The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Ida’is explained that in the shadow of the Arab and Islamic silence and international conspiracy, the Zionist occupation authorities are continuing their plans to erode occupied Jerusalem and take all of the Islamic characteristics from it while using all of the arbitrary means to Judaize the city and expel the original [Arab] Jerusalem residents from it: taking control of the lands and establishing settlements on them, the continuation of the excavations under our blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque… and the many attempts to steal our heritage and culture – and this is not the first time: a Jewish ‘archaeologist’ attempted to steal a stone from the ancient Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

(full article online)

PA Minister of Religious Affairs claims Israel desecrates Al-Aqsa, "Judaizes" Jerusalem, and "attempts to steal our heritage and culture" - All media
PLO official: The Western Wall (i.e., Judaism's holiest site) “is an inseparable part of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a pure right of the Muslims” that will not be changed by Israel’s “illusions and acts of forgery”

Source: Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 4, 2017

Headline: “Qurei: The violations and dangers surrounding the Al-Aqsa Mosque are dangerous and systematic”

“PLO Executive Committee member and Head of the Department for Jerusalem Affairs Ahmed Qurei ‘Abu Alaa’… emphasized in a press release yesterday, Tuesday [Oct. 3, 2017], that the Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall of the Temple Mount) is an inseparable part of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and a pure right of the Muslims, and the illusions and acts of forgery that the occupation government is carrying out will not change the truth at all, and will not create facts on the ground.”

The Al-Buraq Wall - Islam's Prophet Muhammad is said to have rode during his Night Journey from Mecca to "al aqsa mosque", i.e., "the farthest mosque" (Quran, Sura 17), and there tied his miraculous flying steed named Al-Buraq to a "stone" or a "rock." (Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Book 47, Hadith 3424). In the 1920's, Arab Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini decided to identify the Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem as that "rock" or "stone," and since then Muslims refer to the Western Wall as the "Al-Buraq Wall."

Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Dec. 19, 2017
Official PA TV program Palestine This Morning, hosting Imam of the Silwad Mosque Sheikh Taleb Al-Silwadi

Official PA TV host: “Honorable Sheikh, at this point especially, and in our talk about the second among mosques, meaning the Al-Aqsa Mosque, no Temple or synagogue was built before it, or any of those mistaken statements.”
Imam of the Silwad Mosque Sheikh Taleb Al-Silwadi: “Correct, the criminal Jews – in other words, they talk about the alleged Temple of Solomon. They invented a temple, planned, and so forth with the goal of destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque… and the Al-Aqsa Mosque will never be destroyed, Allah willing, and it will remain exalted and Jerusalem will, Allah willing, be a capital and it will forever remain the capital of the State of Palestine, Allah willing.”

(full article online)

Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
[ Aiding the destruction of Jewish History ]

As the blogger Elder of Ziyon has noted, this “Egyptian philosopher” is a man named Abdelwahab Elmessiri, whose works include the Encyclopedia of Jews, Judaism and Zionism, which, among other things, dismisses the Jewish people’s connection to Israel as irrelevant.

Recent weeks have evidenced similarly poor reporting from the Post.

As CAMERA noted in The Algemeiner, The Washington Post failed to detail Abbas’ December 13, 2017 claim — made before reporters and others attending the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Istanbul — that Jews “are really excellent in faking and counterfeiting history.

(full article online)

Washington Post Provides Cover for Palestinian Antisemitism
Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - Dec. 19, 2017



Excerpt of an op-ed by Bakr Abu Bakr, Fatah Revolutionary Council member and regular columnist for the official PA daily

Headline: “Palestine, what is under the ground and what is above it belongs to you”

“There is no doubt about the Arabness of Palestine for the last 10,000 years, as [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas noted in his latest speech in Istanbul. Regarding the Children of Israel, the Arab tribe that became extinct, and its presence here, indeed it is Arab movement (i.e., apparently meaning an Arab nomadic tribe), and the present residents of our land who are affiliated with the Jewish religion have no connection to them. In other words, they (the residents of the [Zionist] entity) [parentheses in source] are affiliated with several nations, and there is no hereditary – DNA – or national connection between them and the Children of Israel that became extinct. On the other hand, we – the Jebusites, Canaanites (members of the Kinana tribe) [parentheses in source], and Arab Palestinians (the Philistines) [parentheses in source], members of the Tayy tribe, and other tribes - were in Palestine even before the Common Era and established civilization and Jerusalem…

