The Right To Destroy Jewish History

But here’s a reality check. Lentils became one of the first farmed crops in the entire Middle East region—even long before Jews reigned in sovereign Israel, certainly long before the rise of Christianity, Islam, or the Ottoman and British Mandates.

Lentil stew, presumably so red, so tasty, is precisely what Esau traded his birthright for—and this is written in Bereshit, Genesis, the first book of our Torah. Moreover, I easily found fifteen such lentil dishes on the internet consisting of red, brown, and yellow lentils, all with similar ingredients, none pegged to a specific country, tribe, group, or identity. I even found Israeli versions of such lentil stews, sometimes known as mujaderra or majadara, a staple in the cuisine of Jews around the world.

With all due respect to Bamieh’s entrepreneurship and artistry, (she’s a graduate of the very Jewish Israeli Bezalal Academy for Fine Arts—named after the Biblical artist who constructed the Mishkan, the Tabernacle), the New York Times is finding every way possible to poison and propagandize its readers, drop by drop, article by article, into the belief that there once was a country known as Palestine and it should be restored, if not “from the river to the sea” (which would obliterate Israel) then close enough.

Mina Stone, at MOMA’s PS1, writes about Mirva Bamieh in this way:

“Her descriptions of Palestinian cooking, the landscape, the herbs, and wild edible plants made me long to be there, suddenly feeling a sense of nostalgia for a country I have never been to.” Actually, it is a country that never existed. She quotes Bamieh:

“What colonization does is flatten your sense of identity. I grew up not knowing another Palestine other than the one that has been occupied—the one that has been dispossessed. What we have is our voice, and for me, that’s one way of making peace. Once you’ve discovered that there's a richness to who you are, that you didn’t know of before, openings happen.”

I would have found Mishan’s piece about Rqaq w adas in the New York Times totally acceptable if somewhere, anywhere, she had noted, in passing, that people in every single country in the Middle East (Lebanese, Egyptians, Iraqis, Syrians, Jordanians, Saudis, etc.) use lentils to create such dishes; people including Jews worldwide, Jews in Israel, Israeli Christian and Muslim Arabs and those Arabs who live in Israel but consider themselves Palestinians—all cook wonderful lentil dishes.

But Mishan did not.

(full article online)

Ironically, parenthetically, Bamieh also refers to a sweet Persian pastry. What other roots might Mirva Bamieh someday claim?
Kindly explain this sentence.

And give us its source.
It's always been that way. Jizya was never paid by women, children or the elderly. And if the Muslims failed to protect those who did pay jizya, they had to repay the taxes. Jizya was always less than Muslims paid. And, in some cases like the Christians of Najran the Muslims waived jizya. You have a Sabra education which promotes hate and justification for the European Zionists.
It's always been that way. Jizya was never paid by women, children or the elderly. And if the Muslims failed to protect those who did pay jizya, they had to repay the taxes. Jizya was always less than Muslims paid. And, in some cases like the Christians of Najran the Muslims waived jizya. You have a Sabra education which promotes hate and justification for the European Zionists.
Your source is.....
It's always been that way. Jizya was never paid by women, children or the elderly. And if the Muslims failed to protect those who did pay jizya, they had to repay the taxes. Jizya was always less than Muslims paid. And, in some cases like the Christians of Najran the Muslims waived jizya. You have a Sabra education which promotes hate and justification for the European Zionists.
"You have a Sabra education which promotes hate and justification for the European Zionists."

I would like to thank you for your extreme example of antisemitism.

Well learned.
Is it possible that a great number of Arabs who fled Mandate Palestine in 1948 actually were Arabs from across the Middle East who had recently arrived for better employment opportunities?

Al-Jazeera source

Fans of the show are curious about whether this means that some Jewish magic or something is involved in the show. So Al Masry al Youm went to their local Jew-hating professor to ask what he thought it might mean.

Dr. Magdi Shaker, chief archaeologist at the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, said that the seven-branched candlestick is one of the oldest symbols of the Children of Israel, as it says after historical accounts that the seven-branched candlestick is one of the symbols and connotations of the hidden secrets of the children of Israel, including, of course, the arts of magic.
Shaker explained, in exclusive statements to Al-Masry Al-Youm, that the inscription of the menorah or the menorah with seven or nine branches, which the Jews took as their emblem, has no historical basis, and while the menorah was mentioned in the Book of Exodus, some attributed it to the Sumerians, because It is very similar to the shape of the sacred Sumerian tree of life. Some attributed the candelabra to Canaanite origin, and then the Jews used it because they had no civilization of their own.
He continued: "The menorah has emerged as a Jewish symbol since the beginnings of the Roman era. It is a special symbol of the Roman civilization. As for the religious reference they relied on to link this symbol to the history of the Jews, it does not have any correct religious basis."

There you go. The extensive descriptions of the menorah in the Torah and Tanach are not original, and they resemble the ancient Sumerian Tree of Life, even though I cannot find any ancient trees of Life that remotely resemble the candelabra.

