The Right To Destroy Jewish History

From Associates for Biblical Research:

Associates for Biblical Research (ABR) announce the discovery of a formulaic curse inscription recovered on a small, folded lead tablet.

The defixio came to light in December 2019 when Scott Stripling, ABR’s Director of Excavations and the Director of the Archaeological Studies Institute at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas, led an ABR team to wet sift the discarded material from Adam Zertal’s excavations (1982–1989) on Mt. Ebal.

A press conference was held on Thursday, March 24th at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston, Texas to announce the extraordinary discovery.

The ancient Hebrew inscription consists of 40 letters and is centuries older than any known Hebrew inscription from ancient Israel. The scientists employed advanced tomographic scans to recover the hidden text [and]...deciphered the proto-alphabetic inscription, which reads as follows:

Cursed, cursed, cursed – cursed by the God YHW.
You will die cursed.
Cursed you will surely die.
Cursed by YHW – cursed, cursed, cursed.

According to Stripling, “These types of amulets are well known in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, but Zertal’s excavated pottery dated to the Iron Age I and Late Bronze Age, so logically the tablet derived from one of these earlier periods. Even so, our discovery of a Late Bronze Age inscription stunned me.”

Almost immediately Galil recognized the formulaic literary structure of the inscription: “From the symmetry, I could tell that it was written as a chiastic parallelism.”

According to Deuteronomy 27 and Joshua 8, Mt. Ebal was the mountain of the curse. Joshua 8:30 indicates that Joshua built an altar on Mt. Ebal. The defixio derived from previously excavated and discarded material from a structure Zertal believed was Joshua’s altar.

It may be a coincidence that a curse be found on a mountain most famous for its curse, but the dating of the tablet to the Late Bronze Age - the 14th to 13th century BCE - is about the accepted time of the Exodus.

As far as I can tell, this is the earliest mention of the Hebrew God using the tetragrammaton by centuries - the previously earliest find was the Mesha Stele from 840 BCE.

The chiastic structure of the curse (ABCCBA) is clear, and the Hebrew Bible is filled with similar chiastic structures throughout, such as Genesis 9:6: שֹׁפֵךְ֙ דַּ֣ם הָֽאָדָ֔ם בָּֽאָדָ֖ם דָּמ֣וֹ יִשָּׁפֵ֑ךְ, "the spiller of blood of a human, by a human would his blood be spilled." Some chiasms span chapters or entire books.

(full article online)

Canary Mission has a page on her and says that she has supported terrorists on Facebook (she took down that link) and is/was a member of the “F**k Israel" Facebook group.

Ghneim was also a student activist with Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Rutgers University.

Her current Facebook page show that she "likes" the BDS movement and many anti-Israel groups.

A typical Facebook post claims that Jesus was a Palestinian with the type of propaganda we would expect at UNRWA schools.

UNRWA-USA doesn't have the same neutrality requirements that UNRWA has, as it is not a UN agency. So the hate and lies can be freely shared, as we've seen many times in the past.

(full article online)

“Please delete slide 43: According to the relevant decisions of the General Assembly and the Security Council, the Basic Law: Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is not valid from our point of view,” the UN reportedly said in its instructions.

“This is a most sensitive issue, and the information in the slide contradicts international law,” the organization added.

Channel 12 also reported that the UN has asked Israel to remove text accompanying a photo of the parliament (Knesset) that describes Jerusalem as “the eternal capital of the Jewish people and their holy city.”

“This quote is not relevant to the photo, and its removal will help prevent contradictions with international law and political sensitivities,” the UN reportedly told Israel.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan protested the demands in a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and called for the exhibit to be presented without modifications.

“The UN’s impertinent request to censor the exhibit and remove photos that reflect our national history is in fact a request to rewrite Israel’s history, and we will not accept it in any way,” Erdan stressed.

