The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Jacobs made a few general, unremarkable statements about examples of anti-Semitism. One of her examples was “denying Jewish history.” And that’s obviously true.

But Jacobs, who fervently supports the Palestinian statehood cause, does not seem to have considered the implications of her statement with regard to the man who would become the head of the Palestinian state that she wants to see established in Judea and Samaria, and the Old City of Jerusalem.

I’m talking about the fact that Abbas is one of the most outspoken deniers of Jewish history in the world today. He has made so many statements denying Jewish history that they could fill a book—and, in fact, they have; he is the author of an entire book claiming that the Nazis killed only 1 million Jews and accusing Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, of collaborating with the Nazis. But for now, I’m going to cite just two of his speeches because they are particularly revealing.

On Jan. 14, 2018, Abbas addressed the Palestinian Central Council at P.A. headquarters in Ramallah. A few excerpts from his lie-filled tirade:

— “Israel … is a colonial project that has nothing to do with Judaism.”

— It was not the British White Paper or mass murder by the Nazis that kept Jews from going to Palestine, but rather, “the Jews did not want to emigrate, even with murder and slaughter.”

— Jews in Yemen and Iraq “didn’t want to come” to Israel, but Ben-Gurion forced them to by collaborating with Iraqi officials “to take away the citizenship of Jews and force them to emigrate.”

— When Theodor Herzl visited Palestine, he said: “We must wipe out the Palestinians from Palestine so that Palestine will be a land without a people for a people without a land.”

On April 20, 2018, Abbas addressed the legislature of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which he chairs. Here are a few of the slurs, lies and assorted absurdities that he mouthed:

— The Jews in Europe provoked the Holocaust because of their “social function” as money-lenders.

— Jews are to blame for communism because Josef Stalin was a secret Jew.

— Today’s Jews are not authentically Jewish, but are actually descendants of the Khazars, a medieval Turkish tribe, “which means they are not Semitic and have no relation to Semitism and have nothing to do with the prophets Abraham or Jacob.”

— There were never any pogroms in Arab countries, as proven by the fact “that there were Jews in Arab countries. Why wasn’t there ever one incident against Jews because they’re Jews? Not even once … in over 1,400 years.”

Abbas’s denials of Jewish history were so egregious that even some of Jacobs’s closest allies on the American Jewish left were compelled to condemn him. Americans for Peace Now charged that Abbas made “vile anti-Semitic statements.” J Street acknowledged that Abbas’s address “featured absurd anti-Semitic tropes and deeply offensive comments on the history of the Jewish people and Israel.”

Even The New York Times, despite its strong pro-Palestinian leanings, reported that Abbas’s remarks were “laced with deeply anti-Semitic tropes.” And Nickolay Mladenov, the U.N. special coordinator for the Middle East, said Abbas was “perpetuating conspiracy theories that fuel anti-Semitism.”

All of which creates a bit of a problem for Rabbi Jill Jacobs and her colleagues at T’ruah.

According to her own definition, the P.A. boss is an anti-Semite. Which means that she will now either drop her call for a Palestinian state—since, of course, it’s crazy to give a sovereign state to a rabid anti-Semite; or she will argue that even though Abbas is an anti-Semite, he should be given a sovereign state just a few miles from Israel’s major cities—which, of course, is crazy since it would mean putting millions of lives in direct danger.

(full article online)

The crucial point that had been absent in reports is that Israeli courts had previously ruled that the home, business, as well as two storage units, had been built illegally on publicly owned land.

As a result of this selective reporting, the story of Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon HaTzadik has been repeatedly framed as that of helpless Palestinians being victimized by Israeli authorities engaged in a campaign to drive people out of their homes.

This grossly oversimplified depiction of events taking place in eastern Jerusalem pervades despite these important aspects of the Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon HaTzadik story being regularly emphasized in the local press (see here, here, and here). Furthermore, significant portions of the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood’s history have been essentially struck from the mainstream media’s narrative.

Sheikh Jarrah and the Hadassah Medical Convoy Massacre​

Violence broke out in Israel following the passage in 1947 of UN General Assembly Resolution 181. Known as the partition plan, the resolution called for the breakup of British Mandatory Palestine into three territories: an internationally-controlled area for Jerusalem and its holy sites, a territory for a future Palestinian state, and another for a future Jewish state. Each territory contained a mix of Arab and Jewish communities and were shaped into lobes connected by narrow necks.