(full article online)

Op-ed in PA daily invents ancient Arab history in Palestine, denies any Jewish ties to the land of Israel: “If they are here, this is for a Western colonialist goal” - All Media
Fatah Revolutionary Council member Osama Al-Qawasmi: “Yes certainly, [that is] the heart of the conflict, and I want to honestly tell you, the Palestinian people, and all those who are listening to us – why are they insisting on Jerusalem [as] the capital of the occupation, [which is] a lie and falsehood? And why is [US President Donald] Trump at this time aiding this false Israeli narrative, which they fabricated from their hearts, when it has no foundation, no [support in] religion, nor in history, and not even in international law. They want to establish the Israeli narrative and the refutation of the Palestinian narrative about this land being ours, because they have promoted a lie for 100 years that this is the Promised Land, that history is with them, and that [Jerusalem] was their capital – and this is not correct at all, not in history, not in religion, and not in international law. And regarding [Israel], this ecstasy that they feel over Trump’s aid about Jerusalem being theirs, it is an attempt to spread that this Israeli narrative is the correct one and that the Palestinian narrative is false. They are also simultaneously demanding that we [recognize] the Jewishness of this state in order to refute the Palestinian narrative about this land being Arab, Canaanite, Jebusite, and Palestinian."
They want to say that it is Jewish, [and this is] a lie and falsehood.”

(full article online)

Fatah Rev. Council member: Israeli narrative that Jerusalem was a Jewish capital is “false” and a “lie,” which Pres. Trump is "aiding" - All media
Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - Dec. 19, 2017




Excerpt of an op-ed by Bakr Abu Bakr, Fatah Revolutionary Council member and regular columnist for the official PA daily

Headline: “Palestine, what is under the ground and what is above it belongs to you”

“There is no doubt about the Arabness of Palestine for the last 10,000 years, as [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas noted in his latest speech in Istanbul. Regarding the Children of Israel, the Arab tribe that became extinct, and its presence here, indeed it is Arab movement (i.e., apparently meaning an Arab nomadic tribe), and the present residents of our land who are affiliated with the Jewish religion have no connection to them. In other words, they (the residents of the [Zionist] entity) [parentheses in source] are affiliated with several nations, and there is no hereditary – DNA – or national connection between them and the Children of Israel that became extinct. On the other hand, we – the Jebusites, Canaanites (members of the Kinana tribe) [parentheses in source], and Arab Palestinians (the Philistines) [parentheses in source], members of the Tayy tribe, and other tribes - were in Palestine even before the Common Era and established civilization and Jerusalem…

(full article online)

Op-ed in PA daily invents ancient Arab history in Palestine, denies any Jewish ties to the land of Israel: “If they are here, this is for a Western colonialist goal” - Palestinian history fabricated | PMW
When speaking in English, the Arab critics of Trump's move are careful to talk about the importance of Jerusalem to all three major monotheistic religions, and how Muslims and Jews lived in harmony in Palestine for centuries before Zionism, and other soothing liberal-sounding phrases.

But listen to them in Arabic and the idea that Jews have any connection or right to live in Jerusalem is simply not acceptable. It is an Islamic and Christian, and always Arab, city.

(full article online)

Speaking in Arabic, Arabs agree there is no place for Jews in Jerusalem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestine isn’t a Hebrew or Arabic word. The Greeks used it to describe the area. And when the Romans and their Arab mercenaries repressed the indigenous Jewish population, they renamed it all Palestine.

Palestine, after the Philistines: but why did the Greeks and Romans name the area after the Philistines?

The Philistines were one of the Greek origin sea peoples who had originally invaded and colonized the area. The Jewish resistance to Philistine colonialism is chronicled in the histories of Samson, King Saul and King David. It was natural for the Greek and Roman colonies that the Jews of the Second Temple era clashed with to use “Palestine”, the name associated with earlier colonies, to refer to their new colonies.

