The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Some of his ramblings:

Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday said that the Holocaust was not caused by anti-Semitism, but by the “social behavior” of the Jews, including money-lending.

In a long and rambling at speech in Ramallah at a rare session of the Palestinian National Council, Abbas touched on a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories during what he called a “history lesson,” as he sought to prove the 3,000 year-old Jewish connection to the Land of Israel is false.

Abbas said his narrative was backed by three points made by Jewish writers and historians, the first being the theory oft-criticized as anti-Semitic that Ashkenazi Jews are not the descendants of the ancient Israelites.
There obviously were pogroms in the Arab world against Jews, although not to the extent of pogroms in Europe. But a few of them are notable to mention in context of Abbas' speech.

"In 1834, there was a huge Arab pogrom against Jews that lasted 33 days in the town that Mahmoud Abbas was born in, Safed (Tzfat.) Chances are some of his relatives participated in it."

This source
says 500 were killed:

" In 1834 the local Arabs rebelled against the new Egyptian governor who ruled Ottoman Palestine between 1831 to 1841. The rebellion against this governor, Muhammad Ali, expanded to include attacks against the Jews of Palestine. While the Jews of certain cities like Jerusalem were spared, Tzfat was not. A Safed Islamic clergyman named Muhamad Damoor incited the Moslems to attack the Jews of Tzfat. On June 15, 1834, local Arabs and Bedouins, including the Arabs who lived in the Arab Quarter of Tzfat itself, invaded Tzfat’s Jewish Quarter.

The Arabs destroyed homes, plundered synagogues and businesses and burned much of the city. Eyewitnesses described scenes of torture, and murder over the course of 33 days.
Historians estimated that over 500 people were killed and many others were blinded and maimed.I couldn't corroborate the 500 killed, but many were.Here's another description:

The Palestinian Arabs of the Eastern Galilee took advantage of a regional crisis, the war between Egypt and Turkey, to attack their Jewish neighbors and strip them of everything they had: clothes, properties, houses, and the like. In the process people were beaten in the streets, many times to death, synagogues destroyed and holy books desecrated. An entire community of 2,000 souls (Kinglake says 4,000) was forced into hiding for 33 days, in caves, ruins, inhospitable mountaintops, and basements. In that mayhem there were good Arabs who saved lives, like the people of the village of Ein Zeitim and a few individuals, Muslims and Christians from the city itself, but there were also the double crossers who promised to help for a large sum of money, only to hand over the Jews to the rioting mob outside the hideout. For 33 days the lives of the Jews of Safed had practically no value, and anyone of them who showed his or her face in public was at risk of been beaten to death, sometimes by people they knew as neighbors or business associates."

This is a classic pogrom by any definition.

But what about the 1929 riots that killed scores of Jews in Hebron, and the earlier massacre in 1921?

Abbas actually mentioned them in his speech - admiringly - calling the Arabs who butchered Jews "revolutionaries."

Abbas is an antisemite who considers Arabs butchering Jewish woman and children "revolutionaries" - and then tells people that Arabs always treated Jews well.

(full article online)

Abbas claims that there were no Arab pogroms against Jews. There was one IN HIS OWN HOMETOWN. He also calls the 1929 Hebron murderers "revolutionaries." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Had he turned to Arab rather than Soviet scholarship, Abbas would have learned that “history is a science,” as historian Ibn Khaldun stated in his Muqaddimah, the 1337 book widely appreciated as a groundbreaking treatise on the philosophy of history.

Abbas’s communist commissars, by contrast, saw in historiography not an academic discipline but a political weapon and a propagandist’s toy. Had he realized that history is a science, Abbas would have understood that historiography’s first prerequisites are documentation and impartiality.

That would have made him understand that one can’t say, for instance, that Hitler “wanted the Jewish country to be loyal to him,” or that “the hatred of the Jews was not due to their religion” – without sounding like an idiot.

To recall the role of religion in what happened to the Jews, Abbas need only turn to the Arab effort to repel the Vatican’s retreat in 1965 from its historic libel that the Jews killed God.