The episode, which is referred to in some Arabic publications as the “battle of Sheikh Jarrah,” took place at a time when communities in the area were relatively mixed. The historical record reveals the centrality of Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon HaTzadik to both the Jewish and Arab communities. Survivors of the Hadassah Medical Convoy Massacre have spoken of the trauma to the Jewish community that followed the bloody events in eastern Jerusalem; of having childhood friends move away because they had lost a parent in the convoy, and of the rise in Arab-on-Jewish violence that made coexistence impossible.

Ultimately, the convoy ambush in Sheikh Jarrah proved to be a strategic turning point for Arab forces. A few weeks later, they succeeded in cutting Mount Scopus off from Jewish Jerusalem by seizing the road on which the massacre had occurred. After 700 Jewish doctors, medical students, and patients were evacuated in response to this turn of events, the historic Hadassah Hospital was abandoned. The role of Sheikh Jarrah in ensuring a victory for the Arabs bent on the nascent Jewish state’s destruction had proven to be essential.

Despite the current events in Sheikh Jarrah being portrayed almost exclusively by the media as a Palestinian enclave facing threats from a belligerent Israel, the Hadassah Convoy Massacre indicates that the dearth of Jews in the neighborhood is a relatively recent development and was the result of a successful campaign by Arabs to drive Jews out of the area.

The omission of this context from the coverage of reports coming out of Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon HaTzadik helps perpetuate the notion that the situation in the neighborhood has always been as it is today – that of interloping Jews moving into an area to which they have never had any historical connection.

Such revisionism enables Reuters, AFP, AP and other news organizations to frame Israel as embarking on a campaign of conquest. It is journalism that serves to deny individuals around the world of knowledge about the complicated story of Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon HaTzadik, a place where Jews and Arabs once lived side-by-side until the violent rejectionism of Jewish self-determination culminated in the recent events.

(full article online)

How many of the Arabs killed were combatants? What were the circumstances under which they died? All that has been the subject of much dispute. Interestingly, the testimonies of the Jews and Arabs who were at Deir Yassin that day are consistent with each other. Meanwhile, a narrative was formed about Deir Yassin in the public imagination—one that portrays Jewish troops as rapists and child-murderers. That narrative was established by people far from the scene who were crafting post-battle propaganda. How to correct the record?

That was the task Eliezer Tauber, an influential Middle East historian and former dean at Bar-Ilan University, set for himself. It was simple but ambitious: He would comb through the eyewitness testimony in Hebrew and Arabic to identify every single fatality and how each person died. “I do not think the investigator will be able to reach his research goals,” was how one reader for the Israel Science Foundation responded to Tauber’s book proposal. But Tauber succeeded. The book that resulted, The Massacre That Never Was, came out in Israel in 2018. It is indisputably the authoritative account of the battle that began the morning of April 9, 1948.

American readers have had to wait four years for a translation from the Hebrew. Why? Well, one university press in America told Tauber that “we could sell well to the right-wing community here but we would end up with a terrible reputation,” as Shmuel Rosner reported in 2018. Koren Publishers admirably stepped into the breach and, by publishing The Massacre That Never Was, has not only done the historical record a genuine service but has also exposed the cowardice and pusillanimity of the publishing houses that refused to touch Tauber’s groundbreaking work for fear of offending the leftists and Arabists who dominate Middle Eastern studies in American universities.

The background to the Deir Yassin tragedy is this: Palestine’s Arab population declared war on the nascent Jewish state as soon as the United Nations approved its plan to partition Mandatory Palestine into two countries, one Jewish and one Arab, in November 1947.

(full article online)

I was not going to start a new thread on the forums, but this one seems to be a must.

I know that there are many well meaning people on these threads who want to see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like Coyote and many others. And then, there are those who are very ill meaning and do nothing but bash Israel and Jews over everything.

I believe that any and all, need to be reminded that this is Jewish land. It has been Jewish land for over 3000 years, and never contested by any one of its invaders and conquerors until the "dreadful day" when the Jews assumed that they could legally regain sovereignty over it and the Balfour Declaration happened and the Mandate for Palestine was to give the Jews their ancient homeland back.

