The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 27, 2017

Official PA TV program Palestine This Morning, on Jerusalem’s “Arab and Islamic identity” being “changed,” hosting archaeologist and member of Fatah’s Jerusalem branch Abir Zayyad

Archaeologist and member of Fatah’s Jerusalem branch Abir Zayyad: “To this day, the antiquities prove that there was no presence of any sort of [King] Solomon and [King] David or a Jewish presence 3,000 years ago in Jerusalem and all of Palestine (sic., such evidence abounds).”

Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
Association of the alleged Temple organizations’ to its supporters to carry out group invasions this Sunday [July 26, 2015], the anniversary of the so-called ‘destruction of the Temple’ (i.e., Tisha B’Av ). The council regarded this call as a dangerous escalation, and an official declaration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque’s inauguration as a Jewish synagogue, as well as a pilgrimage site for Jews to hold their Talmudic ceremonies (i.e., Jewish prayers) at the expense of its Islamic character, and clarified that the continued offensive against the Al-Aqsa Mosque warns of a religious war.

In addition, it stressed that the Israeli plan to Judaize Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] or to lay a hand on them is a delusion , as the only ones entitled to the mosque, its courtyards, corridors, and every part of it, are the Muslims. Jerusalem will retain its Islamic face and Arab identity, and the occupation will not rob it of its identity, no matter how far it goes with its crimes and falsification of facts.

(full article online)

Islamic council: Israel “will not rob it [Jerusalem] of its identity, no matter how far it goes with its crimes and falsification of facts” - All media
Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - Oct. 25, 2016





Headline: “Arrogance – Netanyahu intends to participate in excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque”

“The occupation’s [Israel’s] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised in press statements to personally participate in the removal of soil from under the Al-Aqsa Mosque this week (sic., Netanyahu’s actual statement appears in a note below), and called on the Jewish population to join him…

PLO Executive Committee member [and Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine] Ahmed Majdalani emphasized that Netanyahu’s statements are full of arrogance and haughtiness. Majdalani said in statements to [the official PA radio station] The Voice of Palestine that these statements are meant to thwart the latest UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) resolutions regarding the Jerusalem [Noble] Sanctuary (i.e., the Temple Mount) and [the] Old [City of] Jerusalem through lies and claims about the Jews' alleged connection to it.”

(full article online)

PA daily: "Netanyahu intends to participate in excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque" in attempt to prove "Jews' alleged connection to it" - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
Trump's decision on Jerusalem
"aligned with the false Zionist narrative...
Israeli archaeologists have searched for the last 70 years
and have not found a single archaeological remnant
related to the...Temple or... to Jews in Palestine in general"
[Columnist in official PA daily]
  • PA TV: There is "no documentation" the Western Wall was ever a "place of worship" for Jews before the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917
  • Abbas' advisor: "[The Jews have] no connection to this land, not religiously or historically"
  • PA minister: "Israel's claims regarding the finding of Jewish antiquities are a clear falsification of the city [of Jerusalem's] history"
  • PLO official: Jewish historical ties to the land are "a Zionist invention;"
    Jews are in "Palestine" only because "Europe wanted to get rid of them"
(full article online)

PA: Jews have no history in "Palestine" - PMW Bulletins
The author of the review stresses how scientific the book is, confusing footnotes with scholarship. But the point of the book is obviously not for knowledge but for propaganda - just as people will point to the work of Shlomo Sand or Ilan Pappe as being scholarly, when in fact they are just frameworks to put a scholarly coat of paint on a rusted-through toolshed of lies.

But I couldn't help wondering: since the Arab world is so interested in Biblical criticism, when are they going to put the Koran through the same critical analysis?

(full article online)

Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - Oct. 13, 2015




Headline: “Andalusia”

Regular poetry column of Tawfiq Amarneh in the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida

“What do you say we demand Andalusia (i.e., an autonomous community in southern Spain) like the Jews!
And we will see the responses of the worn-out world!
Our buildings, our antiquities, and our palaces are the clearest testimony that will convince anyone who asks for witnesses!
The Jews searched for a lost Temple for years!
They excavated, burrowed, and destroyed all of the strong bridges!
They didn’t find a Temple, or a similar structure, and the world knows and is silent about all of the atrocities!”

