The rightwing is driven by emotion, not critical thinking


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Right-wingers are so driven by emotion and philosophy that they refuse to accept factual information.

Supply side economics has proven to be a failure. They continue to endorse it because St. Reagan said it works. Any idiot with a basic education in economics knows it is a sham. Businesses don't do better because they have more to sell. They do better because people buy their shit. This is a consumer driven economy. If you want to stimulate growth, you need to shift the tax burden away from the middle class and poor and allow them to spend money on these businesses. Just because it sounds like a good idea on the surface to give tax breaks to these "job creators", it doesn't mean it actually is. Look where we are because of Reagan economics. The US has the widest income gap in the world and the worst child poverty rate among developed countries. How the fuck could the US be best country in the world if our poverty is the worst among developed nations? It's pathetic.

Like it or not, Obama understands economics. His stimulus created 3 million private jobs. How? Giving the biggest tax cut to the middle class in decades and extending unemployment benefits for the millions who lost their jobs against their will allowing them to spend money they wouldn't of otherwise had.

They also choose to see the government as "evil" and corporations as "victims of evil". Doesn't it bother you people that the prosecution of corporate crime is extremely low? Do you not see that as evil? No. You're Fox News brainwashed zombies.
Let's test your knowledge....shall we?

Which entity needs the other more: Government or Business?
They are dependent on each other.

Weasel answer. The question is simple. Which entity needs the other more....Government or Business.

You claim to know more about economics than stupid conservatives so this question should be very, very simple for you.

I'll ask again: Which entity needs the other more....Government or Business.

Don't wimp out. Say what you think. :thup: are obviously not nearly as smart as you I'll give you a hint. :)

Government vs Business

One of these entities produces wealth based on products or services it produces.

The other entity produces nothing....and takes money from the wealth producer in order to survive.

Does that help? Now who is more needy and dependent on the other? Think real hard. :)
LOL, "Obama understands economics".

He understands how to ruin economics on purpose, and how to fudge the numbers to hide it. We have a historic high amount of people not participating in the workforce(lowest since the Carter years), because they have given up looking for a job. This is the only way Obama can make the unemployment rate "go down".

Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


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Objective context needed here.

Business is to make profit.

Government is to provide services.

Restart the conversation.
Obama understands economics so well that Americans are running to the poverty lines for him.........................

Obamanomics rush to the

As he tries to push the TPP to offshore more jobs...............along with the Rhino's..................
Objective context needed here.

Business is to make profit.

Government is to provide services.

Restart the conversation.
Our Federal Budget is more than ANY OTHER NATION ON EARTH'S GDP.......................

Restart the conversation.
Thank you for that comment, eagle. Our budget is far too large.

We have shrank civil service to 20 year lows, but that is not enough.

We need to reform social programs where possible.

We need to cut DOD and its budget in at least half.

Business is to make profit.

Government is to provide services. are obviously not nearly as smart as you I'll give you a hint. :)

Government vs Business

One of these entities produces wealth based on products or services it produces.

The other entity produces nothing....and takes money from the wealth producer in order to survive.

Does that help? Now who is more needy and dependent on the other? Think real hard. :)
Capitalism could not function in anarchy. For instance, the ownership of a building guarantees the rights to the owner. Otherwise, it would be free game for anyone. Law is what maintains the business. Laws secure rights for individuals.
Thank you for that comment, eagle. Our budget is far too large.

We have shrank civil service to 20 year lows, but that is not enough.

We need to reform social programs where possible.

We need to cut DOD and its budget in at least half.

Business is to make profit.

Government is to provide services.
I thanked your post but with a grain of salt..............cutting the military budget in half given the state of the world is NOT WISE.....................and happens to be one of the principle reasons for Gov't to begin with.............
Government created law that legalized corporations to raise money and protect individual assets behind the corporate shield.

We can easily defend ourselves with half the DOD budget.
Let's test your knowledge....shall we?

Which entity needs the other more: Government or Business?
They are dependent on each other.
Your question is impossible to answer quantifiably. I would say they need each other just as much for different reasons.

Wow...just wow....:lol: And the purpose of your thread was to teach conservatives about basic economics?

Let me educate you....okay?

1. Business existed long before Government. Business needs nothing from Government. All any business needs are potential buyers for the products or services it produces. Period.

2. Government relies solely on the wealth of individuals and businesses in order to exist. No tax Government.

3. Government is necessary for certain functions....but Government produces no products for people to buy. Government is always parasitical in nature. Government takes wealth.....Government does not create wealth. answer the question: Government needs Business far more then business needs Government. Business produces wealth....Government feeds on the wealth of individuals or Businesses in order to exist.

Hope this helps. :thup:
Government created law that legalized corporations to raise money and protect individual assets behind the corporate shield.

We can easily defend ourselves with half the DOD budget.
If you want to deNUt the globalist.........I have no problem with that.................but to deNut the military in modern times with so many out there that don't like us is STUPID..................

Our mistake was not sticking to the original principles of the Constitution and limited Gov't..................Writing laws that guaranteed we wouldn't be able to pay the bills on...................The military is a necessary evil, but can be cut............................but by half is ridiculous

The modern battlefield doesn't give you time to say TIME OUT..............we need a year to build more tech weapons.............while no one rivals us..............there are those who would love to see us China and Russia. are obviously not nearly as smart as you I'll give you a hint. :)

Government vs Business

One of these entities produces wealth based on products or services it produces.

The other entity produces nothing....and takes money from the wealth producer in order to survive.

Does that help? Now who is more needy and dependent on the other? Think real hard. :)
Capitalism could not function in anarchy. For instance, the ownership of a building guarantees the rights to the owner. Otherwise, it would be free game for anyone. Law is what maintains the business. Laws secure rights for individuals.

Limited Government is necessary and Law is necessary to protect property rights. That still doesn't change the basic parasitical nature of Government.

And prior to formal Government folks still found ways to protect their property. :)

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