The rightwing is driven by emotion, not critical thinking


Liberal.............We need to fix the infrastructure.............we need a stimulus bill to fix our bridges, road and dams......

Conservative............How are we going to pay for it...................

Liberal.............You don't care about'll let it crumble to the ground around us......your obstructionism is killing us......

Conservative...........You miss spent money that was supposed to do that very thing.........

Liberal................We saved America from the evils of George Bush and now you prevent us from saving the infrastructure........

Conservative..........Again, how are we going to pay for it............................


For liberals to say we rule by emotion and fear is the pot painting the kettle black.
How do we pay for fixing our infrastructure? Raising taxes on the wealthy. That is the ONLY way to do it.
787 BILLION reasons for not doing it.......................aka the Stimulus.................but they were too busy lining their buddy's pocket to fix the infrastructure................

And taxing the rich to see more offshore is just utter BS.............they are already leaving in droves and will do even more after they find a way to passage on the TPP, which in NAFTA ON STEROIDS..................
Half of the 787 billion was tax cuts. The bulk of the other half went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people who lost their jobs to the Great Bush Recession. It's amazing how you people don't even know what was in the stimulus yet you pretend it was some horrible piece of legislation.
LOL, "Obama understands economics".

He understands how to ruin economics on purpose, and how to fudge the numbers to hide it. We have a historic high amount of people not participating in the workforce(lowest since the Carter years), because they have given up looking for a job. This is the only way Obama can make the unemployment rate "go down".

Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Obama understand Socialist economics

Liberal.............We need to fix the infrastructure.............we need a stimulus bill to fix our bridges, road and dams......

Conservative............How are we going to pay for it...................

Liberal.............You don't care about'll let it crumble to the ground around us......your obstructionism is killing us......

Conservative...........You miss spent money that was supposed to do that very thing.........

Liberal................We saved America from the evils of George Bush and now you prevent us from saving the infrastructure........

Conservative..........Again, how are we going to pay for it............................


For liberals to say we rule by emotion and fear is the pot painting the kettle black.
How do we pay for fixing our infrastructure? Raising taxes on the wealthy. That is the ONLY way to do it.
787 BILLION reasons for not doing it.......................aka the Stimulus.................but they were too busy lining their buddy's pocket to fix the infrastructure................

And taxing the rich to see more offshore is just utter BS.............they are already leaving in droves and will do even more after they find a way to passage on the TPP, which in NAFTA ON STEROIDS..................
Half of the 787 billion was tax cuts. The bulk of the other half went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people who lost their jobs to the Great Bush Recession. It's amazing how you people don't even know what was in the stimulus yet you pretend it was some horrible piece of legislation.
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

read..........that is how it was spent...........and only 35.7 Billion went to unemployment compensation..................

Had they put the almost the entire thing to would have created jobs, fixed some of the infrastructure, and even returned some of the money in tax revenues....................

Look at the list.

Liberal.............We need to fix the infrastructure.............we need a stimulus bill to fix our bridges, road and dams......

Conservative............How are we going to pay for it...................

Liberal.............You don't care about'll let it crumble to the ground around us......your obstructionism is killing us......

Conservative...........You miss spent money that was supposed to do that very thing.........

Liberal................We saved America from the evils of George Bush and now you prevent us from saving the infrastructure........

Conservative..........Again, how are we going to pay for it............................


For liberals to say we rule by emotion and fear is the pot painting the kettle black.
How do we pay for fixing our infrastructure? Raising taxes on the wealthy. That is the ONLY way to do it.
787 BILLION reasons for not doing it.......................aka the Stimulus.................but they were too busy lining their buddy's pocket to fix the infrastructure................

