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The "RINO" Thread

My brother is a "conservative". We have decided to avoid discussing politics at family gatherings in order to keep things pleasant. He struggles with this, however.

Yesterday, my daughter.....who is his favoriite niece, was talking about a freind of hers who recently passed away after a half-year fight with cancer. She told him that she heard that we would probably find a cure for cancer before long.....expressing hope for the future.

Well, he exclaimed, " I hope not".

My daughter was rocked. She asked him why he felt that way. Her voice trembled.

He said that we don't have enough money to support our population as it is and we can't afford to have cancer cured.

Not sure things will ever be the same between them.

I'm calling total fucking bullshit on this

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LL's story is about a nutter, not a conservative or a Republican. Frank is 100% right to call it out.
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The great American center and right of center will not give a majority to a reactionary candidate like a Bachmann or a Perry.

They would get a lower % that McCain and Romney.

Thus, the GOP has to ignore the far, far right while reaching toward the center.

Moderate Republican lost so Jake the Dem wants us to even more moderate

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The great American center and right of center will not give a majority to a reactionary candidate like a Bachmann or a Perry.

They would get a lower % that McCain and Romney.

Thus, the GOP has to ignore the far, far right while reaching toward the center.

Moderate Republican lost so Jake the Dem wants us to even more moderate

We lost because of folks like you scared the great middle away.

We are not going to put any reactionary on the ticket in 2016.
The great American center and right of center will not give a majority to a reactionary candidate like a Bachmann or a Perry.

They would get a lower % that McCain and Romney.

Thus, the GOP has to ignore the far, far right while reaching toward the center.

Moderate Republican lost so Jake the Dem wants us to even more moderate

We lost because of folks like you scared the great middle away.

We are not going to put any reactionary on the ticket in 2016.

They don't come any more middle than Romney, so maybe we should try a different approach, like someone with an actual plan and vision rather than someone who wants to cut the baby in half and then throw it out with the bath water.
My imaginary brother is a progressive and he was visiting his local EBT strip joints and abortion clinics so we went to lunch and he said he was hoping Gosnell would be acquitted so he could continue the good work of Margaret Sanger and abort undesirable black babies... I was like shocked... and awed

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Moderate Republican lost so Jake the Dem wants us to even more moderate

We lost because of folks like you scared the great middle away.

We are not going to put any reactionary on the ticket in 2016.

They don't come any more middle than Romney, so maybe we should try a different approach, like someone with an actual plan and vision rather than someone who wants to cut the baby in half and then throw it out with the bath water.

Yes, "an actual plan and vision" that will appeal to the great American center. I agree with that, Frank, but it won't be anyone from reactionaryville.

uh where do you get that? I have yet to see him disagree with liberals on a single issue, maybe I missed it......

Well, then you haven't been paying attention. Check out the Bush thread, where I take Sallow and Rightwinger to task for the criticisms of the 43rd president. They just don't act like dicks when you disagree with them.

economics, he's a union and socialist lover

Again, this is where the GOP went wrong. Back in Ike and Nixon's day, they proudly stood with unions and in Ike's day, the top rate on the rich was 93%. Incidently, when JFK proposed lowering it to 70%, REPUBLICANS screamed that it was fiscal irresponsibility.

abortion he's pro death...er choice

No, I'm just a pragmatist. Women WILL get abortions no matter what the laws are. Period. What amazes me is you "libertarians" want the government all up in a woman's hoo-haa....

gays.....maybe on this one, but I bet money he's for gay marriage

And again, this is the point, isn't it? The only real argument against gay marriage left is it makes God angry. How is that a "conservative" opinion?

guns....he's for gun control

Yeah, for some reason, I don't think that a crazy person with a criminal record should be able to walk into a gun store and buy 100 rounds of death... The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

foreign policy....liberals are now the isolationists...when crazies can get nukes, I'm interventionist on that...

Since we are the only country that has ever used nukes on human beings, we really aren't arguing from the high ground, are we? But the countries we've attacked didn't have nukes. Some of them- Iraq, Libya - even voluntarily gave them up.

so I'm not sure where he would be a republican, even an eisenhower one.

Again, being one of the bible thumping crazies that hijacked the GOP and drove it into the ditch, of course, you can't see why I jumped off the car before it went off the road...
Yawn, guy you are taking it all very personally... aren't you?

Look, in real life, you might even be a decent person. WHy you act like a douchebag on the internet is your own business.

dealing with robotic liberals and their insane ideas, can make you SEEM like a douchebag.......especially dealing with fake republicans like Joe B.....never was a republican, claims he wants a return ro eisenhower republicans, but then every single position you take is left wing.....doesnt add up hombre.

I don't know about Joe B being a liberal, I'd say he's closer to a centralist/moderate.
Interestingly, that group is what the GOP desperately needs to appeal to, that group was the largest voting bloc in 2012. And of course, I'm a proud pragmatic moderate. :D

I have yet to see a poster here as violently opposed to capitalism as JoeAmpad.
The great American center and right of center will not give a majority to a reactionary candidate like a Bachmann or a Perry.

They would get a lower % that McCain and Romney.

Thus, the GOP has to ignore the far, far right while reaching toward the center.

Moderate Republican lost so Jake the Dem wants us to even more moderate

We lost because of folks like you scared the great middle away.

We are not going to put any reactionary on the ticket in 2016.

