The Right To Destroy Jewish History

The first mention of Arabs appeared in the mid-9th century BCE, as a tribal people in Eastern and Southern Syria and the northern Arabian Peninsula.[74] The Arabs appear to have been under the vassalage of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (911–612 BCE), as well as the succeeding Neo-Babylonian (626–539 BCE), Achaemenid (539–332 BCE), Seleucid and Parthian empires.[75] The Nabataeans, an Arab people, ruled a Kingdom near Petra in the 3rd century BCE. Arab tribes, most notably the Ghassanids and Lakhmids, began to appear in the Southern Syrian Desertfrom the mid 3rd century CE onward, during the mid to later stages of the Roman and Sasanian empires.[76]

Before the expansion of the Rashidun Caliphate (632–661 C.E.), "Arab" referred to any of the largely nomadic and settled Arabic-speaking people from the Arabian Peninsula, Syrian Desert and Lower Mesopotamia, with some even reaching what is now northern Iraq.[77] Since the influence of Pan-Arabism in the 1950s and 1960s, "Arabs" has been taken to refer to a large number of people whose native regions became part of the Arab world due to the spread of Islam, Arabic tribes and the Arabic language throughout the region during the early Muslim conquests of the 7th and 8th centuries. These cultural and demographic influences resulted in the subsequent Arabisation of the indigenous populations.[78][79]

What is the Levant in the Bible?

Image result for The Levant

The term is often used in reference to the ancient lands in the Old Testament of the Bible (Bronze Age): the kingdoms of Israel, Ammon, Moab, Judah, Edom, and Aram; and the Phoenician and Philistine states.
I met Alfred Lillienthal in Arabia and Jewish women in Libya. The Jews didn't leave Libya until about 1973.

Alfred Lilienthal - Wikipedia​ › wiki › Alfred_Lilienthal

Alfred M. Lilienthal (December 25, 1915 – October 6, 2008) was an American Jew, who was a prominent critic of Zionism and the state of Israel.

Did you meet any Jews who did not criticize Israel at that early age?

Did the Jewish women in Lybia also criticize Israel?
What were they critical of?
The Akkadians and Amorites were from Arabia. Sargon the 1st was an Arab.

And yet no one heard of any 'Arabs'
for another thousand years?

Historic revisionism can't
compensate for lack of
roots and justice.

Alfred Lilienthal - Wikipedia​ › wiki › Alfred_Lilienthal

Alfred M. Lilienthal (December 25, 1915 – October 6, 2008) was an American Jew, who was a prominent critic of Zionism and the state of Israel.

Did you meet any Jews who did not criticize Israel at that early age?

Did the Jewish women in Lybia also criticize Israel?
What were they critical of?
Nope. The Teas and luncheons in Libya we're social events to support the arts. .. attended by Christians, Muslims and Jews.
The Akkadians and Amorites were from Arabia. Sargon the 1st was an Arab.
Akkadians and Amorites lived outside of the Levant.
Where did the Amorites come from in the Bible?

Image result for Where did the Amorites live
The Amorites were the indigenous people of central inland and northern Syria. They spoke a Semitic language related to modern Hebrew. During the Early Bronze Age (3200–2000 B.C.E.), they developed powerful states such as those centered on Ebla, Carchemish and Aleppo.
[They may have conquered some part of Ancient Canaan, but they cannot be considered indigenous of the area]
Amorite, member of an ancient Semitic-speaking people who dominated the history of Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine from about 2000 to about 1600 bc. In the oldest cuneiform sources (c. 2400–c. 2000 bc), the Amorites were equated with the West, though their true place of origin was most likely Arabia, not Syria.

Amorite | people - Encyclopedia Britannica

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Nope. The Teas and luncheons in Libya we're social events to support the arts. .. attended by Christians, Muslims and Jews.
What influence did Llithenhal have in how you saw Israel?

Were the Jews in Lybia pro or against Israel ?
[ A bit from the Jews, a bit from the Egyptians, a little bit here, a little bit there.......]