And taxing the rich to see more offshore is just utter BS.............they are already leaving in droves and will do even more after they find a way to passage on the TPP, which in NAFTA ON STEROIDS..................
Half of the 787 billion was tax cuts. The bulk of the other half went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people who lost their jobs to the Great Bush Recession. It's amazing how you people don't even know what was in the stimulus yet you pretend it was some horrible piece of legislation.
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

read..........that is how it was spent...........and only 35.7 Billion went to unemployment compensation..................

Had they put the almost the entire thing to would have created jobs, fixed some of the infrastructure, and even returned some of the money in tax revenues....................

Look at the list.
Lol yeah I looked at the list. I wasn't wrong about the tax breaks. I was mistaken about how much went to unemployment I'll admit but that wasn't even what were discussing lol.

Liberal.............We need to fix the infrastructure.............we need a stimulus bill to fix our bridges, road and dams......

Conservative............How are we going to pay for it...................

Liberal.............You don't care about'll let it crumble to the ground around us......your obstructionism is killing us......

Conservative...........You miss spent money that was supposed to do that very thing.........

Liberal................We saved America from the evils of George Bush and now you prevent us from saving the infrastructure........

Conservative..........Again, how are we going to pay for it............................


For liberals to say we rule by emotion and fear is the pot painting the kettle black.
How do we pay for fixing our infrastructure? Raising taxes on the wealthy. That is the ONLY way to do it.
787 BILLION reasons for not doing it.......................aka the Stimulus.................but they were too busy lining their buddy's pocket to fix the infrastructure................

And taxing the rich to see more offshore is just utter BS.............they are already leaving in droves and will do even more after they find a way to passage on the TPP, which in NAFTA ON STEROIDS..................
Half of the 787 billion was tax cuts. The bulk of the other half went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people who lost their jobs to the Great Bush Recession. It's amazing how you people don't even know what was in the stimulus yet you pretend it was some horrible piece of legislation.
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

read..........that is how it was spent...........and only 35.7 Billion went to unemployment compensation..................

Had they put the almost the entire thing to would have created jobs, fixed some of the infrastructure, and even returned some of the money in tax revenues....................

Look at the list.
Lol yeah I looked at the list. I wasn't wrong about the tax breaks. I was mistaken about how much went to unemployment I'll admit but that wasn't even what were discussing lol.
A lot of the problems would have solved themselves just by creating the jobs fixing the infrastructure.................It would have killed 2 birds with one stone................It's what I said then, and still was a squandered opportunity if we were going to go into debt anyway.........................but that wasn't the case now was it................
Let's test your knowledge....shall we?

Which entity needs the other more: Government or Business?
They are dependent on each other.

Weasel answer. The question is simple. Which entity needs the other more....Government or Business.

You claim to know more about economics than stupid conservatives so this question should be very, very simple for you.

I'll ask again: Which entity needs the other more....Government or Business.

Don't wimp out. Say what you think. :thup:
False dichotomy.
How do we pay for fixing our infrastructure? Raising taxes on the wealthy. That is the ONLY way to do it.
787 BILLION reasons for not doing it.......................aka the Stimulus.................but they were too busy lining their buddy's pocket to fix the infrastructure................

And taxing the rich to see more offshore is just utter BS.............they are already leaving in droves and will do even more after they find a way to passage on the TPP, which in NAFTA ON STEROIDS..................
Half of the 787 billion was tax cuts. The bulk of the other half went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people who lost their jobs to the Great Bush Recession. It's amazing how you people don't even know what was in the stimulus yet you pretend it was some horrible piece of legislation.
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

read..........that is how it was spent...........and only 35.7 Billion went to unemployment compensation..................

Had they put the almost the entire thing to would have created jobs, fixed some of the infrastructure, and even returned some of the money in tax revenues....................