Addressing a World Muslim League emergency meeting in Mecca at the time, the Mufti of Saudi Arabia cried that “the Catholics” are letting “a circle of prelates, seduced by and in complicity with Zionism, to trifle with dogmas and shatter religious convictions that have survived for two thousand years” (Bernard Lewis, Semites and Anti-Semites, 1986, p. 223).

No, historians don’t have to be neutral, but they have to be objective, they must display evidence, and they must be emotionally prepared to accept what it attests. Abbas might have done all this, had he studied history at Oxford, Princeton or the Sorbonne, rather than with Leonid Brezhnev’s lieutenants at Moscow’s Patrice Lumumba University.

Unearthing the past also demands curiosity for adversaries’ feelings, the way Israeli historians, from Yehoshua Porat to Benny Morris, imagined the Palestinians’ suffering when they probed their national struggle.

Had he been intellectually curious, Abbas would have realized that his native Safed is not only the town of his yearnings but also the town where a Jew named Shlomo Alkabetz wrote no less longingly: “King’s city, the city of kingdom / Arise, emerge from the rubble... Wear the garb of your glory, my nation / By the son of Jesse of Bethlehem,” lines sung for more than 500 years by now every Friday night by millions of Jews, including those Abbas diagnosed as descendants of Khazars, and those he fingered as usurers, and those he now besmirches as dirty-footed defilers of holy sites.

Yet Abbas is not intellectually curious, and he thinks that if he says that he is “tired of hearing” about the Jews “coming to this country because of their longing for Zion or whatever,” he will babble away this crucial element of his predicament.

LACKING the historian’s instincts and tools, Abbas has waged a propaganda war based on three lies: that the Jews don’t belong in their land, that the conflict was a Jewish plot, and that its violence was a Jewish choice.

That is why he wrote (“The long overdue Palestinian state,” New York Times, 16 May 2011) that, following the UN’s partition resolution, “Zionist forces expelled Palestinian Arabs... and Arab armies intervened,” whereas in fact the Palestinian attack on the Jews, and the Arab armies’ invasions preceded rather than followed the war’s displacements, just as partition – unlike Abbas’s insinuation – was rejected by the Arabs and accepted by the Jews.

(full article online)

History notes for Mahmoud Abbas

Well, for one, neither the U.S. nor FDR owned Jews in the first place, slo it wasn't possible to abandon them or anybody else, and for two, the U.S. loosened immigration restrictions for many Jews, while still keeping them in place for others, thus discriminating against others just as 'needy' in your favor as a people, and these immigration restrictions were in place for all immigration since the 1920's, after millions upon millions upon millions of Jews, Germans, Italians, Slavs, and other ethnicities had been coming in for generation after generation, so go fuck yourself with your whining; the U.S. did far more than it was ever obliged to do, for anybody, so maybe it's time for you to start pointing out the rest of the world out there and criticizing it for once. You have no place at all to be crying about FDR or America, period. We don't owe anybody anything, never did, not even the time of day, so take the whining elsewhere.

Incidentally, my mom's family were denied visas to America after the war, which obliged them to move to Israel. That is why it's important that Israel exists.

(I must say, though, that the article you posted doesn't mention Israel at all, so I don't know why you posted it here.)

Because he hopes to make American feel guilty about something; we're pretty much the only nation around who will have enough people who will feel guilty whether justified or not, and then shovel money at and slash wrists over any idiot with a snivel. If we were indeed all that 'racists' and those evul Xian WASPS so racist n shit, we wouldn't be having any problems at all these days. That's because all the minorities would be dead, so nobody would be left to snivel about it. We would just be like everybody else, you know, those countries nobody ever snivels about because everybody knows they don't give a shit about minorities and their whining, they just kill them and be done with it.

Text and image posted on the official Fatah Facebook page

The image shows people in in keffiyehs (Arab headdresses) walking towards "Palestine," depicted by the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas with the Dome of the Rock appearing at the location of Jerusalem. To the left of the map is written "Palestine."