But Egyptian "scholars" as so filled with hate for Jews that they start from the assumption that Jews have contributed nothing original to world culture and therefore they must have simply stolen the symbol from others. (Shaker doesn't even know the origin of the Chanukiah!)

On a related topic, I have a must-read article from 2013 that notes that Muslims often put a menorah on their own coins, and the reason they did it fits in very nicely with their desire to subvert Judaism in all forms.

(full article online)

Iyad al-Baghdadi achieved a level of fame during the Arab Spring as an advocate of liberty in the Arab world. He calls himself a Palestinian who now lives in Norway, but his name betrays that his ancestors came from Iraq, not the Levant.

He tweeted that Israel has no chance of surviving the next twenty years:

Israel is a fundamentally unsustainable project. Over the next 20 years, every one of its unsustainabilities will come to a head. Smart Israelis know it. Meanwhile the oblivious majority still think they've "won". Israel is fundamentally unsustainable and its myriad unsustainabilities will boil over in the coming two decades. No amount of disinformation or pile-ons will change this fact. Time will prove these tweets true.
Arabs have been making similar predictions for as long as Israel has existed.

I found this op-ed by Egyptian president Mohammed Naguib, written in January 1954, published in the Indianapolis Star:

I cannot understand why the Jews in various countries throughout the world renounce their nationalities, their comfortably organized life and their financial and scientific activities to embark on the hazardous enterprise of emigration to this tiny area—Israel.
From contrasting environments in different countries, and speaking various languages, they are crowding themselves together to face a new life full of risks and difficulties. They certainly cannot hope to create there the same agreeable existence to which they were accustomed in their countries of origin.
In Egypt, for example, there are 50,000 Jews. They enjoy full rights, live their own life, and conduct their own affairs in exactly the same way as all other Egyptian citizens.
Our sister country, the Lebanon, has large and numerous communities of her nationals in the Argentine and the United States. Together their numbers total more than the population of the Lebanon itself. They are most energetic communities, having achieved prosperity in commerce and business. But the Lebanese people have never come to regard this as a reason why they should all emigrate from their motherland.
Indeed, if all Jews everywhere are to go to this little land of Israel it will be able neither to accommodate nor sustain hem.
Therefore, it is most advisable for the Jews to stop entirely this emigration to Israel, and to permit the return of the Arab refugees to their native land and to their property - their legitimate right.
In addition to all this, Israel is a small country which has imposed itself in the midst of a group of Arab states. She is hard hit by their political and economic boycott which makes her very existence —and continued existence — an absolute impossibility.

Both predictions have something in common: a complete ignorance of what makes Jews want to live in Israel to begin with. General Naguib even admits he cannot understand why Jews would want to move to Israel - the emotional ties that Jews have to the Land of Israel. Arabs are forced to deny any Jewish historic or religious ties to Israel or else they would be forced to admit that Jews have a right to the land. Because of their denial of Jewish history, they cannot fathom why Jews won't just run away at the first sign of trouble. And therefore they confidently predict Israel's demise based on their ignorance.

General Naguib is but a footnote in history. He was president for less than 18 months and was forced to resign later that same year by his successor Gamal Abdul Nasser. And the nation that he was so sure could not survive has outlived him and all his contemporaries.

Iyad al-Baghdadi achieved a level of fame during the Arab Spring as an advocate of liberty in the Arab world. He calls himself a Palestinian who now lives in Norway, but his name betrays that his ancestors came from Iraq, not the Levant.

He tweeted that Israel has no chance of surviving the next twenty years:

Arabs have been making similar predictions for as long as Israel has existed.

I found this op-ed by Egyptian president Mohammed Naguib, written in January 1954, published in the Indianapolis Star:

Both predictions have something in common: a complete ignorance of what makes Jews want to live in Israel to begin with. General Naguib even admits he cannot understand why Jews would want to move to Israel - the emotional ties that Jews have to the Land of Israel. Arabs are forced to deny any Jewish historic or religious ties to Israel or else they would be forced to admit that Jews have a right to the land. Because of their denial of Jewish history, they cannot fathom why Jews won't just run away at the first sign of trouble. And therefore they confidently predict Israel's demise based on their ignorance.

General Naguib is but a footnote in history. He was president for less than 18 months and was forced to resign later that same year by his successor Gamal Abdul Nasser. And the nation that he was so sure could not survive has outlived him and all his contemporaries.

This is nonsense. Jews have always had a minority presence in Palestine.
Minority or majority does not denote Indigenous status and rights of a people.

What do you refer to as nonsense ?
Jews lived all over the Arab world for thousands of years. The people of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon are all related and have been around since before Abraham.
Jews lived all over the Arab world for thousands of years. The people of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon are all related and have been around since before Abraham.
That is not a response to my question.

That is another one of your ready made paragraphs you copy and paste at will.

Now, in your own words.........

And try some historical facts while you are at it.
That is not a response to my question.

That is another one of your ready made paragraphs you copy and paste at will.

