The Rise and Fall of a Nation


VIP Member
Jul 17, 2012
The Rise and Fall of a Nation

This country started with a document. A document which opened with the following paragraph,
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.
The nation grew and thrived as her people worked hard. Their government established an economic system called capitalism. The government nurtured this system so her people could have wealth and comfort. Like a small seed the government provide a secure environment for the capitalist ideal to grow. The government collected enough wealth from her people and back from the economic system so that capitalism would have the safety and the resources it needed. The government set the rules so the businesses could grow without damaging itself. The the government did an excellent job nurturing the businesses of American. Many times warding off enemies foreign and domestic. The government built schools, railroads, roads, power grids, and even something called the Internet, the government and some guy named Al Gore.

Ironical the success of the business eventually was its downfall. The American government was established with three branches of government. The one of the branches, the legislated branch, had two houses and for the most part two parties. Something happened which for all the checks and balances, for all the countless hours spent trying to conceive every possible way the government might fail, she fell to the one force she had built, her very own economic system. The two houses were meant to be the two houses for the people and the two parties were suppose to be the two parties of the people. Business took over one of the parties however. For all the shortsightedness and the foolishness of the American people through some wondrous manner they had the ability to bring themselves back to a sustainable balance. Business had no such mechanism as it had proven time and time. The two parties one being for the people and one being for the business not longer had a common purpose and could no longer come to an agreement for the next footstep this American Experiment should take. The final struggle of the two forces, one that irrevocably torn the experiment past the point of mending, happened March 1st, 2013. The inability for the two sides to reach an agreement lead to the defunding of the very system which had grown the businesses, the schools, the roads, the military. That which the government had managed became the managed by a system with no checks and balances and without the ability to bring itself back to a sustainable balance. The same system of which the financial and automobile industries had to be bailed out by the government only four years earlier claimed they were being stifling by over regulation and over taxation.

And so the Great American Experiment went the way of all great societies before it, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Greek, the Roman, Persian, the British. After 2000 years, she slipped into the history books as one of the greatest nations during one of the greatest eras in world history. The history books will treat her kindly. Her art, her literature, her scientific achievements, her movies, and her music, especially that jazz sound. Her offense against others will mostly be overlooked as they are for all the great societies.

She was great and a model for all who follow but also a cautionary tale, as this one is.

[If this thread seems a little chance, what can I say, it is my INTL634 homework. :D]

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