Posted text: "Land Day is the height of the Palestinian people's unity everywhere and an expression of the feelings of belonging to one people, no matter how different the suffering in the different parts of the homeland and in the refugee camps. It is not odd that the main arena of this intifada is the territory that was occupied in 1948 (i.e., Israel), as the masses of our people in this part of the homeland – with their resolve, their remaining on their land, and their defense of this land – are simply the opposite of the Zionist project as a whole…
Khalil Nazzal
Fatah Movement Secretary in Warsaw"

Fatah Facebook post features map of “Palestine” replacing Israel, “the territory that was occupied in 1948” - Denying Israel's right to exist | PMW
Inside the museum are several videos. The most important one is the one which places the conflict into context. It never matters how balanced you want to seem, if you distort the history you are intentionally influencing opinion in your favour. The Arabs are continually rewriting history to have this effect. They want people to bridge the gap between the good (the Arabs) and the bad (the Jews).

Watch the video:

It is difficult to overstate the historical distortion in the video. A clever piece of propaganda which uses additional imagery to convey further misconceptions. It completely denies Jewish history to the land and presents Jews as alien invaders. The only reason Jews turned up was because they had ‘nowhere else to go’. The Arabs inside the Mandate become innocent victims as all those around them fight. There is no connection at all to the tale in the video (the virgin Nakba) and what really happened. Anyone watching or digesting any of this video as fact has been tainted by antisemitic propaganda.

(full article online)

Banksy and the alien god killers that occupy Bethlehem
Forgetting the other obvious lies of Ashrawi, it is past time to look at the Palestinian claim that Israel is "Judaizing" Israel.

Israel has been the center of Jewish prayer and thought since the days of Moses. The archaeological evidence alone (which the Palestinians strenuously deny exists) is overwhelming. Way before Zionism, Jews have made rebuilding Jerusalem the central motif of their prayers. The rocks and stones of Israel are witness to the miracle of the rebirth of the Jewish nation in much of her historic lands.

When Ashrawi and Abbas and the other Palestinian leaders complain about "Judaizing" the Jewish home, they are denying Jewish history, Jewish practice and millennia of Jewish longing.

It goes hand in hand with the Arab claim that Jews are not a nation or a people, but merely a faith.

If "Judaizing" is such a crime, what is Islamicizing? Because the entire religion of Islam is an attempt to supersede Judaism (and to a lesser extent Christianity.) Every single Islamic tenet is a distortion of a Jewish law. Every single Jewish shrine in Israel, bar none, is claimed by Muslims to be their own, even though every single one of them is older than Islam. The mosques on the Temple Mount, at the Cave of the Patriarchs and at Rachel's Tomb were built deliberately to erase Jewish history and claims.

The claim of "Judaizing" is Arabs saying that Jews do not belong in the land that everyone (including the Quran) knows is Jewish. At best, the Jews should be tolerated as second class citizens under a supremacist Islamic ideology and political system.

(full article online)

The Palestinian claim that Israel is "Judaizing" the Jewish homeland is antisemitic ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
According to UNESCO, the Palestinians, and the Muslim States, Israel, and the Jewish People have no right to Jerusalem. It is this fake belief that until Donald Trump became president, kept the U.S. from recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the Jewish world. Most of the world outside America continues to believe the Palestinian/Muslim propaganda that ignores that the ancient Greeks, Romans, Christians, and even the ancient Muslims, reported Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were the property of the Jewish people.

(full article online)

The Quran, The Gospels, And Tanach Say Jerusalem Is Jewish So Why Doesn't Everyone?

Earlier today we tweeted this famous 1948 image, originally
photographed by the remarkable John Roy Carlson [Source]

An article in yesterday's Jordan Times ["Changing Arabic names of Jerusalem heritage sites is attempt to ‘Judaise’ city - study", May 27, 2018] provides an illustration. (The emphasis is ours):
The Israeli occupation has changed the Arabic names of 667 archaeological and heritage sites in Jerusalem with the aim of “Judaising the city” and “erasing its historical and religious identity”, according to a recent study.