In Germany, Abbas declared that, “the nation of Palestine, throughout its long history, has been a beacon of generosity, and our people are an extension of the 3,500-year-old Canaanite civilization.” The Palestinian Authority that the unelected dictator runs was created in 1993. There was never any such independent country before that. And inquiring minds would love to know what an Islamic terrorist group and the Arab clans it oversees have in common with the Canaanite civilization. Fire, the wheel?

But then, Abbas also insisted that, "Mohammed the Prophet was a Palestinian”. According to Islamic tradition, Mohammed was an Adnanite Arab from Arabia. They claim descent from Ishmael and Abraham. That means they aren’t Canaanites. And a number of the Arab clans who make up the “Palestinians” do have their origins in Arabia. For a brief, shining moment, Abbas was telling the truth.

Previously, Abbas had also claimed that Jesus was a Palestinian. If you’re keeping track, that means the Palestinians are Canaanites, Arabs and Jews. That certainly covers a lot of historical bases.

But we’re just getting started.

(full article online)

Sultan Knish: The Big Palestine Lie
Palestine isn’t a Hebrew or Arabic word. The Greeks used it to describe the area. And when the Romans and their Arab mercenaries repressed the indigenous Jewish population, they renamed it all Palestine.

Palestine, after the Philistines: but why did the Greeks and Romans name the area after the Philistines?

The Philistines were one of the Greek origin sea peoples who had originally invaded and colonized the area. The Jewish resistance to Philistine colonialism is chronicled in the histories of Samson, King Saul and King David. It was natural for the Greek and Roman colonies that the Jews of the Second Temple era clashed with to use “Palestine”, the name associated with earlier colonies, to refer to their new colonies.

In Germany, Abbas declared that, “the nation of Palestine, throughout its long history, has been a beacon of generosity, and our people are an extension of the 3,500-year-old Canaanite civilization.” The Palestinian Authority that the unelected dictator runs was created in 1993. There was never any such independent country before that. And inquiring minds would love to know what an Islamic terrorist group and the Arab clans it oversees have in common with the Canaanite civilization. Fire, the wheel?

But then, Abbas also insisted that, "Mohammed the Prophet was a Palestinian”. According to Islamic tradition, Mohammed was an Adnanite Arab from Arabia. They claim descent from Ishmael and Abraham. That means they aren’t Canaanites. And a number of the Arab clans who make up the “Palestinians” do have their origins in Arabia. For a brief, shining moment, Abbas was telling the truth.

Previously, Abbas had also claimed that Jesus was a Palestinian. If you’re keeping track, that means the Palestinians are Canaanites, Arabs and Jews. That certainly covers a lot of historical bases.

But we’re just getting started.

(full article online)

Sultan Knish: The Big Palestine Lie

Don't forget to put the Phoenicians and Jebusites in there.
Official Palestinian Authority TV - Nov. 14, 2017




Official PA TV program Palestine This Morning, on PA Ambassador to UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Mounir Anastas being appointed Rapporteur of the UNESCO Cultural Committee, hosting Secretary-General of the PLO Palestinian National Council for Education, Culture, and Science Murad Al-Sudani

Secretary-General of the PLO Palestinian National Council for Education, Culture, and Science Murad Al-Sudani: "There is no time, hour, minute, day, month, or week that it [Israel] does not penetrate the innards of the city [Jerusalem] in order to falsify its consciousness and memory, and in order to excavate under the Al-Aqsa Mosque and above it with the goal of stealing.
A case that drew my attention was when the occupation's [Israeli] Minister [of Tourism Yariv Levin] and the occupation's [Israeli] Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu turned to one of the tourists in the Old City of Jerusalem two days ago (sic., seven days ago) and explained about the City of David and all of those details, and the gravest thing is that [Netanyahu] held za'atar (i.e., a Middle East herb) and pronounced za'atar in his distorted and twisted accent, in order to steal the za'atar [and present it] as one of the elements of Israeli culture (see note below –Ed.…

(full article online)

PLO education official: Israel has falsified Jerusalem's "consciousness and memory," excavates under the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to steal it, and appropriates Palestinian culture - Jerusalem's Temple/Jewish history denied | PMW
One such way is by consistently using a visual map of “Palestine” that includes all of Israel.