(full article online)

In Vienna 1820, Rabbi David HaKohen Friesenhausen (ca. 1756-1828) published a work in Hebrew entitled Mosdot Tevel (Foundations of the Universe). Friesenhausen procured rabbinic letters of recommendation which he printed in Mosdot Tevel, including such a letter from the illustrious Rabbi Moshe Sofer (known as the “Ḥatam Sofer”, 1762-1839), who, together with other rabbinic personalities in Hungary and Moravia, was even a prepaid subscriber to the book.

On its title page, Friesenhausen tells us that his work contains three sections that heretofore had not appeared in Hebrew. The first section deals with the heliocentric cosmology as formulated by the Polish astronomer and mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), and the second section is a discourse with the geometry of the Alexandrian Greek, Euclid (ca. 300 BCE). In addition to the rabbinic recommendations, Friesenhausen mentions that his mathematical work could also be vouched for, though not by rabbinic personalities.
The third section of the work, entitled “The Book of the Will: Instructions of the Author to his Children after Him,” contains Friesenhausen’s own Ethical Will.

The Book of the Will: Instructions of the Author to his Children after Him:

You posted that Jews killed Peacekeepers. There were no UN peacekeepers until after the armistice in 1949

Now you give the date 1920. The article gives 1940.

You keep trying to find any excuse to the disgusting British behavior which was predominantly pro Arab and against the Jewish rights to rebuild their Nation ON their ancient homeland.

You are again attempting to rewrite history, where the British and the Arabs are not responsible for what happened to the Patria.

How many Jews were sent back to Europe by the British and ended up dead in concentration camps.

How many of them were sent to a camp in Greece as prisoners, until the end of the Mandate?

Talk about the Patria.

Tell me about the Exodus.

Tell me about all the Ships full of Jews returned to Europe to be killed by the Nazis.

What else do you have to try to turn Zionists into bad people?
The Zionists killed over 500 British peacekeepers. It was the British Mandate, remember?
The Zionists killed over 500 British peacekeepers. It was the British Mandate, remember?
Soldiers. The British Army. Not Peacekeepers.
They hardly kept any peace, allowing the Arabs to riot against the Jews all the time.

Not one article I found about them calls them peacekeepers, they are called soldiers. British soldiers.
Who did what their government told them to do.

Peacekeepers are from many different countries.

You use the word peacekeepers to make it look as if Jews killed innocent people during that time. That was not their role.

How many British did the Arabs kill?

When the British 6th Airborne Division arrived in response to increasing terrorist activity, it became involved in internal security, being responsible for cordons and search operations, guarding convoys and key installations. As the situation worsened, the men of the division had to patrol the towns and cities, enforce curfews and deal with rioting by the civilian population. They also protected Jewish and Arab settlements from sectarian violence. This was not without loss to the division and several members were killed and wounded during this time.

The end of the British mandate coincided with the post war reduction of the British Army back to peace time levels, and the division's numbers were gradually reduced. By the end of their tenure in Palestine, the division's strength was reduced in real terms, to less than brigade size. In 1948 it was disbanded soon after its withdrawal from Palestine.


UN Peacekeeping helps countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. We have unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, and an ability to deploy troops and police from around the world, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to address a range of mandates set by the UN Security Council and General Assembly.

What role did Al Husseini and all the Arab clans have to do with any of their deaths? The British soldiers were there because of Arab terrorism against Jews. But they were hardly instructed to protect the Jews, as history has shown us.
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1) I hope you did not miss this paragraph:

"Arab militants murdered Jews. During the Arab revolt of 1936-39 they also killed several hundred British, who retaliated by killing thousands of Arabs."

2). The number 500 is missing from this article

3). As I posted before:

But around 800 British soldiers died during the Jewish insurgency against British rule in Mandatory Palestine between 1945 and 1948. More than 100 more policemen lost their lives. Some died from disease or accident, but many died at the hands of militant groups.
1) I hope you did not miss this paragraph:

"Arab militants murdered Jews. During the Arab revolt of 1936-39 they also killed several hundred British, who retaliated by killing thousands of Arabs."