We all know what has happened since 1920.

But what many do not know and do not seem to be aware of is what the people who have been calling themselves Palestinians since 1964 have been doing to ancient places they should have been claiming as their own, for after all, do they not say that they have been on the land as the Ancient Palestinians for the past 5000, no - 6000, no - 10000 years?

Aren't these ancient places and artifacts in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria part of the Palestinian History? Then why are they destroying any and all of it?

This is what has been going on for decades. Why are the "Palestinians" destroying their alleged history?

Palestinians destroying ancient Herodian and Hashmonean antiquities - literally bulldozing Jewish history ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

We've discussed the The Temple Mount Sifting Project before:
The Temple Mount Sifting Project (formerly known as the Temple Mount Salvage Operation) is an Israeli archaeological project begun in 2005 dedicated to recovering archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of topsoil removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf during the construction of the underground el-Marwani Mosque from 1996 to 1999.[1] The project is under the academic auspices of Bar Ilan University and until 2017 was funded by the Ir David Foundation and Israel Exploration Society.The destruction of so many tons of property from the Temple Mount was the biggest archaeological crime in history.

The project webpage is now warning of other large-scale destruction of Jewish history by Palestinians, ISIS-style.
In full view of people passing on the highway 90, Palestinians are using bulldozers and other heavy equipment to destroy Second Temple-era Jewish settlements in order to build a new village.

This is all happening in Area B, under Palestinian administrative control.

Moreover, it looks like Palestinian antiquities thieves are working in the area at night to steal whatever ancient artifacts they can find to sell on the market.

The article notes that similar destruction has recently begun in the area of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho.

Give Area C and the former Jewish Quarter and the Temple Mount to the invading Arabs who are now calling themselves the ancient inhabitants of the land, who should be protecting their ancient history and making tourism out of it?

Which one of you would dare do so?

Does the UN have any say on the Arabs destroying other people's ancient places?
Where has UNESCO been all of this time? What is their position about the endless destruction of Jewish History? Have they not complained about ISIS destroying antiquity?

Oh, wait......they have been giving Palestinian Status to Jewish places like the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, and many other places.

I guess if the UN is in on it, then there is no hope for the Jewish people to ever get their ancient lands back, much less be allowed to freely visit those places, which is true when it comes to the Cave and the Tombs, etc, where Jews can only visit if they have a military escort.


How can peace be achieved with the PA, the alleged partner for Peace, when it is the PA itself which allows such destruction to happen?

How can peace be achieved when destroying Israel is still in the Hamas and PLO, and Fatah charters and is taught on a daily basis to all Arabs who live in Gaza and areas A and B, and C and even in Israel?

What in the world is going to be done about the endless destruction and the want to destroy all which is Jewish on the Land of Israel, which does include all of Judea and Samaria which is the land of the Jewish People.
(I will not eve speculate what may already have been done to Jewish history in Jordan and Gaza )

DO the Arabs have the right to destroy any and all Jewish History they find and never have to answer to the rest of the world, much less to the Jewish People?
Israel was usually controlled by by Egypt, or Babylon, Syria, the Greeks, Turks.. it was never exclusively Jewish. Arabs were there from the time of Abraham.. around 600 bc Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.
Israel was usually controlled by by Egypt, or Babylon, Syria, the Greeks, Turks.. it was never exclusively Jewish. Arabs were there from the time of Abraham.. around 600 bc Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.
Set a new session with your Professional Psychiatrist

Last session took no effect.
The antisemitism du jour distorts and erases Jewish history to reflect a narrative that is driven by political agendas - one that is intent on erasing Jews and delegitimizing their rights. When unhinged lies become gospel, it emboldens antisemites and provides a cover for their attacks against Jews. Without the truth, the Jewish people’s rights and safety are under threat.

This isn’t the first time antisemites have attempted to erase Jewish historical truths. The early Christian church claimed that the Jews were responsible for Deicide when it was actually the Romans. The Soviet regime was one of the pioneers of Holocaust distortion and rejected that the Nazis targeted Jews. A more recent example is the denial of the Jewish historical connection to the land of Israel.

