The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

Are you saying he got away with murder because he is latino?

I don't know, but maybe he got away with it because Martin was black and had a few misdeeds. BTW, I always believed it was manslaughter.
Could you explain why you believe it was manslaughter?

I can tell you why I agree with the jury's unanimous decision of not guilty.

I've studied this case and to me it seems like a clear open and shut case of justifiable homicide because it was self defense. According to eyewitness testimony, Trayvon Martin accosted Zimmerman, sucker punched him, and then proceeded to beat his head on the concrete walkway. And 100% of the forensic evidence is consistent with that eyewitness testimony.

In most clear cut cases of self defense like this, the person who committed the homicide would have never been arrested or charged with a crime. However, to the police, Z was not some random citizen. They hated his guts because he was a whistleblower. Previous to this incident, at a town hall meeting in Sanford, Z stood up and called for the police chief to be stripped of his generous pension because there was a brutal unprovoked assault perpetrated by the son of a Sanford Police Lieutenant that was caught on camera and the police tried to cover up.

At the town hall meeting also said that when he was on a ride along with a Sanford police officer, the lazy pig showed Z his favorite places to park and take a nap while he was on duty. After his ride along Z was pissed because instead of taking naps they could be patrolling his burglary ridden neighborhood. How dare he demand that the lazy fucks at least attempt to do their job!

The corrupt police hated Z and tried to railroad his ass. And the lowlife scum also colluded with the extreme left-wing media to make it a red ball story and get him convicted in the court of public opinion before he could get a fair trial.

IMO, the hardcore left media's most powerful motivations for helping the Sanford police efforts to railroad Zimmerman were threefold.

1) As always, the America hating left wants to create racial disharmony, discord and tension in America. The fascist international socialists have been doing this ever since their halcyon days of the Soviet Union and Chairman Mao. The Reds (international socialists) are still aware that this is the easiest way to weaken America, which they correctly see as their archenemy.

2) To weaken America, the media tried to make it about Florida's castle doctrine. "Look! That innocent teenager got killed because of the castle doctrine! OMG! We need to repeal the castle doctrine". Of course, all non-sheeple know that this case had nothing to do with any castle doctrine. This was not a stand your ground or duty to retreat case because Z was on his back with T on top of him slamming his head on the concrete. Even if Z had a snowballs chance in hell of outrunning his attacker, it was impossible to flee from that situation.

3) As usual, they made it a gun control issue. They need to keep feeding their sheep with the free people with guns=evil. They know that taking away the means of self defense from Americans weakens America.

Back to my inquiry, given the evidence and eyewitness testimony, how can you logically come to the conclusion that Z was guilty of manslaughter?

What evidence was there that made you conclude that it was manslaughter? And more importantly, what is the line of reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion.

Surely if you are confident that your reasoning is sound you will not object to presenting it to be scrutinized for flaws.
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I wonder if the dufus is going to explain how a short, fat, out of shape, middle aged white/hispanic man chased down an athletic, tall and lean black teenaged high school football wide receiver. :lol:

A lot of people believed Zimmerman was stalking Martin. Check the official Zimmerman thread in Law & Justice. Now Zimmy has to appear on May 30 on stalking charges. It surely proves us right.

How obvious can it be, and some people still defend him. :laugh:
Wow. Your ability to think logically is seriously lacking.

I bet that all kind of unfortunate shit happens to your dumb ass.

It must really suck to be you.
He should have been convicted of manslaughter, but it looks now he will go the OJ route.

On what grounds?

The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

Martin's father would know his own son's screams.

And since when does a "thug" scream like that.

Trayvon Martin’s Father Says Screams on 911 Call Were His Son’s

M's father certainly had a gigantic monetary motivation to say that. I'm not talking about a little bit of money. He was a truck driver at the time so I'm talking about a life changing amount of money for somebody of his meager means. Like myself and every other father, he also has a default moral obligation to defend his child. Therefore his claim needs to be taken with a mountain of salt.

I've heard a plethora of audio recordings of people who have screamed for their life while being threatened with a gun. I've also heard the screams of help from people who were actively being beaten to death.

Those screams obviously came from the latter. Somebody who was experiencing severe physical pain and mental distress who was afraid for their life. Those were not the screams of a person who merely had a gun pointed at them and threatened. They were the screams of someone who was actively being assaulted.

The autopsy report indicates that Treyvon Martin did not have any injuries whatsoever except on his fists and the single fatal gunshot wound to his chest. The multiple contusions on Zimmerman's head indicate that he was being severely beaten.

But of course there is always an equal possibility that the short, middle aged fat guy chased down the teenaged high school varsity football wide receiver and started beating up M's hands with his head. After all, it's just a myth that the fastest guys on the team are chosen by the coaches to play wide receiver. The truth is that George Zimmerman could outrun any high school jock on the fucking planet.

Or maybe not.

It seems that you are obviously a masochistic glutton for punishment, so you owe me one for slapping you around like you're Mike Tyson's bitch.
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It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again
Again? When has he murdered anyone?
Are you serious?
George had a human right to prevent the thug from killing him. That is called self defense.
Nobody has ever accused Democrats of even attempting to give a fuck about anybody's human rights. Seriously, never expect anybody from the Democratic party of slavery. What do you expect from those scumbags?
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

I didn't read past the lie that he murdered someone.
That isn't a lie. That is a fact.
Jury didn’t think so.

He shot a worthless thug in self defense and we were all for that. Doesn’t mean we like everything he does.

I would ask you this though. How much of his erratic behavior now the fault of the left for making his case a National spectacle? You assholes are still harassing him for defending himself.
Where did the jury convict Trayvon Martin of being a thug?
So one doesn't have the right to self defense when getting their head beat in?

You liberals do believe in self defense, right?

This would be the person he stalked and followed for blocks without identifying himself.

Seems to the person who had a right to self-defense was Trayvon Martin.

Seems to the person who had a right to self-defense was Trayvon Martin.

He should have called 911, instead of his stupid girlfriend.
He'd still be alive, no doubt in jail............
THE ZIMMERMAN SYNDROME: A personality disorder wherein a person is fixated on the power of a gun, and dreams obsessively of killing a "bad guy" and being seen as a hero.
THE ZIMMERMAN SYNDROME: A personality disorder wherein a person is fixated on the power of a gun, and dreams obsessively of killing a "bad guy" and being seen as a hero.

A Severe mental disorder wherein a person is fixated on racism, thuggery and entitlements and dreams obsessively of reparations and killing whitey.
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

It's clear now this poor guy has mental problems. Who in hell would stalk a film maker 6 years later? Sounds like something Oliver North would do.
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

It's clear now this poor guy has mental problems. Who in hell would stalk a film maker 6 years later? Sounds like something Oliver North would do.
The 'film maker' had been stalking George for a couple of years.
Finally George, like any reasonable person got pissed off.
Fair enough.
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

It's clear now this poor guy has mental problems. Who in hell would stalk a film maker 6 years later? Sounds like something Oliver North would do.
The 'film maker' had been stalking George for a couple of years.
Finally George, like any reasonable person got pissed off.
Fair enough.
Yea, the PI is a filmmaker.

So is everyone on YouTube.

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