2). The number 500 is missing from this article

3). As I posted before:

But around 800 British soldiers died during the Jewish insurgency against British rule in Mandatory Palestine between 1945 and 1948. More than 100 more policemen lost their lives. Some died from disease or accident, but many died at the hands of militant groups.
The Zionists set up their terror gangs in 1920. Remember when they murdered Count Bernadotte after he saved 30,000 Jews? Remember when they blew up the Patria and killed all the Jewish refugees?
The Zionists set up their terror gangs in 1920. Remember when they murdered Count Bernadotte after he saved 30,000 Jews? Remember when they blew up the Patria and killed all the Jewish refugees?
Cry me a river.

You lie about the Jews killing 500 British soldiers and then repeat the same garbage.

Iraq was also a British Mandate. It became Independent much earlier then the Palestine Mandate. I wonder why. A Muslim government took place in Iraq. Same Iraq which allowed an Arab from the Mandate for Palestine to come over in 1941 and start a riot there, as he started riots in the Mandate for Palestine, with the intention of killing Jews.

The British stood waiting during the attack on Jews in Hebron, 1929 , and the British waited outside the city during the 2 day attack in Iraq against the Jews in 1941.

The British government and the British commanders in Mandate for Palestine and Iraq were Jew haters and they allowed Jews to be attacked and murdered without doing anything.

And you insist that the British were like saints who did not deserve what they got.

When a colonizing power, England, refuses to allow the Jews immigrate to their ancient homeland, when they allow the Arabs to attack and murder Jews and have them expelled from their homes and cities, and do nothing........

ANY People/Nation would defend itself and do everything to make the colonizers GET OUT of their homeland.

And THAT is what the Jews were forced to do.

Cry me an ocean over the innocent British soldiers and Arabs who were made to come to Palestine and ended up in a war against the Jews and their rebuilding of their ancient Nation, started by the Al Husseini clan.

A peaceful Mandate could have happened had it not been for the AL Husseini clan and the riots they started, and the British betrayal of the Mandate for the Jewish rebuilding of their Nation.

The British and the Arabs caused thousands of Jews to not be allowed to immigrate to their homeland and ended up returned to Europe and into the concentration camps where they were killed.

Live with that !!!!
Cry me a river.

You lie about the Jews killing 500 British soldiers and then repeat the same garbage.

Iraq was also a British Mandate. It became Independent much earlier then the Palestine Mandate. I wonder why. A Muslim government took place in Iraq. Same Iraq which allowed an Arab from the Mandate for Palestine to come over in 1941 and start a riot there, as he started riots in the Mandate for Palestine, with the intention of killing Jews.

The British stood waiting during the attack on Jews in Hebron, 1929 , and the British waited outside the city during the 2 day attack in Iraq against the Jews in 1941.

The British government and the British commanders in Mandate for Palestine and Iraq were Jew haters and they allowed Jews to be attacked and murdered without doing anything.

And you insist that the British were like saints who did not deserve what they got.

When a colonizing power, England, refuses to allow the Jews immigrate to their ancient homeland, when they allow the Arabs to attack and murder Jews and have them expelled from their homes and cities, and do nothing........
And let me not forget the thousands of Jews attacked and expelled from TranJordan in 1925. The usual......did nothing.
ANY People/Nation would defend itself and do everything to make the colonizers GET OUT of their homeland.

And THAT is what the Jews were forced to do.

Cry me an ocean over the innocent British soldiers and Arabs who were made to come to Palestine and ended up in a war against the Jews and their rebuilding of their ancient Nation, started by the Al Husseini clan.

A peaceful Mandate could have happened had it not been for the AL Husseini clan and the riots they started, and the British betrayal of the Mandate for the Jewish rebuilding of their Nation.

The British and the Arabs caused thousands of Jews to not be allowed to immigrate to their homeland and ended up returned to Europe and into the concentration camps where they were killed.

Live with that !!!!
Cry me a river.

You lie about the Jews killing 500 British soldiers and then repeat the same garbage.