Mark Twain famously asked in his essay ‘Concerning the Jews,’ “The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

Our secret is and has always been our commitment to remembering our extraordinary past, treasuring our traditions, and passing them on to future generations. When we remember, we can ensure the world never forgets.

(full article online)

The publication this month of Amnesty International’s report charging Israel with maintaining a “cruel system of apartheid” and of trying to establish “Jewish domination and control over specific areas of strategic importance” — all the while treating Palestinians and Arab Israelis as “inferior non-Jewish racial group” — set off a torrent of accusations in the media that Israel is comprised of settler interlopers (see here, here, and here).

It isn’t.

The uncritical depiction of Jews as having “stolen” or “colonized” land belonging to the Palestinians is patently false. And the inaccurate portrayal erases the Jewish people’s ancient connection to Israel while posing a danger to the Jewish state by delegitimizing the historical and cultural foundations upon which it was re-established after 2,000 years.

As Media Promote Libel, Global Antisemitism Increases​

By uncritically perpetuating the Jewish Israeli-as-settler-colonialist myth, major media outlets (see here, here, here and here) are making it possible for anti-Zionists to cloak their rejection of the Jewish state in the language of “human rights” or “social justice.”

One notable example was when supermodel Bella Hadid last May posted to her Instagram account, which has 42 million followers, a series of cartoons referring to Israelis as “occupiers” and Palestinians as the “oppressed.” In one cartoon, a woman tells her friend: “There is no ‘fighting’. There is only Israeli colonization, ethnic cleansing, military occupation and apartheid.”

By not calling out the sustained campaign to demean and isolate the world’s only Jewish state, news outlets are effectively turning a blind eye to chronic Palestinian rejectionism and thus making it more difficult to resolve the conflict.

All, mind you, as antisemitism is reaching levels that should concern every objective observer.

(full article online)

gyptian newspaper Al Masry al-Youm describes a forum at Al Azhar about this story, attempting to answer any skeptics about whether Mohammed really did fly to heaven on his winged steed and then to Jerusalem. Dr. Abbas Shoman, the former Undersecretary of Al-Azhar, said that of course Allah can perform remarkable miracles. He went on to say that questioning the miracle of the Night Journey and Al-Miraj is not new, but it is something that the Jews have been doing to break the connection between the Mosque in Mecca and Al-Aqsa Mosque, by claiming that the Night Journey was not to Jerusalem. He then says that these Jews and other skeptics spread those lies to destroy Islam and he tells young Muslims to trust their scholars, and not to pay attention to those misleading cries under the pretext of freedom of opinion.

Well, for once, some of the claims about Jews are true. Sorry to say, we don't believe that Mohammed flew in one night from Mecca to Jerusalem. In fact, the Quran doesn't identify the location of the "farthest" mosque, and the Al Aqsa mosque (which means "farthest") was built decades after Mohammed died. There was no building of any sort on the Temple Mount while Mohammed was alive, except perhaps a small synagogue that the Jews are said to have built between 614 and 630 CE, while Mohammed's vision happened around 621. Some hadiths claim that Mohammed tethered his steed to a ring that was on the Temple, when there was no Temple.

But Jewish skepticism has nothing to do with wanting to destroy Islam. It's because the story is highly implausible. It's because it mirrors some legends of Jews who visited heaven (the non-canonical Book of Enoch, for one.) It's because there was no "furthest mosque" in Jerusalem at the time. And it is because the story is now being used to take away Jewish rights to the holiest spot in Judaism.

(full article online)

The “Zionist establishment raped Judaism” to provide its ideology “with a religious nature” to make up for the alleged lack of a Jewish historical connection to “Palestine,” according to Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, a regular columnist of the official PA daily.

Al-Ghoul wrote that Israel is “a rogue, fabricated, illegal, and illegitimate state” based on “myths,” “fables,” and a “false narrative,” and repeated the PA narrative that it was initiated by colonial powers to fulfill “a colonialist role.” He also referred to Israelis as “Khazar Jews” - another aspect of PA ideology, disseminating the false theory that all Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of a Khazar tribe.

Claiming that its leaders and the Zionist establishment believe Israel's continued existence depends on it “carrying out the plans that were defined for it,” Al-Ghoul alleged that Israel is realizing the “western colonial conspiracy” – led by the US – and implementing a “Hitleresque holocaust” against Palestinians and Arabs of the world:

Palestinian Media Watch previously exposed an antisemitic column by the same writer in which he claimed that Israel was created to “establish a swamp for the savages who were massacred.”