Here's a short article in the official Palestinian Wafa news agency accompanied by a video that claims that the tradition of lighting lanterns in Ramadan comes from "ancient Jerusalem:"

In the past, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque was lit with lanterns, and the people of ancient Jerusalem used to carry them to light the way in the streets and alleys of ancient Jerusalem, until the acquisition of lanterns became a sacred heritage and tradition.
To this day, Jerusalemites are still keen on acquiring lanterns to decorate homes, shops, streets and alleys, in celebration of the blessed month of Ramadan.

This is completely false. The tradition of lanterns (fanous) on Ramadan is universally regarded to come from Egypt, itself based on pre-Islamic Egyptian traditions.

The Palestinian lie serves two purposes.

One is to claim being a separate people before Zionism, which they certainly weren't by any standard of peoplehood.

The other is to bolster their claim to Jerusalem, a city that was widely ignored by the Arab world before the 20th century, as an "ancient" Palestinian city. The only reason for this is to deny the truly ancient Jewish roots of Jerusalem.

There is no such thing as a uniquely Palestinian culture that pre-dates Zionism. The Arabic Wikipedia page on "Palestinian culture" has very few specific examples from more than a century ago but it has a section on "resistance culture." Outside a very few exceptions of local culture like Nablus soap, Bethlehem costumes and Christian olive wood carving, Palestinians cannot point to anything cultural that ties them together. Even foods like maqlubeh that today are considered "Palestinian" come from elsewhere (in that case, it was mentioned with that name in a 13th century Baghdad cookbook.)

Since there is no historical Palestinian culture, Palestinians need to create one from scratch - and they therefore steal the culture of their neighbors. Which is exactly what they accuse Israel of doing.

This article in Wafa is a first step in yet another act of Palestinian cultural theft.


In the 1830s, William Cooke Taylor visited Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) and described it as being recognized as a holy place by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

In recent decades, though, Palestinians have said that it is not the tomb of the Biblical Joseph at all, but the tomb of a Muslim coincidentally named Yūsuf Dawiqat, a sheikh. Apparently, Jewish interest in the site has retroactively changed Muslim history.

But whether or not Muslims venerate the site today as the tomb of the Biblical Joseph or of their newly discovered sheikh, their respect for the site seems not to be very deep. Yesterday, a group of Muslim youths broke into the site, broke the marker of the grave and tried to burn the entire site down in a case of major vandalism.

On Ramadan.

Here's video:

This is barely mentioned in Palestinian Arab media, and the one mention I found justified it as a "response to the crimes of the occupation."

Yet no one seems bothered at an attack on a holy place specifically on Ramadan.

Which is interesting, because anything that Jews do that upsets Palestinians are magnified as much, much worse when it happens during Ramadan.

For example, Palestinian Arab media are reporting on a Jerusalem food festival next to Jaffa Gate today, the sort of thing that happens every day in Jerusalem. They are calling it a "Judaization Festival" that "de-sanctifies Jerusalem." And then they add:

Holding the Judaization festival in the blessed month of Ramadan constitutes a provocation and an insult to the feelings of Muslims and Jerusalemites, and a violation of the sanctity of the holy month, says the specialist in Jerusalem affairs, Fakhri Abu Diab.
He adds that "the occupation deliberately organized the festival in the holy month" specifically to provoke Muslims.

Meanwhile, the awful "occupation" allowed 75,000 Muslims to ascend to Judaism's holiest site on Friday, for Ramadan, even though their daily presence there is an unspeakable desecration under Jewish law.

Ramadan is a wonderful thing: it is a reason for Muslims to murder Jews and vandalize Jewish holy sites, and it is also a reason for outrage at anything Jews do.

To Palestinians, Ramadan's holiness is in its unique ability to be as hypocritical as they are.

In part one of this post we looked at BBC World Service radio’s use of an inadequately introduced and less than impartial interviewee in the April 1stedition of the BBC World Service radio programme ‘The Real Story’ – presented by Julian Marshall – titled “Israel’s Arab Allies”.

Hot on the heels of that interview came another one with a no less problematic figure from 23:13.

At 27:44 Marshall introduced another interviewee, Hanan Ashrawi.

Marshall: “Well let’s hear now from Hanan Ashrawi: veteran Palestinian politician and activist. Over the past three decades she’s participated in or had a front-row seat at just about every major attempt to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and she told me that she’s not impressed by the gathering this week in Israel.”