“Replacing the Arabic names is part of a long-term and systematic attempt to distort facts and falsify the real identity of the holy city until the future generation forgets its Arab and Islamic identity,” Ibrahim Bazazo, researcher and dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Jordan told The Jordan Times on Sunday.

The study was conducted over the course of three years by Jordanians Omar Jawabreh, Mohammad Sarayreh, Haitham Abdelraza and Bazazo, under the title “Towards Sustainable Documentation of Geographical Names of Touristic and Heritage Sites in Occupied Jerusalem Using Geographical Information System [GIS]”. Researchers used documents dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries, including holy books, historical and geographical atlases..."It goes on in this vein, accusing the enemy of "forcing a ‘Judaised’ identity" and blaming "the Israeli occupation" for replacing "Arabic names not only from all signs and banners but also from school books and official curricula". (The very loaded issue of school books offers an egregious example of a Jordanian talent for skating on thin ice.)

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 28-May-18: Names and identities: A Jerusalem battlefield
They used the Zionist movement, which was established... by peoples of the K hazar tribes, who have no connection to the children of Jacob (Israel) [parentheses in source]...
Since Canaanite Palestine is an organic part of the Fertile Crescent (a region of the Middle East where early human agriculture and civilization flourished -Ed.), the colonialist and imperialist forces decided to choose Palestine in order to plant an aggressive entity in it that would divide the united Arab nation into east and west, north and south."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 12, 2018]

(full article online)

Fatah: Israel worse than Nazis, wants to "crush" the Arab world, "steal its resources" - PMW Bulletins
"The alleged ‘Temple organizations’ increased their calls through their websites and social media to their supporters and the settler public to invade the Al-Aqsa Mosque on our Palestinian people's Nakba Day (i.e., “the catastrophe,” Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel)."

"Alleged Temple organizations" refer to religious Jewish movements including the Temple Mount Institute, the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, The Initiative for Jewish Freedom on the Temple Mount and Students for the Temple Mount, which spread awareness of the importance of the Temple Mount in Judaism and encourage people to visit the site.

The PA and its leaders consider all of the Temple Mount an integral part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Therefore they view any presence of Jews on the mount as an "invasion." It should be noted that Jews who visit the Temple Mount only enter some sections of the open areas, and do not enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock.

(full article online)

PA daily calls visits of Jews to the Temple Mount “invasions” of “settlers,” refers to “alleged ‘Temple organizations’” - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
WAFA, official PA news agency - Mar. 1, 2017





Headline: “Ida’is: More than 95 Israeli attacks and violations against the holy sites and places of worship during February”

“[PA] Minister of Religious Affairs Sheikh Yusuf Ida’is said that… the UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) resolution [of Oct. 13, 2016] regarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque is most important, particularly at this difficult stage in which the Al-Aqsa Mosque is subject to the strongest attack history has known. Therefore, [he said] it is necessary to implement the resolution on the ground immediately, and the Arabs and Muslims must have a practical plan for the defense of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He explained that in February [2017] the mosque was subject to a strong attack of invasions, lies, and media statements that completely contradict reality. The latest of them was the occupied Jerusalem Magistrate Court ruling, which determined that the Al-Aqsa Mosque (i.e., the Temple Mount) is holy to Jews and they have a right to pray there, and that no one can prevent them from entering its plazas and going up to what is termed ‘the Temple Mount’ (for the actual ruling see note below –Ed.). This is alongside the claim of the occupation police’s Minister of Public Security [Gilad Erdan] that ‘the Temple Mount’ is the holiest site to the Jewish people, and only to the Jewish people (sic., Erdan did not specify that the site is holy only to the Jewish people -Ed).
Ida’is again emphasized that the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with all of its plazas, is completely Islamic, and no decision of a court, whatever its name may be, or of any person, will change the irrefutable truth regarding the Islamicness of the site.”

(full article online)

PA minister: Temple Mount is “completely Islamic,” is under “strongest attack history has known” - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW

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