article online)

Denying Jewish history
[ What do some Jews get out of defaming their own people and indigenous land? Is it out of fear? What of?]

Over the past several months, The Florida Jewish Journal has published six anti-Israel screeds by Irwin Shishko, a former Wall Street economist who regularly mischaracterizes important aspects of the Jewish state and its history.

Most recently, the paper published an attack on Christian Zionism in which Shishko speculated, “Very likely, the Balfour Declaration encouraged American Jews to back pro-British, pro-war sentiment, and help draw the U.S. into WW I.”

There's just one problem, but it's a big one: The U.S. declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917. The British issued the Balfour Declaration several months later, on November 2, 1917.

Obviously, there is simply no way that the Balfour Declaration had any impact whatsoever on America's entrance into World War I, which was brought about largely as a result of growing hostility over Americans dying in German U-boat attacks.

This is the type of misinformation that The Florida Jewish Journal has been broadcasting to its readers since August of 2017 when it began publishing Shisko's writing.

In these articles he has trafficked in a number of ugly tropes about Israel and American Jews, most notably portraying them as all-powerful war-mongers who are indifferent to Palestinian suffering and the ethical demands of their religion. In addition to relying on ad hominem attacks, Shishko omits crucial facts and in some instances introduces factual misstatements into his articles to further his agenda. Not one of the six articles written by Shishko and published byThe Florida Jewish Journal is free of factual errors or egregious distortions, all of which undermine the credibility of Israel and Zionism.

Shishko has a right to his opinions, but he does not have a right to his own facts. The lax editorial attitude by the publication toward his incendiary falsehoods and slurs against Israel is highly unprofessional and readers should urge an end to such dereliction.

(full article online)

CAMERA: The Florida Jewish Journal Must Stop Publishing Columnist's Falsehoods and Distortions
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Apr. 3, 2016
Official PA TV program The Occupied Capital on Israel harming tourism in Jerusalem

Archeologist at the Israeli Arab Al-Aqsa Institute for Islamic Trusts and Heritage Abir Zayyad: "They are trying to enlist all of the archeological sites in Jerusalem in support of the alleged Jewish history in Jerusalem. We have a number of examples of this. The most conspicuous example is the city of Jebus, in the village of Silwan, where Jerusalem developed 10,000 years ago, becoming a real city 4,000 years ago. The occupation is always trying to present it to tourists as a city built by David (i.e., King David), or that David lived in, but David has no connection to the antiquities there, as the antiquities are completely Palestinian Arab."

All media
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Apr. 3, 2016
Official PA TV program The Occupied Capital on Israel harming tourism in Jerusalem

Archeologist at the Israeli Arab Al-Aqsa Institute for Islamic Trusts and Heritage Abir Zayyad: "They are trying to enlist all of the archeological sites in Jerusalem in support of the alleged Jewish history in Jerusalem. We have a number of examples of this. The most conspicuous example is the city of Jebus, in the village of Silwan, where Jerusalem developed 10,000 years ago, becoming a real city 4,000 years ago. The occupation is always trying to present it to tourists as a city built by David (i.e., King David), or that David lived in, but David has no connection to the antiquities there, as the antiquities are completely Palestinian Arab."

All media

I don't understand how normal people can buy into this. The world has gone mad. But I guess people eat Tide pods, so .... shrug.
The government warned of the Israeli excavations south and south-west of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza, and in the Al-Buraq (i.e., Western Wall) plaza, and demanded international intervention to cancel the implementation of the Israeli government’s decision to place prayer platforms for Jews on the Islamic Waqf’s territory in the area of the Mughrabi Gate, near the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza (i.e., the Western Wall)… The government emphasized that attempts to attack the Al-Buraq plaza are in fact an act of aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic waqfs (i.e., an inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law).

(full article online)

PA government: The Western Wall "is an inseparable part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza" and "everything it faces… belongs to Muslims alone” - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs accuses Israel of “Judaization” of Jerusalem; calls on UN to intervene

Source: WAFA, official PA news agency, July 2, 2017

Headline: "The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The operations to Judaize the Al-Buraq plaza and tunnel necessitate that the UN organizations implement their decisions and defend them"

"The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the occupation's Judaization plan to build a new level under the Al-Buraq (i.e., the Western Wall of the Temple Mount) plaza at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque…
This was stated following the exposé of the Hebrew weekly Jerusalem, according to which Jerusalem occupation Mayor [Nir Barkat], during a tour with members of the ruling Likud party, announced the municipality’s intention to build an additional level at the Al-Buraq plaza (apparently referring to plan for a tunnel under the Western Wall plaza to improve handicapped accessibility - the source noted here does not exist and these statements could not be found in Israeli newspapers -Ed.) and presented a draft of the aforementioned plan, as part of the occupation’s many plans to deepen the Judaization operations at the Al-Buraq plaza and tunnel…
Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - June 30, 2017