The participants in the Negev summit were Egypt, Morocco, the UAE, Bahrain and Israel. Marshall failed to challenge Ashrawi’s inaccurate opening claim whereby Egypt and Morocco “were never at war with Israel”.

Ashrawi: “It has nothing to do with peace or reconciliation. These countries were never at war with Israel. On the contrary, many of them had secret deals. They just came out into the open. And it is a question of pure self-interest. The Arab peace initiative was based clearly on the essence of Israel returning all the occupied Arab lands before any type of recognition or any type of normalisation. And this now has been turned on its head. This has created serious rifts in the Arab world and at the same time has entrenched this rift between the people and their leadership.” [emphasis added]

Unsurprisingly, Ashrawi’s inaccurate description of Judea & Samaria, parts of Jerusalem and presumably the Gaza Strip as “Arab lands” was not challenged by Marshall.

Marshall: “Could there be though another way of looking at this? Speaking at the conclusion of the summit in Negev [sic] US Secretary of State Blinken as well as the foreign ministers of Egypt and Morocco said that a two-state solution is still their aim, implying that renewed ties between Israel and its Arab neighbours make this more likely, not less. Couldn’t they be right?”

Ashrawi: “No. [laughs] This is a very flimsy excuse for normalisation. Because everybody pays lip service to the so-called two-state solution while they sit back and allow Israel to destroy it.”

Marshall: “I wonder though how young Palestinians see all of this; this rapprochement between a number of Arab states and Israel. They want jobs, they want opportunity, they’ve grown up seeing the old approach of negotiations fail time and time again. Might there be – could you concede – some level of public support in the West Bank and Gaza for leaders to try something new?”

Ashrawi: “I think there is support for something new but certainly it’s not capitulation. And it’s not entering into collusion with Israel. Actually, if you listen to the younger generation, they’re quite upset with the older one. They’re upset with my generation and the older generation: people who thought that you could have a negotiated settlement with Israel. They feel that they’ve been betrayed by the Oslo Agreements. They feel that their leadership has not stood up to Israel per se and they feel actually that they have to adopt a multi-faceted comprehensive system of rights, of freedom, of justice. And I think the whole concept of resistance is now being reformulated.”

Those latter claims were later challenged by contributor Noga Tarnopolski.

As we see, BBC World Service radio’s idea of providing listeners with analysis of “a key news story” included contributions from an inadequately introduced Iranian regime mouthpiece, a senior member of a Palestinian terrorist organisation and a Palestinian career politician and founder of an anti-Israel political NGO who – as the BBC is presumably aware – has made her opposition to peace agreements between Israel and countries in the region amply clear.

(full article online)

[ Since Israel was rebuilt, Muslims insist in showing the truth about being related to the Jews since Abraham 's time. Heck of a way of honoring and respecting their "Patriarchs" by destroying their tombs and anything else related to Judaism......again.....and again.....and again......]

A group of some 100 Muslim rioters attacked Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) on Saturday night and caused massive damage to the building, a Jewish site of prayer.

After throwing rocks at the complex, the rioters set fire to the building, broke the grave marker, and destroyed property. The Palestinian Authority’s police subsequently turned the rioters away.

When Jewish worshippers enter the site, they are routinely attacked by Arab rioters. The entry into Shechem, under Palestinian Authority (PA) control, occurs several times a year, usually around Jewish holidays. The prayers take place only during the night and under heavy security provided by the Israeli forces.

(full article online)’s+Passover+Seder+will+be+Out+of+this+World%3B+Palestinians+Torch+Sacred+Biblical+Tomb%3B+Anti-Israel+Celeb+Blasted+for+Condemning+Terror+Attack&utm_campaign=20220410_m167373435_Israeli+Astronaut’s+Passover+Seder+will+be+Out+of+this+World%3B+Palestinians+Torch+Sacred+Biblical+Tomb%3B+Anti-Israel+Celeb+Blasted+for+Condemning+Terror+Attack&utm_term=more_btn_dark_jpg
Did you read Lilienthal's book (s) before or after you met him? How did you learn about him and his books?
After. Saudi Arabia often had talent or lecturers... Like Carlos Montoya, Hal Holbrook, Wilfred Thesiger, Kenny Rogers.

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