The Right To Destroy Jewish History

In the video, a man is heard saying in Arabic: “There is no Joseph’s Tomb anymore, you traitors.”

The comment was apparently a reference to the Palestinian Authority, after the Nablus regional governor pledged to restore the site following its vandalization on Sunday, and reaffirmed that the shrine was under the PA’s protection. Ibrahim Ramadan also said that Nablus was a “city of three religions.”

(full article online)

[ Whose side were the British at the end of their Mandate for Palestine/Israel ? ]

A British mortar bomb from Israel’s War of Independence in 1948 was located in a wooded area near Ma’aleh Hahamisha, outside of Jerusalem, by a family walking in the area on Saturday afternoon.

Jerusalem District sappers were dispatched to the site, and they determined that it was a British 81mm mortar shell and contained about 500 grams of explosives, left behind during the War of Independence.

(full article online)

I was not going to start a new thread on the forums, but this one seems to be a must.

I know that there are many well meaning people on these threads who want to see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like Coyote and many others. And then, there are those who are very ill meaning and do nothing but bash Israel and Jews over everything.

I believe that any and all, need to be reminded that this is Jewish land. It has been Jewish land for over 3000 years, and never contested by any one of its invaders and conquerors until the "dreadful day" when the Jews assumed that they could legally regain sovereignty over it and the Balfour Declaration happened and the Mandate for Palestine was to give the Jews their ancient homeland back.

We all know what has happened since 1920.

But what many do not know and do not seem to be aware of is what the people who have been calling themselves Palestinians since 1964 have been doing to ancient places they should have been claiming as their own, for after all, do they not say that they have been on the land as the Ancient Palestinians for the past 5000, no - 6000, no - 10000 years?

Aren't these ancient places and artifacts in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria part of the Palestinian History? Then why are they destroying any and all of it?

This is what has been going on for decades. Why are the "Palestinians" destroying their alleged history?

Palestinians destroying ancient Herodian and Hashmonean antiquities - literally bulldozing Jewish history ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

We've discussed the The Temple Mount Sifting Project before:
The Temple Mount Sifting Project (formerly known as the Temple Mount Salvage Operation) is an Israeli archaeological project begun in 2005 dedicated to recovering archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of topsoil removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf during the construction of the underground el-Marwani Mosque from 1996 to 1999.[1] The project is under the academic auspices of Bar Ilan University and until 2017 was funded by the Ir David Foundation and Israel Exploration Society.The destruction of so many tons of property from the Temple Mount was the biggest archaeological crime in history.

The project webpage is now warning of other large-scale destruction of Jewish history by Palestinians, ISIS-style.
In full view of people passing on the highway 90, Palestinians are using bulldozers and other heavy equipment to destroy Second Temple-era Jewish settlements in order to build a new village.

This is all happening in Area B, under Palestinian administrative control.

Moreover, it looks like Palestinian antiquities thieves are working in the area at night to steal whatever ancient artifacts they can find to sell on the market.

The article notes that similar destruction has recently begun in the area of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho.

Give Area C and the former Jewish Quarter and the Temple Mount to the invading Arabs who are now calling themselves the ancient inhabitants of the land, who should be protecting their ancient history and making tourism out of it?

Which one of you would dare do so?

Does the UN have any say on the Arabs destroying other people's ancient places?
Where has UNESCO been all of this time? What is their position about the endless destruction of Jewish History? Have they not complained about ISIS destroying antiquity?

Oh, wait......they have been giving Palestinian Status to Jewish places like the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, and many other places.

I guess if the UN is in on it, then there is no hope for the Jewish people to ever get their ancient lands back, much less be allowed to freely visit those places, which is true when it comes to the Cave and the Tombs, etc, where Jews can only visit if they have a military escort.


How can peace be achieved with the PA, the alleged partner for Peace, when it is the PA itself which allows such destruction to happen?

How can peace be achieved when destroying Israel is still in the Hamas and PLO, and Fatah charters and is taught on a daily basis to all Arabs who live in Gaza and areas A and B, and C and even in Israel?

What in the world is going to be done about the endless destruction and the want to destroy all which is Jewish on the Land of Israel, which does include all of Judea and Samaria which is the land of the Jewish People.
(I will not eve speculate what may already have been done to Jewish history in Jordan and Gaza )

DO the Arabs have the right to destroy any and all Jewish History they find and never have to answer to the rest of the world, much less to the Jewish People?
I’d just like to point out that the Palestinians are the Jews and the Zionists are more like European colonizers.

The Palestinians are closer genetically and religiously to the original Jews. Most Zionists are not religious.
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In other words, he did discuss Israel.

You did say that it was rude to discuss Israel, and that no place you went to, discussed Israel.
It's very sad what Zionists have done. Have you read A Palestinian Christian's Cry for Reconciliation by Afif?
You debunked the very same thing you posted about in an earlier post.