Song in PA daily: The Jews “searched for a lost Temple for years”, but “didn’t find a Temple” - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
PA daily: "Settlers carried out tours of provocation at the mosque, while [receiving] explanations about the myth of the 'alleged Temple'"

Source: Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 5, 2016

Headline: “At the same time as calls of the ‘Temple organizations’: Settlers renew their invasions of the Al-Aqsa Mosque”

“Settlers yesterday [Sept. 4, 2016] renewed their invasions of the Al-Aqsa Mosque [plaza] through the Mughrabi Gate, under increased guard and protection by special occupation forces. The settlers carried out tours of provocation at the mosque, while [receiving] explanations about the myth of the ‘alleged Temple’ [that was] in its place, while the worshippers came out against these invasions and tours with calls of protest: ‘Allahu Akbar.’”

(full article online)

Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 30, 2017

The PA TV video shows a woman who represents "ancient Palestinians" (or possibly Muslims) going through the history of the land - replacing the Jewish people's actual history. The woman is introduced in a peaceful scene feeding birds in a period predating the Roman conquest of Judea and destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. Suddenly the scene is disturbed, the birds scatter and the woman runs away from various foreign invaders: first an ancient Roman soldier, then a Crusader, then a British soldier, and finally a Jew (wearing a skullcap), who throws a lit cigarette at her.
In the final scene, the woman stops fleeing when a man on a horse - the "new" Muslim conqueror Saladin who defeated the Crusaders - extends his hand and helps her up the mountain. He represents the coming savior who will "liberate Palestine" from Jewish-Israeli rule. In the end, the woman stands on the top of the mountain, fleeing no one anymore, symbolizing that Israel is gone like the other foreign rulers.

Note: The video originally aired March 2, 2012. It was rebroadcast on both PA TV and PA TV Live at least 18 times in 2012, 54 times in 2013, 44 times in 2014, 42 times in 2015, 24 times in 2016, and 22 times in 2017, most recently on Dec. 30, 2017. It was broadcast on Fatah-run Awdah TV twice on Jan. 8, 2016, and 6 times in 2017, most recently on Aug. 20, 2017.

Abbas distorts history: Israel is Europe's "colonialist project that is not connected to Judaism, but made use of the Jews so they would serve as pawns" - Denying Israel's right to exist | PMW
Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas told the United Nations Security Council that PA residents are the direct descendants of the Canaanites, claiming that ‘Palestine’ made significant contributions to humanity prior to the 1917 Balfour Declaration.

During his address at the UN Security Councilin which he called on the international community to hold a Middle East peace conference, with the goal of launching multilateral negotiations, Abbas claimed that the Arab residents of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza were in fact descended from the ancient Canaanites.

(full article online)

Abbas to UN: 'We are the Canaanites'
Source: Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 22, 2014

‎“The settlers renewed their invasions of ‎the Al-Aqsa Mosque through the ‎Mughrabi Gate yesterday [Sept. 21, 2014] ‎in occupied Jerusalem… Witnesses said ‎that the invasions were carried out in ‎small, consecutive groups, each led by ‎one of the extremist leaders or a rabbi, ‎who present Talmudic stories about the ‎myth and tale of the alleged Temple.”‎

Note: The PA considers any presence of ‎Jews on the Temple Mount an “invasion.” ‎However, all visitors are subject to rigorous ‎checks by Israeli security personnel ‎before being granted access to the Temple ‎Mount.‎

Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
The Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, ‎Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, warned of ‎the occupation’s intensifying Judaization ‎projects in Jerusalem. He continued: ‘The ‎oppressive occupation is trying to Judaize ‎the people and the stones, and to ‎obliterate the city’s Islamic and Arab ‎landmarks. But Jerusalem will remain the ‎heart and eternal capital of Palestine.’ ‎

(full article online)

Sheikh: "The stones of Jerusalem say to it [Israel], 'You are a foreigner'" - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
Extended quotes from the book are written in two separate reviews published since the US announcement of moving the embassy.

The very beginning exposes the lies that underlie the book:

I am not a normal city like all the cities in this world: I have been a holy city since my birth.....
I was born when my family built me: the Jebusite Arabs who had migrated from the Arabian Peninsula with the Canaanites in the fifth millennium BC. ...There is no evidence that pre-Israelite Jerusalem was a holy city when it was founded, although there is some Biblical evidence that it had achieved that status in Abraham's time.