Now, in your own words.........

And try some historical facts while you are at it.
It's not a copy and paste. You are in complete denial about your history. Non Jews have always lived in Palestine. Putin is trying to erase the Ukrainians. What you are doing is no different.
It's not a copy and paste. You are in complete denial about your history. Non Jews have always lived in Palestine. Putin is trying to erase the Ukrainians. What you are doing is no different.

There have never been more Arabs in this land before Israeli sovereignty.
And it's the Arab supremacists side with Putin, because what he's doing
is no different from Arab imperialism in the Middle East and Africa.
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It's not a copy and paste. You are in complete denial about your history. Non Jews have always lived in Palestine. Putin is trying to erase the Ukrainians. What you are doing is no different.
The whole world knows Jewish history. Christianity and Islam know Jewish history.

Of course, again, non Jews always lived in Ancient Canaan. But not a people called Palestinians, and much less hundreds of thousands of Arabs before
the Arab invasion in the 7th century of this era.

If these Arabs/Palestinians had had a history with the Jewish Nation, or the Egyptians, Greeks, Assyrians, Romans and Byzantine before the Muslim would be written in their histories. And there is nothing.

And now, you are repeating what the Palestinians, who are beyond friendly with Russia by the way, decided to use as a saying against Israel.

Thousands of Arabs living in Israel, and even in Gaza and Judea and Samaria would disagree with you about the ugly comparison, because they know that it has been the other way around since 1920.

The Israeli Arabs love Israel, unless they are there to be against Israel for Islam.

The poor Gaza Arabs are sick and tired of being used by Hamas and kept poor, and are leaving by any means they can. Via Israel by the way, via health care, or any excuse they can get to get out of Gaza.

The Arabs of Judea and Samaria are equally leaving because the PA could not care less about them anymore than Hamas does.

By all means do NEVER go to Israel and really see what goes on, and what so many Arabs think. Go visit only the places where the Arabs will say exactly what you wish to hear.
The whole world knows Jewish history. Christianity and Islam know Jewish history.

Of course, again, non Jews always lived in Ancient Canaan. But not a people called Palestinians, and much less hundreds of thousands of Arabs before
the Arab invasion in the 7th century of this era.

If these Arabs/Palestinians had had a history with the Jewish Nation, or the Egyptians, Greeks, Assyrians, Romans and Byzantine before the Muslim would be written in their histories. And there is nothing.

And now, you are repeating what the Palestinians, who are beyond friendly with Russia by the way, decided to use as a saying against Israel.

Thousands of Arabs living in Israel, and even in Gaza and Judea and Samaria would disagree with you about the ugly comparison, because they know that it has been the other way around since 1920.

The Israeli Arabs love Israel, unless they are there to be against Israel for Islam.

The poor Gaza Arabs are sick and tired of being used by Hamas and kept poor, and are leaving by any means they can. Via Israel by the way, via health care, or any excuse they can get to get out of Gaza.

The Arabs of Judea and Samaria are equally leaving because the PA could not care less about them anymore than Hamas does.

By all means do NEVER go to Israel and really see what goes on, and what so many Arabs think. Go visit only the places where the Arabs will say exactly what you wish to hear.
Arabs were in Palestine and Syria long before Islam.. long before Judaism. The Akkadians and Amorites were Arabs. Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria around 600 BC... And, both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives. All that is documented.
Arabs were in Palestine and Syria long before Islam.. long before Judaism. The Akkadians and Amorites were Arabs. Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria around 600 BC... And, both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives. All that is documented.

Surada says that she does not copy and paste.

The above is another clear example.

When was the first time you met a Jewish person, Surada?

Not in Arabia or Lybia, possibly. No Jews in either country while you were there.

I ask because it clearly made a huge difference in your upbringing, on how it has made you feel about Jews, or Israelis.

Please answer.
Arabs were in Palestine and Syria long before Islam.. long before Judaism. The Akkadians and Amorites were Arabs. Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria around 600 BC... And, both Abraham and Moses had Arab wives. All that is documented.

There were no 'Arabs' yet,
and the earliest historic record
mentioning Arabs is a thousand
years later, and outside the Levant.

So no, maybe Arabs should have moral courage to face responsibility
for the occupation of several continents instead of stealing their history?
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Surada says that she does not copy and paste.

The above is another clear example.

When was the first time you met a Jewish person, Surada?

Not in Arabia or Lybia, possibly. No Jews in either country while you were there.

I ask because it clearly made a huge difference in your upbringing, on how it has made you feel about Jews, or Israelis.

Please answer.
I met Alfred Lillienthal in Arabia and Jewish women in Libya. The Jews didn't leave Libya until about 1973.
There were no 'Arabs' yet,
the earliest historic record
mentioning Arabs is a thousand
years later, and outside the Levant.

So no, maybe Arabs have to face responsibility for the
occupation of several continents instead of stealing their history?
The Akkadians and Amorites were from Arabia. Sargon the 1st was an Arab.

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