Iraq was also a British Mandate. It became Independent much earlier then the Palestine Mandate. I wonder why. A Muslim government took place in Iraq. Same Iraq which allowed an Arab from the Mandate for Palestine to come over in 1941 and start a riot there, as he started riots in the Mandate for Palestine, with the intention of killing Jews.

The British stood waiting during the attack on Jews in Hebron, 1929 , and the British waited outside the city during the 2 day attack in Iraq against the Jews in 1941.

The British government and the British commanders in Mandate for Palestine and Iraq were Jew haters and they allowed Jews to be attacked and murdered without doing anything.

And you insist that the British were like saints who did not deserve what they got.

When a colonizing power, England, refuses to allow the Jews immigrate to their ancient homeland, when they allow the Arabs to attack and murder Jews and have them expelled from their homes and cities, and do nothing........

ANY People/Nation would defend itself and do everything to make the colonizers GET OUT of their homeland.

And THAT is what the Jews were forced to do.

Cry me an ocean over the innocent British soldiers and Arabs who were made to come to Palestine and ended up in a war against the Jews and their rebuilding of their ancient Nation, started by the Al Husseini clan.

A peaceful Mandate could have happened had it not been for the AL Husseini clan and the riots they started, and the British betrayal of the Mandate for the Jewish rebuilding of their Nation.

The British and the Arabs caused thousands of Jews to not be allowed to immigrate to their homeland and ended up returned to Europe and into the concentration camps where they were killed.

Live with that !!!!
The mufti arranged safe passage and residency in Spain. The Zionists stopped that.
You don't know anything about the history. Who do you think became King of Iraq? Why and where was he from? You're right. They killed 800 British peacekeepers.

The mufti arranged safe passage and residency in Spain. The Zionists stopped that.
You don't know anything about the history. Who do you think became King of Iraq? Why and where was he from? You're right. They killed 800 British peacekeepers.

You continue to lie about the Nazi Mufti and everything else for your own purposes.

Keep at it.
I have a degree in history, thanks for asking.

You, on the other hand, think that European Jews are entitled to Palestine because a book with talking snakes says they are.

Repeating Edward Said's racist tropes is not knowledge of history,
rather shows Arab supremacists' main argument in appeal to
basic ignorance in the subject.

He preferred to talk about "European Jews" only to deflect from the facts,
that majority of Israelis are descendants of former dhimmis from the same
countries that the Arabs came from. And Zionism was a response to Arab pogroms.

Except they kind of didn't. As I pointed out, there are still communities of non-Muslims in the Islamic World, as opposed to the Christian World which has had centuries of wiping out pagans and terrorists.

My very favorite was the Albigensian Crusade, where when the Papal Legate was asked how to tell a Christian from a Heretic, he responded "Kill them all, for God knows his own". (Sometimes simplified as "Kill them all, let God sort them out."

So what did the Muslims do? The imposed a tax on non-Muslims. Don't want to pay the tax, convert to Islam. HOW HORRIBLE!!!

Islamic apologetics assumes two wrongs make a right.
By the same appel, because fewer Africans were enslaved
in the Christian world, and treated worse by Muslims, it "wasn't horrible"...

Q. So how much Jizyah should be imposed on Muslims in the lands they've colonized?

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Repeating Edward Said's racist tropes is not knowledge of history,
rather shows Arab supremacists' main argument in appeal to
basic ignorance in the subject.

He preferred to talk about "European Jews" only to deflect from the facts,
that majority of Israelis are descendants of former dhimmis from the same
countries that the Arabs came from. And Zionism was a response to Arab pogroms.

Been a few hundred years since there were Dhimmis. At least they didn't pay as much taxes as Muslims.
Islamic apologetics assumes two wrongs make a right.
By the same appel, because fewer Africans were enslaved
in the Christian world, and treated worse by Muslims, it "wasn't horrible"...

Q. So how much Jizyah should be imposed on Muslims in the lands they've colonized?

Jizya was paid by able-bodied men to avoid defense of the community.

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