The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

THE ZIMMERMAN SYNDROME: A personality disorder wherein a person is fixated on the power of a gun, and dreams obsessively of killing a "bad guy" and being seen as a hero.

A Severe mental disorder wherein a person is fixated on racism, thuggery and entitlements and dreams obsessively of reparations and killing whitey.

Gee, how original. How did you ever come up with such an original idea? Clearly you are a racist, and that discredits every post you make. For racism is built on a foundation of ignorance and stupidity - both of which are elements in your posts.
The left's darling, Trayvon Martin, is not at it again.

Oh, well, life goes on.

Well, except for . . . well, you know.

I've studied this case and to me it seems like a clear open and shut case of justifiable homicide because it was self defense. According to eyewitness testimony, Trayvon Martin accosted Zimmerman, sucker punched him, and then proceeded to beat his head on the concrete walkway. And 100% of the forensic evidence is consistent with that eyewitness testimony.

There was no eyewitness to testify to who started the fight.

If you had something concrete, you would post a link.

2 Witnesses Say Zimmerman Was Beaten

So far no witness has testified about who started the fight and there have been conflicting accounts about who was on top during the fight. Selma Mora, another witness, testified Thursday that Zimmerman was on top of Martin in the moments before a gunshot ended the fight.
Those screams obviously came from the latter. Somebody who was experiencing severe physical pain and mental distress who was afraid for their life. Those were not the screams of a person who merely had a gun pointed at them and threatened. They were the screams of someone who was actively being assaulted.

Most people would think that someone stalking them and approaching them with a gun is very likely to shoot them. Martin trying to wrestle the gun free had plenty of reason to scream. Zimmerman knowing he had firm hold of the gun and would shoot Martin had little reason to scream. GZ's injuries weren't that bad and wasn't even hospitalized.

Also, the screaming @4:00 in the video is just a few seconds before the gunshot. Martin knew he was going to be shot.

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George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

I didn't read past the lie that he murdered someone.
That isn't a lie. That is a fact.
Jury didn’t think so.

He shot a worthless thug in self defense and we were all for that. Doesn’t mean we like everything he does.

I would ask you this though. How much of his erratic behavior now the fault of the left for making his case a National spectacle? You assholes are still harassing him for defending himself.
Where did the jury convict Trayvon Martin of being a thug?
When they decided Zimmerman was right to put his ass six feet under and let him go.
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

I didn't read past the lie that he murdered someone.
That isn't a lie. That is a fact.
Jury didn’t think so.

He shot a worthless thug in self defense and we were all for that. Doesn’t mean we like everything he does.

I would ask you this though. How much of his erratic behavior now the fault of the left for making his case a National spectacle? You assholes are still harassing him for defending himself.
Where did the jury convict Trayvon Martin of being a thug?
When they decided Zimmerman was right to put his ass six feet under and let him go.
Oh, that was the jury decision? So you admit that it was Trayvon Martin who was REALLY on trial there.
I've studied this case and to me it seems like a clear open and shut case of justifiable homicide because it was self defense. According to eyewitness testimony, Trayvon Martin accosted Zimmerman, sucker punched him, and then proceeded to beat his head on the concrete walkway. And 100% of the forensic evidence is consistent with that eyewitness testimony.

There was no eyewitness to testify to who started the fight.

If you had something concrete, you would post a link.

2 Witnesses Say Zimmerman Was Beaten

So far no witness has testified about who started the fight and there have been conflicting accounts about who was on top during the fight. Selma Mora, another witness, testified Thursday that Zimmerman was on top of Martin in the moments before a gunshot ended the fight.
Trevons girlfriend said that there was a guy following him, and if he kept it up. He was going to beat the faggots ass. So Yes, Trevon started it.
I've studied this case and to me it seems like a clear open and shut case of justifiable homicide because it was self defense. According to eyewitness testimony, Trayvon Martin accosted Zimmerman, sucker punched him, and then proceeded to beat his head on the concrete walkway. And 100% of the forensic evidence is consistent with that eyewitness testimony.

There was no eyewitness to testify to who started the fight.

If you had something concrete, you would post a link.

2 Witnesses Say Zimmerman Was Beaten

So far no witness has testified about who started the fight and there have been conflicting accounts about who was on top during the fight. Selma Mora, another witness, testified Thursday that Zimmerman was on top of Martin in the moments before a gunshot ended the fight.
Trevons girlfriend said that there was a guy following him, and if he kept it up. He was going to beat the faggots ass. So Yes, Trevon started it.

LOL Her testimony was comedy gold
I didn't read past the lie that he murdered someone.
That isn't a lie. That is a fact.
Jury didn’t think so.

He shot a worthless thug in self defense and we were all for that. Doesn’t mean we like everything he does.