BINGO!!! They just don't "get it" and that suits this Progressive juuust fine :cool:
I'm afraid that the far right is using Romney and his moderate history as the reason the GOP had such a rough 2012. They should stop looking at the Romney 2008 model and look at Romney the 2012 model. The guy tried very hard to win the election talking the talk of the far right. A huge majority of the far right posters on this board backed him because he was saying the right things. Problem was that the 'right things" to the far right element of the GOP wasn't the right things to the biggest voting bloc, the moderates. That's why Romney lost, he came across just a little too right despite Romney scrambling in the final days trying to win the moderates. Romney was never true to himself and it cost him, if would have stayed where he was in 2008 he might have very well won in 2012.
I'm afraid that the far right is using Romney and his moderate history as the reason the GOP had such a rough 2012. They should stop looking at the Romney 2008 model and look at Romney the 2012 model. The guy tried very hard to win the election talking the talk of the far right. A huge majority of the far right posters on this board backed him because he was saying the right things. Problem was that the 'right things" to the far right element of the GOP wasn't the right things to the biggest voting bloc, the moderates. That's why Romney lost, he came across just a little too right despite Romney scrambling in the final days trying to win the moderates. Romney was never true to himself and it cost him, if would have stayed where he was in 2008 he might have very well won in 2012.

yep. he had to appeal to "the rw base" by stating he was "severely conservative". Pretty much handed the election to the President w/ extreme rw rhetoric like that.
Well, fellows, go ahead and run a really right wing 'Conservative' in 2016. Don't forget to stockpile the crying towels. You didn't have any in 2012, and you sorely needed them. You soaked this board with your whining, crying, and sniveling.
That's all the reactionaries can do now: whine, cry, snivel.

They will have no impact of significance whatsoever in selecting a national ticket in 2016.

I have yet to see a poster here as violently opposed to capitalism as JoeAmpad.

That's because you think "Corporatism" and "Capitailsm" are the same thing.

For the record, buying up a company, looting its assets, and leaving someone else holding the debt isn't captialism.

It's fraud.

Kind of like this being capitalism.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPtjyqgZAUk]Goodfellas Restaurant Scene - YouTube[/ame]
I'm afraid that the far right is using Romney and his moderate history as the reason the GOP had such a rough 2012. They should stop looking at the Romney 2008 model and look at Romney the 2012 model. The guy tried very hard to win the election talking the talk of the far right. A huge majority of the far right posters on this board backed him because he was saying the right things. Problem was that the 'right things" to the far right element of the GOP wasn't the right things to the biggest voting bloc, the moderates. That's why Romney lost, he came across just a little too right despite Romney scrambling in the final days trying to win the moderates. Romney was never true to himself and it cost him, if would have stayed where he was in 2008 he might have very well won in 2012.

I think I have to disagree here.

Romney ran a lot harder to the right in 2008 than he did in 2012. And understandably so, the "moderate" lanes were already being filled by McCain and Guiliani, while the Right was initially vacant in 2008.

Of course, the right wing social conservatives weren't buying Romney's schtick. The Christians didn't trust him because of Mormonism. So conservatives tried to glom onto someone who had validity.

First they tried Fred Thompson, until they figured Fred only sounds smart when Dick Wolf writes dialog for him. When that didn't work, they went with Huckabee, but the wealthy people who run the GOP figured out that Huckabee didn't think the central message of Christianity was "Tax Cuts for the Wealthy". (You see, they play up to the Rubes, but they don't want the Rubes actually running things!)

In 2012, Romney ran as Mr. "Economic Fix-it", hoping that everyone would forget about AmPad and GS Steel and KB Toys and all the other companies he bought out, looted and had people lose their jobs.

I have yet to see a poster here as violently opposed to capitalism as JoeAmpad.

That's because you think "Corporatism" and "Capitailsm" are the same thing.

For the record, buying up a company, looting its assets, and leaving someone else holding the debt isn't captialism.

It's fraud.

Kind of like this being capitalism.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPtjyqgZAUk]Goodfellas Restaurant Scene - YouTube[/ame]

Form the "Everything I learned about the US economy come from Mao's Little Red Book" School of Progressive Economic Theory

What country has the worlds #1 economy and most prosperous Middle Class?

Our poor live better than the Middle class on most of the planet

Form the "Everything I learned about the US economy come from Mao's Little Red Book" School of Progressive Economic Theory

What country has the worlds #1 economy and most prosperous Middle Class?

Our poor live better than the Middle class on most of the planet

That's nothing to be proud of. We shouldn't have any poor.

Also, we do not have the world's most propserous middle class. Japan and the Europeans do.

The economic progress we made was because FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK and LBJ saw that a prosperous middle class was more important than having an uber-rich class of people riding around on Dressage Ponies.

30 years of union busting, free trade and tax cuts for the rich have managed to fuck that up pretty good.

I have yet to see a poster here as violently opposed to capitalism as JoeAmpad.

That's because you think "Corporatism" and "Capitailsm" are the same thing.

For the record, buying up a company, looting its assets, and leaving someone else holding the debt isn't captialism.

It's fraud.

Kind of like this being capitalism.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPtjyqgZAUk]Goodfellas Restaurant Scene - YouTube[/ame]

"Capitalism is evil."

"Offshoring is treason."

"Investing is parasitic."

"Workers who get laid off should be allowed to beat the guy that fired them."

Those are the sentiments of a left-wing extremist, not a moderate of any sort. Posting analogies equating capitalism to the mafia only reinforces this. This is literally the stuff you get on the extremist left.
Well, fellows, go ahead and run a really right wing 'Conservative' in 2016. Don't forget to stockpile the crying towels. You didn't have any in 2012, and you sorely needed them. You soaked this board with your whining, crying, and sniveling.
^ that :neutral:

I have yet to see a poster here as violently opposed to capitalism as JoeAmpad.

That's because you think "Corporatism" and "Capitailsm" are the same thing.

For the record, buying up a company, looting its assets, and leaving someone else holding the debt isn't captialism.

It's fraud.

Kind of like this being capitalism.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPtjyqgZAUk]Goodfellas Restaurant Scene - YouTube[/ame]

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