Look at the list.
Lol yeah I looked at the list. I wasn't wrong about the tax breaks. I was mistaken about how much went to unemployment I'll admit but that wasn't even what were discussing lol.
A lot of the problems would have solved themselves just by creating the jobs fixing the infrastructure.................It would have killed 2 birds with one stone................It's what I said then, and still was a squandered opportunity if we were going to go into debt anyway.........................but that wasn't the case now was it................
Obama did make policies in the stimulus to fix the infrastructure but they weren't enough. In fact it was republicans who insisted the stimulus be smaller. Now the ONLY way to fix our infrastructure system is raising taxes on the wealthy. That is where the bulk of revenue must realistically come from.
787 BILLION reasons for not doing it.......................aka the Stimulus.................but they were too busy lining their buddy's pocket to fix the infrastructure................

And taxing the rich to see more offshore is just utter BS.............they are already leaving in droves and will do even more after they find a way to passage on the TPP, which in NAFTA ON STEROIDS..................
Half of the 787 billion was tax cuts. The bulk of the other half went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people who lost their jobs to the Great Bush Recession. It's amazing how you people don't even know what was in the stimulus yet you pretend it was some horrible piece of legislation.
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

read..........that is how it was spent...........and only 35.7 Billion went to unemployment compensation..................

Had they put the almost the entire thing to would have created jobs, fixed some of the infrastructure, and even returned some of the money in tax revenues....................

Look at the list.
Lol yeah I looked at the list. I wasn't wrong about the tax breaks. I was mistaken about how much went to unemployment I'll admit but that wasn't even what were discussing lol.
A lot of the problems would have solved themselves just by creating the jobs fixing the infrastructure.................It would have killed 2 birds with one stone................It's what I said then, and still was a squandered opportunity if we were going to go into debt anyway.........................but that wasn't the case now was it................
Obama did make policies in the stimulus to fix the infrastructure but they weren't enough. In fact it was republicans who insisted the stimulus be smaller. Now the ONLY way to fix our infrastructure system is raising taxes on the wealthy. That is where the bulk of revenue must realistically come from.
Very little was for the infrastructure....................Who had the majorities in the Senate and Congress BTW..............them pesky
Half of the 787 billion was tax cuts. The bulk of the other half went to extending unemployment benefits to the millions of people who lost their jobs to the Great Bush Recession. It's amazing how you people don't even know what was in the stimulus yet you pretend it was some horrible piece of legislation.
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

read..........that is how it was spent...........and only 35.7 Billion went to unemployment compensation..................

Had they put the almost the entire thing to would have created jobs, fixed some of the infrastructure, and even returned some of the money in tax revenues....................

Look at the list.
Lol yeah I looked at the list. I wasn't wrong about the tax breaks. I was mistaken about how much went to unemployment I'll admit but that wasn't even what were discussing lol.
A lot of the problems would have solved themselves just by creating the jobs fixing the infrastructure.................It would have killed 2 birds with one stone................It's what I said then, and still was a squandered opportunity if we were going to go into debt anyway.........................but that wasn't the case now was it................
Obama did make policies in the stimulus to fix the infrastructure but they weren't enough. In fact it was republicans who insisted the stimulus be smaller. Now the ONLY way to fix our infrastructure system is raising taxes on the wealthy. That is where the bulk of revenue must realistically come from.
Very little was for the infrastructure....................Who had the majorities in the Senate and Congress BTW..............them pesky
Doesn't it bother you that republicans do absolutely jack shit for infrastructure?
The Stimulus Plan How to Spend 787 Billion - The New York Times

read..........that is how it was spent...........and only 35.7 Billion went to unemployment compensation..................

Had they put the almost the entire thing to would have created jobs, fixed some of the infrastructure, and even returned some of the money in tax revenues....................