I would ask you this though. How much of his erratic behavior now the fault of the left for making his case a National spectacle? You assholes are still harassing him for defending himself.
Where did the jury convict Trayvon Martin of being a thug?
When they decided Zimmerman was right to put his ass six feet under and let him go.
Oh, that was the jury decision? So you admit that it was Trayvon Martin who was REALLY on trial there.
No, his trial was the night he attacked Zimmerman. The jury trial was to see if Zimmerman was justified in the ruling he handed down on traygone, it was the correct sentence according to the jury.
Gee, how original. How did you ever come up with such an original idea? Clearly you are a racist, and that discredits every post you make. For racism is built on a foundation of ignorance and stupidity - both of which are elements in your posts.

Sorry. Wanna try again? If you weren't so hell bent on being a moron, you'd know I OFTEN post in defense of ALL races. White, black whatever.
I don't see races....I see people. Can YOU say the same?

You have no clue what you're talking about.
'Z' was packing. If he hadn't been, he wouldn't have bothered the victim, who wasn't doing anything illegal. Two people and the entire country would have been spared greatly if reason had prevailed.
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I've studied this case and to me it seems like a clear open and shut case of justifiable homicide because it was self defense. According to eyewitness testimony, Trayvon Martin accosted Zimmerman, sucker punched him, and then proceeded to beat his head on the concrete walkway. And 100% of the forensic evidence is consistent with that eyewitness testimony.

There was no eyewitness to testify to who started the fight.

If you had something concrete, you would post a link.

2 Witnesses Say Zimmerman Was Beaten

So far no witness has testified about who started the fight and there have been conflicting accounts about who was on top during the fight. Selma Mora, another witness, testified Thursday that Zimmerman was on top of Martin in the moments before a gunshot ended the fight.
There you go lying to support your opinion again. You are one stupid motherfucker. Again, the truth is the total opposite of what you claimed

Selma Mora did not testify that saw George Zimmerman on top of Treyvon Martin moments BEFORE the gunshot, you subhuman stupid piece of garbage. She testified that she heard screaming followed by a gunshot. And AFTER a significant time period had elapsed since the gunshot, she saw George Zimmerman standing and the dead guy not standing.

Are you smart enough to understand the meaning of the words before and after?

The one and only eyewitness to come forward who saw everything from beginning to end testified that Treyvon Martin accosted GZ from behind. Note that GZ was merely accosted but was not actually physically attacked from behind. It was only after GZ turned around to face TM that TM attacked. That eyewitness also testified that TM sucker punched GZ. And GM was on his back on the ground and TM was on top of GZ straddling him while beating GZ with his fists and bashing GZ's head on the concrete when GZ shot TM.

All of the evidence supports that eyewitness who saw the entire thing from beginning to end. The multiple injuries all over GZ's fists and injuries all over GZ's head support that testimony.
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Well, already know he is an unstable freak. The PI should just walk up to Zimmerman and let Zimmerman flash a moment of aggression, then kill Zimmerman right there in "self defense".

That would be sweet.
Well, already know he is an unstable freak. The PI should just walk up to Zimmerman and let Zimmerman flash a moment of aggression, then kill Zimmerman right there in "self defense".

That would be sweet.

Do you feel the exact same way about OJ Simpson ?
That someone should just walk up and kill him in "self defense"?

If not,'re a bigot and a racist.
'Z' was packing. If he hadn't been, he wouldn't have bothered the victim, who wasn't doing anything illegal[/QUOTED]

He was wearing a hoodie, WALKING ON PEOPLE'S PROPERTY, past their windows at NIGHT. You CANNOT do that (unless you're black)

Cops, if they'd seen him would have watched and stopped him too
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I agree that Zimmerman has issues. I also agree that OJ Simpson has issues. Maybe more serious than Zimmy.

Keep in mind that EVERYWHERE Zimmerman goes, he is threatened, called names, harassed etc.

He probably cannot live his life in peace so some of what you see in the media results from his constant defensive position.

That doesn't make him right or wrong.....just pointing out circumstances.

I'm surprised someone hasn't already killed him TBH
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

Just because the "Right" thought that Zimmerman shouldnt be convicted on emotion alone, stirred up by news media reports does not make him a DARLING. This is just what you guys say. Zimmerman had a day in court which was what was suppossed to happen. Now if you ask me, by all accounts I have seen, he's a jerk and an idiot and probably is trigger happy, but there was not enough evidence in court to convict him of 1st or second degree murder. A conviction on those counts with the evidence shown would have been wrong. Now had they prosecution gone for 3rd degree they probably would have gotten him because it was much of his stupid actions that led up to the confrontation with martin. Again, just because people on the right dont want a kangaroo court and wish for the rule of law to take place does not make Zimmerman anyones darling except for a few extremists
Trevons girlfriend said that there was a guy following him, and if he kept it up. He was going to beat the faggots ass. So Yes, Trevon started it.

She didn't say that, just that Martin said someone was following him.

Zimmerman Witness Can't Say Who Threw First Punch

"He told me the man kept following him," Jeantel said.

Jeantel said she told Martin to run, but that he responded that he was almost home.

"I say, 'Trayvon,' and then he said, 'Why are you following me for?'" Jeantel testified. "And then I heard a hard-breathing man come say, 'What you doing around here?' ... And then I was calling, 'Trayvon, Trayvon.' And then I started to hear a little bit of Trayvon saying, 'Get off,

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