The rightwing is driven by emotion, not critical thinking

I used to believe that 'Reaganomics' was a viable system, but the facts are simply not there to support it. After some research, it seems even Reagan himself eventually quit acting upon that strict ideology and raised taxes many times of his two terms, with desirable results.

The most successful system is a moderate one, one that isn't wild west capitalism or straight socialism, but a simple mixed economy that takes the pros of each and discards the cons.

As much as right wing voters and politicians like to pretend that mainstream Democratic ideals are 'socialist', they're really just a centrist 'mix' of both capitalist principles with redistributive aspects.

Strict, unbridled capitalism is far right. Complete socialism is far left. What Democrats and some moderate Republicans (especially moderate Republicans from Eisenhower's era and back) push for is that centrist mix.

It's not just a coincidence that the majority of job growth from the FDR/Truman era to the present happened under Democratic leadership.
I am talking about the purpose of both, WQ, and am absolutely correct.

1. There has always been government, even if it is only the chief man in the cave clan.

2. Government can exist without revenue: e. g., the chief man in the cave clan.

3. Your third premise is inaccurate. Government contracts in WWII put the economy to full employment and pulled us out of recession.
I am talking about the purpose of both, WQ, and am absolutely correct.

1. There has always been government, even if it is only the chief man in the cave clan.

2. Government can exist without revenue: e. g., the chief man in the cave clan.

3. Your third premise is inaccurate. Government contracts in WWII put the economy to full employment and pulled us out of recession.

Not the U.S. Government. And in either scenario the fact remains. Government must feed on the wealth generated by others.
"The rightwing is driven by emotion, not critical thinking"

For many conservatives fear is the primary motivating factor – fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, where for most on the right all three are perceived as some sort of a 'threat' to the conservative as an individual and to society as a whole.

The proof of this is documented by conservative efforts to deny gay Americans their equal protection rights, women their privacy rights, minorities their voting rights, and immigrants their due process rights.

Fear is the fundamental motivating factor behind conservative reactionaryism, and it's as old as civilization itself.
I used to believe that 'Reaganomics' was a viable system, but the facts are simply not there to support it. After some research, it seems even Reagan himself eventually quit acting upon that strict ideology and raised taxes many times of his two terms, with desirable results.

The most successful system is a moderate one, one that isn't wild west capitalism or straight socialism, but a simple mixed economy that takes the pros of each and discards the cons.

As much as right wing voters and politicians like to pretend that mainstream Democratic ideals are 'socialist', they're really just a centrist 'mix' of both capitalist principles with redistributive aspects.

Strict, unbridled capitalism is far right. Complete socialism is far left. What Democrats and some moderate Republicans (especially moderate Republicans from Eisenhower's era and back) push for is that centrist mix.

It's not just a coincidence that the majority of job growth from the FDR/Truman era to the present happened under Democratic leadership.

I agree with you. Regulation is a point. But when the cost of regulation exceeds any economic benefit then regulation becomes burdensome and negative to both individuals and business.
"The rightwing is driven by emotion, not critical thinking"

For many conservatives fear is the primary motivating factor – fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, where for most on the right all three are perceived as some sort of a 'threat' to the conservative as an individual and to society as a whole.

The proof of this is documented by conservative efforts to deny gay Americans their equal protection rights, women their privacy rights, minorities their voting rights, and immigrants their due process rights.

Fear is the fundamental motivating factor behind conservative reactionaryism, and it's as old as civilization itself.

Off topic. The OP was discussing economics. are obviously not nearly as smart as you I'll give you a hint. :)

Government vs Business

One of these entities produces wealth based on products or services it produces.

The other entity produces nothing....and takes money from the wealth producer in order to survive.

Does that help? Now who is more needy and dependent on the other? Think real hard. :)
Capitalism could not function in anarchy. For instance, the ownership of a building guarantees the rights to the owner. Otherwise, it would be free game for anyone. Law is what maintains the business. Laws secure rights for individuals.

Limited Government is necessary and Law is necessary to protect property rights. That still doesn't change the basic parasitical nature of Government.

And prior to formal Government folks still found ways to protect their property. :)
Lol are you saying the basic nature of government is not to secure rights?
"The rightwing is driven by emotion, not critical thinking"

For many conservatives fear is the primary motivating factor – fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, where for most on the right all three are perceived as some sort of a 'threat' to the conservative as an individual and to society as a whole.

The proof of this is documented by conservative efforts to deny gay Americans their equal protection rights, women their privacy rights, minorities their voting rights, and immigrants their due process rights.

Fear is the fundamental motivating factor behind conservative reactionaryism, and it's as old as civilization itself.
I used to believe that 'Reaganomics' was a viable system, but the facts are simply not there to support it. After some research, it seems even Reagan himself eventually quit acting upon that strict ideology and raised taxes many times of his two terms, with desirable results.

The most successful system is a moderate one, one that isn't wild west capitalism or straight socialism, but a simple mixed economy that takes the pros of each and discards the cons.

As much as right wing voters and politicians like to pretend that mainstream Democratic ideals are 'socialist', they're really just a centrist 'mix' of both capitalist principles with redistributive aspects.

Strict, unbridled capitalism is far right. Complete socialism is far left. What Democrats and some moderate Republicans (especially moderate Republicans from Eisenhower's era and back) push for is that centrist mix.

It's not just a coincidence that the majority of job growth from the FDR/Truman era to the present happened under Democratic leadership.
Yes, conviently leave out lack of regulations, Europe and Japan in ruins, a guy could start a manufacturing empire out of his garage. are obviously not nearly as smart as you I'll give you a hint. :)

Government vs Business

One of these entities produces wealth based on products or services it produces.