At a ceremony, the PA National Security Forces presented District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Laila Ghannam with an honorary plaque featuring the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas, with a Palestinian flag on it and a keffiyeh (Arab headdress) pattern in the background.

Posted text: “During the tribute held by the gender unit of the [PA] National Security [Forces] for District Governor [of Ramallah and El-Bireh] Dr. Laila Ghannam, as a sign of appreciation for her giving and excellence.”
[Facebook page of District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Laila Ghannam, Jan. 17, 2018

(full article online)

Fatah official presents all of Israel as “Palestine” - PMW Bulletins
Middle East history is not Abbas’ only victim. In his 1983 Ph.D. dissertation-turned-book, The Other Side: The Secret Relations Between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement, Abbas asserted that David Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders “collaborated with Hitler” and wanted the Nazis to kill Jews, because “having more victims meant greater rights and stronger privilege to join the negotiating table for dividing the spoils of war once it was over.”

The “real” number of Jews murdered by the Nazis was “much lower” than 6 million and might well have been “below 1 million,” Abbas wrote. “Many scholars have debated the figure of 6 million and reached stunning conclusions — fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand.”

Asked about his Holocaust writings in a January 2013 interview with a Lebanese television station, Abbas replied: “I challenge anyone to deny the relationship between Zionism and Nazism before World War II.”

He added that he has “70 more books that I still haven’t published” that he says would prove his claims.

Nor is Abbas above misrepresenting the words of an American president. When challenged in 2014 over his refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, Abbas toldThe New York Times that his position was supported by none other than Harry S. Truman. How so? Abbas pulled out a reproduction of President Truman’s statement, in 1948, recognizing the newborn State of Israel. The Palestinian leader pointed triumphantly to the fact that the words “Jewish state” were crossed out and replaced by “State of Israel.”

The real reason for that name-change had nothing to do with Truman’s opinion as to whether Israel should be a Jewish state. Israel’s representatives in Washington drafted their request for U.S. recognition before the state was proclaimed and its name was known. They learned the new country’s name — via shortwave radio — just moments before handing their request to the president. They corrected it by hand to save time.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas, World’s Worst Historian - Jewish Exponent
In his 2011 book, Jerusalem: The Biography, historian Simon Sebag Montefiore captures the theological mystery within which Jerusalem remains suspended, describing it as “the house of one God, the capital of two peoples, the temple of three religions, and she is the only city to exist twice — in heaven and on earth.”

But as a believing Muslim observing Islam, I am compelled by the Quran to support Israel’s sole claim to the Holy Land; the Quran says it is so.

The 80,000-word document 1.6 billion Muslims accept as the revealed word of God, the Quran, is categorical about the destiny of Israel and the people who can claim its ownership.

The Quran states: “Moses said to his people: O my people! Remember the bounty of God upon you when He bestowed prophets upon you, and made you kings and gave you that which had not been given to anyone before you amongst the nations. O my people! Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you, and do not turn tail, otherwise you will be losers.”

Nowhere does the Quran make mention of the Muslims’ claim to the Holy Land. Instead, God reveals in the Quran that The Holy Land is designated for the followers of Moses. Because the Promised Land is theirs according to the Quran, only the followers of Moses may determine where their capital must lie.

(full article online)

Jerusalem belongs to the Jews: An Islamic truth
  • PA TV: There is "no documentation" the Western Wall was ever a "place of worship" for Jews before the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917
  • Abbas' advisor: "[The Jews have] no connection to this land, not religiously or historically"
  • PA minister: "Israel's claims regarding the finding of Jewish antiquities are a clear falsification of the city [of Jerusalem's] history"
  • PLO official: Jewish historical ties to the land are "a Zionist invention;"
    Jews are in "Palestine" only because "Europe wanted to get rid of them"

(full article online)

PA: Jews have no history in "Palestine" - PMW Bulletins

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