That does not matter?
You spend every waking moment writing about your victim status and demonizing Arabs.. justifying stealing land and killing those who resist. Not smart.
You spend every waking moment writing about your victim status and demonizing Arabs.. justifying stealing land and killing those who resist. Not smart.
You are running away, again, from answering questions you do not want the answers to.

You read a book from an American Jew whose only worry is American Jews dual loyalty. I wonder why he thought that. That is a common Judeophobic canard used against American, and only American, Jews.

You read books from Christians who were taught that Jews have no right to their own sovereign land. That Jews must continue to be Stateless. The Wandering Jew is so much more interesting than the Jews who have a state and fight against oppression and defend and protect their people and their homeland.

There is nothing like using Jesus, a Jew, to deny Jews the right to their homeland and any sovereignty over it.

Ateek, not Afif, and his book is nothing more than a continuation of Religious Antisemitism. Not pro Israel, not pro Jews, and definitely not for a peaceful conclusion of the Arab war on the Jews even if that is what he may write about.

Because there is nothing more provoking to some Christians and Muslims than Jews being sovereign of their own destiny and fighting back. Something the Jews could not do for 1700 years.

That is the context you are unable to discuss.

An Anglican priest from Beisan in the Galilee, Ateek attended seminary in Berkeley during the 1960s, where he had ample opportunity to learn about the new liberation theology movement, which had spread to North America from El Salvador, Nicaragua, Mexico and other very religious Third World countries. Ateek took this new theology back with him to Palestine and cultivated it in the Palestinian Christian community through church discussion groups, just as it had been developed in the Americas. He established the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem, thereby accomplishing what the institutional churches have failed to do—taking the Gospel beyond scholarship to discipleship and witness, into the pews and streets, to checkpoints, demolished houses, refugee camps, barrier walls and political prisons.

This is what Jesus did, inspiring a nonviolent resistance movement to build the kingdom of God on earth. That “original flame” of the first two centuries, says Ateek, was lost when Christianity became part of the Roman Empire. But the flame has been lit again, and may it set the world on fire.

Giovanni Matteo Quer
Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv-Yafo 69978, Israel; [email protected]
Received: 31 May 2019; Accepted: 1 August 2019; Published: 19 August 2019

Abstract: Christian activism in the Arab–Israeli conflict and theological reflections on the Middle East have evolved around Palestinian liberation theology as a theological–political doctrine that scrutinizes Zionism, the existence of Israel and its policies, developing a biblical hermeneutics that reverses the biblical narrative, in order to portray Israel as a wicked regime that operates in the name of a fallacious primitive god and that uses false interpretations of the scriptures. This article analyzes the theological political–theological views applied to the Arab–Israeli conflict developed by Geries Khoury, Naim Ateek, and Mitri Raheb—three influential authors and activists in different Christians denominations. Besides opposing Zionism and providing arguments for the boycott of Israel, such conceptualizations go far beyond the conflict, providing theological grounds for the denial of Jewish statehood echoing old anti-Jewish accusations.

The Return of Religious Antisemitism? - MDPI

Pages 43 to 48
No one discusses Israel in any Arab or European countries I have been in. Never.

And yet it's the only thing you seem to discuss consistently from a position,
and condemn as the single root of all problems in international forums.

Heck, you even bump up old threads that have nothing to do with Israel,
while trying to switch and bait every other discussion to be about Jews.
When 80% of your daily participation on this forum, and mental focus
is dedicated to a single topic - this says a lot.

Mainly about the importance of Israel,
and the inconvenient realization,
contradicting your agenda.

They say, denial, ridicule,
are stages on the path
to truth.
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You spend every waking moment writing about your victim status and demonizing Arabs.. justifying stealing land and killing those who resist. Not smart.

Because again you refuted another of your immature big claims.
instead being sincere you accuse Sixties Fan of what
you do in the very post? Is this smart?

Certainly it doesn't project any confidence
in the facts or justice of your agenda.
Because again you refuted another of your immature big claims.
instead being sincere you accuse Sixties Fan of what
you do in the very post? Is this smart?

Certainly it doesn't project any confidence
in the facts or justice of your agenda.
I still hope for peace in Palestine. Picking at scabs doesn't help. Why not do the right thing?
I still hope for peace in Palestine. Picking at scabs doesn't help. Why not do the right thing?
Extremist Christians and Muslims, like the ones you have read, do not wish for peace in Israel/Palestine. They require that the Jews give up their sovereignty over what is left of their homeland, 20% of it, and return to how things were before WWI.

From Al Husseini to Abbas, to the leaders of Hamas, what they want is that 20% Islam had conquered, no matter if it was Arabs, Kurds or Turks, back into Muslim hands.

"Picking at scabs" is another one of your Christian sayings which has nothing to do with the war of Muslims and Christians on Jews.

The Arabs in the Mandate for Palestine could have accepted the Jews and their sovereign State. Al Husseini put a stop to that.