Headline: "The occupation police closed the Al-Aqsa Mosque and settlers invaded it"

"Those that are called 'alleged temple' organizations and extremist [Israeli] occupation government Minister of Agriculture Uri Ariel two days ago [June 28, 2017] called on the settler public to participate in its masses in group invasions of the Al-Aqsa Mosque yesterday, Thursday, to mark the anniversary of the killing of settler Hallel Ariel (13-year-old Israeli girl, stabbed to death by a terrorist as she slept in her bed–Ed.), who was killed last year in one of the settlements in Hebron…
Supreme Shari’ah Judge of Palestine and [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas’] advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash… noted that the extremist groups, which are supported by the Israeli political and security echelon, take advantage of every religious or political incident or event in order to connect it to the ongoing invasions of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is in an attempt to cover up the crimes against the Muslims and the sites holy to Islam in Jerusalem, and the fact that they [the Muslims] are being prevented from holding their religious ceremonies that are anchored in international law, and also in order to prepare the mood for implementing the division of the Jerusalem Noble Sanctuary (i.e., the Temple Mount) according to areas and times, as was done at the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., Cave of the Patriarchs). Al-Habbash emphasized that these holy sites are a pure Palestinian Islamic heritage to which non-Muslims have no right, as was determined by the latest UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) decisions."

(full article online)

Abbas’ religious advisor: Israel “invading”’ the Temple Mount, a “purely Palestinian Islamic site” - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday that the Palestinian people are facing a "large plot" against their rights and capital, adding that their resistance will not stop in defending the land and the holy sites.

In a speech at a conference in Ramallah, Abbas said that Al-Quds (the Arabic name for Jerusalem -ed.) is the eternal capital of “Palestine”, and that the Palestinians’ right to it is based on a history that has lasted more than 5,000 years. "Our ancestors, the Jebusites, built the city of Al-Quds to serve as their capital,” he claimed.

Abbas further said that the Arab and Palestinian presence in Al-Quds has never ceased since the Palestinians are "descendants of the Canaanites."

In January, Abbas claimed that 5,000 years ago the Levant was inhabited by “Arab Canaanites” – whom he said were the ancestors of today’s Palestinian Arabs.

(full article online)

Abbas praises Hamas for 'popular resistance'
In keeping with the Palestinian tradition of double-talk, Zomlot informed his Jewish audience, in English, what he would never dare say in Arabic -- that the Palestinians will one day recognize the Jewish connection to Jerusalem.

Addressing the annual conference of J Street on April 16, the PLO envoy said that Palestinians would "celebrate the Jewish connection to Jerusalem" once a Palestinian state was established with East Jerusalem as its capital.

"Once a state of Palestine is established, once that state has East Jerusalem as its capital, that city will not only recognize the Jewish connection, but we will celebrate the Jewish connection to Jerusalem," Zomlot said.

These are nice words to hear from the mouth of a senior representative of the PLO -- which Palestinians themselves often refer to as the Professional Liars Organization. But would this PLO representative ever dare to make such a statement in front of a Palestinian or Arab audience? The answer, bluntly, is No.

If Zomlot made such a statement in his native Arabic language, he would be denounced as a traitor -- if he were very lucky. If he were less lucky, he would end up in a hospital or morgue.

Just as Zomlot was lying to his Jewish audience, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were chanting the famous battle cry: "We will march toward Jerusalem, we will sacrifice millions of martyrs."

(full article online)

Palestinians: New Twist on an Old Lie
The following is the report on Al-Habbash's recent statements in the official PA daily:

"Supreme Shari'ah Judge of Palestine, [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas'] advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Habbash discussed with Sudanese Minister of Guidance and Endowments Abu Bakr Othman Ibrahim... bilateral relations and expanding the cooperation between the two states...

Al-Habbash also gave a religious and political lecture at the end of the events of the 21st Season of Culture and Dawah (i.e., preaching), which is organized by the Islamic University in Omdurman, Sudan...

During the lecture, Al-Habbash refuted the claims that the Israeli occupation is spreading against Palestine and its residents by falsifying history and the religious and political facts through fabricated and false myths.

He said: 'After World War II ended, the colonialist states wanted to get rid of the presence of the Jews of Europe, who had a monopoly over the economy and capital. Therefore, they supported these claims and helped them establish their state on the land of Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian people, who are still suffering from this crime
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 24, 2018

(full article online)

Europe's desire to get rid of remaining Jews after WWII made it support Zionism, says Abbas advisor - PMW Bulletins

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