As a fundamental component of its political ideology, the PA denies any Jewish historical ties to the land, claiming Israel is the fruit of a Western colonialist plot created to divide the Arab world and steal its resources.

The following is a longer excerpt of the column in the official PA daily:

Excerpt of a column by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for official PA daily and former advisor to former PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on national affairs

(full article online)

PA Chairman Abbas has stated that Christians and Muslims are united in “fighting” against the common “enemy” – i.e., Israel. He reiterated a common PA libel that Israel's goal is to “empty the land” of Christians and Muslims, and therefore they must join forces in getting rid of the Jews – because Christians and Muslims “have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence”:


(full article online)

Jacobs made a few general, unremarkable statements about examples of anti-Semitism. One of her examples was “denying Jewish history.” And that’s obviously true.

But Jacobs, who fervently supports the Palestinian statehood cause, does not seem to have considered the implications of her statement with regard to the man who would become the head of the Palestinian state that she wants to see established in Judea and Samaria, and the Old City of Jerusalem.

I’m talking about the fact that Abbas is one of the most outspoken deniers of Jewish history in the world today. He has made so many statements denying Jewish history that they could fill a book—and, in fact, they have; he is the author of an entire book claiming that the Nazis killed only 1 million Jews and accusing Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, of collaborating with the Nazis. But for now, I’m going to cite just two of his speeches because they are particularly revealing.

On Jan. 14, 2018, Abbas addressed the Palestinian Central Council at P.A. headquarters in Ramallah. A few excerpts from his lie-filled tirade:

— “Israel … is a colonial project that has nothing to do with Judaism.”

— It was not the British White Paper or mass murder by the Nazis that kept Jews from going to Palestine, but rather, “the Jews did not want to emigrate, even with murder and slaughter.”

— Jews in Yemen and Iraq “didn’t want to come” to Israel, but Ben-Gurion forced them to by collaborating with Iraqi officials “to take away the citizenship of Jews and force them to emigrate.”

— When Theodor Herzl visited Palestine, he said: “We must wipe out the Palestinians from Palestine so that Palestine will be a land without a people for a people without a land.”

On April 20, 2018, Abbas addressed the legislature of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which he chairs. Here are a few of the slurs, lies and assorted absurdities that he mouthed:

— The Jews in Europe provoked the Holocaust because of their “social function” as money-lenders.

— Jews are to blame for communism because Josef Stalin was a secret Jew.

— Today’s Jews are not authentically Jewish, but are actually descendants of the Khazars, a medieval Turkish tribe, “which means they are not Semitic and have no relation to Semitism and have nothing to do with the prophets Abraham or Jacob.”

— There were never any pogroms in Arab countries, as proven by the fact “that there were Jews in Arab countries. Why wasn’t there ever one incident against Jews because they’re Jews? Not even once … in over 1,400 years.”

Abbas’s denials of Jewish history were so egregious that even some of Jacobs’s closest allies on the American Jewish left were compelled to condemn him. Americans for Peace Now charged that Abbas made “vile anti-Semitic statements.” J Street acknowledged that Abbas’s address “featured absurd anti-Semitic tropes and deeply offensive comments on the history of the Jewish people and Israel.”

Even The New York Times, despite its strong pro-Palestinian leanings, reported that Abbas’s remarks were “laced with deeply anti-Semitic tropes.” And Nickolay Mladenov, the U.N. special coordinator for the Middle East, said Abbas was “perpetuating conspiracy theories that fuel anti-Semitism.”

All of which creates a bit of a problem for Rabbi Jill Jacobs and her colleagues at T’ruah.

According to her own definition, the P.A. boss is an anti-Semite. Which means that she will now either drop her call for a Palestinian state—since, of course, it’s crazy to give a sovereign state to a rabid anti-Semite; or she will argue that even though Abbas is an anti-Semite, he should be given a sovereign state just a few miles from Israel’s major cities—which, of course, is crazy since it would mean putting millions of lives in direct danger.

(full article online)

Can't you separate the myth from reality or are you promoting your victim narrative?

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