Look at the list.
Lol yeah I looked at the list. I wasn't wrong about the tax breaks. I was mistaken about how much went to unemployment I'll admit but that wasn't even what were discussing lol.
A lot of the problems would have solved themselves just by creating the jobs fixing the infrastructure.................It would have killed 2 birds with one stone................It's what I said then, and still was a squandered opportunity if we were going to go into debt anyway.........................but that wasn't the case now was it................
Obama did make policies in the stimulus to fix the infrastructure but they weren't enough. In fact it was republicans who insisted the stimulus be smaller. Now the ONLY way to fix our infrastructure system is raising taxes on the wealthy. That is where the bulk of revenue must realistically come from.
Very little was for the infrastructure....................Who had the majorities in the Senate and Congress BTW..............them pesky
Doesn't it bother you that republicans do absolutely jack shit for infrastructure?
The State of Alabama has a pay as you go program to do exactly that....................and this state is primarily REPUBLICAN...................but Washington does the bidding of it's lobbyist...................and they have a long time habbit of padding the pockets of their favorite donors................both sides......................and to WASTE 787 BILLION and not FIX MORE utter BS.....................and to say that Republicans are responsible is nothing more than partisan hack BS.
Lol yeah I looked at the list. I wasn't wrong about the tax breaks. I was mistaken about how much went to unemployment I'll admit but that wasn't even what were discussing lol.
A lot of the problems would have solved themselves just by creating the jobs fixing the infrastructure.................It would have killed 2 birds with one stone................It's what I said then, and still was a squandered opportunity if we were going to go into debt anyway.........................but that wasn't the case now was it................
Obama did make policies in the stimulus to fix the infrastructure but they weren't enough. In fact it was republicans who insisted the stimulus be smaller. Now the ONLY way to fix our infrastructure system is raising taxes on the wealthy. That is where the bulk of revenue must realistically come from.
Very little was for the infrastructure....................Who had the majorities in the Senate and Congress BTW..............them pesky
Doesn't it bother you that republicans do absolutely jack shit for infrastructure?
The State of Alabama has a pay as you go program to do exactly that....................and this state is primarily REPUBLICAN...................but Washington does the bidding of it's lobbyist...................and they have a long time habbit of padding the pockets of their favorite donors................both sides......................and to WASTE 787 BILLION and not FIX MORE utter BS.....................and to say that Republicans are responsible is nothing more than partisan hack BS.
It wasn't a waste. It created 3 million private jobs while simultaneously reversing the free fall of jobs from the Great Recession.
A lot of the problems would have solved themselves just by creating the jobs fixing the infrastructure.................It would have killed 2 birds with one stone................It's what I said then, and still was a squandered opportunity if we were going to go into debt anyway.........................but that wasn't the case now was it................
Obama did make policies in the stimulus to fix the infrastructure but they weren't enough. In fact it was republicans who insisted the stimulus be smaller. Now the ONLY way to fix our infrastructure system is raising taxes on the wealthy. That is where the bulk of revenue must realistically come from.
Very little was for the infrastructure....................Who had the majorities in the Senate and Congress BTW..............them pesky
Doesn't it bother you that republicans do absolutely jack shit for infrastructure?
The State of Alabama has a pay as you go program to do exactly that....................and this state is primarily REPUBLICAN...................but Washington does the bidding of it's lobbyist...................and they have a long time habbit of padding the pockets of their favorite donors................both sides......................and to WASTE 787 BILLION and not FIX MORE utter BS.....................and to say that Republicans are responsible is nothing more than partisan hack BS.
It wasn't a waste. It created 3 million private jobs while simultaneously reversing the free fall of jobs from the Great Recession.
I don't believe you have any idea how this works, at all. Developers pay for their own infrastructure all the time. The Feds are not needed. For the Federal Government to borrow money to pay for jobs is like dad not having a job so he takes out a second mortgage to hire himself to paint the house. It gets him past the month after which he has his normal bills to pay plus the second mortgage. Now, we are destroying jobs daily to raise money for the Federal Government to pay interest (only) on the stimulus debt. Whatever good it may have done, which is hard to quantify, is over and now we are left with the hang over. $787 billion of debt borrowing money to pay for the interest.
Let's test your knowledge....shall we?

Which entity needs the other more: Government or Business?

That's too hard for a leftie... so here is easier one...


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