The Right To Destroy Jewish History

And where are the Akkadians now? Did they become Jewish? Any archeological proof that they were in Judea, and anything to do with any of the invaders of the land, like:
Muslims, Kurdish and Arab

Not in my lifetime will SUrada show any proof of anything she alleges on any thread
My God. Sargon was Akkadian. Their empire included Palestine. Look at a map.
My God. Sargon was Akkadian. Their empire included Palestine. Look at a map.

Yet the earliest historic record of Arabs is outside the region,
and only 5 centuries after the earliest mention of Israelites is in the Levant.
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What Arab supremacists
try to overcompensate for,
with their historic revisionism...

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Why do Arab supremacists feel the need to
overcompensate with such pathetic historic revisionism...?

The top photo was taken in 1890. There were very few Jews in Palestine.
The majority were Muslims and Christians.
T-rex as well was an Arab...

Why do Arab supremacists feel the need to
overcompensate with such pathetic historic revisionism...?

Look at the map of the Akkadian empire. You may have Arab ancestors.
Look it up. Herod built the fortress Antonia in honor of his friend's daughter Antonia. That was Mark Anthony .
What is your point? Jews were not allowed to weep and pray at that wall, as it was all that remained?

What is your point? Jews have no rights? Is that the point?
The top photo was taken in 1890. There were very few Jews in Palestine.
The majority were Muslims and Christians.
Does it make it less the Ancient homeland of the Jewish People?
Arabs and Muslims never had a problem with acknowledging that it was the Jewish homeland before 1948.
Look at the map of the Akkadian empire. You may have Arab ancestors.
What is your point? If very few Arabs converted to Judaism at any time, it does not take away from the Indigenous people who DID BECOME the Jewish People, including descendants of the Hebrew People.

And all you do is allegations, and never show any proof of your allegations.

What if , What if, what if.....
Does it make it less the Ancient homeland of the Jewish People?
Arabs and Muslims never had a problem with acknowledging that it was the Jewish homeland before 1948.
Point is that other people also lived there. Even Ben Gurion said the Palestinians were descendants of Jewish farmers. Google Image Result for
What is your point? If very few Arabs converted to Judaism at any time, it does not take away from the Indigenous people who DID BECOME the Jewish People, including descendants of the Hebrew People.

And all you do is allegations, and never show any proof of your allegations.

What if , What if, what if.....
See the map of the Akkadian empire. Google Image Result for
Point is that other people also lived there. Even Ben Gurion said the Palestinians were descendants of Jewish farmers. Google Image Result for
See the map of the Akkadian empire. Google Image Result for
Ben Gurion said no such thing. It has been debunked. Stop lying.

The point is, that your maps mean nothing when NO invaders mention the Akkadians. They have no importance in the history of the area. And definitely ZERO in the history of the Jewish People and Ancient Israel.

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