The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

Vintage liberal ignorance. I’ve got $10,000 right here and now that says NVM has never carried a firearm and almost certainly doesn’t own one.

As someone who has carried a firearm his entire adult life, I can tell you that what carrying a firearm does is create an enhanced sense of responsibility. It is a terrible burden. An AD will result in significant legal matters. Actually using the firearm could result in murder charges (even when justified) that would ruin your life. And at the very least, will result in the type of costly legal nightmare that George Zimmerman experienced.

With the exception of a few mentally deranged, immature idiots, nobody feels an “enhanced sense of courage” from a firearm. But being that you don’t own or carry one, you wouldn’t know that. You’re speaking from a place of ignorance. Unacceptable.
Who is NVM?
Watching someone out in a public place and asking them a question is not illegal, nor is it stalking. you're grasping at straws with that media spin. Nobody was pointing or waving a gun at Trayvon. You simply want to railroad and innocent man into prison just because the media embarrassed itself. Yet another reason Democrats, race baiters, and left wingers and their media have less than zero credibility now. How is that working out for you now?
Well apparently I know more about it than you do. No where have I ever claimed that Zimmerman was pointing or waving his weapon. MacTheKnife is the one who claims that a prudent person should/would have had their weapon in their hand if they found themselves in the same cirumstances as Zimmerman which does not mesh with the previous story being spun. People who are in fear for their lives do not go chasing after the thing that they are in fear of. And unless you're a total dumbass and shouldn't be carrying anyway (which has been my opinion of Zimmerman all along) you don't forget that you're carrying.

I'm not a Democrat, a left winger, with the media or race baiter but I do have some insight into the psychology of certain types of people, including those who feel a need to annonymously target others online simply because they don't agree with their oftentimes false, and sometimes deliberately misleading statements.

As for as watching someone out in a public place and then questioning them, yes that can still qualify as stalking..

Even though the law on stalking has been posted you still do not understand it. People often forget they have their gun with has happened numerous times at airports. When he was talking with the dispatcher she asked him what his home address was he said he did not want to give that out since the suspect might hear it, in that he had no idea where the suspect was. I think if he had remembered he had his gun he would have pulled it out at that time as in it was a dark and rainy night, the area he was in was poorly lighted, and he had no idea where the suspect was. Z did not chase trayvon. Also. Z never questioned Trayvon. He only spoke one word to Trayvon and that was in answer to trayvons quesstion...."you got a problem" Z said no and trayvon said---'well you do now'.
while on the phone to the dispatcher when she asked him for his address...he said he did not want to give it to her as the suspect might be within hearing distance as in he had no idea where Trayvon was...a sensible person would have had his pistol out.
Do you even realize what you're revealing? If Zimmerman's actions that night were so innocent and lawful why in the hell would he need to have his gun in his hand while he was still in his vehicle unless he was planning something? That completely undermines a self-defense claim, when you arm yourself, get out of your vehicle and go looking for the party you've been stalking - that's called hunting.
In his sworn testimony Z said he had forgotten he even had the gun with him. He only remembered it when he was on the ground and felt it in his pocket.
And of course every word that comes out of Zimmerman's mouth is gospel because he ensured that the only person who could dispute his word is dead.

Do you conceal carry and if you do have you ever FORGOTTEN that you were carrying?

No one has said Z had his gun in hand....I said he should have had his gun in hand. None of Z's statements contradict the evidence. Anyhow, let me ask you a question why do you think Z killed trayvon?
It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again

the liberal nut cases have saying that for years.

Again? When has he murdered anyone?
if you don't know,,, now you never will

Justified homicide is not murder. Murder is a legal term and before you use the term inaccurately again you should look up the legal defintion of it. A easy thing to do and I am not going to do your homework for you.

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