The other entity produces nothing....and takes money from the wealth producer in order to survive.

Does that help? Now who is more needy and dependent on the other? Think real hard. :)
Capitalism could not function in anarchy. For instance, the ownership of a building guarantees the rights to the owner. Otherwise, it would be free game for anyone. Law is what maintains the business. Laws secure rights for individuals.

Limited Government is necessary and Law is necessary to protect property rights. That still doesn't change the basic parasitical nature of Government.

And prior to formal Government folks still found ways to protect their property. :)
Lol are you saying the basic nature of government is not to secure rights?

According to our Founders Government should be limited and address a few basic functions.

1. Interstate commerce

2. Courts

3. Making treaties

4. Defense

In order for We the People to allow the Government these powers basic rights were guaranteed....eventually. The Bill of Rights came way after the Constitution.
Government must feed on the wealth generated by others.

You act as if the money just disappears hahaha. The government takes taxes, which are used to pay for the military, social programs, and infrastructure that benefits everyone. The quasi-libertarian "leave me be, gubmint" mindset you have is built on the flawed logic that you should just get to live here without contributing. Sorry, but no. If you plan to leach off the freedom our military provides you, or use the roads and bridges that the government funds, you damn well better be willing to contribute to the community through taxation. If you don't like that, you can always move to Somalia. I hear the government completely leaves you alone there.
Government must feed on the wealth generated by others.

You act as if the money just disappears hahaha. The government takes taxes, which are used to pay for the military, social programs, and infrastructure that benefits everyone. The quasi-libertarian "leave me be, gubmint" mindset you have is built on the flawed logic that you should just to live here without contributing. Sorry, but no. If you plan to leach off the freedom our military provides you, or use the roads and bridges that the government funds, you damn well better be willing to contribute to the community through taxation. If you don't like that, you can always move to Somalia. I hear the government completely leaves you alone there.

Chill bruh. :D I was simply making a point that Government cannot survive without taking wealth from individuals or businesses.

Now enormous amounts of that money taken are wasted and spent poorly.....but not all. :)

The Federal Government is basically a huge wealth redistribution machine. It takes from many....and gives to many others. Some times it redistributes well....some times very poorly.
Government created law that legalized corporations to raise money and protect individual assets behind the corporate shield.

We can easily defend ourselves with half the DOD budget.
If you want to deNUt the globalist.........I have no problem with that.................but to deNut the military in modern times with so many out there that don't like us is STUPID..................

Our mistake was not sticking to the original principles of the Constitution and limited Gov't..................Writing laws that guaranteed we wouldn't be able to pay the bills on...................The military is a necessary evil, but can be cut............................but by half is ridiculous

The modern battlefield doesn't give you time to say TIME OUT..............we need a year to build more tech weapons.............while no one rivals us..............there are those who would love to see us China and Russia.
We can easily cut the budget by half. We outspend Russia and China together several times over, and our budget is higher than the next 25 countries, including Russia and China.

We do not need great numbers of folks overseas. A strong navy, a good air force, a great cybertech force gives us the shield we need, and a strong elite Spec Ops force capability protects us as well. We need a much better border presence and enforcement as well.
Government must feed on the wealth generated by others.

You act as if the money just disappears hahaha. The government takes taxes, which are used to pay for the military, social programs, and infrastructure that benefits everyone. The quasi-libertarian "leave me be, gubmint" mindset you have is built on the flawed logic that you should just get to live here without contributing. Sorry, but no. If you plan to leach off the freedom our military provides you, or use the roads and bridges that the government funds, you damn well better be willing to contribute to the community through taxation. If you don't like that, you can always move to Somalia. I hear the government completely leaves you alone there.

Our gov't is too damned big for it's I've already stated it spends more than any other nation in the WORLD'S GDP................because some found that they could spend on every want they could think of via the COMMON GOOD and FEEL GOOD policies of dumb ass Socialist..................and then find out they can't pay the bills with their EMOTIONS.......................

The Path to HELL is PAVED with Good Intentions.
Not the U.S. Government. And in either scenario the fact remains. Government must feed on the wealth generated by others.
Taxation is not inherently bad. Those who receive government service must pay for it. That is a fact of life. Thus, although government is not created for profit, it should be run efficiently.
Government created law that legalized corporations to raise money and protect individual assets behind the corporate shield.

We can easily defend ourselves with half the DOD budget.
If you want to deNUt the globalist.........I have no problem with that.................but to deNut the military in modern times with so many out there that don't like us is STUPID..................

Our mistake was not sticking to the original principles of the Constitution and limited Gov't..................Writing laws that guaranteed we wouldn't be able to pay the bills on...................The military is a necessary evil, but can be cut............................but by half is ridiculous

The modern battlefield doesn't give you time to say TIME OUT..............we need a year to build more tech weapons.............while no one rivals us..............there are those who would love to see us China and Russia.
We can easily cut the budget by half. We outspend Russia and China together several times over, and our budget is higher than the next 25 countries, including Russia and China.

We do not need great numbers of folks overseas. A strong navy, a good air force, a great cybertech force gives us the shield we need, and a strong elite Spec Ops force capability protects us as well. We need a much better border presence and enforcement as well.
So you would cut the Navy in half and ask the remaining to do more with less....................Tell me about the turn over time for a battlegroup deployed to the Persian Gulf Region...................and how long the Battle Groups spend just getting there..............and back again...............

Cut in half is BS........and wouldn't fix the mess we are in........................You would have to cut across the board period or you might as well just PISS IN THE WIND......................We now pay 450 BILLION a year on INTEREST ON THE DEBT ALONE...........................

ALL NEED MASSIVE CUTS..............or we are eventually fucked.

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