The Arabs could have accepted the partitions of 1936 or 1947. Their leaders, again, could not accept any Muslim conquered land being governed by Jews.

Time and again, due to Muslim and Christian learned hatred and supremacy over the Jews, attempts at peace have been rejected by the Arab leaders.

Hamas and others make their fortunes from waring the Jews.

Arafat, Abbas and others make their fortunes waring the Jews and "attempting" to destroy Israel, while passing themselves as resisting peacefully.

We can see their peaceful resistance every Ramadan for the past 10 years of so, where Arab lives do not matter. It is not peace they seek, but scaring the Jews into giving in, and giving up their homeland.

Which is no different than what Putin has been doing in Ukraine.

Do the right thing? Is that a Christian saying for Jews to return to the way they were before WWI ?

Rewriting Jewish history, where the Jews are not the Jews, where there was no Jewish Temple, where there is not Jewish history at all on the Jewish homeland.

How is that the right thing?

Please, answer.

How is lying endlessly about Jewish history and the Jewish right to their homeland, the right thing to do?

What right do extremist Christians, Muslims and even Jews have to deny the Jewish People/Nation their right to be sovereign over any part of their homeland ?
Extremist Christians and Muslims, like the ones you have read, do not wish for peace in Israel/Palestine. They require that the Jews give up their sovereignty over what is left of their homeland, 20% of it, and return to how things were before WWI.

From Al Husseini to Abbas, to the leaders of Hamas, what they want is that 20% Islam had conquered, no matter if it was Arabs, Kurds or Turks, back into Muslim hands.

"Picking at scabs" is another one of your Christian sayings which has nothing to do with the war of Muslims and Christians on Jews.

The Arabs in the Mandate for Palestine could have accepted the Jews and their sovereign State. Al Husseini put a stop to that.

The Arabs could have accepted the partitions of 1936 or 1947. Their leaders, again, could not accept any Muslim conquered land being governed by Jews.

Time and again, due to Muslim and Christian learned hatred and supremacy over the Jews, attempts at peace have been rejected by the Arab leaders.

Hamas and others make their fortunes from waring the Jews.

Arafat, Abbas and others make their fortunes waring the Jews and "attempting" to destroy Israel, while passing themselves as resisting peacefully.

We can see their peaceful resistance every Ramadan for the past 10 years of so, where Arab lives do not matter. It is not peace they seek, but scaring the Jews into giving in, and giving up their homeland.

Which is no different than what Putin has been doing in Ukraine.

Do the right thing? Is that a Christian saying for Jews to return to the way they were before WWI ?

Rewriting Jewish history, where the Jews are not the Jews, where there was no Jewish Temple, where there is not Jewish history at all on the Jewish homeland.

How is that the right thing?

Please, answer.

How is lying endlessly about Jewish history and the Jewish right to their homeland, the right thing to do?

What right do extremist Christians, Muslims and even Jews have to deny the Jewish People/Nation their right to be sovereign over any part of their homeland ?
So now the Zionists blame the mufti for the Holocaust. How convenient.
So now the Zionists blame the mufti for the Holocaust. How convenient.
Always changing the discussion, never answering anything. Always crying, screaming for the innocence of extremist Arabs who wanted to, and did, kill Jews in order to try to stop Israel from becoming a State.

Where did I blame the Mufti for the Holocaust?

He is responsible for what happened in Iraq in 1941.
And responsible for he death of Bosnian Jews.

And, yes, he is responsible for not as many Jews being saved from being killed by the Nazis, because his violence forced the British to cut down the number of Jewish immigrants and forced too many back to Europe.

Are you going to continue to show your Christian theology education to us, instead of answering questions and accepting the facts of history?

Did you, or anyone you know, meet the Mufti at any time, that you are always so defensive of him?

He kills Jews outside of the Mandate for Palestine, in Iraq and Bosnia, and you cannot understand what he really was for and against?
Larson also discusses the work of Jennifer Kelly, a sociologist at University of California, Santa Cruz, who “studies solidarity tourism in the context of the contested lands of Gaza and the West Bank.” Kelly uses the term solidarity tourism, Larson quotes, “‘as an umbrella term for a lot of different forms of tourism: decolonial tourism, critical tourism, or political tourism. … It’s really crucial to understand that tourism facilitates colonialism and replicates colonial state practice.’” Of course, Kelly and Larson have it backwards – it is Jews who are indigenous to the land of Israel, and the re-establishment of a Jewish state in the land after 2000 years of exile was a successful act of decolonization.

The Smithsonian magazine is a face of the Smithsonian Institution, the purpose of which is to “enrich the lives of the American people,” and the Board of Regents of which includes the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, the Vice President of the US, and six members of Congress. It should not promote a tour group that spreads falsehoods about Israel, our democratic ally and the world’s only Jewish state, and incites anti-Israel hostilities in the US.

(full article online)


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