There is no evidence that the Jebusites (or any of the Canaanites) are Arabs who migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.

The book goes on to claim that the Israelites were Bedouin nomads for hundreds of years:

(full article online)

Arabs making up new lying "histories" of Jerusalem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - June 7, 2014





‎“The Supreme Muslim Council organized ‎a [protest] vigil and sit-down strike on the ‎‎47th anniversary of the Naksa (i.e., ‘the ‎setback,’ Palestinian term for Israel's ‎victory in the Six Day War) and in support ‎of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the steps of the ‎Damascus Gate, one of the most famous ‎gates of the Old City, as part of the events ‎of the Global March to Jerusalem, and ‎concluded with a rally with speeches and ‎a march to the Al-Aqsa Mosque…‎

The Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, ‎Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, warned of ‎the occupation’s intensifying Judaization ‎projects in Jerusalem. He continued: ‘The ‎oppressive occupation is trying to Judaize ‎the people and the stones, and to ‎obliterate the city’s Islamic and Arab ‎landmarks. But Jerusalem will remain the ‎heart and eternal capital of Palestine.’ ‎

Fatah Revolutionary Council member ‎Hatem Abd Al-Qader said: ‘On this ‎anniversary and this [protest] vigil, we ‎recite the Al-Fatiha Sura (opening Sura of ‎the Quran) over the souls of the Martyrs ‎‎(Shahids), salute the prisoners, and ‎emphasize that the occupation does not ‎scare us and will not alter our will despite ‎all its actions.’ He continued: ‘Jerusalem ‎will remain Islamic, Arab, Palestinian, and ‎the occupation is ephemeral, as were all ‎those who were foreign to it [Jerusalem]. ‎We are warning the occupation lest it ‎continue its aggression against Jerusalem ‎and [the] Al-Aqsa [Mosque], for [we] will ‎not stand for this, and we will hold the ‎occupation fully [responsible] for its ‎consequences.’ ‎

Deputy Head of the Islamic Movement in ‎the 1948 territories (i.e., Israel) Sheikh ‎Kamal Khatib: ‘… 47 years have passed ‎since the occupation of Jerusalem; ‎despite this, the people of Jerusalem say ‎to the occupation: “You are a foreigner;” ‎the stones of Jerusalem say to it: “You are ‎a foreigner; and the land and skies of ‎Jerusalem say: “The occupation is foreign, ‎and it will leave, just as all the previous ‎occupations left.”’”‎

Sheikh: "The stones of Jerusalem say to it [Israel], 'You are a foreigner'" - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
Source: Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 9, 2017
Headline: "The [PA] government: The king of Jordan’s visit to Palestine is a message to Tel Aviv"

"During its weekly meeting, which was held yesterday [Aug. 8, 2017] led by [PA] Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, the [PA] government emphasized the importance of King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan’s visit and his meeting with [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas two days ago in Ramallah…
The government emphasized that Israel arose on the ruins of the Palestinian people, and from the first day rejected UN Resolution 181 (sic., the UN partition plan of 1947 was accepted by the Jewish Agency and rejected by Arab leaders and governments) and UN Resolution 194, which deals with the refugees’ right of return…
The government expressed its opposition to the fact that the American Senate Committee [on Foreign Relations] approved a bill (i.e., the Taylor Force Act), which determines that the US will stop the annual aid that it transfers to the PA (sic., it will stop aid if the PA continues to pay terrorists and families of deceased terrorists –Ed.). It emphasized that the US understands that the occupation… is fully responsible for the PA’s financial responsibility in relation to the occupation’s actions and their results (i.e., Israel is the reason the PA has to pay salaries to terrorist prisoners and dead terrorists' families -Ed.)."

Palestinian history fabricated | PMW
Abu Mazen is at it again, claiming that Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite tribe of the Jebusites. These claims echo those made by Yasser Arafat, Faisal Husseini and others before them.

A 1978 Palestinian encyclopedia asserted: “The Palestinians [are] the descendants of the Jebusites, who are of Arab origin.” The book also described Jerusalem as “an Arab city because its first builders were the Canaanite Jebusites, whose descendants are the Palestinians.”

This is interesting by itself, because the very term Arab, used as early as 800 BCE in Assyrian texts, applied only to inhabitants of the deserts of Arabia — not hill country such as the West Bank.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas and the False Palestinian Link to the Jebusites

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